How to Play Robin Hood in Dungeons & Dragons (Legendary Archer Build for D&D 5e)

How to Play Robin Hood in Dungeons & Dragons (Legendary Archer Build for D&D 5e)

Tulok the Barbrarian

2 года назад

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@jtierney89 - 14.07.2024 07:54

love you comrade

@majinsole8554 - 15.04.2024 05:02


@TheRauzKindred - 25.01.2024 04:48

Surprised he didn't go with Thief subclass, but I'm pleasantly surprised! I built a robin hood inspired character by combining rogue thief and fighter echo knight for a hilarious friendly bandit that makes you think he has more backup than he actually has.

@akmi1931 - 09.03.2023 20:49

Thematically, you should of started fighter then multiclassed into scout rogue.
Sure, not as powered but Robin Wood was a trained soldier who returned home to find his lands taken and people oppressed so he turned to brigandy.

@griffinwetzel3059 - 13.10.2022 01:15

of fucking course you watch dropout too. god your taste is immaculate.

@tenorsax365 - 22.09.2022 21:17

Ive been building up this build for almost a year now. I am currently level 13 and absolutely love this build. Fennec Fitztooth demolishes every encounter without even getting scratched.

@JaelinBezel - 04.09.2022 22:07

I thought for sure you’d go for Rouge Scout

@aduckwithayoutubechannel - 21.08.2022 12:21

Btw, in many myths, Robin Hood is known for engaging in hand to hand combat as well, often with something like a staff. So if you’re going for a fable-accurate character instead of a Disney-accurate, grab a quarterstaff as a backup weapon. This also puts your more melee based class features to use.

@Quanifer_the_quacker - 22.07.2022 22:15

Love the game changer clip

@thewingedporpoise - 15.05.2022 02:28

I love the Game Changer in the opening! yes!!! very good reference!

@doofystardust6645 - 13.05.2022 05:04

I sub for the drop out references 👍 jk Tulok y'know we love ya bb

@jackalope2302 - 03.03.2022 12:34

Friar Tuck: Which class makes the best archer?
Will Scarlett: Rogue?
Little John: Ranger?
Azeem: Fighter?
Robin Hood: Yes!

@thenerdbeast7375 - 08.12.2021 08:09

It just occurred to me by "Custom Lineage" you mean you can pick any race you want and not a homebrew a race.

@lesfeckingo - 01.11.2021 02:30

Don’t the rogues have a variant rule for steady aim now? So any of them can get it?

@Smug_Jeremy - 31.10.2021 00:02

you left out the best part of this multiclass. with riposte you apply sneak attack because it's once per turn not round

@bdletoast09 - 22.10.2021 04:50

I always knew a full archer build focused on ranger/rogue/fighter could be good, but I didn't expect it to hit that hard. And with pretty good odds! I would definitely attempt to play this in a low magic setting.

@DanSolo0119 - 13.10.2021 21:25

So now that you have 5 of the greatest archers (Robin Hood, Legolas, Katniss, Green Arrow, and Hawkeye), why not give us a video of all of them at Level 20 having an archery contest?

@lockwoan01 - 13.10.2021 03:38

I have 2 Firsts for you - one is a Race, next is a Subclass.

Let's build the Disney version of Prince John.

Background, Noble. Race - Leonin. Class, Barbarian-Fighter Multi-Class.

Stats from High to Low - Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom,

Noble - Grants History and Persuasion (Actually, swap Persuasion for Deception)

Leonin - Grab Intimidation. Also get d4 claw attack and a Roar, plus 35 foot movement.

Level 1 - Barbarian - Grab Athletics and Animal Handling. Get Rage, Unarmored Defense.

Now, 2-20, Go Fighter. For fighting style, get Dueling or Unarmed Fighting. At AsI points, grab Tavern Brawler for proficiency with improvised weapons, and then up Strength, Constitution, and then Dexterity.

As for the Subclass, go Purple Dragon Knight. Funny enough, this fits Prince John to a T - Heals allies (Reflavor that as yelling at them to get back into the fight), Proficiency (or rather Expertise) in Persuasion. Encourage allies to make additional attacks (the whole "Shoot him!" scene). Not sure where Bulwark would fit, but there's some potential.

Strengths - Hard hitter, plenty of HP, Good at Charisma stuff.
Cons - Not that smart, is going to miss disguised criminals.

But, for his weaknesses, that's where Courtier Yuan-Ti Pureblood Rogue/Bard multi-class Sir Hiss comes into play, noticing that which Prince John fails to. Oh, and don't forget the Sheriff of Nottingham.

@magicien233 - 13.10.2021 02:45

This Robin Hood fellow sounds great

@Reubenhater - 10.10.2021 15:48

Hhmm i found that most best bow builds are basically a combination of battles master fighter, a rogue and a ranger.

@manarayofhope2374 - 06.10.2021 19:49

Truly higher education as ruined not one but at least three generation,s of minds thank Saturn the boomers are finally almost gone

@toyatex1345 - 02.10.2021 03:14

How to Play Guts (Berserk) in Dungeons & Dragons ??

@lockwoan01 - 24.09.2021 19:55

Now, thanks to the release of "The Wild Beyond the Witchlight", and the introduction of the Harengon, it's time for some Rabbits.

Bugs Bunny - clearly a rogue/monk/bard multiclass - fella's quite the stinker, always escaping Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, and those other guys.

Mtyamato Usagi - Friend of the TMNT - at least partially Samurai Fighter, possibly a dip in Rogue, and or Monk.

Judy Hopps - Police Officer of Zootopia. Rogue/Monk, with a decent Charisma modifier (as she's so cute).

Probably a few others, but those are the famous ones, unless you figure out how to do the Easter Bunny and his habit of giving away eggs filled with candy.

@Water_Me_Loan_64_YT - 22.09.2021 08:04

Stan Lee, the creator of Marvel Comics, was inspired by Robin Hood as a boy!

@bodhijordan7405 - 17.09.2021 06:09

Seeing a game changers clip was such a weird moment to me because it made me realize other people watched that show and remembered dropout is a huge streaming service

@andiwillbloominwinter2020 - 15.09.2021 19:36

It's honestly a crime that you haven't done Naruto Uzumaki yet

@janfisher2254 - 14.09.2021 11:25

Are rangers finally having their day?

If so, Swarmkeeper build for Candyman when?

@brromo - 14.09.2021 02:40

but there isn't a fox race. Kenra? Tabaxi? Prediction is Tabaxi Rogue/Ranger final awnser

@AzureIV - 13.09.2021 23:16

Where’s the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie (1991)?

@StinkerTheFirst - 12.09.2021 16:19

I came into this wondering how it would compare with Hawkeye and Green Arrow. It definitely feels different - a little more merry legend and a little less comic superhero. I'm a little disappointed by the lack of a disguise kit. As the "Disney hot fox man version" said, "this disguise would fool my own mother".

@rcschmidt668 - 12.09.2021 01:52

Nice video! Zorro was mentioned in the content, and I would appreciate a video on Zorro. Thanks!

@Tustin2121 - 11.09.2021 23:30

“[Robin Hood] is certainly the most iconic archer I’ll build for this channel; I’m not putting a naked baby in the thumbnail.”
I have several questions...

@markziff7234 - 11.09.2021 18:08

As you've done one English criminal.....when we seeing Tommy Shelby?

@angelgutierrez-lx5wm - 11.09.2021 04:57

Attempt number 9 to get you to do one on Anton Chigurhfrom no country for old men

@benjaminjane93 - 10.09.2021 15:23

If you are playing using alignment you put down Lawful Good or Neutral Good.
Why not Chaotic?

Well.. Robin Hood the character from folklore is often depicted as a staunch believer in the rule of law, and a diehard Richard the Lionheart supporter. He does not support Prince John because he's a bad ruler that takes advantage of the people under him. So Robin believes in a lawful society. But he opposes the law and the current ruler because he is unjust.
If everything was all well and King Richard was back on the throne Robin Hood would most likely be back in his castle hanging up his bow and being a good Bannerman to his king.

In terms of the build it's hard to reallocate the stats but I'd make him a bit smarter. Nobles weren't 'dumb' people. Most of them were highly educated for that time and Robin Hood was probably highly successful robbing them because he was one of them. He knew how they think.

@charlotteharrison4677 - 10.09.2021 09:13

Can you please do Jackie Chan

@frozeneevee - 10.09.2021 07:33

I really liked Robin Hood as a kid so I might give this build a try someday.

@agsilverradio2225 - 10.09.2021 04:05

Given the subject matter, I'm plesently surprised that Tuvoc didn't get too political with this.
Of course, I'm sure the comments section had probly ruined it by now.

@JS-uk7du - 10.09.2021 00:01

We dont need another asi so will take a feat.

10 Con :-|

@TheSingingboy2 - 09.09.2021 23:38

Pretty sure Riposte gets to add sneak attack damage again.

@gjsncr - 09.09.2021 23:28

On Riposte you get [weapon damage]+STR or DEX+[Collosus Slayer]+[Superiority Die]+[Sneak Attack]

@rileycollard556 - 09.09.2021 23:04

Would you consider doing a build for escanor from seven deadly sins?

@carbumb4229 - 09.09.2021 20:53

How would you do DANIEL JACKSON from stargate? As many languages as possible and high history with some marksmen since he shoots people but not high priority.

@IanDeRanieri - 09.09.2021 17:46

I just want to appreciate the LANAAAAAAAAAAAA!


@itwasidio1736 - 09.09.2021 17:27

Men in Tights was a pretty good movie, thanks for including it. Also, glad you know about CollegeHumor.

@otty4474 - 09.09.2021 15:48

Have you considered making a Sasuke or Itachi uchiha build?

@ExhaustedWombat - 09.09.2021 15:41

Noticeably absent is Prince of Thieves footage. My poor 90s child heart.

@MagusAgrippa8 - 09.09.2021 14:51

Technically thieves tools open locks- believe me I used sleight of hand for it for years until I realized it specifically had a use for that tool set, which is why rogues can get expertise on thieves tools.
