I’ve had my eye on starting a TPT store for a minute, but creating aesthetically pleasing resources and coming up with a catchy name is holding me back.
ОтветитьHi I recently started following your channel and I must say your vedios are amazing. You are an inspiration for me.
I live in India I am a aspiring elementary teacher and it is my ultimate goal to teach in california just like you.
Can you tell me anything how can I get job there from my home country, that would be really helpful.
Thank you💗
interview with the hubby
ОтветитьAre you cloning yourself 🤪
ОтветитьThank you so much for this information!
ОтветитьNow make a video showing how to become a millionaire on a teacher's salary. Not on a teacher's salary being an entrepreneur on the side. You're becoming a millionaire because you're an entrepreneur.
I just graduated and now I'm trying to decide if I'm gonna teach. I own a business on the side. Honestly, I'm probably gonna hate teaching. After being in student teaching, I hated it.
Just tell us you're an entrepreneur that's also a teacher for the benefits and retirement. Thanks.
ОтветитьShow your bank account statement cause this sounds like bull or you came from a rich family who gave you alot of money ,teachers in elementary schools don't even make enough to qualify to rent an apartment in alot of city's,so y'all got rich off a teacher's salary,really don't think so.
ОтветитьHave a friend who was a teacher then somehow got into business of education software. Looks like she did pretty good. Fairly expensive house and owned more than one automobile. Not what I expected ( for whatever reason) when I first met her
ОтветитьI am a teacher and would like to partner with you on classroom management and having a student led classroom.
ОтветитьI wanna know how you get it all done just in your contract hours. I feel pretty productive during the day, but...
ОтветитьAs a first year teacher...I'm thankful :D
ОтветитьTeaching is a incredibly important job.
ОтветитьGreat ideas!
ОтветитьYou’re essentially reinvesting your salary. So what do you live on?
ОтветитьJust opened a TPT store a couple months ago! My store is Blackbird Teaching Co.
I think i wanna marry you 🎶🎵
ОтветитьI'm definitely interested in building up a teachers Pay teachers shop.
ОтветитьI just hate that teachers have to do 12 diff things to make a decent income.. I wish teaching paid enough to live off of
ОтветитьThat balance is so incredibly important! You go girl!
ОтветитьYou are full of positive energy! I like the vibes you are giving!
ОтветитьNumbers would be nice
ОтветитьNot sure you can count your husbands job/income as how to become a millionaire on a teacher's salary lol. I suppose you could technically count 50% of his income, but by the same token you would need to halve all of your own incomes. Maybe "How my household is becoming a millionaire with a teachers salary and own business"
ОтветитьThis was so motivating ❤
ОтветитьVery smart input God bless
ОтветитьOMG!! I’m soOo excited I found you.. I just started teaching my first day of class English to Korean students- and everything you are doing sounds right up my alley. Thanks for posting this and being an inspiration.
ОтветитьI love this video. Looking forward to becoming a millionaire teacher.
ОтветитьSometimes people say early childhood education job is not a good career. Can someone please tell me and be honest about this opinion
ОтветитьShe's married. That's why she's a millionaire
ОтветитьBre, I really enjoyed this video and am working towards a similar goal! Good for you 🌟 ! Could you make a video like "a week in a life" to show how how you time block? That's probably my biggest issue lol 😆
Ответитьshould be called "how to take advantage of poor people" instead lol
ОтветитьI'm not very crafty or creative, so I don't think TPT would work for me. I don't know how to make pretty worksheets.
ОтветитьI am interested in creating an online course, but I have no idea where to start? can you help me?
ОтветитьYou should seek some canceling instead
ОтветитьI'm guessing your husband is actually running these businesses, because I'm a teacher and we typically work 50-60 hours a week with no time or energy to eat, shop and clean let alone run all these businesses. I call BS.
ОтветитьWheres the link for the teacher millionare money plan pdf???
ОтветитьI would love to hear more about the rental car business. My husband and I are presently in this industry but to would love to learn even more, especially on the wife side
ОтветитьOh lord...what a bucket of.