Death of a Game: LawBreakers

Death of a Game: LawBreakers

nerdSlayer Studios

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@DamageInc86 - 08.12.2023 11:06

I'd be totally fine with cliff going backwards and revamping jazz jackrabbit.

@umbratetra - 20.11.2023 23:52

Cliff really shot himself in the foot. I absolutely think LawBreakers could have been a successful game, even as a buy to play title. It is hard to self publish, but he was/is such a big enough name in the industry that I don’t understand why he didn’t stick to his guns. It’s not like the people who grew up on Counter-Strike, Quake, and UR Tournament are in retirement homes right now. Most of them are still playing FPS games to this day. And I’m confident that if he stuck with his arena shooter idea than caving to the market and making it a halfway class based shooter, there would have been a player base for it.

@ThunderbolttheFox - 16.11.2023 10:51

I remember being hyped for this game, but then being homeless when it came out, and then it was dead with servers off by the time I recovered x.x

@kingjm1000 - 09.11.2023 01:35

free to play sucks eggs. fuck all of those games

@SolidSnape84 - 05.11.2023 14:05

After hearing Cliff sort tease about lawbreakers maybe coming back (doubtful) and as someone that bought 2 copies to play with a friend. It's weird to hear you say you need the abilities and focus on shooting in a class based shooter, yet ignore TF2 which does exactly that, focus on the shooting. I think the fact that overwatch is lambasted and tf2 is thriving despite having updates that are few and far between, is proof in the pudding. I did enjoy lawbreakers, but I get why it died, I wouldn't say it died because of the gameplay or design, the only thing I'd change is making the character silhouette's being more distinctive. Everything else about the video is on point, though. Cliff killed his own game, and he hasn't learned a thing

@Barrobroadcastmaster - 09.10.2023 07:58

It's dead, Jim.

@jUppers - 04.09.2023 04:13

i played this in a free test, it was absolutely horrible

@Lewandabski - 27.08.2023 09:09

“We know he has a massive hammer” ayo pause

@z-impi8476 - 16.08.2023 15:57

was not able to install it because of country restrictions or something like that. so tis was hurting him as well.

@Traproop - 31.07.2023 02:08

Still my favorite shooter by far, this and titanfall 2 were the last fun physics based fast movement shooters

@walmartian422 - 28.07.2023 07:21

This is just so sad I really do agree with cliff’s vision it’s just a shame not everything was up to snuff the game itself was not as advertised. I think cliff’s reaction was a defense mechanism because he felt as if he was a target along with his creative vision when in my eyes only Lawbreakers was being attacked and deservedly so.

@Beepbopboh - 21.07.2023 13:14

Wasn’t unreal released on Dreamcast before the Xbox even came out ? Am I wrong ? Or ….

@SMGxEnWHYc46 - 15.07.2023 14:43

Cliff couldn't understand that a 1st person shooter isn't a good game because of character models but gameplay instead

@BatJeff - 15.07.2023 11:08

Holy shit. I could never find another mention of "Dare to Dream" which I remember having on the big black floppy discs. You just unlocked a core memory in the first 5 min of this video.

@MightyMurloc - 04.07.2023 22:46

In the year 2023, hearing "Blizzard can do no wrong" is baffling.

@PhoenixPlayer404 - 30.06.2023 19:41

I miss lawbreakers :( it was so close to greatness imo i LOVE movement shooters so much

@bamboozlemenot5399 - 25.06.2023 02:19

I am the proud owner of a limited edition of lawbreakers (unopened) Yup. I also helped in the failure of this game by not playing it 😂😂😂

@emdellikyeht3670 - 17.06.2023 18:23

I guarantee that if LawBreakers were released today it would take off pretty well. It just came out at the worst time possible. I also love Cliff Bleszinski, dude spits facts. Such a shame this game failed, although I loved Overwatch when it was at it's peak, LawBreakers looked so much better.

@Numatruehome - 20.05.2023 00:19

Lawbreakers should have survived because I hate how successful overwatch ended up becoming when it’s so predatory with it’s business model and effectively altered the gaming landscape into scummy slot machine central

@ErdrickHero - 14.05.2023 12:14

"Blizzard can do no wrong" no wonder Lawbreakers failed, somewhere along the line this guy lost all his brain cells.

@chingunmendbayar3257 - 26.04.2023 10:35

29.99 none of that 60 dollar multiplayer only bullshit

@Arcademan09 - 22.04.2023 10:13

After 5 years I can confidently confirm:

Lawbreaker has an awful art direction and zero memorable characters. Even if you don't play Overwatch you probably know who Tracer is. I refuse to believe you can say the same about Lawbreakers

@HamboneyGamezYT - 17.04.2023 09:55

I never knew cliff b made jazz jackrabbits ... I loved that game bro!!

@teejay1646 - 20.03.2023 08:07

Something to be poined out is how aggressively derivative the characters designs are.

We have shit tier Yoshimitsu-octane, Netflix adaptation Pathfinder, edgy lesbian Pharah, literally just Murdock from battleborn mixed with soldier 76, Drongo from Paragon, the only remotely original design is the extremely generic hot chick with the whips

@exLightningg - 04.03.2023 02:17

I remember playing the Beta for this game and it was actually really fun, I never bought it though because I could tell it was going to die pretty quickly and as an Australian multiplayer games die like 10 times quicker. It's a shame it never managed to get any legs if I was wrong and it did actually keep a player-base I would have definitely bought it.

@zamardii12 - 25.01.2023 18:59

Cliff is his own worse enemy. He's an obnoxious idiot who is all ego.

@lordsircocktheviijr.4622 - 19.01.2023 02:28

This game was so fun! I really miss it..I think it just came out at a bad time and people refused to give it a try because they wanted to see Cliff fail due to his attitude in interviews

@CartoonLuva - 12.01.2023 17:26

I seen physical copy in my friends room once and roasted him for having it

@12thMandalorian - 04.01.2023 22:50

In Cliffy B’s recent autobiography he goes into detail about Lawbreakers, worth a read

@miguelgarcia6170 - 04.01.2023 07:22

In 2020 the creator blame politics

@dj_koen1265 - 01.01.2023 19:30

Overwatch just sparks joy
Even just the clips and voicelines from the characters to the way they look its all fun

Overwatch on release was big for a reason, it was probably the best game of its year

While This game looks bland and lifeless

@duskworker8469 - 28.12.2022 14:19

imo same fate as 9 to 5... just terrible naming doomed the game

@FirstTuber123 - 22.11.2022 04:14

Need to give credit where credit is due. COD Gridiron is just the Bomball or Blitzball or whatever it was called from back in UT2K3&4. Cliff was still there at that time so he at least had a hand in creating it, I would assume. So can’t say it like it’s just a COD thing when the COD thing is just a UT2K4 thing…who “it” come full circle even…HA! That kinda funny. Anyway, point blank…Cliff pissed off a lot of PC gamers back in the day. Not saying he got what he deserved, no “/s” being serious, but I do think a lot of PC gamers had choices unlike before and just didn’t care.

@TheGamezbePlayed - 20.10.2022 00:24

team deathmatch, FFA, and 1v1 isnt copying thats literally the default. Like yeah quake did it first and everyone since quake has also done it but not because those 3 modes are so creative, but because there the vanilla options. Copying would be the game modes he actually did end up doing which was protect the moving point or w.e.

CTF and KotH are iconic and many people like those modes, but again he included those but not their vanilla counterparts?

@Hollowdude15 - 12.09.2022 00:48


@gamesmaster919 - 03.09.2022 18:58


@MrRykage - 22.08.2022 21:25

"How did a title published by Nexon an-" you could have stopped the video right there

@Luke-xv7xo - 16.08.2022 04:13

another reason: lawbreakers had a boomer quake aesthetic that just isnt very appealing to the anime generation. you could tell this was cliff's baby and the guy was just going on a nostalgia trip, he made what he wanted, not what the players wanted.

@danielschultz96 - 11.08.2022 23:28

Man this game was actually pretty fun, definitely should of been free to play on release, and then wouldnt be completely dead so soon. Definitely one of the more polished games to completely die this quickly

@SAlNTLIKE - 11.08.2022 22:34

for a multiplayer only game with 3 years in development it lacked a lot of things at lauch and idk why they never thought ''okey concurrent players can come with the F2P model but the option to buy it for 30 bucks will be there as well'' that could have been way more appealing, but at the end of the day it seems like Boss key was never prepared for a live service support and thats where Overwatch dominated the market

@VicRattleHead28 - 08.08.2022 10:39

Never trust cliffy B

@realbr1koo - 05.08.2022 21:52

I actually understand his nostalgia about games being gritty and serious. I miss the times where games straight up tried to be controversial, because thats what the audience wanted to see. Nowadays everything is full of fluff, and i could puke from it.

@_bisclavret - 04.08.2022 21:39

Can't help but wonder if Lawbreakers would have been more successful if it came out today. Terms like "movement shooter" or "boomer shooter" weren't really a thing in 2017. Doom 2016 had only just come out and old-fashioned shooters weren't all the rage like they are today. Nowadays they could much more comfortably market themselves as an arena shooter instead of inviting comparisons to Overwatch and Destiny, or Dark Souls of all things.

@PinxPer17 - 02.08.2022 05:57

Cliff mentioned that he lost a lot of creative freedom on lawbreakers so thats probably why the characters and vision overall looked a really generic and thus was one reason why the game failed.

@Dehslash9 - 15.07.2022 04:39

Cliff Blezinski was going to make an online open world game about samurai flying dragons who slay zombies on Floating Islands in the sky.
You would choose your breed, hatch your dragon, and raise it to adulthood and customize it's appearance.
They should've released that first.

@vilitoivola2439 - 14.07.2022 21:01

The reason these fail is that they put the abilities to the characters. Such a cool game it's a shame i don't understand why it failed. Well I do but don't want to it's right up my alley.

@chaselofundist8727 - 08.07.2022 01:37

God I saw the trailer for this and just thought it was a overwatch clone
