Finding Your Why - The First Step to Dealing With Anxiety - Anxiety Course Day 1/30

Finding Your Why - The First Step to Dealing With Anxiety - Anxiety Course Day 1/30

Therapy in a Nutshell

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Levanah D Rowell
Levanah D Rowell - 12.10.2023 01:30

My goals:
1. Settle down and have a family of my own.
2. Have more meaningful sex.
3. Don't let paranoia or mistrust ruin my relationships esp romantically.
4. Write more poetry.
5. Write more songs.
6. Get violin tuned and play often.
7. Tell him I love him.
8. Get a part time job.
9. Primal scream therapy more.
10. Sing daily for good mental health.
11. Music!

Mirjam Schibler
Mirjam Schibler - 12.10.2023 00:32

Wow this is amazing, it just made me realize how big my social anxiety is! It is with me every day and I cannot remember a day that I have been without it. But I‘m here to change this!

My goals for this course:
1. I want to live in the now & experience everything there is to experience
2. I want to act like myself around people & not think about how they might see me
3. I want to be able to adress & resolve conflicts early on
4. I want to be able to seize opportunities by approaching & talking to people
5. I want to commit to a romantic relationship

Richa Bisht
Richa Bisht - 11.10.2023 08:01

Meditation can help to slow racing thoughts, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety also try the Brahmi capsules of planet ayurveda

Honestly Oasis
Honestly Oasis - 09.10.2023 21:33

I don’t like that you presented OCD that way I have it and I am not care about things like that

C M - 09.10.2023 03:49

Anxiety controls me and all my relationships. But I keep pushing forward. Btw, I DID join the course but never got a workbook.

kushalidances - 08.10.2023 22:16

My goals:
- try more new things and meet new people and learn more even if i feel anxious
- change my relationship with school and anxiety

Heather Allingham
Heather Allingham - 08.10.2023 16:34

I didn't know I had anxiety. I'm a senior and I thought I had a medical problem for most of my life. Doctors would ask if I was depressed or anxious, but I'd say truthfully "Not that I'm aware of". I would ask for tests to be run; most came back normal or at least not serious, so I DID push on, I DID "tolerate it" and face it all like you say. And now it's gotten SO unbearable over the past couple of weeks that I have physically collapsed and in trying to describe the pain I realize damn, this IS anxiety. I can't relax, I can't unwind, I have the jitters all the time, even when I go to bed, and have to strictly ration my energy. At this point I'm not entirely sure that "getting out and living my best life" is a good idea as I feel like I am in the final stages of a progressive disease.

Johann D. Van Deventer
Johann D. Van Deventer - 08.10.2023 00:47

HI , Can I still join the course?

MrChocoMoose - 07.10.2023 00:35

I'm saying this with empathy, but a lot of people in the comments are still missing the point of the video imo, and frame their goals as "stop this", "stop that". They still want to run away from their emotions, even as Emma has explained how counterproductive that is. Which tells me one thing: so many people are disconnected from themselves and don't really know what excites them and makes them feel alive anymore. That's definitely the case for me.
I'd love to see specific goals that people have, and maybe get inspired.

Cyn T
Cyn T - 06.10.2023 22:13

I am 70 and a future homeless person, my stress level is so high feels like like my chest will burst.

Mad Daffodils
Mad Daffodils - 06.10.2023 16:46

- trust my body again, like a worry free child that just lives in the moment not worrying about whether they're breathing good enough
- take up responsibilities for my actions and not let myself drown in self-pity, anxiety and guilt
- accept the reality of me and everyone going to die and maybe even become excited for the bliss, rest when it's time.

Sundar Sundar
Sundar Sundar - 06.10.2023 16:42

Now my friends stopped saying that my laugh is super weird because i don't laugh anymore

soham parnaik
soham parnaik - 06.10.2023 09:56

what makes me feel alive is keep the job...

soham parnaik
soham parnaik - 06.10.2023 09:49

anxiety has affected my perspective

soham parnaik
soham parnaik - 06.10.2023 09:41

Goals for the course:-
1)Learn new ways to manage anxiety.
2) Decrease instances of daydreaming
3)stay fresh

Matheus Adriano Gonçalves
Matheus Adriano Gonçalves - 06.10.2023 06:25

i generally don't consider myself an anxious person, most of the time i'm ok with the way things go, but recently i found a person whom i really, really like, but they don't like me back (not in the same way), so i try my best to be their friend instead. i don't mind not having this person exactly the way i wanted, i thoroughly enjoy their company and really wish to be part of their life as their friend, however anxiety is really messing with my ability to stay calm around this said person.
i am constantly worrying about them ghosting me, abandoning me, ignoring me, secretly hating/disliking me and being nice just to be polite. i'm at all times looking for validation that our friendship is okay and that i can keep talking to them, and this is becoming annoying to them as demonstrated today when we almost fought. i feel the need to optimize every interaction and to predict every single behavior and how i will react to it in order to preserve the friendship. i'm constantly looking for attention.
i think this is a mixture of some emotional dependency, anxiety and me just wishing to be around them enjoying their company. it's terrible, if i continue behaving like this i might come to where i fear it the most. i need to control myself and let this person be free, no form of love thrives in the midst of controlling and suffocating attitudes.
thanks for this course, i think it might help me have the friendship i desire with this person.

rayshell ray
rayshell ray - 06.10.2023 06:18

Stop over thinking stop trying to control things I can't and stop being scared everytime I get a little sick or a ping in my chest and stop being afraid

stilllaqueen - 05.10.2023 20:53

My goals-

1) I want to feel alive again.
2) I want to feel that I'm not worthless.
3) I want to be more confident of my self.
4) at last I want to love myself.

Druid - 04.10.2023 19:24

Anxiety has:
- made me rely on social media/distraction techniques in order to escape my underlying feeling of unease
- made me rely on family/friends for reassurance before I do anything.
- cannot be reassured on my own without someone comforting me
- scared to be alone
- talk super quickly in social situations
- judge myself and everything I say

My goals are:
- be okay being in the present moment
- be less judgmental of myself
- able to stop spiraling on my own when I need to
- feel more at ease at baseline or find ways to ease my unease
- be more comfortable in new social situations

Keisha R
Keisha R - 04.10.2023 16:07

My goal is to change my mindset and overcome anxious thoughts.

Linda Hoover
Linda Hoover - 04.10.2023 06:12

Thank you for sharing. I never realized I was shrinking my life. How awful. Avoiding the person or issues has become a very lonely life. Wanting a cabin in the woods. Becoming an island among a sea of uncomfortable feelings. 😢

Belinda Alanis
Belinda Alanis - 03.10.2023 22:59

I want to have a more relaxed body. I'm always super tense.

saakshi agarwal
saakshi agarwal - 02.10.2023 21:51

My goals:
-Draw healthy boundaries without getting hung up on making people upset about it
-Get a full time job and take steps to prioritise my career

Shell Wallace
Shell Wallace - 02.10.2023 18:59

First day going back to work with ADA guidelines with past panic anxiety from my job. Going to a diff dept. Meeting with a certain supervisor hope it goes well. Not crazy about going back there would rather relax. But thinking of self care, mindfulness,know limits, small exposure, then regroup and reward.

Zoobi 1
Zoobi 1 - 02.10.2023 13:47

1. To be calm mostly
2. To know that my life is shaped by my response and perception and not outer situations
3. To be strong and confident

Darryl Niehoff
Darryl Niehoff - 02.10.2023 01:44

Unless you have it you will never understand it .

Mansha - 01.10.2023 14:40

Stop overthinking
Stop stressing
Live happily

Julie King
Julie King - 30.09.2023 23:16

i am happy to have a much smaller world.
its peaceful
im older and love avoiding triggers

SPANDAN BARUA - 30.09.2023 21:26


Maria Tenorio
Maria Tenorio - 30.09.2023 15:16

My goals:
- learn to live with and without anxiety
- accept my nervous system as it is
- not add worry to my anxiety

Miguel de las Heras
Miguel de las Heras - 29.09.2023 19:05

I've come to acknowledge anxiety is the one feeling I still struggle with to this day. Somehow others like anger or sadness I've gotten better at feeling, but anxiety still feels overall too overwhelming and do not have such a rich vocabulary to define nuances because all I want is to run away.

I think it has to do with my feelings growing up and taking that discomfort as a gut feeling or safe sign that I needed to escape, however that is not the complete picture and I'm learning this can mean other things like excitement/involvement, and that it overall is not an all-or-nothing indicator of danger/uncertainty but more like a thermometer you can use to gauge different situations.

ticklejm - 29.09.2023 17:12

I’m 68 and only started having anxiety this year😢

Divyaaah - 28.09.2023 17:10

Goal- I wanted to be happy
..and less overthinking

Bad Mother
Bad Mother - 28.09.2023 16:42

I have charged through whatever qualified as the Gen X version of anxiety for my entire life—doing crazy, dangerous things, pushing my comfort zone, entering into relationships with wide open heart. And, because of THAT, you get the criticism on the back end: “you sure were stupid at that party last night,” “you embarrassed us all by failing at [whatever]”, “you’re gonna die or be permanently paralyzed and no one will care or take care of you,” “your husband is going to leave you because you keep trying crazy things”. My husband assures me he won’t leave me and that he loves that about me, and I keep doing the crazy things, but now the anxiety comes AFTER the crazy things because I just don’t want to hear the snide comments from people about how they know everyone there thought I was stupid, embarrassing, rude, etc.

Jennifer - 28.09.2023 15:01

Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.

c r
c r - 28.09.2023 03:23

I really neec help. Anxiety is killing me

Ruth Carter
Ruth Carter - 28.09.2023 02:26

Oh, ok. This is good. I’ll have to really listen to the advice here. Focus on what we DO want! Whoa!🥰

abdulqaadir essa
abdulqaadir essa - 27.09.2023 18:33

I have indeed struck more than just gold after finding your sincerely presented methods and ways to cope with anxiety and panic attacks!!! Seriously!!!❤❤❤

Green.Frugal.Minimalist - 27.09.2023 13:39

What make you feel alive?..... touch with care

Asma Alrifai
Asma Alrifai - 27.09.2023 12:39

1. stop pulling my hair
2. stop worrying too much
3. respect my limits
4. stick to a routine
5. work hard but not TOO hard


aamena - 27.09.2023 08:46

goals :
- be able to concentrate on studying rather than having anxiety about the exam
- be able to talk without fear of judgment
- be okay with embarrassing myself
- be able to face hardships
- being happy and live in the present moment

wednesday 27th sept 2023

moon - 27.09.2023 04:12

nighout with friends and family makes me feel alive

pixie dixie
pixie dixie - 26.09.2023 21:47

I started crying when she said the more we try to fight the more it backfires

Archie Bracker
Archie Bracker - 26.09.2023 20:41

Does this course apply to panic attacks from panic anxiety because it comes out of nowhere without no apparent reason. Today i was sitting there gaming focused and all of a sudden my heart just went mad. And no nothing exciting or so happend in the game at that time. And im new to knowing i have panic anxiety and has come recently so im trying to learn all i can. I get so scared and are so scared of heart attack that i often combine those😪

Jam Tolentino
Jam Tolentino - 26.09.2023 13:41

my goals:
-learn how to communicate
-learn to accept my true self not comparing to other
-show my real passion talent in singing and guitar to all

divnv 07
divnv 07 - 25.09.2023 07:52

I have social anxiety. The overthinking is killing me, I can't even sleep sometimes. I cut off social media to make me feel better about my life. I avoid meeting new people. I wish i could tell someone about my anxiety problem, but I'm too afraid they may think I'm crazy. My culture is very different from Westerners. Mental illness is like taboo.

David Gibson
David Gibson - 24.09.2023 19:45

I have anxiety about moving out into the real world and making it and wounding homeless and out on the street but I am a optimistic person but I am a pessimistic person but I use that optimism and pessimistic perspective of mines to my advantage and it's gotten me this far it's bound to take me even farther

David Gibson
David Gibson - 24.09.2023 19:42

I am working on my anxiety this sure does help i might have that condition well if the cade i will work on it that's if that's the case

Jay - 24.09.2023 08:25

I don't care about working with difficult people. I just like ...but never bothers Me. Killed 2 birds with 1 stone.

Carla Taylor
Carla Taylor - 24.09.2023 05:56

My goal is to reduce my anxiety so that I don't avoid social situations and continue to isolate myself.
