Wolfy 3 Stripes

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@brookeangela664 - 01.10.2018 04:51

Wonderful vid wolfy :D

@Michael-cx7wt - 02.10.2018 16:22

prot warriors for progress raiding need to have 100% uptime on SB, also bolster should scale with damage taken, it is complete trash at mythic level raiding. without 100% uptime on mitigation, warriors spike way too much to be viable and have no self sustain to top themselves back up. look at the stats for all tanking classes in M+ and raiding, warriors are the stinky tanks at the bottom of the list. it just doesnt feel fun taking unmitigated hits to the face, blizz can nerf the overall mitigation if they must but they need to return warriors to the smoothing of damage tank that they should be..... i rolled a monk and tanking is easy now

@patrickowusu - 02.10.2018 17:59

Ey Up Wolfy, appreciate this vid.Outro track is dope.

@illidanfromgorgonnash368 - 03.10.2018 19:53

I honestly dont think prot warrior is in that bad of a state. I've tanked up to vectis on the warrior on heroic. The only thing honestly that makes them feel bad is that they cant self heal, but they dont need to heal because their mitigation is the best in the game if you do it right. But would i say they're the best tank? No I'd say they're the worst i just dont know what they can do besides making the healing bracers into an azerite trait or talent. Or making mastery heal us for a % of rage used. Other tanks mitigation is just healing so i think this is probably what blizzard is going to throw in. Although mini heroism sounds awesome i dont think we get a shiny new button any time soon

@danhay2505 - 07.10.2018 03:53

The prot mastery is dogshit anyway - I ran a 100% mastery prot warrior in legion - full Demonsteel of the Savant, it still couldn't do well. I'd say a good warrior concept could use dual wielding 1h weapons, with PARRY as their primary defensive stat. I got the idea from Dal'Rend's Arms from classic WoW - a pair of swords that drop from Rend Blackhand, one is a dps and the other had some tanking stats. Well, today I suppose a mastery could include a percentage improvement on top of Vanguard's buffs. That way the DPS warriors have their 2H weapon combinations and nothing needs to be made for 1H weapon DPS combinations. (Secretly I really like the idea of Dual-Wielding 2 Quel'Serrars), with a heavy parry spec.

@Nobody2463 - 10.10.2018 17:33

Great news Wolfy! Thanks for the video.

@panteraowns2515 - 23.10.2018 18:03

I'm sorry but critical block is pure shit. Wars get like %30 chance to block so say 3 out of 10 hits to you that isn't parried Wich is only %20 gets blocked . out of the 3 out of 10. 1.4 is a critical block so every roughly 80 hits to you gets 1 critical block . and that's why wars suck atm . get rid of critical block and double block chance

@wolfy3stripes476 - 29.09.2018 05:33

Also forgot to mention that on October 2nd we're getting:
Vanguard now increases armor by 50% of Strength (was 45%).
Vanguard increases Stamina by 40% (was 35%).


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