Eastern Front animated: 1944/1945

Eastern Front animated: 1944/1945


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@user-lb3qp3uu5c - 09.12.2023 10:12

Почитаешь комментарии и понимаешь что ребята с запада вообще нихуя не знают о войне, в школе их учат что Америка всех победила, пиздец

@adrianizaki8162 - 08.12.2023 22:55

The World War II didn´t end. It is an armistice. No Peace Treaty, No End of the war ! GB and USA fucks the whole planet since then with the help of the UN. Only the russians gave Germany and Japan the opportunity for a Peace Treaty. The German and Japanese Politicians are Traitors . They sell their people for money and they lie to the people and they hold them stupid like the church did. That´s the truth.

@webernorbertgermany - 06.12.2023 10:14

Die dämliche Werbung nervt total. 🙄😵‍💫🤦‍♂️

@GopnikVlad - 04.12.2023 18:09

Hey Americans: Next time you meet a Russian, thank him/her for your freedom.

@davidtrindle6473 - 29.11.2023 22:02

The dates given here are highly inaccurate

@davidtrindle6473 - 29.11.2023 21:53

Spring, not Summer. Summer doesn’t start till June, war ended in May in Europe.

@juanmarelli7450 - 26.11.2023 00:21

I ever though that soviet forces was higher than the occidental ones..After some research that wasn't the case..

@OroborusFMA - 24.11.2023 23:56

And then the Cold War began . . .

@davidtudorwehr7573 - 20.11.2023 04:38

I didn't know that Germany still had much territory at the end of 1944

@serpent394 - 16.11.2023 21:39

You Forgot To Mention Stieners Attack

@Miraale199 - 08.11.2023 19:21

The real WW2 was on the Eastern front. Respect for USSR

@someonewithoutaname6624 - 03.11.2023 20:25

This is honestly amazing and fascinating. Great job.

@anasGarfi-sx5wi - 26.10.2023 23:42


@justusxxx9101 - 20.10.2023 12:21

Germany should have won

@user-js9oh1tz3v - 15.10.2023 02:53

Switzerland: 🗿

@KristianKumpula - 23.09.2023 20:39

If only the reserves that were wasted in the battle of the bulge had been kept in the east instead. Perhaps then there might not have been an East Germany.

@doodlebug1820 - 19.09.2023 06:49

Just remember Patton and all his right-wing supporters wanted to keep the war going after 1945 and invade Moscow. Patton and his supporters, they knew everything that you know after watching this, and they still wanted to go after Moscow. Think about the mentality of a person would watch everything you just saw, after 4 years of war, 60 million dead, and his first thought was "keep it going, I can take Moscow".

@lawrencewood289 - 16.09.2023 07:53

Excellent video. The narrative and explanation is clear. Bravo!

@RGaming066 - 11.09.2023 01:53

So Hitler could possibly have been captured if the soviets chose their first option

@killerduki - 10.09.2023 14:12

Why did you put Yugoslavia within Red Army, when it had nothing to do with it?

This clearly shows Sign that you are spilling false Informations.

@funnysoldier7641 - 06.09.2023 18:02

Albion Online to sandbox MMORPG, w którym to Ty piszesz własną historię, zamiast podążać wytyczoną ścieżką. Odkrywaj ogromny otwarty świat. Wszystko, co robisz, wpływa na zależną od gracza ekonomię Albionu. Każdy element ekwipunku jest tworzony przez graczy z surowców, które sami zbierają. Twój ekwipunek decyduje o tym, kim jesteś. Zamiana z rycerza na maga jest tak prosta, jak zmiana zbroi i broni. Możesz też połączyć elementy obu klas. Ruszaj w głąb lochów, gdzie znajdziesz zarówno bogactwo jak i zagrożenia. Zrelaksuj się na własnej wyspie, na której możesz postawić dom, sadzić rośliny i hodować zwierzęta. Chwyć za wędkę i ruszaj w kierunku jezior, rzek i oceanów Albionu. Dołącz do gildii, graj z innymi! Bierz udział w ogromnych bitwach PVP i zagarnij dla siebie kawałek świata! To jest Albion Online.

@Topdonsheikh - 06.09.2023 17:06

Finland really said” I don’t know that man”

@fswatyahoocom - 04.09.2023 16:19

Russian front eliminated 80% of the german forces. Western Allies were not very useful.

@NoreenHoltzen - 04.09.2023 05:03

Europe could not resist Hitler’s expansion, early on allowed Germany to walk straight through and until the Soviets had left Germany vulnerable Europe effectively had submitted to Germany’s power, and even sympathised early on as they took territory. We should thank the Soviets each day for being the only ones with the principles to truly stand up to, and even defeat, such power.

@NatoHoro - 04.09.2023 03:01

If only Steiner had attacked...

@djigav - 03.09.2023 16:35

Румыны захватили в плен 50тыс немцев

@morismontell3042 - 01.09.2023 20:07

Войска Красной армии намного плотнее англо-американских сил.

@polarking888 - 30.08.2023 12:15

Romania- who ,germany ?Somebody that i used to know

@impaugjuldivmax - 29.08.2023 09:52

in Kharkov region we have still a road which we call the German road, built by german POWs

@antoniocarrascosa6060 - 29.08.2023 00:11

Esta sobradamente demostrado que los soviéticos detuvieron voluntariamente su avance sobre varsovia cuando supieron que se habían alzado los polacos libres...en agosto de 1944...no Fueron los alemanes los que detuvieron el avance de los soviéticos ,como se dice en el documental. Por lo demás, un gran trabajo

@guliadata8483 - 28.08.2023 21:33

Total shit Russians fucked screwed Germany you just speaking shit

@real_yunicellular - 28.08.2023 16:35


@novzki - 27.08.2023 13:57

they need to share more of the eastern front. if Germany vs Western front, they wouldn't win i guess. the Soviets really did win it.

@sgramstrup - 27.08.2023 03:59

Ha, I just learned that the allied attack on d-day was designed to hinder Ussr in capturing germany. The Capitalist west was heavily involved in Nuzi Germany.

@a.g.4843 - 26.08.2023 13:28

Ww2 is so dramatic. I could watch this again and again. Kind regards from a somewhat ashamed feeling german

@denestoth8903 - 26.08.2023 13:04

Correction:hungary wanted to declare war on germany but the germans taked over the country so the hungarians can't declare war on germany👍

@thewarriorofthedoomsday5351 - 24.08.2023 20:18

in the reality russian soviet is destroyed and lose. but Kazakh Soviet come to help and win! Kazakhs save the world!

@The-rc9cm - 22.08.2023 03:18

April 30: Hitler Rage Quits

@mrgeorge6496 - 22.08.2023 02:35

Don’t worry,Steiner counter attack will fix it

@proxythefan - 13.08.2023 19:26

the only reason why russia was so "unstoppable" was because the western allies gave stalin the supplies needed to beat back the German aggression. without it, the ussr would have been a forgotten memory like Nazi germany

@haythemal_arabi2830 - 12.08.2023 01:56

From taking Moscow to taking Barlin
The Eastern Front was the most important point of this war
We have learned this if not the Soviet Union the whole world could have end up speaking German by now

@nicks8277 - 11.08.2023 03:07

Germany reallly fucked up invading russia

@davidlindsey6111 - 09.08.2023 04:10

Crazy how Germany ditched schwerpunkt for both world wars.

@florinivan6907 - 01.08.2023 08:46

Germans in 45 be like:Maybe we should have invested more in that atom bomb thing.

@cooldudecooldude9112 - 26.07.2023 09:41

How do you do this

@alexG106 - 18.07.2023 22:50

You can see how Hitler's Festung Strategy totally failed here.

By not allowing his forces to conduct reasonable retreats he made the illusion of an unending soviet horde against hugely outnumbered Germans into a tactical, local reality along the spearheads of Soviet offensives. The Soviet Union masterfully employed a maskirovka strategy that had German forces facing little opposition or unthreatening opposition in parts of the front, while those withstanding the Red Army offensives were seeing impossible numbers of men, tanks and planes being launched at them.

Had it been the case that the Red Army truly outnumbered the Germans as they did, Hitler's static defense strategy along the front would have made more sense, better to fight and bleed the enemy to help lessen their later offensive potential and then strike back.

But what happened instead was the Soviet spearheads defeated their local opposition, surrounded the Festung units and allowed time and weaker forces to subjugate the encircled axis forces. They embodied the best skills of warfare: maneuver, outflank and force the enemy back without firing a shot such as in the Carpathian offensive. Completely bypassing the formidable Carpathians by way of a Romanian bridgehead over them, that threatened to surround the German army which forced their retreat.

Heck, if Hitler had sent the Hungarian units to prepare a defense line along all of Transylvania/Carpathia and allowed the sensible retreat of German units in the center, north and south, they would have had a formidable defensive belt that would have taken the Soviets at least 3 or 4 more months of fighting to properly penetrate as they did here in what amounted to weeks of fighting. And this would be at a much favorable 2 to 2.5 to 1 ratio along the Eastern front which would have also freed up more forces for the battle of the bulge.
