Should You Buy The Sony A7IV in 2023

Should You Buy The Sony A7IV in 2023

Stefano Lombardo

1 год назад

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@Adi.12893 - 18.04.2023 20:13

I really like a7iv but I am also thinking about other cameras like the lumix s5 mark 2 , r6 mark2 , zve1,or other cameras with similar specs .
those cameras are cheaper but I like the reliability of A7IV to not bail on me with the AF and other features .

@ruff1draft - 19.04.2023 00:40

I personally see the Sony A74 as a Super 35mm cinematic camera with full frame photography capabilities

@gracel3457 - 19.04.2023 04:37

I love your video😍🔥

@bensinger6655 - 19.04.2023 14:10

The IBIS is also terrible

@Big_Sierra - 19.04.2023 14:14

Nice breakdown, man. I’m on the verge of buying this and getting all the info possible! Cheers

@Big_Sierra - 19.04.2023 14:14

Nice breakdown, man. I’m on the verge of buying this and getting all the info possible! Cheers

@shashankbhatate4977 - 20.04.2023 08:54

I'm using canon r6 from last 1 year want to switch on Sony a7iv its right decision or not

@preika9682 - 23.04.2023 16:47

Nice video man. I live in Bali and the temperature here is really warm around 28-33c. Should i get an a7iv? I'm afraid it will overheat easily here.
Or shud i get something like FX30 that has fan in it? But man, am gonna miss the 33mp and better low light.

@travissmarion - 23.04.2023 18:11

I was curious since I just bought the Sony A7IV a few months ago. Jumped straight to the disadvantages section. None apply to be. Never use 4k60. 🤷🏻 For reference I'm a "hybrid" shooter, but I'm 90-95% photography and when using videography I stick to 1080p60. Never had any issues. IMO no one can even notice the difference between 4k and 1080p. It's almost negligible to the human eye. Why shoot in 4k and use up all that extra storage space when 1080p looks 98% as good at 1/4th the storage space?

@Tempest261 - 29.04.2023 01:34

The IBIS performance is nothing like a gimbal. I wish it was.

Also, there’s zero point to getting CF express cards if you shoot simultaneous cards. This is a pretty important detail.

@iamwannabefilmmaker - 03.05.2023 09:25

Hey man nice vid. I wanted this one…. Until overheating. So I am afraid NOT for me 😢

@borlach321 - 05.05.2023 19:22

Which Sony cameras don't have rolling shutter?

@simonryan6850 - 14.05.2023 21:34

CF cards are not for me

@Avm371998 - 16.05.2023 03:45

For Real Estate photography and videography Should i buy the A7IV or wait for the A7V? Or maybe buy another camera that is better?

@carterconstant5674 - 17.05.2023 05:10

I am looking to buy something that does video well and can shoot photos of action. Possibly sports content. I was considering the a9ii as well but it seems the a9ii doesn't do video as well while the a7iv doesn't do photos as well as the a9ii. Since I'm trying to do the best for the price range of these, which would you say is the more complete option, knowing that either will be some sort of a sacrifice in part. Thanks for the info and advice.

@schpeidermann - 20.05.2023 03:54

I bought it.

@PhilipDSouza - 21.05.2023 11:09

Great video. Thanks
I saw yo use the Feelworld monitor. Can you view the monitor while shooting 4k 60p
Or is the Shinobi a necessity ?

@joalmeria891 - 30.05.2023 15:56

One detail that wasn't mentioned with a lot of Sony cameras is the self sensor cleaning function. I've actually used it before and it works pretty well and save you the stress and hassle of trying to clean the sensor yourself.

@douglascarrphotography - 30.05.2023 22:46

Hi Stefano thx for the video. Question is the low light capabilities effected by the 1.5 crop in 4k 60. and how does it then compare to the fx30 in 4k 60 as then sensor that's used are the same size if I understand it correctly. ps still a beginner looking at my first mirrorless camera with video priority and its currently between the a7 iv and fx30 for me but I'm waiting to see what the fx10 will offer as it might become a option paired with a lens with image stabilisation. any help will be appreciated oh and in Norway there's only a $300 difference in price.

@kpmonaghan - 31.05.2023 03:20

CLog3? 😂

@sumitchaudhuri - 02.06.2023 20:10

Loved your review

@TAYOTAS - 07.06.2023 08:14

is the A7IV similar to the A7S III in low light filming conditions at iso 12,800 ?

@RichmondHomesandLifestyle - 09.06.2023 21:36

Simple, to the point and easily understandable - nice work!

@lindachubbs1790 - 12.06.2023 01:12

Thank you! I learned a lot for this new cam. Great delivery....well presented and I was able to easily assimilate.

@Princeton_James - 16.06.2023 16:10

The 7iii is still a great option. My iv still feels brand new to me. The new tech is going to be awesome but it's more than i need at this time.

@mrgreen6221 - 16.06.2023 22:46

A very informative video.
Seriously thinking about purchasing this one.

@myleebentley3406 - 25.06.2023 23:35

Is the Sony A7iv good for Basketball photography?

@Paul-vt3nf - 10.07.2023 00:21

I absolutely love my A7iv. I shoot always in manual mode, I'm understanding of the exposure triangle and how to edit photos..One thing I've never tried is video, I have literally zero experience in this area and just don't know where to start. Your channel is awesome, liked and subscribed

@kouleeofficial - 12.07.2023 17:56

I love my Sony a7iv! It’s my to go to for video and photo! The one thing I really hate about it is the 1.5x crop shooting in 60fps 4K 😢

@Mioo_Production - 13.07.2023 22:58

how do you edit your raw files from the a74 in LIghtroom classic, converting arw files

@nil_photography_ny1952 - 15.07.2023 02:45

tried 5 different Direct connections and still can't connect

@Kevin.Wandertales - 18.07.2023 10:39

I’m in love with the a7iv, I use it as a pro. Photographer for client work such as weddings and couples shootings. It’s an amazing tool and i’m super happy with it

@cyvidal10 - 19.07.2023 19:20

coming from a7iii, the build quality of a7iv feels really cheap. especially the card slot door. event the buttons feels really cheap.

@edventures9884 - 24.07.2023 10:03

4k60p crop suckssssss ;:

@rolithesecond - 28.07.2023 17:11

"when would you be whipping your camera side to side this fast?"
Every music video ever, for example.

@bala1000mina - 02.08.2023 16:50

Thank you so much Stefano for the very informative and useful video! God bless and good luck!

@ramblr5900 - 26.08.2023 20:25

@Stefano Lombardo Hi I bought a used a7 iv for 2100 with the 24-70 kit lense? I have enough money to squeeze out one more lense, to replace the kit. I want something for hybrid travel work . What do you suggest?

@matrixate - 05.09.2023 00:16

This is the best Sony camera you could buy for photo primarily and video secondary. It is the definitive choice as a B-cam to A7S3 owners. 33MP is twice the amount of pixels for professional photography today. If you still need more, get the R5 or get Topaz Gigapixel AI. Lastly, you get gyroscopic stabilization. This is huge for the newer Sony cameras. It is much better than you think. He further to mention this.

@Old-School-Liberal - 09.09.2023 06:31

No don’t buy Sony

@rakeshmarri4482 - 09.09.2023 20:04

What is the burst rate for stills at uncompressed RAW?

@louisstrohkendl - 28.09.2023 19:04

Nice video! Keep up the good work!

@bigkettle - 26.10.2023 02:30

hi ppl

@dennism2111 - 08.11.2023 03:02

If you want to be taken seriously don't wear your hat backwards

@gescalera1 - 02.12.2023 18:29

In debate to buy between the Fuji hs2s or a74

@LLCinema22 - 08.02.2024 17:24

You forgot to mention the fact that focus bracketing is not in the menu and after about two years there hasn't been an update for this

@ggivensjr - 02.07.2024 06:29

Disadvantage is nc (PC) sync port

@StefanoLombardoYT - 18.04.2023 19:51

Have any questions about the Sony A7IV? Ask me here!
