SEGA Just Messed Up Amy For ALL New Sonic Games...

SEGA Just Messed Up Amy For ALL New Sonic Games...

The Sonic Show

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@igirjei3717 - 06.09.2023 04:11

I gotta say, I feel like at least 70% of these comments either haven't finished, payed attention to, or flat out ignored certain parts of the video

The idea that Amy is maturing and evolving into her own character that isn't just dependent on sonic to have any real character traits? Thumbs up! I'm more than fine with that. But the issue at hand here is that they're subduing a part of Amy's character (her infatuation with sonic) and not filling it with anything else. That bio is like 50% identical to Sonic's! I thought they thought they were writing about the wrong character for a second!

Amy can like like sonic and they don't have to talk about it every time the two characters are on screen, but naturally, you reduce the biggest part of a character or their relationship with anything/one else, and you come one step closer to reducing that one dimensional character to a 0 dimensional one if you don't add anything to fill the void

@bagelbramble7335 - 19.12.2023 07:40

Personally not into the Goth Amy idea
I'll admit a lot of it is just being tired of the "mommy goth gf" trend with teenage boys, and making another character design solely for them to froth at the mouth at is lame.
But beyond that, other than the tarot cards (which as you said are very minor), it clashes with the visual themes of her character to a near polar degree. And while its cool to see as a skin in a spinoff game, its such a major departure of her character that feels random. It would set her apart yes, but to the point she would probably feel out place, like someones OC or an au version.
Also giving her a different stereotypical visual design would not really remedy her character identity.
Boom Amy on a base level had her character down well imo, they just need to incorporate a good overarching narrative to her character. At least imo.

@greenpanda.k8337 - 18.12.2023 10:28

You sound just like a sonic voice actor

@ethanrichards8380 - 14.12.2023 04:10

I think the "hero" in Amy's cards was metal sonic metal sonic is the TRUE boyfriend of Amy.

@ethanandjessie1997 - 01.12.2023 04:12

I Love Amy Rose So Very Much!

@MrRizBoi - 26.11.2023 16:58

sonic will soon come to know that he lost the girl dying for his attention and in the end he is going to admit it infront of her that he is in love and misses the old her.... HAPPY ENDING

@tonitoons8001 - 25.11.2023 01:56

I say that the sonic frontier’s change is kinda mid. Like to me, I missed how tails was just a kid who just wanted to make a reputation for himself and yes that’s what happens in frontiers but at the end it seems like everyone needs to leave sonic alone because everyone wants to be themselves but in the other games (not the 2010 games) they made that change between the characters more impactful because it shows that their growing together. Knuckles is more of a snarly type in the game and it’s kinda fine but we have sonic to do that for us. Knuckles to me was a man with no other responsibilities other than to protect the master emerald and he was gonna stick by that and yes he had learned to let go a bit but he just seems like in this game and a lil in the other 2010 games that he tries to be the best even though he knows he can just do what he’s got to do. Amy was very boring because she stoped caring about sonic, in her bio it says she’s stop chasing but I feel like that was a kind of a good trait, look at sonic adventure 2 when she was going to free him, she said to sonic if he wanted to know where shadow is he has to Marry her and yes sonic says no but Amy still lets him out of his prison cell and tells him where he is. Amy is caring and wants to make people feel free but she knows that she can only do that if Sonic’s around because she’s not all that powerful so yes she should not be all up on sonic but she needs to keep that energy of being in love with him to show her that sonic is her dream boy. Sonic is now way to nice and yes he is always nice but in the other comics he was very nice but also very cocky and I loved how he knows that if u want to destroy something that has life, it’s a showdown with sonic. Sonic is the fighter and talker but in the new sonic comics and the new sonic bio, he does the fighting if the talk doesn’t work. Sonic is the man who doesn’t really need the backstory all he thinks about is doing the right thing but sometimes the right thing is letting someone go and in this one, he can’t let eggman be eggman. Also can I say this, I think that sage is a bad add on to eggman. Sage is a great character not gonna lie but now that she’s alive she is going to hold eggman back. Eggman is now going to be a father to a nice women that is also kinda of a friend to sonic, the man her father is trying to kill, and yes I understand that he is lonely but he was a man who never cared about needing a human to be happy, he had his machines because he didn’t rely on humans or animals now with a daughter who is kind and not evil like him, who are we gonna fight. Ik sonic has a gallery of villains but the man who unleashed them was eggman, now that eggman has a child to raise, who can we fight, it can’t be sage because she’s a girl, and sonic and sage are kinda friends so what is the purpose of eggman anymore.
Ty for who ever is reading this. Ty for hearing my pep talk

@justryan6480 - 21.11.2023 13:03

I wish they would make Shadow show up more :/

@furrycheetah - 17.11.2023 07:49

Amy Rose is suitable for video game movie like sonic the hedgehog 2020 and sonic the hedgehog 2 2022.

@ramirorojocretta - 15.11.2023 05:20

I personally don't mind Amy feeling to be like Sonic, of course she is more like Sonic, she understood her live to Sonic comes from admiration of him and liking to be more like him.
So for me it's fine. She also hay way more empathy and is now open to her feelings than Sonic, Sonic does care about his friends, but he instead jokes on them instead of expressing his feelings like Amy.

@Fenyxclips - 12.11.2023 13:27

You know. You've earned my sub solely for that outro alone. Watched right to the end before commenting but seeing Amy become more emo would definitely help her stand out better. Even if I don't keep up to date on Sonic stuff.

@sardonyx1165 - 10.11.2023 09:12

I honestly feel like more elements of idw Amy should be pushed now... because she already has character, it just needs more extenuating.

For example, in idw and Sonic Heroes, Amy shows natural leadership skills, including being Tactical as well... this is a trait that can be pushed a lot more... especially considering that Sonic isn't much of a tactician in the first place.

She also does have more of a Temper than Sonic because she's generally more passionate about things ,
(Nod to "My Sweet Passion" )
Whereas Sonic cares but is a bit more nonchalant about most things, and honestly doesn't seem to generally get that impassioned in battle, which is why forms like Dark Sonic pack such an impact when show cased. Be in mind when extenuating this trait of hers , I'm not saying it's always anger, but more so just very radical in everything she does in very Zealous in whatever she has put her mind to.

Next trait strong faith. Amy tends to see the best in what people can do (again, Sonic heroes and even sonic adventure) and in who they can be , showing a lot more compassion. Whereas Sonic (being a bit of a solo act usually) tends to have more faith in how others can help empower him, rather than having enough faith to empower others immediately... in other words this would also mean that Amy is rather humble...though her faith can apply to herself as well, and her passion can lead her into putting things into her own hands quite often with varying successes rates....

Mysticism... this also piggybacks a bit off faith... but her tarot cards and connection and appreciation of nature can definitely be played up more... the cards could even play into her tactical thoughts , and sometimes her actions may seem outlandish and outta pocket, but it's because she passionately believes in the tarot... but obviously not to the point where she'll just constantly abuse that because she has respect for it... same way she doesn't abuse people and will fight fiercely with and for them. Amy has always seemed to be more in tune with nature than Sonic... as crazy as it is, Sonic has been shown to generally enjoy just chillin when he ain't fightin egg man... he runs around, but he doesn't seem like the "let's see the world" type... Whereas Amy is . And this Mysticism can also be played up on more kinda like when the flickey was really drawn to her... giving her almost like a shaman vibe.... kinda like Tikal.
Sidenote, the rings Amy wears are literally like a magical pocket of sorts (Sonic x)

This also leads into the fact that she's generally more active than Sonic. Sonic is the type to wait for trouble or until he bumps into it... Whereas Amy could be much more diligent and Activley trying to improve quality of life.

Also, as a side note... Amy isn't just "kinda a fighter." she's generally shown to be quite physically strong (Sonic X), and in terms of blunt strength alone, it may even hit harder than Sonic. Kinda like how knuckles does, but in her case, it would be with a hammer

Amy Rose has always been a wonderful character. The only thing holding her back was the infatuation with Sonic being so over saturated that it actually made us think that she has nothing left without that trait... but that simply isn't true.

With these traits being played up, not only do they compliment and reinforce one another, but they separate her from Sonic while still keeping her as an important protagonist with unique traits and flaws and a general theme.

I could be dead wrong about this being the direction they should go in... but at the very least, I know this is better character development than what she used to be subject to.... never should a character solely exist just to be a gag for another character.

@thefriendlyelephant1280 - 10.11.2023 06:11

I just hope that this change that Amy has wasn't because the Me To Movement complained that Amy loves Sonic and that she wants him in her life and aren't trying to push Sega or Sonic Team to make her eventually make a decision where she doesn't want Sonic in her life anymore.

@UriAzriel - 07.11.2023 20:11

Although I think it's important for Amy to be the "Pink" character cause like you said, Rouge is filling a very close space to the "goth" aesthetic, (More toward punk maybe)
I think she could stay pink but use tarot cards as an extension to a more spiritual personality change. Maybe she has the devotion and love for friends and nature like sonic but have an underlying spiritual/faith twist
Just a thought

@josiebrosie - 31.10.2023 06:23

I'm no sonic fan but in character design you don't have to fit "tropes," yes it does help people understand characters more, but it's not required.

@cursedclash - 30.10.2023 15:51

I just think its a stupid argument, Amy still loves Sonic but she has matured and realize she is pushing Sonic away acting like a crazy love sick fan, it does show development, and I don't care if they make changes to her, cause honestly I'd be fine with a Female Sonic, but clearly Amy is not the full on heroic type Sonic is, she does her best to support her friends, she is the supportive character.

@VioletStorm2288 - 30.10.2023 15:20

It is going to take time to feel out the new Amy, the start is to let go of things that don't work. she will shape into a new version in time. I have enjoyed the more level headed and mature versions of her in media lately. It will be interesting to see how they grow her in the future. Goth Amy is a no though. It is a fun alternate but not for the main crew.

@littlevivigaming4822 - 30.10.2023 12:58

Having grown up with the SatAM show, i was always more of a SallyXSonic person

@justyntru9600 - 29.10.2023 19:43

It's bizarre that so many people against this change decided that her not single-mindedly chasing after Sonic removes so much of her personality. If her infatuation with someone (especially when Sonic is not interested in the games) is a personality trait, then there was already a questionable choice made in her design if she is meant to be a longstanding character. Because eventually something will have to come out of that infaruation, be it rejection, acceptance, moving on, etc. Thats not an opinion, that is a matter of character longevity in the position of being a main character. Something has to happen with characters where we see them change and develope, otherwise they become stale and difficult to naturally fit in new creative directions for a franchise as a whole.

The life is not being "sucked out of her" with her growing beyond a design choice in a franchise that is still growing and creating. Especially when she does still love him (literally per the description), she just isn't devoting her time to chasing someone who isn't available. She has her own goal now, being "to bring love and peace to the world." That goal is not at all like Sonic in any of the games or in his description. It's a goal she came to on her own and that seems pretty logical when looking at storyline like Adventure 1, lost world, frontiers, etc. Seems pretty reasonable of a development to me. You don't have to like it, but don't hide behind misguided claims of her character being ruined; it's just not what you want and it doesn't have to be everyone's cup of tea (but it is mine 💖)

@GaryKertopermono - 29.10.2023 18:55

I don't really have an opinion about Amy and her personality, but Sonic Prime made the dynamic between Rusty Rose and Black Rose feel like they're ready to make out, so I'm not saying Sega should do it, but if Amy had a near identical clone...

@ricksanchez-qx5zz - 29.10.2023 16:54

I ain’t finishing this video got 4 mins in just came to say this so pathetic it’s unreal who cares xD

@dosilius2568 - 29.10.2023 15:22

Amy fans: "I can fix her"

@pegeta - 29.10.2023 14:49

every goth girl I ever got in bed wasn't into cards

@Laina_S - 29.10.2023 09:39

Belief in tarot cards is pretty much a personality facet. It's not the tools that make the user. It can imply some form of mysticism about the character. This also could explain why she can summon hammers and supposedly has an entire warehouse of hammers in her hammer pocket dimension. Muscle wizards are extremely fun because they subvert so much. Other than that, I can only hope she continues to get better and not just remain a pink Sonic. Everything else is a valid concern.

@whmboar5056 - 29.10.2023 06:06

I honestly don't think Amy needs something to replace he unique character archtypes. I don't really see her as a less cool Sonic. In fact I think they did a good job of playing amy and sonic off of each other by showing how alike they are together. Shoehorning in unique character aspects that don't fit in naturally (like the Tarot cards) is just a sign that you're not confident enough in your writing to let the characters shine through interactions and the natural compare and contrast.

@neonoah3353 - 29.10.2023 01:59

This didnt really start with this dlc, ever since the idw sonic comics started she stopped running after him, and would focus more on what actually matters, though she still likes him.

Imo, this is amazing character growth, setting aside her toxic love for sonic to focus on the things that really matters, but still liking him.
Her character isnt just "i love sonic, and im gonna chase after him with blind love" anymore, which is a big plus for her.

@millgiass - 28.10.2023 20:49

Pink and Black looks good together.

@SkyReaperOne - 27.10.2023 07:32

What if... Instead of being the creepy stalker, she became infatuated with the supernatural side of things? Kindof the Wanda to Tails's Tony Stark. I feel like that'd work well for her and would be enough to make her distinct from everyone else in the team. This could also influence her personality to a proper degree if handled properly.
Sure. It wouldn't be the most original thing ever, but when has Sonic been original? XD
It would take away some of Shadow and Silver's prestige, but I always saw the both of them as more of the "esper" type whereas Amy could go full on occult.
In this sense, the Tarot thing could work to her advantage, being a gateway to the world of mysticism. Literally being the starting point where she'd grow from, instead of simply being a gimmick.

@Rheyndraziel - 27.10.2023 05:46

I think Amy should move on, and everyone there is just friends, like she got tired of running after Sonic and gave another guy a chance and has her own life outside of Sonic's group, like everyone knows except Sonic, it's not like she's Hiding, she just doesn't see any reason to tell, she doesn't want to rub it in anyone's face, she just moved on, she doesn't notice Sonic anymore and just treats him the same way as everyone else.

@d4rksonic474 - 27.10.2023 00:10

I kinda see why there needs to be something more to her character now, but just because of some costume in a mobile game I wouldn't really go for re-working her into the goth trope (I may be biased there, because I don't like it very much), though changing her design is not that bad of a deal, I'd take colored streaks or different clothing.

But how about turning her affinity for tarot cards into a - now that she's done with solely obsessing over Sonic - tap into magic abilities? The way she used the tarot cards in Frontiers was kinda unusual already, so let's kick thing up a notch and give her some interesting abilities that ripe over time. I'd go for magic, that could be connected to Chaos Energy (as she's clearly capable to use the Emeralds herself) or something else, like Blaze's pyrokinesis etc.

@Crazedromantic2 - 27.10.2023 00:09

When you spend your life chasing after someone and being what you think they want you to be to get them to like you, you end up on the other side with very few personality traits of your own. I don't mind that they didn't IMMIDIATELY shove things down her throat as 'THIS IS AMY' because I'd like to see if they can take a game or two in this mindset and have her discover herself away from Sonic. You know, like literally everyone else has done, including Tails. I don't see why Amy needs to immediately have labels.

Also Goth Amy would just be Misa from Death Note, which still has a lot of problems in regards to previous relationship issues with Sonic so I want a hard pass on that.

@pokemainiak - 26.10.2023 21:58

If you've seen any of the IDW stuff, Amy's been displayed fairly regularly as a calm and collected leader, taking her previously "bossy" character traits and changing that to instead be more of someone good at making decisions on behalf of lots of people.

@ElFreakinCid - 26.10.2023 19:00

Why would anyone interpret her no longer relentlessly chasing after Sonic as being "completely over him"? The new bio literally states that he's "still #1 in her heart", that pretty clearly implies her still having feelings for him.

Also, I don't think you really understand how tarot is viewed in Japan, nor do you seem to notice the difference between the goth girls you're thinking of and gothic lolita fashion.

@NeoGameBowl - 26.10.2023 09:19

İ swear they didn't care about the İDW Amy's personality, Boom Amy's personality before

@lavanderkay4572 - 26.10.2023 03:44

as an amy fan I HATEEE the direction theyre taking with her. She's allowed to mature sure, but theyre still just teenagers! Let her be silly!!! ever since Boom SEGA has been slowly shifting her character to this bland "Girlboss!" stereotype that devoids her of her originality

@TheFreedomFiend - 25.10.2023 22:30

You're tweaking, this isnt a big deal. They just removed her obession so obviously they havent filled it with something better yet.

@PuchimonExtreme - 25.10.2023 19:21

For some reason I feel its less "It's time to let Amy grow up. Let's stop making her chase after Sonic."

and more "Fk it. We can't write any form of romance. Let's just stop. Also we'd rather make Sonic kiss more humans."

@jeweltara - 25.10.2023 16:04

have her lean more into mysticism and magic now that she ins;t preoccupied by hormones and marriage schemes.
we all know she;d make a great "good witch"

@brandongarzon5203 - 25.10.2023 07:28

AMY WITHOUT QUESTION IS THE MOST EMPATHETIC SONIC CHARACTER SHE LITERALLY is the first person to actually Try to talk to shadow and is the partially responsible for saving the word in sa2 as she is the gun/person that shot/convinced shadow to help sonic save the world along she reached the heart of a literal robot in the previous adventure game in comic she's always the only one to constantly keep believing in shadow when every else gives up like Amy is an angel she just has a bit of a temper that's all

@declancoffey4986 - 25.10.2023 03:23

Also it’s good sonic was never confirmed to be Amy’s legitimate
Boyfriend more of a head canon for her as she was 8 when she met sonic and I’m not sure but sonic was 15 or 16 as sonic would be persecuted for being in a relationship with a minor under teenage years

@declancoffey4986 - 25.10.2023 03:19

Could care less

@lilchristuten7568 - 25.10.2023 02:56

This kinda breaks her bio that says she keeps up with Sonic out of sheer determination. If she's not obsessed anymore she doesn't have the same determination.
Anyway I would prefer that they do something good but I'm not of the opinion that they just have to do something because if they do something bad it'll be hard to reverse.

Also I wouldn't considered the total drama series kids' content and only a psycho woukd consider Southpark kids' content.

@custardcream2226 - 25.10.2023 00:20

In other words they made her boring, just like Sonic himself. This is the main reason why i wouldn't care about a Sonic Adventure remake....i am sure it would suck because Sega doesnt understand its own characters anymore.

@sonic1617 - 23.10.2023 10:07

Atleast this debate is better that Chris Escaping prison

@evaundertale2247 - 23.10.2023 08:32

I'd be down for goth/emo Amy but also i feel they could build her character off her interactions with the others in the group maybe show some interest in tech sense she had interactions with Metal Sonic.

Maybe learns some stuff from Tails even if its not much like his type of tech maybe she adds to her hamer.

Or she trains to fight with the others sense she felt she might be slacking before she heads off on her own.

Maybe have her personality still be a little extreme and hyperfixated on things just not sonic. She could be absent-minded sometimes.

Maybe dive more into her Tarro card side see what other things come of it.

Have her probably interact with Cream or Cheese still so she still has her shopping girly side but a grounder idk

I dont got many ideas.

@fernandoo.8737 - 23.10.2023 07:45

Thought the guy was smart, but them I was surprised with a "they/them". Where are his parents not seeing that trans propaganda is indoctrinating their autistic kid?

@Spyrox41 - 23.10.2023 06:19

and are actually around their thirties or twenties STUCK in some eggman base and now they have to run around the base with barely no powers because it was all VR
they don't have such powers YET because eggman made sure they're as average as the normal ciizen mobians, so there you have it
The plot twist of all time
they where all captured by eggman long time ago and woke up from their VR chamber where they simulated the world and eggman already passed on and
You have to face off his entire Horde of robots because now METAL SONIC is the one ruling the future because he betrayed eggman long time ago, beated the heroes
and threw them into a VR simulation for years, and in mobius barely not many characters are alive, kind of a BOTW toss up in there to be honest and the AI
eggman made in sonic frontiers had enough of METAL sonic's tyranny and decided to wake up everyone from their deep slumber, so yeah SAGE or SEGA
for short decided to finally wake them from their deep slumber and they're all adults... that's how i see it

oh and blaze and silver are the ones that break them out of that facility, the entire sonic cast of every game are all adults or young adults, they where trying to break the simulation
but not get caught and explain it to them through the entire travel to the resistance, but sonic just wants a chili dog
Super Advanced Genetical Anatomy, where they modify mobians and program/brainwash them into their fantasies but they're stuck doing metal sonic's orders
and SAGE being the Sentient Automaton Guardian Entertainer, known as the one that keeps them in the dream while their brain patterns control an entire fleet of robots
because Metal Sonic finds it cheaper to do that instead of using other AI, and what's better than an entire gang of heroes that have combat data to actually power up the robots?
so yes, the "eggman fleet" know how to fight like all the gang and know how to counter them... this is one heck of a story and like the game said? its a new frontier


@mishussy - 23.10.2023 04:07

as someone diagnosed with bpd and a massive amy fan i can confirm

@wasquash - 22.10.2023 19:29

are you actually serious about the goth part 💀

@Tails1sttfan - 22.10.2023 08:07

Ngl just because the card thing popped up im giving amy the title "the card nut" or "lucky pokemon trainer"
