3 Ways to be Irresistible to Him Using Your Eyes

3 Ways to be Irresistible to Him Using Your Eyes

Mat Shaffer

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@antoinettefernandes8133 - 30.12.2019 13:49

Thanks Mat .... will use the eyes more when I get an opportunity...

@hoiliswu6070 - 30.12.2019 19:50

Deeper conaction both

@ritasarah7474 - 30.12.2019 19:57

How about connection with long distance relationship

@cn2746 - 30.12.2019 23:38

#3 should come with a UL label! The electrical connection that is closed with this eye contact is physically palpable. Nothing compares. Carol

@anoukc6928 - 31.12.2019 00:26

#3: smiling during sex isn't working for me, without my glasses I can't see anything! I'm super super shortsighted 😂

@izaito9910 - 31.12.2019 12:42


@janecarulasan5655 - 31.12.2019 17:23

I love eye gazing when making love. 😍😋

@mustardseed3624 - 31.12.2019 17:47

The man I'm crushing on works with me and,all we do is gaze and lock eyes for long periods of time, but we are shy to talk and start a convo.
He,smiles,at me all the time. I smile too. I think he wants me to initiate convo. It started with me catching him staring at me and he would look away real fast. Then he started holding it and smiling. But for months its been long gazes and he is gorgeous so he intimidates me. Now I'm thinking he is just shy too start the conversation.

@janiceweathersby2280 - 02.01.2020 02:53

I am eye gazing you right now! Wierd.

@cactochan6175 - 06.01.2020 18:36

I do the first one Everytime we meet it's a habit of mine with him and in bonus he kisses me much much passionately and the other day when we were making love and we were in so deep I looked in his eyes and caught mine then something really magical and hot happened. It was sweeeeeeeeet. Thanks Mat You are a great gift❤️.

@Megara20 - 09.01.2020 05:30

I'm so glad you made this video because I always tend to look away when guys look at me. I'm super shy, but when it's right, it's absolutely amazing. I need to work on it. Thank you!

@tabithathewholistic - 09.01.2020 10:58

FIRST of all I could eye gaze into those beautiful baby blues any day😍😉And second of all yes, the eyes are the windows to the soul 😍

@leerosetiger6396 - 28.01.2020 23:41

Your the best! Love your videos, every time so useful. Thank youu

@lisalindberg - 03.02.2020 20:39

Love your vidoes, you have a new follower from Sweden, to make my life more fantastic, and sometimes a challenge, I live the polyamorous life, with 3 amazing boyfriends 😎❤️

@anejorhum1665 - 05.02.2020 17:42

What does it mean if a guy cannot make an eye contact while talking to a woman? 🙄

@joybella1803 - 13.04.2020 13:34

Love it how we deepened our connection when we make love passionately. He said i am very beautiful looking through his eyes. Thanks Mat more power to your tribe👍

@paula-elizabeth - 12.06.2020 02:03

Great Video Mat - It’s subtly sensual! 😊😃

@geeem7889 - 10.08.2020 21:19

Omg..love this Mat!! Eye contact is so powerful, so sensual..seductive. I was on a date once and the guy said: "i like the way you look at me". 😏 lol that stuck with me, it was so hot!

@JAY-qj2ql - 13.08.2020 09:34

I'm here because i think i'm not attractive to the men HAHAHAHHAHA

@jennys5392 - 16.08.2020 18:27

These details is prett good. It is all about letting the words come out within a cozy rythm you believe in. Try reading Celestine Dessike's homepage for one case in point that never disappoints.

@marykathleensapp6937 - 18.08.2020 20:43

Unfortunately you do not know if the person you are making eye contact with, smiling at, opening yourself to is in a relationship.... a chance some are not willing to take in this day of untrustworthy men🤔

@reginaoke2360 - 21.11.2020 16:07

I get brain freeze each time he looks into my eyes

@realjoy101_tv7 - 04.12.2020 21:56

I am shy to look into his eyes whenever we are in physical intimacy he always asked me to eye contact.

@dianasherry9903 - 20.02.2021 22:01

I only recently discovered my eye power, and it’s fun to use it. I use so much less makeup since COVID and a bit of mascara, subtle colored pencil to compliment my blue eyes and neutral eyeshadow. Long bangs direct the focus to my eyes. Thank you Matt for confirming the power of one’s eyes. And a sweet smile.

@lorraineamico42 - 23.02.2021 11:11

Your the best @lorraineamicothemakeupartist learned so much I became much more sexy then what I am thank you

@HealthandHealing7 - 05.05.2021 00:34

I am a teacher , my male students focusing on my eyes regularly and smiling in a way the female students get jalous😂 and yes i do that unconsiously just to control them in a soft way. And also alot of men trying to appraoch me just because i make deep eye contact , i like to enjoy eye contact and smile ,it is influencing method.

@wesleyvellutini - 08.05.2021 07:12

1. As an invitation for him to approach you.
2. Regular eye-gazing with your partner.
3. Using eye contact during physical intimacy.

@leilaniarjonillo9225 - 20.06.2021 07:55

Improve the volume of your audio... Your voice is not too loud to be heard clearly

@dawn-suzettenoray495 - 13.07.2021 04:58

Eyes ad invitation/smile
Eye gazing
Use eye contact during physical intimacy
Nice video-:))

@kathleenfarris8710 - 30.07.2021 06:28

I really like your videos, but I don’t get what being a “former attorney” has to do with anything .

@atlas3732 - 01.09.2021 23:11

That's how they keep getting me, sheesh.

@jennellfredrick5477 - 06.09.2021 13:48

Mat, you’re so hot!! I hope I can meet a man like you!! 💕

@yvonnebaker2574 - 29.09.2021 09:59

Hi Matt, love your videos and the way you explain all your ideas. I have learned so much.

@yvonnebaker2574 - 29.09.2021 10:01

All the men I meet are younger. I have 2 currently and waiting to go to the commitment level.

@blackfoxqueenjhaz9123 - 06.10.2021 09:37

The marilyn monroe effect💖

@LadyMargaretSteppin - 15.10.2021 13:32

This so very true I do it anyway but now you given me another way to experience this beautiful journey.

@FINEDIAMOND - 09.11.2021 21:32

You are such a beautiful blue-eyed man Mat!

@aeyacastanares1034 - 23.11.2021 15:58

Hmmmn sir le?like looking to its prey sir matt? Just kidding if i do that sir matt i look scary ahahhaha

@michelledicesare9808 - 26.11.2021 21:22

I just found this video and its right on! There is something else I would add. While meeting eyes or gaze I would use the eyes to gaze upon each part of the face slowly drinking it in

@amandag7777 - 04.01.2022 04:10

What is it when you have alike an out of body experience while eyes gazing? Our eyes were like magnets. I can’t even explain what happened

@meemeethecat7391 - 24.01.2022 02:30

To all veiwers, popeyes has some bomb, mc and cheese, go get some, popeyes remember me, hello mat,

@ashleyj2410 - 30.04.2022 10:21

I’m too shy to hold eye contact with men 😂😂

@Lynnromesa - 02.05.2022 21:10

I’m gazing my eyes on you now Matt…..😍

@prettydisabled9060 - 02.06.2022 18:41

"Look into his eyes while being intimate."

Say no more, looks into his eyes while kissing his lips. Wish me luck y'all. 🍀 🤣

@patlee7352 - 13.12.2022 18:40

Eyes is the light of your soul.

@toni2017 - 15.12.2022 06:14

It's true that eye contact is very important!!👍

@DarkSiren81 - 26.01.2023 03:48

Love your videos. I wish I could say these tips worked for me but unfortunately they didn’t. Most men would just look away from me. I have a feeling a lot of other women had success with this.

@lynj9088 - 03.07.2023 18:58

Thank you Mat

@cherylcook218 - 11.04.2024 14:27

wondering 😅
