Blazor Server Components - Making Razor Components Easy to Use

Blazor Server Components - Making Razor Components Easy to Use


4 года назад

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@moniksidhpura9427 - 12.10.2023 13:32

i have been working on passing data between components for couple of days, tried all sorts of code available online.. kind of a bugger that all you have to do is call the Parameter variable like an html attribute and pass the data.. but it makes life easier..
Good content as always, helpful as always..
Keep it going....

@torrvic1156 - 15.09.2023 14:10

Outstanding video! Wish I watched it before I learned some of the things you showed in this video by trial and error. Also learned many new things on how one can implement OnClick property in unclickable things like unordered list. Progress bar is also cool and opportunity to nest component one in another is just a blast! Thank you so much Tim for your great lessons!

@fakeITDevTeam - 11.06.2023 03:52

I wish i could explain something deep and detail just like you do. Thank you

@technics6215 - 10.06.2023 02:30

Is this technology still alive? I'm trying it with .NET 6 and .NET 7 and components are not rendered, I'm getting "raw html", <MyComponentName/> instead of the content of this component.

@v2gamedev - 29.04.2023 18:22

this is very easy to follow through! i have tried different learning videos in YT but i find yours to be truly beginner friendly. Tho i still get confused by blazor's naming convention such as attaching method on events

@DigitalNomadOnFIRE - 31.12.2022 17:58

Cool, you seem to have a total lack of Blazor Server content - any chance of making more? IMHO it's the best combination of client/server and fast to develop for smaller sites.

@waynehawkins654 - 04.12.2022 03:04

Thank Tim. Do you have a video that follows on from this to move the TaskList and TaskModel into a RCL Project and ref it from the BlazorApp

@nlomdy - 03.11.2022 07:54

Thank you

@oldclient - 06.10.2022 20:36

Blazor Server needs more love. The tech is underestimated after I learn more and more about it. It's something between Angular and Vue components on the server side. Blazor WebAssembly isn't so effective at current version.

@HemmingEducation - 01.09.2022 10:00

This is great. Clearly presented and well explained- thanks!

@marcs8325 - 16.08.2022 23:17

As a .Net developer who has been dealing with Angular for a while, I might give this a try for some (smaller) projects. Seems like a faster way to get things done.

Blazor WebAssembly seems promising too, but I worry a bit about the initial load times.

@Zysperro - 27.06.2022 06:13

Maybe it's because I've spent hours researching the topic, but most of the things finally clicked just now! Thank you very much!

@aky20000 - 10.05.2022 12:41

Thank you Tim

@janekkelenkamp9551 - 30.04.2022 22:05

Yes, yes I am a blazor components fan at long, last. Fantastic module service, great tutor. Thanks Tim Bo(u)

@cinemacentromegasala3869 - 20.04.2022 21:14

Really wonderful! Thanks! César

@Otonium - 03.04.2022 20:31

Thank you Tim, very ver ywell understood by your crystal clear indications. Thank you!

@imanqoly - 21.03.2022 09:11

Your video is full of "O moments" for learner

@teamomiparientes3769 - 08.03.2022 04:00


@teamomiparientes3769 - 08.03.2022 03:54

Worth to watch...thank you

@vidmantasvalaitis392 - 27.02.2022 00:13

Very well thought-out lesson, talented teacher indeed.
One tiny problem with a percentage sign punctuation in VS 2019 (ver. 16.11.10): it works only as

<div class="progress my-2">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"
style="width: @($"{percentDone}%");"
aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">

Usability hint: it would be nice to have a mouse cursor back on a text field after each task's addition.

@andrescaicedo9040 - 26.01.2022 05:37

When I discovered Interdev I was blown away , through the years I've been impressed, but with Blazor, again, I'm blown away. Tim amazing delivery. Thank you.

@mov4736 - 18.01.2022 13:55

How to communicate between sibling components?

@pierreplourde - 12.01.2022 01:27

MyMind = blown;

@endercn6871 - 22.12.2021 11:34

Thank you so much

@brightontandabantu - 12.12.2021 17:58

I know you get this a lot but you are doing a great job helping junior developers just starting out or using dotnet/blazor/etc for the first time! I wish I could actually afford the entire course. Qn: How do I pass a blazor component the same way we passed "Name". Like what if I want to pass a button? Maybe I want to have a table where one of the columns has a button for deleting that row (or something like that)? Thanks!

@trustingod0 - 28.11.2021 02:44

Great Video !!! Would you recommend a course or book that would give me more practice examples. Also, I am a little confused about how you would implement a datastore with these component, for example if the persons you used had an id in a database or some other storage. If I could describe components they would be like object reusability in OOP except in the case of components you also have a UI. Thanks !!!

@DavidWilliams-ue8bk - 26.11.2021 12:07

They look easy to use. You showed us how to get data into the component but it would be nice to know how to get info back out to the parent page/component.

@Leonardo-bx6kh - 04.11.2021 20:11

A weak example

Ответить - 21.10.2021 17:30

I have never found someone better at teaching and dotnet than you are!!! What a gem! 💛💛

@goodmanshawnhuang - 05.10.2021 07:12


@antonydenahy744 - 22.09.2021 09:12

I'm about a third way through, a n d Loving It! (that's Get Smart, for younger readers).
One thing though Tim, you're no doubt trying to keep this relatively brief and easy for beginners, but whenever you say things like "so the whole page doesn't need to be refreshed" my mind always says "but we've been using Ajax for ages within MVC pages etc, so don't often do whole page refreshes anyway". The ajax part is usually handled within Telerik components for me.
Anyway, just saying - this is the third video of yours I've watched and I don't think I've heard you say the "Ajax" word. Just interesting.

Finished the video now ... Wow! I looked briefly at Blazor a few weeks back and it just didn't grab me - I thought "Nah - too early, I'll stick with MVC for another year at least". But now, this video has shown so clearly the elegance and simplicity of the code required to make a sophisticated UI - it's a beautiful thing - my next app will be made with Blazor for sure. And it was great to see the use of Bootstrap styles demonstrated - I'll be using those more too.

@johnmaus9178 - 31.08.2021 18:21

Thank you so much for this! I had a basic understanding of these components before, but there were some simple tidbits I had overlooked that you explained very well. I was writing components and adding them to pages as shown and using controllers with end points to accept/send data, but any time I wanted components to talk to each other, I created a static class with the information mapped out as needed to talk between controllers for each component. Now that I know the public keyword still has the same meaning in the component as it is in C# classes, this would have saved me so much time on my project. Now I know what to do for future clients to pass, say, an ID around between the components on the host page and then retrieve the associated information from the local database for that ID. Thank you so much for clarifying not only how to do that, but the overall purpose of components and explaining why. As soon as I get to a point in my new job to get a raise, I will be purchasing the yearly plan from your website to continue to grow in my field.

@aqua007man - 22.08.2021 10:14

Great job Tim! Thanks for sharing your gift of teaching. Your tutorials are a masterpiece, I will start building blazing pages :) Blazor is indeed very powerful. Thank you

@bellinhaandu - 16.08.2021 18:31

Te amo

@allanmaynard576 - 14.08.2021 23:15

Awesome video, Blazor is going to be a game-changer !!! Question: can the components on a page share data with the main page and each other? Thanks !!

@roaba3581 - 14.06.2021 21:46

I always was put off by learning anything web related, but blazor got me absolutely excited! Thanks for the video, awesome introduction, as per usual!

@tommysanger6659 - 06.06.2021 10:34

For the section on the dashboard being dynamic for a meeting, I understand if this was to be on one browser page that everyone was looking at together. But in the case of multiple people accessing it at the same time, would the functionality to have them auto update everyone's local when an edit is made be simple as well? I suppose this is more of a signalR question... What comes to my mind is that you would have to implement something in the onclick that tells signalR to do a push of the update to all linked users in a hub. But maybe I am mistaken in the process and what exactly you were trying to express as the ability of the dynamic dashboard.

@brianmitchell4962 - 27.05.2021 00:24

This was taught very well! Thank you for going in-depth on why, and how the components interact. It's those kinds of explanations that make the good teachers really stand-out.

@jvusa - 12.05.2021 04:54

Thanks a lot Tim, Very helpful Videos.....

@pietsmitsa - 25.04.2021 14:08

Great video loved it! I would love to see more on components especially when there are several components with a lot of binding values and [value]Changed logic going on... e.g. Could a Class be used to manage the binding values between components and make things easier?

@facundopugliese9632 - 21.04.2021 00:52

Hi Tim, thanks for this video! How can I do to pass data between two components does not have any relation? I mean those who do not have a parent-child bond.

@giacomogiovenale3501 - 17.03.2021 23:57

great thks

@babarkhalid2746 - 02.03.2021 17:56

Hi Tim Corey, Have you tried XAF Blazor?

@manuelgamezz - 18.02.2021 22:43

Thanks Tim, your channel is great. You have a very interesting videos. I have been using aspx(winforms with c#), but now I'm testing this framework for my future projects or migrations.

@zarokoshin4090 - 12.02.2021 16:00

This is awesome Tim !! I would love to see a course like TIMCO using this ! Thanks for sharing !

@Kerreber - 12.02.2021 14:11

very useful and very well explained, thanks!

@cryptodaddy79 - 31.01.2021 00:33

Very well explained. It is really fun to follow! :)

@anomalii7720 - 27.01.2021 21:18

Whooo, very very nice Tim.
Love it, and gonna use it !!
