141 Facebook Messenger Leads With $172 In Ad Spend: Facebook Ads Tutorial With GoHighLevel

141 Facebook Messenger Leads With $172 In Ad Spend: Facebook Ads Tutorial With GoHighLevel

Quinn Nolan

1 год назад

17,243 Просмотров

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@michaelcryptomooningloa8436 - 17.08.2023 08:34

Do you offer DFY services Quinn ? Ta

@pabellos - 17.08.2023 10:21

Awesome content!

@EddieGillies - 17.08.2023 10:42

Hey Quinn why not link it to your ghl bot to book the appointment?

@georgevivanco7429 - 17.08.2023 17:15

Great video as usual! Gould you use the AI chat bot 🤖 instead of ManyChat? 😊

@ismail2584 - 17.08.2023 17:46

What is the difference result-wise Between running Fb Ads and Utilizing UpHex ?

@420Jon69 - 17.08.2023 21:08

I will set this up for my real estate business. Thanks for sharing the details and not holding back

@alex_osti - 17.08.2023 23:48

Thank you man, I appreciate you! I can see your passion for sharing :)
I've learned so much from you!

@DLewis1212 - 18.08.2023 05:51

Is the "Send Message" call-to-action effective for the Messenger Ads?

@jacobponce4478 - 22.08.2023 20:21

can many chat be white labeled?

@itsjosephhenry - 23.08.2023 00:07

Would love to see the IG version of this too

@big-geezer - 23.08.2023 20:09

hey Quinn, my A.I. bot is replying with "[object Object]" after the second response, would you happen to know why this might be happening ? could it be because of the new API update?

@jacobponce4478 - 23.08.2023 21:30

how do we make the many chat messages appear in GHL as they are filled out (streamed)

@bryson.bowman - 26.08.2023 00:11

Instagram strategy plz

@CarterDombeck - 27.08.2023 17:23

Hey Quinn!

One question.

Do you think this strategy would be effective for home service local businesses?

Thanks for the vid.

@andreslombana5830 - 08.09.2023 22:23

Quick question:

I've created the manychat FB automation. The one thing I can't find is how to get the responses on the contact's info inside GHL. I tried Custom fields on both sides but they don't show up as options in Zapier. Any suggestions? Thank you so much!

@kencsurilla6886 - 10.09.2023 15:54

Can I use all of this inside of REIreply as well?

@artofelectronicmusic - 20.09.2023 05:04

is fb ad creation blueprint free to download?

@yovansinghbheenick7669 - 02.10.2023 11:43

Taking notes from you!

There is no bullshit dramatic suspense when you are explaining stuffs and those data sets!
Thank you brother! 🙌🏻

@dustinjcucciarre - 04.10.2023 19:33

Hello I signed up with GHL under your affiliate link how can I get access your SOP, courses etc.. as mentioned above.

@ahmedhamada6666 - 08.10.2023 22:42

Which is better sales->messages or engagement->messages if I take orders through people sending their addresses

@xstaticxem - 11.10.2023 17:46

Yes, would love more content on Manychat, including how to organize leads into ghl !! Thank you Q! x

@aleclockavitch2525 - 15.10.2023 06:56

Are you always gonna go with engagement instead of lead objective? If so why?

@HELLOADMA-kh3px - 18.10.2023 00:48

I noticed your 1 on 1 sessions calendar is no longer active? Are you no longer offering it?

@clevermerchants7330 - 02.11.2023 11:05

When I get to the part of editing the conversation at the end of the Facebook ad there is no option for quick replies only frequently asked questions?

@BibleUnveiledd - 03.11.2023 20:48

Thank you so much for making this video Quinn! do you still recommend Manychat in a niche where we don't ask pre-qualifying questions? or do you have a video just using GHL without Manychat?🙏🙏

@gthepoet7185 - 07.11.2023 08:53

Thank you so much for this and it really helped a lot. Do you have any tips or maybe make a new video how to apply all this in other services? Meaning getting more customers for therapists, other doctors, psychologists etc?

@richcascio - 24.11.2023 02:21

Can you set this up for real estate investors? Thank you,

@richcascio - 24.11.2023 02:22

What do you charge for your clients? Thank you,

@DrakeJohnson-d7v - 29.11.2023 21:31

This is great stuff man!
What kind of results come from $1/conversation? Such as legit qualified leads or closings?

@jameeno3 - 07.12.2023 00:23

Thanks for this video man, I set my audience as US + AUS, Men 28-52 with NO interest targeting and its saying "Campaign's ad set may get zero Results...Expand your audience" does this matter? I would've thought that's a huge enough audience

@ethan-maestas - 31.12.2023 21:36

You are clutch for leaving the technical difficulties and solutions in the video. So much value, thank you

@andredei8492 - 03.01.2024 01:44

Cool Video!
Why do you use manychat when you have GHL with ChatGPT in place?

@adampompa1416 - 10.01.2024 17:52

Great video! I'm eagerly anticipating your upcoming content on Instagram advertising strategies, which I expect will differ from what you've shown before. In your initial ad set, you seem to use a no-targeting approach and then create a duplicate with added targeting. Is this the sole distinction, or do you also modify other elements like the ad images? I mean to use this $100 budget you set accordingly. I appreciate your insights, thanks for responding.

@makeagentsgreatagain - 26.01.2024 02:18

Have you used ZappyChat for conversations yet?

@mattisgood - 13.02.2024 20:24

Did he make the insta version?

@austinarnone007 - 02.03.2024 22:28

great job, i remember back then we spoke!

@HollywoodTheTradeKing - 23.03.2024 11:18

Game changer

@williamfitzpatrick141 - 12.04.2024 12:52

Hi Quinn, can you do this without using Manychat and just using GHL directly?

@SCCP843 - 03.05.2024 01:15

Hi but are these leads mostly junk? Whcih is better lead forms or messenger in terms of quality?

@christopherjames5136 - 29.05.2024 14:42

Thanks! I was struggling to set this up

@NYCdude321 - 10.06.2024 15:03

Why are the Engagement Objective Messenger ads more expensive than the Leads Objective Messenger ads? For my market, with an audience of 100K facebook page admins in my city, the Engagement objective predicts 2-10 conversations a day with $50/day budget, whereas Lead Objective Messenger ads predict 4-11 messages a day with a $40/day budget...

@alinaghazarians - 25.06.2024 19:33

Quinn. Absolutely awesome 🙏🏼
Quick question. You generated the leads with only $172. However in the video you set the budget at $100 a day For this result (141 leads) what was the daily budget and how many days did it take to get the results?

@harold-alvarez - 28.06.2024 16:20

Amazing Value! quick question, have you made the video where you show how you run your engagement campaigns specifically for instagram?

@Sto2-z1c - 01.08.2024 21:38

Thank you for your video, I have a question about tracking. I started a campaign with goal maximing conversations in messenger. We had some conversations that started through the ad but in the Facebook ad report I see the system didn’t report any of them. Then I noticed that in the events manager I can create a new data set in the category “messaging”. Do I need to create this new data set to track things like conversations started thanks to ads? Also, do I need to log these messaging events together with the existing pixel (Facebook is asking it during the setup)? I thought all the events in messenger and Instagram chats were something automatically tracked since they are properties of Meta. What do you think?

@manuelpistner7984 - 21.08.2024 12:12

Today, there's also conditional logic included. Do you think manychat is still needed? Also today it is possible to change the conversion goal to another "deeper funnel event" such as lead. Do you have any experience with these two new features?

@gediminasulbikas - 05.09.2024 08:13

Does it still work in 2024?

@kazui-1 - 01.10.2024 00:09

Does meta track convertion people automatically? Meaning that it learns what type of people respond to my ad and send a message?

@waynecarter506 - 22.01.2025 19:12

Can you do another video soon like this build an ad and connect to go high level work flow as manychat is no longer used
Best video I've seen in a long time

@khizaraly - 01.03.2025 19:47

Very Good! But a lot of marketers says: messenger leads are cheap quality! they didn't convert! Im in home service niche! what you say quin? and also i dont have enough money to test different things! maximum 300 bucks!
