Incompatibility (A Harsh Reality in Relationships) - Teal Swan

Incompatibility (A Harsh Reality in Relationships) - Teal Swan

Teal Swan

6 лет назад

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Ray Archer
Ray Archer - 12.10.2023 08:39

Am I compatible enough with you

Jerry Jaquinto
Jerry Jaquinto - 12.10.2023 08:10

You can be in a full loving relationship but still can be incompatible. I’ve been there

Sergio Chávez
Sergio Chávez - 12.10.2023 01:46

I disagree. What about alchemy?

Andriy Bilan
Andriy Bilan - 12.10.2023 00:29

So how do you know when you're incompatible?

Michael boyle
Michael boyle - 10.10.2023 14:58

Oh, Teal, you're going to emasculate all partners. I really feel looking at the pattern people who have the "know know" data suggest we remain... 😂

Krystal W
Krystal W - 10.10.2023 07:34

Thank you for sharing ❤

Ralph Thomas
Ralph Thomas - 08.10.2023 20:55

Everyone is incompatible to each other, humans are selfish. Love is an action

AttackDev4000 - 07.10.2023 02:44

You probably hear this all the time, but the meaning + understanding that you've managed to create in my life, almost from thin air, is very meaningful and impactful to my life experience.

Aleksander Ciril Kožar
Aleksander Ciril Kožar - 06.10.2023 21:11

If incompatibility is a question of preferences, desires ... attraction, is then dealing with attraction, knowing oneself, being authentic a way out of these incompatibilities? As far as i understand the incompatibilities come because of your fragmented personality. Therefore if me as a person gets unified/authentic, and so does my partner, where does that leave us then?

Drixidamus - 06.10.2023 00:10

This lady would have saved my past self a lot of heartache.

These Truths
These Truths - 05.10.2023 22:01

I think judging incompatibility is a toxic issue of grey. In terms of actual abuse it is understood incompatibility. But almost anything else is subject to in-depth analysis and probably requires at least two good outsider inputs.

AlbaAmara - 05.10.2023 15:09

I do not agree with everything that she says, or, I would say, with most things she says. People are quite complex, and possess an infinite depth. One cannot get to know each other fully from the get go. How do you get to judge compatibility on that?

Moreover, we are dynamic beings, so we can change ourselves a lot through the course of our lives. Then, it makes no sense to ever make long term committed relationships because compatibility would change through the life of people?

But then, I admire the most people who maintain their relationships and don't give up irrespective of the said "compatibility"!

What I think the big problem is - refusing to grow up and take responsibility! Refusing to accept the other person for who they are!

When I was a teenager, I would always hear friends saying they are looking for sexual compatibility in a partner before they decide to commit. In my experience, the best compatibility happened where both partners are willing to work for it. And the main motivator for that is love. Love is what can get people to move past everything.

Some of the things she says in another video I strongly agree with - "that mother were not supposed to raise children as single".

But in this video I feel like she is providing excuses for people to feel good about their choice and feelings when they don't do their best, when they are not willing to get out of their comfort zone, and moreover, when they are never willing to sacrifice for the other. Cause that is love, mutually sacrificing for one another.

Rob Mclaughlan
Rob Mclaughlan - 05.10.2023 02:26

what a load of BS. its not about compatibility. All relationships requires effort from both side. Problem is when one becmes too laid back and stops making an effort, which can happen after years of being together. 2 people can be completely different but happy if they both make time for each other and each others needs, regardless of whats happennning in their lives.

VivatVeritas1 - 04.10.2023 11:49

Anyone else feel unsettled by the contempt and mockery in Teal’s non-verbal communication when she talks about people who genuinely desire close committed relationships at 2.02?

Mark Able
Mark Able - 04.10.2023 07:08

And that's why I don't pursue relationships that don't work. I want a practical, reciprocal partnership like any man, but unlike any man, I don't settle with one woman who culture and family has conditioned to be the only woman I will ever need. The irony is, throughout my adult life, the variety of women I have known and argued with, have been the greatest teachers for me personally in understanding my truest, deepest, courageous, self. When challenged by anyone on this planet, the sheer best comes out in me. Subconsciously, I've wanted "to win" at something for my entire life. For many years I didn't quite understand 'what' exactly I was supposed to win at in life. Now I understand what it is. And nothing-no one is going to stop me.

Marita Berndt
Marita Berndt - 02.10.2023 18:34

Yep. That's me. I tried to be someone else. I hate myself doing this, still. I resent my partner for who he is. I need a divorce, unfortunately. Despite liking him and really appreciating the effort he has put into the relationship. Sad.

Daniel Kjarsgaard
Daniel Kjarsgaard - 01.10.2023 12:46

Its interesting that you bring up being born into the wrong family. Wrong is defined by what is right, and what is right is often defined by values. It makes sense to distinguish between compatible partners based on values but the matter should'nt be so clear with families. If a person is not compatible with their family it is most likely, aside from a biological cause, that this difference was brought on by stimuli from their environment. By this I mean that they were influenced by individuals or their environment in such a way as to move them ideologically away from their family, whether it be intentional or not. Since this is ideological in nature it has nothing to do with birth. Aside from the people who are born gay or trans I cannot think of many examples of individuals who could be born into a family that was incorrect for them, due to the fact that they have no ideological stance at birth. If an individual moves away from the ideology of the family they were born into that is likely the cause of another set of stimuli brought on by the family, in which case again it is not something a person is born into but experienced. When biology and experience come into play when considering compatibility it is not so clear which causes what. I would be careful when addressing birth in relation to how a person fits in with their family.

Joel Wilson
Joel Wilson - 01.10.2023 09:09

Thank you for speaking TRUTH. Once again.

Natalie - 30.09.2023 13:40

Thank you 🙏🏼 I now can authentically and harmoniously let go of my partner knowing all that was going imo on was that we are truly compatible, he is a beautiful human and I wish him all the most amazing things this universe can offer and for him to find a wonderful compatible partner to enjoy his life with. I will forever be grateful to him for keeping me company during my toughest times, always been there for me and being a good human to me ❤🙏🏼

axlealleyauto - 29.09.2023 22:52

wow so happy i found this channel...super great information... thanks for putting the effort to make this channel

Chypko - 29.09.2023 02:41

"... and what is true is that our loving of someone is really about our capacity to change someone's rol in our life, even tho it might be a painful process of letting go"

Nobody Nothing
Nobody Nothing - 28.09.2023 21:53

Is she a woman in the US? If yes, move on she is not for you.

Andrew jbayliss
Andrew jbayliss - 28.09.2023 17:14

WOW just wow…. Also can I have your number and a date with you tomorrow night plz? 🎯😉

Аноним N
Аноним N - 28.09.2023 05:28

There is no such thing as "incompatibility", there is "infantility".

Bradley Westerford
Bradley Westerford - 27.09.2023 23:55

the only person I fit in with in my family was my father.

Paris Joy
Paris Joy - 27.09.2023 19:21

What if you have kids? It seems selfish for mom and dad to divorce because they were “incompatible”. But that’s where I’m at..12 yrs and marriage counseling and still not sure if it’ll get better. So far went from extremely toxic to just unhealthy.

instant - 27.09.2023 10:39

marriage is not a partnership. marriage is duty.

Katherine Aynur Kugay
Katherine Aynur Kugay - 26.09.2023 15:01

I think this analysis is spot on but the conclusions arrived at are very subjective. From a spiritual view of Oneness, orienting your future around authentic self-expression is even more limiting than adapting ourselves to the confines of family, adulthood, and maturity. Postponing those three things actually makes it more difficult to express ourselves and to feel love and joy in the long run. It may appear counterintuitive, but it's the truth -- our greatest freedom comes in acknowledging, accepting and embracing our limitations.

Jackson Duvall
Jackson Duvall - 24.09.2023 03:59

Where does she get her ideas from? This is like her own mismatch of poorly understood psychology ideas along with random ram dass + that crazy “Abraham hicks” 55 entities channel BS

Mubi Karimjanovna Bob
Mubi Karimjanovna Bob - 24.09.2023 01:09

Thank you Teal,
Indeed choosing the right partner first and foremost comes with knowing myself and my preferences all about me inly after that i can pick a right partner. Without knowing myself i picked partners based on my truamas and patterns not according my inner truth and core self. Now i know what to pay attention to.. many many thanks Teal❤❤❤

geomicer - 23.09.2023 23:11

It's supposed to be hard, everything worth doing is difficult.

Tara Cassidy
Tara Cassidy - 23.09.2023 22:46

Can you elaborate on “adult adoption?!”

Medical World
Medical World - 23.09.2023 16:49


Georgia Kombakis
Georgia Kombakis - 22.09.2023 23:36

I can’t even start to count how many on point statements are in this video! 👏👏👏

Christian Smith
Christian Smith - 18.09.2023 06:07

I had to give up on life a long time ago because of what you guys did to me

Christian Smith
Christian Smith - 18.09.2023 06:06

No way not at all

Mesut Can
Mesut Can - 16.09.2023 12:23

Try out honest sharing by gopal 👍

Donovon - 07.09.2023 01:25


Mandy - 04.09.2023 06:15

What about someone that you are compatible with but past relationships and traumas prevent people from being who they are or allowing you to get close because they already decide its going to be the same

do Tran
do Tran - 30.08.2023 11:40

This video is so great, thank you Teal Swan

av 3720
av 3720 - 27.08.2023 17:36

Bottom line never get married…why waist time on partnerships …enjoy your life with a variety of people

The Art Of The Torah אמנות תורת ישראל העברית
The Art Of The Torah אמנות תורת ישראל העברית - 18.08.2023 21:48

And it can all be easily resolved if a man takes a 16-19 year old virgin as a wife, and shapes her to his set of beliefs, like it used to be. Today women arrive to relationships with a huge baggage because they were lied to and deceived to believe that multiple partners is a good idea, and that they should not hurry to get married. So of course that a 25 year old who had multiple partners will have long term issues to solve, and it gets worse as they grow old and have a larger body count.

Guru Ethereal
Guru Ethereal - 15.08.2023 10:11


Coach Awatef El Ouerdighi
Coach Awatef El Ouerdighi - 13.08.2023 14:01

you are a genius😍

MargOz Orgil
MargOz Orgil - 11.08.2023 05:11

“Attraction has no respect for compatibility”

Dianndra Newman
Dianndra Newman - 05.08.2023 14:10


Daphne - 05.08.2023 02:08

“Rolls and positions” for some to be genuinely happy, are to be fired.
