Why Do Men Go Bald?

Why Do Men Go Bald?


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Luigi Rnotyourbusiness
Luigi Rnotyourbusiness - 04.09.2023 21:32

Even if nobody in your family is bald, excessive amounts of stress can cause an increase in testosterone and DHT, which causes baldness

William Ford
William Ford - 30.08.2023 15:12

At least your more streamline when you go swimming.

BitchChill - 13.05.2022 00:47

I wish I was female

Luis R
Luis R - 07.05.2022 18:04

None of this is true. In America and in other countries that most men go bald, we eat food that is mostly processed. If you go to countries where they grow all their food naturally, they have the least amount of balding.

It’s in what you eat. Eat healthy my friends

Sky Net
Sky Net - 08.06.2021 12:36

Men go bald to show maturity and power

Joseph S
Joseph S - 12.03.2021 02:12

Johnny sins doesn’t approve

James Aseto
James Aseto - 04.01.2021 20:54

That evolution theory of balding is straight up BS!

Abrahan Ramirez
Abrahan Ramirez - 29.11.2020 08:16

This doesnt make sense why does my Head hair fall out not my ass hair or my leg hair or my arm hair or my chest hair or my nose hair or my beard ETC.
Also whats the difference between scalp hair and body hair? And if there is a difference, do Lions bears wolves have it too?

K - 25.10.2020 05:11

“Baldness indicates man is past the stage of high sexual activity and thus less of a threat to other males”


heavy meddle
heavy meddle - 26.09.2020 08:43

Life's even bigger mystery is why anyone cares. We all grow older. I get that it might not be fun to go bald at 20 but... Just shave it all off

H Ö - 16.08.2020 01:41

hair transportation is cheap in İstanbul. because 1dollar is 7 Türkish lira now. you can have hair transportai about 500 dolars in Turkey.

MiTmite9 - 24.05.2020 09:05

Many years ago I knew a guy who could have been a top model in USA and Europe. He was so beautiful, it was mesmerizing. Not just an Adonis, but smart and charismatic, too. Every woman wanted to get with him and, you can bet every gay guy gave it a try. But he seemed really humble with it. We lost touch with one another decades ago. A couple years back, I saw a photo of him online and he is now almost completely bald. He's 50 years old. It broke my heart. He had had ***the most gorgeous hair***. Truly stunning hair. Although I wasn't completely surprised to see him bald, it was still a bit of a shock. Sounds stupid, I guess, but my heart hurt a bit. We had talked about how he might lose his hair, because his grandfather on his mother's side was bald. He's still an extremely good-looking guy, even without his hair. I can't imagine how it felt for him to see it slowly grow less and less thick, then not grow back at all, and that part of his physical beauty change so dramatically. He's probably one of those men who is or seems okay with it, but who knows? What I wonder about is how bad it must feel to be not-so-good-looking in the first place and then go bald, too. And then have to wear hats all the time to protect your head from the sun. It must be a real drag.

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato - 13.04.2020 21:02

I think it’s just bad karma..

KhenTsui 1907
KhenTsui 1907 - 14.03.2020 22:57

My dad isn't bald but some of their family are
On my mother's side nobody is bald
Am I going bald?
Because it looks like I have hairlines

Scripz Carrenton
Scripz Carrenton - 25.01.2020 04:49

Embrace it an wear a hat 😁

dave oneill
dave oneill - 04.12.2019 10:15

I use this on my hairless cats so they look younger.

Nova Verse
Nova Verse - 22.11.2019 18:32

34 and still have all my hair.

Honest Fella
Honest Fella - 15.11.2019 09:11

Not every guy is junkie or druggie delete this case.

The Chief Coin Sovereign
The Chief Coin Sovereign - 15.09.2019 05:43

Who cares

Brynn Wiens
Brynn Wiens - 16.07.2019 03:28

When you said women it sounded like wemen.

Jeannette Blanchard
Jeannette Blanchard - 21.04.2019 23:21

Your mom's father being bald?
I's that your mother's BROTHERS show if you carry for baldness. Not her father.
So, thumbs down on your video for giving misinformation.

chris Mirwnitis
chris Mirwnitis - 12.03.2019 00:48

Going bald sucks

Some_One_001 - 03.03.2019 08:44

I wouldnt say all of us "suffer" from baldness. I'm 27 and have been shaving my head for 1 year now and started losing it at 22 and I can tell you how much better it is to go all out and just shave it all.

Jason Muncaster
Jason Muncaster - 07.02.2019 09:10

Ahh shit I’m fucked 🤦🏼‍♂️

Si Han Chen
Si Han Chen - 15.01.2019 21:13

But why does baldness only affect your head, while your facial, chest, armpit and nutsack hair can still be as bushy as they can be?

Oh ya, shouldn't you be losing your eyebrows too?

hippity hopp
hippity hopp - 06.12.2018 21:36

Hey if you're losing hair while you're young just remember that some girls like bald men. Just like my sister.

Team Creased
Team Creased - 18.11.2018 01:31

lack of vitamin d

Laura Sanchez
Laura Sanchez - 16.11.2018 03:35

I'm also curious why the hair on the side doesn't fall out, usually it's just the hair right on top

Jaco Prince
Jaco Prince - 26.10.2018 00:13


James Sandino
James Sandino - 16.10.2018 01:19

Tara does a pretty nice job of answering this very basic yet also important question. She's right in that hair loss is due to both genetics and hormones. But there are more factors at play too like lifestyle -- including exercise, diet, nutrition, smoking, stress and even sleep. Tara does cover off on these later, but they could use a little more space because they are after all more than bit players in the story. The only thing I take real exception to is this: a hair transplant is NOT a permanent solution. Over time the hair loss process will overcome even the most expert of hair transplants. But today there is a treatment that IS permanent for as long as you follow the program. It first stops the loss then regrows your hair. Well worth researching the Stop and Regrow Program.

Terry boy
Terry boy - 07.10.2018 02:21

My mom side uncles are going bald and my dad is kinda lossing hair does that mean i am going bald too

Douglas Ferris
Douglas Ferris - 27.09.2018 01:44

Has anyone ever seen a bald native aboriginal? Canadian or American. I’m Canadian and I’ve been around lots of natives. I’ve never seen a native man with a hairy body or balding. I’m part native myself some from my moms side mostly my dads side. I’m white but I inherited the hairless body and thick hair. Like hardly hair on my legs, chest and arms. Most native men can’t grown beards either. Some of the half breads can but the pure bloods are silky smooth lol

DWSbeste - 07.09.2018 03:15

When you father family have nobody who has balding but when your mums father.has balding does that mean that I bald too?

melanie - 30.08.2018 22:16

Also apparently going bald is sexy so ya lol

melanie - 30.08.2018 22:15

You guys shouldn't worry about that your awesome with or without hair 💗

rainbow20112011 - 02.08.2018 09:41

I am a 31 year old straight guy. I am mostly bald, a virgin, and I have never kissed a girl before.

Well...I guess that summarizes everything.

Can I get an Amen
Can I get an Amen - 25.07.2018 16:29

You never see a bald women

111915 528518
111915 528518 - 19.07.2018 06:33

Bald men can grow epic beards though. That's just what I noticed. Patchy bearded guys have thicker hair, but full bearded guys tend to have receded hair or patchy hair on their heads.

Fujin Winds
Fujin Winds - 02.07.2018 03:54

Biggest fear of all time.

Spaghettiio Assassin
Spaghettiio Assassin - 15.05.2018 19:50

Actually hair transplants aren’t permanent either.
Luckily genomic splicing has come a long way and they are currently working on hair restoration. So maybe in a few years we will be able to splice those genes and regrow lost hair.

Hayder Abdulridha
Hayder Abdulridha - 23.02.2018 00:50

I started losing lots of hair at 14; bald by 19

LxrdKari痛み - 15.02.2018 06:18

I’d cry if I go bald

gareo little
gareo little - 29.01.2018 03:53

i have hair

gareo little
gareo little - 29.01.2018 03:53

i have alot, i am only 12 is that ok!

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐓 - 24.01.2018 22:54

Both my grandpas have their hair!!! My moms dad is over 50 and my Dad’s dad is 73. My dad is 48 and he has all his hair! I think I’m keeping my hair. 😂😂 one thing for sure though, my dad has patches in his beard and he doesn’t have it full grown out. So I guess that means I will too. 🤷🏽‍♂️ But at least I won’t be bald. ☺️☺️

Uhtred - 25.12.2017 10:04


Sir Saltin
Sir Saltin - 15.12.2017 09:34

My beauty comes from my hair so Ill expect being treated differently in the future
