Top 10 CHEAPEST Countries To Live Lavishly On $1000/Month

Top 10 CHEAPEST Countries To Live Lavishly On $1000/Month

Across The Globe

1 год назад

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Black Apples
Black Apples - 03.10.2023 01:34

I’m impressed with Vietnam. I remember watching the movie Platoon. What a difference?!

What I’m impressed about Asian men is that after war they get a shirt, put it on, roll-up the sleeves and get to work.🌱

Trapp House Bets
Trapp House Bets - 02.10.2023 17:14

Since 5dimes Tony was kidnapped in killed in Costa Rica, i have to change my mind on going there. Too many thugs and corrupt police

Jamet Buzz
Jamet Buzz - 29.09.2023 06:33

jakarta 🤔

F22_SS - 28.09.2023 18:06

So basically all the indigenous people lands or better known as black people lands then. All white nations are heavily overpriced and draining... I wonder why!

paul buckley
paul buckley - 28.09.2023 06:13

Costa rica is same as usa

M Price
M Price - 27.09.2023 20:32

What is the crime level and medical availability?

TanBatir - 27.09.2023 09:48

Where's Philippines on this list? English speaking, great beaches, wonderful ppl and not expensive at all

SavvySaverSuzy - 26.09.2023 18:53

I have to disagree that Costa Rica is a cheap place to live. We (Americans) bought a house in an expat community, 5 minutes from the beach during the pandemic. It was affordable back then. Utilities and property taxes are a lot less than the states. Our house has gone up, over $200k, because more expats are buying in these areas. The expat areas are the safest place to live, but overall the country is a lot safer than Mexico, locals are very nice and passive. Food prices have gone up and the conversion rate is not as good as it was back in 2020/2021. A local dish will cost between $10-$15 if you drive into a remote town, however the food is very healthy there. That’s expensive in my opinion. Overall, we really enjoy living there part time.

Our Free Society
Our Free Society - 26.09.2023 09:19

If anyone can help me find a place to live in the US so I can return home, please reach out & I will pay you some to help me find a lower cost of living (I need a 2 bedroom house with a bit of land for gardening), but it must be where it's not toxic & there's relatively good internet.


Our Free Society
Our Free Society - 26.09.2023 08:30

Mexico is NOT cheap. The cost of living has gone up 4 times since I've been here & way more since the war started in March 2020.

And the evils increased the value of the peso so it costs me way more because I'm making & taking out USD.

RocketWinterMasterRenZo1999 - 25.09.2023 18:25

and what about work in those countries for a foreigner who would like to start from scratch?

Sleya Raze
Sleya Raze - 23.09.2023 20:23

Nepali currency is just 😂😂

James Cleatus
James Cleatus - 23.09.2023 18:44

Might be cheap, but cheap doesn’t mean safe (Mexico).

Jonnie Shipbaugh
Jonnie Shipbaugh - 22.09.2023 13:20

I have travelled to Kathmandu in Nepal and it is the dirtiest most chaotic country I have ever seen. I stayed for two days and could not wait to get out. Unbelievable traffic conditions were extremely dangerous. Very cheap but you get what you pay for. 👎🥴

Mark Stanich
Mark Stanich - 22.09.2023 11:25

I live in the Philippines my 2 bdr apartment cost 140 USD a month

Docking Troll
Docking Troll - 21.09.2023 22:19

Did you know that you are 15 times more annoying to listen to than an average american...

Mike M
Mike M - 21.09.2023 20:35

I would add the Philippines, Thailand, Albania, and Turkey to this list.

Lizbeth - 21.09.2023 04:36

What about crime rate in these countries. A key factor

KLA Group
KLA Group - 21.09.2023 03:59

Really supportive and informative for everyone.thanks for sharing.keep the best 💯💯

Jb - 18.09.2023 09:02

Lotta …Misinformation basically

Bë=7(Ɓ⁷) Noibä
Bë=7(Ɓ⁷) Noibä - 18.09.2023 04:00

i wanted to live i Nepal 🇳🇵

cristobal.palmero - 15.09.2023 22:32

Costa Rica isn't that cheap, especial on the coast where the Gringos are buying

Joseph Saeteurn
Joseph Saeteurn - 15.09.2023 09:50

thats ok.. ill just stay in US but cheaper states.. texas comes to mind..

Chris Christofis
Chris Christofis - 13.09.2023 00:01

Good informative video, but the meds arent working for the narrator, he sounds bat shit crazy to me 🤪

steve giusti
steve giusti - 12.09.2023 21:29

Argentina is up to 15 times cheaper than the United States? Total bullshit lie here.

Alexander Greenfield
Alexander Greenfield - 12.09.2023 15:52

I spent 3 months in Nepal and although accommodation and local food can and often is very cheap indeed. Anything dairy or imported is actually very expensive. There's a 100% import tax on all luxury products which is basically anything there including things like fishing equipment. Go super local and it's cheap if you want the full western experience not so much, unless you take everything with you.

GM G - 12.09.2023 06:20

The only Americans/Canadians/Europeans that can move to these places must have no friends, family or hobbies where they are ... before moving. Can you give up your friends and family? The only Westerners in these places are lonely folks. How is moving to a country where you don't speak their language, don't have friends or relatives ... going to ... better? Foolishness.

Greg Scott
Greg Scott - 11.09.2023 21:07

I want to point out that this video is true to a certain extent but what they fail to mention is that the financial requirements to get a residential Visa or even citizenship is extremely strict. Although the monthly expenses are cheap, but what is not mentioned in this video is that some of these countries require you to have a very big bank account or invest in real estate or your own business in these countries in order to gain residency or citizenship. Some of these countries require you to have $30,000 in your bank account before they even consider giving you a permanent visa or citizenship. I know because I've done a lot of research because I really thought about moving out of the country but I don't have that kind of money in my bank account. But if you have about $30,000 in your bank account, once you invest in real estate or start up your own business in these foreign countries, then you will probably be granted a permanent residency Visa or citizenship. I would imagine that living in these countries would be easy for people like me they get a Disability Pension every month, but actually getting approved for a permanent residency Visa it is very hard. Living there is easy but being allowed to live there is a lot harder. Getting in is the hard part because of such strict Financial requirements to get a permanent residency Visa

M. J. Lee
M. J. Lee - 11.09.2023 20:21


Laudon1965 - 11.09.2023 11:08

Regarding Greece, it wasn’t too many years ago that Greece’s economy completely fell apart. The country was unbelievably deeply in debt, and in denial about need to tighten their belt I’d look into the current economic situation before anything else.

syed imam
syed imam - 11.09.2023 10:37


Joe Thaler
Joe Thaler - 11.09.2023 00:30

You’re a bigger scmuck than that horse’s ass than briggs.

John Brian
John Brian - 10.09.2023 08:14

unrealistic information

Paul Smith
Paul Smith - 10.09.2023 05:35

Dude has no clue what is he talking about!! You'll not be able to rent one bedroom for 300%!! And it is around 5$ for meal!!!

T J - 09.09.2023 08:08

Its possible to live on 1000 per month but certainly not big!

William Hamilton
William Hamilton - 08.09.2023 05:40

I heard gangs and corruption in Argentina are horrible.

MS - 07.09.2023 20:47

This video is outdated so are the prices and so is he.. You need to get updated...

Wild Bill
Wild Bill - 07.09.2023 14:22

Always add 20% over these numbers ...

Space Oddity
Space Oddity - 07.09.2023 12:17

Philippines, is a poor mans Thailand. Meaning…. It’s very similar to Thailand but a lot cheaper.

Szabolcs Nagy
Szabolcs Nagy - 07.09.2023 04:20

Apparently the Philippines didn't make it to this list. Not surprised.

Nora Branchetti
Nora Branchetti - 05.09.2023 14:50

Argentina 🇦🇷 lives in a one thousand dólar??? Please stopping telling people about unreasonable prices

Alex Humble
Alex Humble - 04.09.2023 12:10

Be ware of the US government when you are thinking about retiring abroad. As I could not survive on my tiny retirement paycheck within the US I resettled to Russia several years ago looking for cheaper life. Since March this year Social Security stopped paying my benefits and does not respond anymore. My passport expired and I cannot renew it because the Embassy in Moscow does not accept us American citizens anymore. I am too old and weak to resettle again so I can only go to the street begging in a foreign country. The government consists of fraudsters leading the country to destruction. They are all the enemies of the people.

Nora Branchetti
Nora Branchetti - 04.09.2023 05:30

I really don’t understand why mostly everyone miss letting people with the price’s

Gregory Barrette
Gregory Barrette - 03.09.2023 21:40

My son lives in a lovely small town of 25,000 people in Northwestern Illinois. His rent in a beautiful modern apartment complex is less than $500 a month including utilities. The United States is full of places like this.

1 PHÚT - 03.09.2023 04:24

Among these countries, Vietnam is the country with the best security/safety. In addition, Vietnam has many beautiful landscapes and delicious food, friendly people, and reasonable prices according to needs. At the present time, with a price of 1500-2000$/month, you belong to the upper middle income group. Can live comfortably. Good luck to those who intend to come to Vietnam.

Zac Mansfield
Zac Mansfield - 31.08.2023 03:52


Alexander Charehjoo
Alexander Charehjoo - 28.08.2023 19:11

Great documentary, but you still need to add Medical insurance on the top of everything else 😢

orange niggalo
orange niggalo - 26.08.2023 15:34

Big head red is only expensive in first-world countries like the United States Australia Switzerland and Canada everywhere else is pretty much cheap you can find a cheap place to live for about $500 at $300 in places like Europe as well so this isn't just something you might find in third-world countries like Latin America and Asia

orange niggalo
orange niggalo - 26.08.2023 15:32

Currently I live in Tijuana Mexico and working San Diego I get paid $20 an hour in San Diego but my rent in Mexico is only $350 per month if you're looking for a place to still make American money and have cheap rent try moving to Tijuana like I did
