Future of Neverwinter after 10 Years - Embracer Group Gearbox Cryptic Studios 2023

Future of Neverwinter after 10 Years - Embracer Group Gearbox Cryptic Studios 2023


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@northsidegaming - 18.10.2023 18:22

For now, enjoy the game. I will update as i get more information. Thank you for watching, Northside.

@salatiq_ - 31.10.2023 01:22

Отключили возможность заносить деньги в игру для игроков из России. А потом плачут, что недостаточно заработка. Безусловно, игроки с ru сервера не покрывают все расходы компании, но я думаю, вносят существенный финансовый вклад. Мне, как игроку, это очень неприятно, что обычные рядовые игроки, которые хотят отдохнуть пару часов в любимой игре, когда придут с работы, страдают из за чужих политических решений.

@metalac7282 - 24.10.2023 23:52

Propadose kao cepene gace xD

@freesync7813 - 19.10.2023 22:34

Finally, Crypshit realize they fucked up!

@ktstubble - 19.10.2023 16:44

thank you northside for all the great content. i only play neverwinter like one month a year maybe but i have notifications on for all your vids.

@browncoatstudios - 19.10.2023 14:34

Will be a pity of this happens. I have been here the whole time and the most fun I had was joining Northside on livestreams for hunts and such. He is a great guy and it was fun to get to know him a bit during those streams along with the rest of his crew on Discord afterwards. Cheers!

@JeffMiller1984 - 19.10.2023 10:38

Played NW for the better part of 7 years, mods 4-20. Overall I enjoyed my time in the game, but man did it get annoying having to constantly rebuild characters because "we're reworking the enchants/pets/mounts/insignia/stats systems". Went from running 5 endgame characters thru the Ravenloft mod to 2 when I stopped playing just before Mod21.

@UncleFloydGG - 19.10.2023 07:39

been waiting almost 2 years to hear big news - good or bad - about changes in direction for Neverwinter after acquisition by Embracer, and still waiting

@kittywampusdrums4963 - 19.10.2023 05:31

Neverwinter died after mod 15 lol. Then they banned all the players during Barovia mod. Then they hired AND fired Chris Whiteside. Shit company. Maybe someone else will build a playable DnD mmo that doesnt suck anus.

@bhootpurvmanusya - 19.10.2023 04:39

perfect world "was" practically chinese.
the chinese were siphoning dollars to themself (by using bots) which (Considering there is no such thing as private company there, their govt probably made a layer of private companies) they used to return invest to acquire more stakes in those game companies themself to enhance their profit.
US is after chinese in all means necessary this just one way to curb that.
devs have become very vigil in banning miners before they were not. this is the only reason i can think of.

@liveletlive0regrets - 19.10.2023 03:24

This game wasn't awful but I was way burned out on ever questing themeparks. I still love dungeons but not instances you get trapped in. Maybe the employees who are leaving could apply at Wildcard and make dungeon content for Ark Survival Ascended? That's me hoping ASA would make group dungeons that were not storyline instances but caveman looting.

@HardRockL1L - 19.10.2023 02:52

I cross my fingers for Cryptic teams are safe from all these restructuring! 🙏

@zkrings - 19.10.2023 02:49

This is uncertain. What will happen? We don't know, only time will tell. With these news players won't buy Zen for Black Friday or will wait until everything is cleared with any of the game studios. Thanks for the video.

@rondavenport3423 - 19.10.2023 01:07


@Extasei - 19.10.2023 00:31

Left the game about 2 years ago when they made the major combat change and I beleive shortly after downed max level to 20? I felt it was going down hill at that time already, major change after major change, for a free to play it was a big no no. As soon as you were getting comfortable some more major change were kicking in again, forcing you to go from scratch over and over... After near 4 years of playing intensively, I decided to move on, for the best.

@MichelleFreebird - 18.10.2023 23:22

GG ty)

@kypcole - 18.10.2023 22:25

I hate being right.

@user-kv1ih9lf5e - 18.10.2023 21:15

Putting the game on maintenance mode is basically a death sentence. The new mods coming out every few months is what's keeping the game alive. I've been at the point where I'm just doing maintenance mode on my characters because I've completed all the content and just waiting for something new. If they want to keep this game alive it needs advertising and someone who works there to actually play the game not just make some level 1 trash toon and run around pe. They also need to make the mid to end game less of a grind to keep players playing, you really can't do much at 40-50k il, feel like a lot of people quit at that level because the mountain is too steep to climb

@b003 - 18.10.2023 21:11

But..my druid....😢

@funkchild75 - 18.10.2023 20:57

Yep. Thanks for the update, North. Being the old paranoid-schizophrenic I am, I've always taken Embracer Group's ambition with a grain of salt. Shame that so much fallout is occurring from the failed investment deal.

@JUST_GUNZ4881 - 18.10.2023 20:57

More devs playing the game accross different consoles and hosting more game streams would GREATLY improve them i think not only will you be recieving constant feedback but you will be able to hit a more targeted audiance using the platform they already have. The Backseat approach is falling apart and they need to get back into their game and play with players and have fun the way we do and broadcast it show the world that this game is just getting started good. It can have a dramatic positive effect on the game creators/customers doing this.

@deathhunter391 - 18.10.2023 20:38

Thanks for the Video Update Northside

Well if it happens, It Happens sucks if it does since there is so much more potential the world of NW can offer but when your running on a minimal crew defiantly harder to maintain what is truely needed or wanted i mean hell the only test realm that functions proper is the PC test server the console ones are a complete joke (should of never been started) since we have super minimal testing capacities on Xbox or PlayStation since they are mirror copies of each other right now

Another thing glad Brett Norton Lied on Stream since he mentioned all the stuff with embracer group and closures and all that in a stream a month or so ago now if that changed recently then okay whatever but if it was know before that stream which to me seems like they did know this might happen it defiantly doesn't seem like this is a something just outta the blue especially if that many devs are concerned about there future, now i will admit maybe nothing was mentioned by the time of the stream in question since i rewatched the stream so I could see what he says about that fact, but as I said if that many Devs are concerned about their jobs I don't see it be one of those things that happened after kaels post on Twitter (Elon musk is a tool im not calling it X)

but anyways as I said If it Happens it Happens I guess was definitely fun while it lasted

Stay Safe North and GWF 4 Life 🤙

@ennabackpetal6273 - 18.10.2023 20:33

While there is only speculation at this point, and a lot of animosity from me towards the game, I can tell you with 100% enthusiasm that I can only hope this is true and this game, ruined by greed and terrible management, goes down in flames and that karma deals with said management in a spectacular way.

@chehadesemaan9807 - 18.10.2023 20:17

No one will hire them they are zero skill dev sry but not sry 😔 I quit the game a week all my friends left the game but I still watch your video I hope you upload more videos on other games 😎

@vancehillhouse6484 - 18.10.2023 20:08

Woo-hoo, burn bish, see you never! Best of wishes to any of the original developers. Game's launch was a success, and they had nailed the design. What came after, particularly with Craptic management, and the many years of silly game changes, content removal/updates...I actually prefer if those involved just take up a new career..like scrubbing toilets. I've lost friends in game, watched many of the streamers n game advocates through the years like..Chemboy Kaligold, couple of the ones that passed away, I was there with everyone..even that tool Aragon. Cryptic did it to themselves, shot their own foot, kept digging a hole, when countless passionate players were trying to steer them to greatness. Neways, nothing last forever. Hasbro stock is down by 50%, and WOTC is dying due to their Open Gaming Liscense fiasco, and main publisher dropped. Good old fashion D&D might only be relevant in our memories. So..I got front row tickets for the show n a bag of popcorn.

@trinity706 - 18.10.2023 20:03

If the game goes into "maintenance mode" a stronghold update could have been content to help hold players over.

There are a lot of players that continue to play for whatever reason(s) in spite of it's current state. Wanting the game to shut down just because you aren't satisfied is kind of selfish... Do yourself a favor and just stop playing (but you know you won't 🤭).

@KaliGold - 18.10.2023 19:58

Just covered this during my stream. (someone came into my chat and told me about this video) Thanks Northside! Great info and presentation!

@Tertulion1 - 18.10.2023 19:55

I am about to make another break in this game. my last break was 2017-2020

@mariankira3007 - 18.10.2023 19:40

No money coming from Neverwinter too many mouths to feed ofc they will reduce the personel

@marcorossi8654 - 18.10.2023 19:30

D&D give to neverwinter a great potencial. This game need only developers that follow the real nature of d&d and this game will resurrect...

@segishin2124 - 18.10.2023 19:25

Its a miracle this game manage to survive 10 painful years were not very sure if we can make another 5 years on this game ill just enjoy and play until this game .1% of existence .Garlanxx talk about this also ,if GAMEPEDIA not ruin everthign maybe we can make better future on this game .

@diddlysquat88 - 18.10.2023 19:13

Cryptic been so incompetent for all these years so this is happening for a reason. Not the best cv been unvolved in the dumpsterfire called Neverwinter

@Smonken - 18.10.2023 19:05

All woke go broke

@shieldmainR6S - 18.10.2023 19:02

Yo shut the game down!
Or give it to me, I'll make it rock! 🤔

@midnightblaze7976 - 18.10.2023 19:00

Sad to see I came to the game in whatever mod it came when it launched on ps4. Then m16 being an absolute let down, although yes classes were overpowered there were so many better ways to go then what they did. I personally got used to it after o left for couple months, the I think m19 I think or m20s stat change screws it up for me. Wasn’t worth the time for me.

I spent bout 5 years in the game and loved it up to m16 which then made me just like it. I’m glad I found other games when I had huge amount of unrefined diamonds to try other games like ffxiv, and now it’s my Main game. Again sad to see and hope the best for you brother.

@terrymills810 - 18.10.2023 18:56

Commnity Manager needs to check out other community managers and see what they are doing to help their communities. I strongly urge them to do something like DDO commuinity manager Cordovan does which is having a weekly show about half an hour were he tells the news of the week and runs some game play or he interviews some of the people involved in the game production: ex producer, lead designers and by the way he is also the community manager for LOTRO. Have we ever seen someone actually besides the EX. Producer even talk about their passion for particular classes? or seen any of them actually play their game? Imagine a community manager actually using LFG and running with random people on a stream? It would really help build trust back that was lost with MOD 16, MOD 21, MOD 22, all the crappy Battle passes, and the extremely tired Campaign format. A quick fun fact about DDO during their annivesary event, their community manager is in the game as an eemy that you have to kill!! That is community involvement!!!

@kevinhanley6969 - 18.10.2023 18:53

AHWOOOOOO thanks and i cn see a change like you said can see maybe a mod a year with world boss

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 18.10.2023 18:50

Hmm. Sounds like



@NerdTrigger - 18.10.2023 18:47

Maybe Microsoft will have interest and buy the studio... just trying to think positive :D

@Da_Most_Shady - 18.10.2023 18:47

Honestly I hope this greedy fucking game shuts down for good. Then maybe we can get a true D&D MMO like DDO. I calculated what it would cost to mythic everything on my toon and it would cost $1500 in zen or 155 million AD. How is that reasonable?

@jamjar1977 - 18.10.2023 18:43

Given the state of the game and the way the world is right now this comes as no suprise really. Shame as veteran players have invested heavily in this game from day 1 some of them for it to be put into maintenence mode and let it dimiish into the distance. Hoping the empolyees dont shafted too much as they have bills and families to feed. Sad times

@cedriccano3290 - 18.10.2023 18:38

Darn it, can they they just hit pause on the bad news for awhile ? i still have to upgrade my enchanments and i would like to reach IL 90 before everything falls apart. Jokes aside, i hope for the best and wish the employees of Cryptic Studios the best of luck whatever happens, i've been there and know perfectly how they feel, stay strong !

@Shadowslave604 - 18.10.2023 18:37

Maintenance mode. swirling the drain for alot of games. less content less ppl working on game more microtransactions and stuff.

@ktstubble - 18.10.2023 18:36

I hope for the best for cryptic and its employees. I loved playing Neverwinter for years and thousands of hours. That said, I feel development for the game has been off for a while, and the "micro" transaction focus on the game has gone too far into pay to win to progress at a reasonable pace. the campaigns are no longer fun, and the writing has gone to pot. the battle passes are a joke. Neverwinter has lost the D&D core feel to me. I still hope for a better and brighter future, but the situation is not good 😐

@truthbiased3282 - 18.10.2023 18:34

i said it before, they'll close it down once the money isn't growing .. believe it. years of investing right in your faces ... the cookie cutter model the game is stuck in, is just the result of the milking of the funds, only path this games on now ... ride it right into the ground.

@tjhufflepuffer2117 - 18.10.2023 18:31

Enjoy the game while you can, soon the game will be over... Shame.... Hoped for the game to try and reach WoW somehow or be at least close to this good, but unfortunately this is every game's fate... Sad days are coming...
