JavaScript Error Handling and Tracking Tips and Tricks

JavaScript Error Handling and Tracking Tips and Tricks

James Q Quick

1 год назад

11,827 Просмотров

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@Aquatic2005 - 29.04.2023 08:46

One way to handle async errors in express is to wrap the async function in a handler so you can dry up the code and not have to write a try catch every time. Place it in a separate file, then import it into your routes.

module.exports = func => {
return (req, res, next) => {
func(req, res, next).catch(next);

app.get("/example", asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {res.send("Example")}))

@user-qw9cj7tg5d - 26.04.2023 20:13

Can you please help me out with setIntervals. when I use interval to run time. when I shift to new tab and leave the tab in which timer is running inactive for a long time. the timer does not move. is there a way to solve this problem

@redblue8389 - 19.04.2023 19:21

Hello James, I saw your video on code academy about vscode. You said that you use mac version of vs code. I have searched alot about this topic but can't seem to find an answer, do you know anyway of how I can use vscode on mac with Windows functionality?

@elmalleable - 19.04.2023 15:33

Me that just duelled the analytics beast to tag my errors

@keeprunning5457 - 16.04.2023 05:49

nice man keep em coming jajaja

@waldo-the-developer2376 - 14.04.2023 17:38

Love it James, thank you so much. Can you make a video on how to handle your errors in a NextJs project?

@DeineWebschmiede - 14.04.2023 08:59

thank you for this video, very informative

@codewithguillaume - 13.04.2023 20:21

Thanks for this James :)

@christopheanfry2425 - 13.04.2023 19:31

Thank you very useful topic!!!

@ChristianKolbow - 13.04.2023 18:13

I have now also tested highlight. Highlight is really awesome. Great tool

@AngelEduardoLopezZambrano - 13.04.2023 18:03

Nice video, very informative! I haven't looked into error handling too deep, this a good starting point. Thanks
