Tutorial: Real Time Data Visualization - d3, crossfilter, websockets in Python by Example

Tutorial: Real Time Data Visualization - d3, crossfilter, websockets in Python by Example

Benjamin Michael Brown

8 лет назад

11,897 Просмотров

Learn how to do this with my tutorial :

This is a quick video showing and example of real-time data visualization using websocket server publishing data along with the client side view created with d3.js, crossfilter.js, and dc.js.


#websockets #data_visualization #dataviz #data_viz #d3 #d3.js #crossfilter.js #crossfilter #dc.js #real-time
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L S - 29.06.2021 12:52

Hiya, really enjoyed the tutorial - do you have any advice on deploying this to a live server? I was able to run this locally but I'd like to have a live page that I could access from different computers!

River - 16.03.2021 01:33

Hi Benjamin. Thanks for the read/tutorial. Quick question, Was there a particular reason you chose JS on the client-side instead of using something like Python's Bokeh? I'll be looking into both d3/crossfilter/dc and bokeh for my project but first wanted to pick your brain a bit to see if there were any performance concerns, or any other concerns that may have swayed you towards those particular technologies.
