The Ascians After Endwalker - FFXIV Lore Explored

The Ascians After Endwalker - FFXIV Lore Explored

Wyrm Limion

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Tyler - 20.09.2023 01:52

Based on Gaia's requirement to have her memories restored after her death we might be able to assume that when a sundered ascian falls, contrary to Nabriale's belief of immortality (which may reference his abilities instead), they may require aid to come back in a similar fashion to when they were first given the memories.

With the soul crystals removed from the equation giving them those memories back is now an impossibility as well.

Gaia's death may also hint that the white auracite may not act entirely as we may have been led to believe. Where it instead allows the soul to be tethered in place long enough for a strong enough blow to diminish it to the point where it cannot re-instantiate itself before returning to the aetherial sea. Stopping it from fleeing before being drained too far, per se. Without that, any weaker blows may not diminish it enough. But if you were on par with WoL at the point of shadowbringers or say Ardbert at his level it would be enough for a sundered.

We somewhat see this with Emet who was utterly beaten down. Where the auracite was used to soak up his aether rather than trapping him within it. We then proceeded to slam him with what could only be thought of as an equally intense amount of aether as he had in his own reserves left in a blast that we might be able to assume did the same to him.

There's also the possibility that the unsundered also lent their aether to the sundered to give them enough aether for their accomplishments.

With all this in mind it's fully possible that with the memory crystals now removed from the equation the aetherial sea's memory cleansing would do the rest of the deed. Those remaining would only have limited time remaining.

Of course this may all be incorrect as well, and it could be merely as simple as having defeated the unsundered we ripped out the hydra's heart, and left the remaining heads to their devices. After all, their goal is nigh unachievable now.

mavfin87 - 31.08.2023 19:03

Did the rest die with Zodiark, since their order was tied to him in some way?

Wavypavy - 12.08.2023 02:44

I'd like it if the remaining ascians are mostly on other shards, since that's where most of them were probably deployed to prepare for rejoining while lahabrea and igyorm prepared calamities on the source. It'd be a good way to keep them out of the picture for the time being, but allow them to help jump start any future stories that involve the shards besides the void and first. Especially if they're returning to living more like their pre-ascian selves, there's a decent chance some of them were raised from the reflection shards of their souls since the source is only one of fourteen places the unsundered could have looked for convocation members.

Steen Eugen Poulsen
Steen Eugen Poulsen - 09.07.2023 05:49

Eleb is a primal, not an Ascian. The original Eleb died creating the primal god, just as V died creating Hydalen.

The Eleb we fight is nothing but a primal, with some Eleb memories dumped into it. During the crystal tower encounter his action of teleporting you to the past gives him access to "possibility memories" that he inherited from the dead Eleb.

Emet, Lab and Fandanial is the only real ascians alive, until we kill them, everyone one else is not ascians, but either primal or later joining members.

You are looking for this big group of people that never existed as only 3 ascians exist after the sundering. (Hydalen is a primal, not ascian with a memory dumb from an ascian.)

It's like Star Trek, every time they teleport they kill the original person and create a new one. Just because it's a perfect copy doesn't change the original person died and in FFXIV we have souls, only 3 ascians souls survived to our time.

zenfrodo - 29.06.2023 00:21

Amon/Fandaniel didn't just dissipate after the fight in the Atiascope. Asahi (the psychotic sadistic step-brother of the sadistic psychotic Yotsuyu) showed up and dragged Fandaniel to oblivion in revenge for "betraying Lord Zenos."

Mystleteinn - 15.06.2023 17:48

Im pretty sure her(Gaia’s Ascian) memories were restored at least enough to remember Artemis but she wanted to continue living as Gaia.

The Frostwynd
The Frostwynd - 14.06.2023 22:01

If I recall right and I could be mistaken.. I remember Emet, and a short story, basically saying that the Unsundered were the ones who could 'wake up' the Sundered and get them going again after they'd fallen. Get their memories back and them ready to go as it were. So with the 3 of them gone, there's no one left to 'wake up' the others who've fallen or hadn't been brought back yet and thus, they're basically in limbo forever?

NOMNOM GOBLIN - 31.05.2023 19:07

I could see a couple of the leftovers overtaking a reflection as their little fiefdom or just deciding to take an eternal vacation.

Spawn -
Spawn - - 28.03.2023 21:45

Ascians remind me of Organization XIII tbh. They have matching black cloaks with hoods, meet up in a special location others normally can't reach, and use Darkness in a lot of their the weird portals they open.

Zencast5 - 16.03.2023 05:30

Uh, why do these guys remain me of Organization 13?

CptVanguard - 16.02.2023 14:47

I beleive with everything going on atm with Golbez 10 months later, im subscribing to the idea he is Golbez and that he intends to summon or become Zeromus, likely an aspect of Zodiark's full self in the same way that Fandaniel was a sundered and incomplete Ascian.

I believe that Halmarut and Deudalphon aswell as Altima are probably on the other reflections which will allow us to make Gaia a main character (and probably make eden mandatory). But I believe that content will be 8.0 at least if not 9.0

But I do believe we are now dealing with Pashtarot directly, also I have a feeling Travanchet might be Halmarut or Deudalphon, but Altima is probably going to be a nod to Ultimacia from FF8 since we didnt see her directly in Eden.

Zaque - 10.01.2023 03:20

It would be cool to see other ascians make thier appearances or maybe even learn about thier unsundered forms. I assume all the ones not defeated on screen must still be around. Perhaps the two ascians whom gaius killed were allied with the telephoroi and were occupied reforming after thier defeat during the events of endwalker.

Reveloen Alberto
Reveloen Alberto - 28.09.2022 17:48

Well endwalker was just completing the whole hydalin arc
We haven’t even touched the acian madness yet because Amon was sundered and he was op op
And funny enough lahabra was just left in that sword.

scythelord - 18.09.2022 02:02

Honestly I feel all of the lesser ascians are dealt with or have abandoned their goals. Zodiark is gone, the souls sacrificed for his summoning are gone, the unsundered are gone, and the very reason for the final days and summoning of zodiark even happening is gone. The ascians have no realistic reasons to pursue any calamities/rejoinings in the future. What few are left would rightly abandon everything they worked for as it was all in vain.

Smitus_Hell - 14.09.2022 21:22

could it be that even though they can travel between shards.
one is the (main) governor of each shard.
so it is likely the ones who we haven't seen for awhile at just on other shards.
we probably have more of them on ours as they completed their re-joining's of the shards we have lost

Gat the Man
Gat the Man - 15.08.2022 07:47

I always saw Endwalker as the end of all the loose threads that plagued us through our adventures, including the Ascians, even though we haven't gotten a definite answer yet I'm gonna assume they all died, disbanded or both.

Laerei - 07.08.2022 15:15

So the thing is that ascians or rather ancient will likely return in the future. Not in the game per se but they will be definitely born anew. When Zodiark was slain, millions if not billions of unsundered ancient souls were released back to the aetherian sea. We have proof of this in Hythlodaeus who was sacrificed to Zodiark and who was freed once Zodiark was gone as we were able to call on his soul in the end.

Now that will be an interesting time when they do return. Likely without memories of their era, they'll be wholly new people but immensely powerful. And they may come to reinvent creation magics anew. No doubt great villains and heroes will be born that will be unlike any that ever came before save for Warrior of Light and the three unsundered Ascians.

But even the sundered people came to make creations that amazed the unsundered ancients. The crystal tower was beyond anything they had ever created, for example. Possessing powers that baffled even them, such as opening way to other worlds or even though time.

Linda King
Linda King - 06.08.2022 03:12

Azem left before the sundering. So you are the last unsundered Ascian.

Hiking Feral
Hiking Feral - 23.07.2022 04:19

You know his name is Nabre AL ES because you edited it lol not sure who nabrials is

DirtyJokerz - 30.06.2022 09:55

I'm so confused about Fandaniel, he was such an amazing character in Elpis, I felt for him, yet even after regaining memories, mabe he remembered what meteion wanted him to forget and it broke him and he didn't see the point of actually trying to do the bidding of Emet, etc...

Brad Ferland
Brad Ferland - 20.06.2022 00:28

My question is why doesn't Emet or any of the unsundered just restore Azem's memory unto us? Through dialogue especially with Emet we know he knows we are one piece of of Azem so why not let us just have our memories restored just like he had done with Fandaniel?

Stickman Gaming
Stickman Gaming - 16.06.2022 07:45

Given that the Scions figured out a means to end Ascians for good, really would not surprise me to learn Giaus had a means to replicate that feat but better, think about it, he had Gunblades before us, whats to say he would not be able to adapt White Auracite into his weapon, firing shards weakening them as they fought then finishing them in a similar manor to the Scions VS Hades?

Apljack - 07.06.2022 09:09

I suspect any future encounters will be more neutral. They are no longer bound by their duty from the unsundered, and I can see many of them casting aside their masks and deciding to settle down. Perhaps in our journeys we will occasionally run into a powerful mage, maybe other adventurers, weilding dark magics. We'll have a brief explanation of who they were and what they do now, nothing of huge consequence to the story, but a nice little 'Here they are, this is their fate, no longer a matter you will need to focus upon.'

Eppon6 - 01.06.2022 13:05

I'd like to just say that Themis, if he is proven to be Elidibus (which he all but completely is) is already holding the seat of Elidibus during the events of Pandæmonium since earlier in Elpis during the main story both Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus reference a moment where Azem decided to head to a volcano to stop it erupting. This is a direct reference to "Ere our Curtain Falls", a short story where Emet-Selch remembers that Elidibus told him of this event as it was about to happen.
Edit: the reason Fandaniel's shard took more from Amon than his old self as Hermes is because he already had some of his old memories. In the post-cutscene for the Aitiascope, he admits that he was haunted by nightmares that he later found out were the memories he'd tried to erase with Kairoz but were 'etched deeper into his soul'. Amon was already built on Hermes' old memories to begin with so when his other memories were added it did almost nothing to change him. Whereas with other Ascians they let the old memories overshadow the new. Understandable, since Ancients lived close to forever, so their old selves were much more established.

Mihrey - 29.05.2022 09:38

What if Fandaniel helped Gaius kill those Ascians?

Margot Rosendorn
Margot Rosendorn - 14.05.2022 06:38

With Zodiark gone and a cure for tempering found, I bet the remaining ascians will be a lot more friendly in the future

Will's Word
Will's Word - 26.04.2022 06:45

Of the 13 shards 7 were destroyed 1 is the void and then we have the First. That leaves 4 left correct?

Soge 01
Soge 01 - 14.04.2022 01:53

What about the hidden 15th member of the Convocation, Tataru Taru, the Overseer of Coin and Commerce? :3

Darkmastergrey - 30.03.2022 21:21

I just realized that Hythlodaeus and Mitron probably did not get along. XD

Jonathan Roth
Jonathan Roth - 30.03.2022 00:19

I'm pretty sure that incarnation of Mitron died in the Eden raids; dissolving into blue sparkles has always marked the return to the Aetherial Sea, compared to the black soul of the Ascian escaping form the corpse back into the rift.

Because of the time differences between shards, It's possible (if unlikely) that Emmeroloth, Nabriales, Igeyorhm, Mitron and Loghrif could have been raised from a different fragment on another Shard. They would likely have zero memory events prior to their Ascension though, or memories of our prior fights with them. That would explain why we see Emmeroloth in the meeting after the destruction of the Isle of Val. Whether Emet-Selch had either the time or inclination to do so is unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if we run into them again in some form on another Shard; if nothing else, it would be nice to see Mitron and Loghrif live out their lives together on another shard, free of their obligations to the Ascians.

Turntapeover - 28.03.2022 14:42

The only 2 ascians who can still make an appearance are Pashtarot and Halmarut...maybe 4 if you hypothesize that Gaius didn't actually kill Altima and Deudalaphon for a reason or another. But honestly, after the end of the Zodiark/Hydalein arc, I don't see the ascians holding the same kind of relevance in the plot. I can see them being more of a side content thing to just loop the loop with the few unknowns.

Lala Of Light
Lala Of Light - 28.03.2022 13:16

This theory is pure conjecture, but Gaius does have access to at least 2 technologies that can be potentially adopted for ascian soul trapping. First is the heart of sabik, a type of auracite, and the synthesized version based on it. While Gaius is no longer commanding the program, he does have some knowledge of it and old contacts that he could call on. Then there is the GNB cartridge, an implement for storing aether to be used in an explosive release.

So while this does not prove anything, it is not out of the realm of possibility that Gaius could have the means to unmake an ascian.

AirStyle88 - 28.03.2022 09:06

When i first Played ff14, i was like the Ascians are some boring generic Villians and now they are my Fav Villian Group in FF.

Myra Amherst
Myra Amherst - 28.03.2022 06:53

i hope we get to meet/see everyone again and be able to travel with them

WarriorOf LightXz
WarriorOf LightXz - 28.03.2022 05:43

Lol ascian is dead slay by us, or gaius slay them seem during an side quest

Chels The Game Ruiner
Chels The Game Ruiner - 28.03.2022 01:00

I dunno why, like call me crazy, but Ardbert did hint at the 13th star becoming the Void. More than likely, there's nothing there for us but I have a feeling that the remaining Ascians are hiding out there, biding their time for something. I originally thought Pandæmonium had to do with the Void and us hunting down the rest of the Ascians.

Granted, Zodiark is gone now, but fanaticism is a lot harder to get rid of. So I feel like the ones who still remain are likely going to want revenge for their fallen comrades and Zodiark itself (unless the Overlords/minor Ascians don't care for Zodiark)

AnkaVanka75 - 28.03.2022 00:36

I always took Emet's speaking of "the last of us" to be a statment of him fully recognizing the WoL for being Azem, and thus to be an equal. (And I suppose that thought had me as thrilled as Zenos gets if you choose the "that I can't deny" option.)

ExLumen - 27.03.2022 21:00

While Fandaniel likely couldn't kill all the outliers by himself he may have found a way to temporarily imprison them while he put his plans into play. Once Zodiark was gone they could have possibly turned into blasphemies.

Cairill - 27.03.2022 15:01

I forget at which point in SHB but Thancred said that he went around the first killing Ascians. Most likely before Vauthry trial.

Day-Day - 27.03.2022 11:31

The Asians are also part of the summoner storyline

Elijah Grimm
Elijah Grimm - 27.03.2022 11:26

During Shadowbringers Elidibus does send more Ascians out to stir up trouble among the people of Norvrandt and give the new heroes a villain to chase. The main group goes off and "deals" with them off screen. However surely there are a handful more out there. Doubtful with Zodiark gone they will be up to anything of much consequence.

willow kaiser
willow kaiser - 27.03.2022 06:51

I wouldn't mind them popping up again for one reason or another after all if u got read nald'thal and then about the the Greek gods themid and hades it matches to that

R. Frederick Brown
R. Frederick Brown - 27.03.2022 06:41

Wasn't The Wolf hunting them all down?

hellgorama - 27.03.2022 05:08

When emet selch says “last of us” he meant venat, not the other ascians

La Li Lu Le Lo
La Li Lu Le Lo - 27.03.2022 04:28

1. Altima is most likely a woman
2. Yoshida said losing ya mask doesn't mean ya dead. Altima could still be around

Umbri Umbrella
Umbri Umbrella - 27.03.2022 03:21

My friend hoping that the end of FFXIV has something to do with a reincarnation of Emet-Selch
(He simps so hard)
It's important to note that Emet-Selch's memories are returned as soon as he returns to the aetherial sea. So some people now see that as another reason why he helped us during the battle against Elidibus

OwenOrNewo - 26.03.2022 19:31

It's been awhile since I've done it but didn't the WoL face off against an ascian in the SMN HW quests?

SpecialNewb - 26.03.2022 15:54

I have high hopes for Altima considering FFT and even as a side story in 12, Altima is special. Besides maybe it's my 90s childhood but anyone who is called "the Bloody Angel" is just too cool to kill off screen.

Personally I really like Gaia so I hope she returns some day.

GreatFreedom - 26.03.2022 12:38

just in the 1st miunute alone i can tell you didnt side quest... we have faced all the ascians ithat were shown inthat "throne" room style we saw in ARR, you just learn thru side quest stories of them, the only ones we dont know of are rest of the 14 convocation, but we as the WoL have effectively fought n beat over 8 ascians(including gaia) some were killed by giuas as well... so for most part they have been easily beaten by wol n others off screen rest stayed in hiding/didnt care for reawakening zodiark or live in other shards
