Windows 11 Does Not Wake Up From Sleep FIX

Windows 11 Does Not Wake Up From Sleep FIX


2 года назад

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Andrei Ticarat
Andrei Ticarat - 22.08.2023 13:57

Hello, i don't know what is my problem... I tried to do what is in this tutorial but it dosen't work for me. When i want to wake up my pc, the lights from keyboard and mouse and the power button from pc it's turned on... but the pc not. What can i do ? I tried everythig

Janie Schneider
Janie Schneider - 14.08.2023 15:16

Wondering how to do all this when computer is in sleep mode and won't wake up, which was the question? Have removed battery and tried all that

Angelo C. Pozo
Angelo C. Pozo - 02.07.2023 08:06

very thank you it works for me

Martin Buy
Martin Buy - 15.05.2023 22:16

Thanks, first part worked.

John Edwards
John Edwards - 15.05.2023 11:23

You lost me at “open up search menu”. I don’t have that, so no assistance is found here.

Shelley Goll
Shelley Goll - 16.03.2023 23:02

This worked, thank you, I was confused as the computer is brand new. You are the best

Darkwing Duck
Darkwing Duck - 04.03.2023 16:22

The better way is...turn of hybernate or hybrid hybernate in the energy settings and just go for sleep, that eliminates all of that stuttering , flickering, fps drops issues.

Idonthaveacreativeusername - 22.02.2023 18:20

HP Omen desktops have problems waking up from sleep from what I've read. Hopefully preventing the computer from going into sleep mode at all solves the problem, otherwise I'm gonna have to keep restarting my computer by cutting the power to it temporarily

drew starkey
drew starkey - 03.01.2023 18:40

Tx uuu

Mouthbreathershinanigans - 04.12.2022 03:47

I read 3 articles and tried multiple things. Your video fixed it in 5 seconds

Aaron - 03.12.2022 20:34

You are a genius! 💡I've been frustrated with my computer not being able to wake from sleep ever since I 'upgraded' to Windows 11.

I found the other option of changing power settings so that the PC never went to sleep, and while that technically solved the problem, I didn't like having to shut the computer down completely so often.

You're the only one I found who suggested the PCI fix and who provided step-by-step instructions on how to implement it.

Thank you!! This video was incredibly helpful for me. 🙌🏻

Dazman - 14.11.2022 23:21

an actual fix to get the sleep mode to work a\s intended would be better, this is a work around. meh

Phil D
Phil D - 13.11.2022 12:34

wow, thanx. That trick fixed it, and also the issue of shutting down when trying to wake up the laptop.

Gnarly Shins
Gnarly Shins - 11.11.2022 04:25

…isn’t this just disabling the sleep mode…? That’s not a fix

Officer Nasty
Officer Nasty - 27.10.2022 21:27

I like how there was no explanation on what the things he was doing actually do.

andrewcandet - 25.10.2022 15:01

1 year later this shit still happens… wow microsoft, this Os is really the worst

BlackCat - 19.10.2022 12:36

My problem is that after sleep not wake up but restarting. I hope this will fix it. I can't find any solution, all failed.

Don Mac
Don Mac - 14.10.2022 19:34

The first tip fixed my issue. Thank you so much!

Derwin Evans
Derwin Evans - 24.09.2022 03:39

Thank you 👌🏾

JAYMAN ONeill - 21.09.2022 05:20


Mia Morris
Mia Morris - 05.09.2022 23:15

wonderful, thank you!

Aniket Singh
Aniket Singh - 05.09.2022 12:23

Thanks man... btw my issue resolved by just changing the power plan :)

ImpureForce - 12.07.2022 19:22

If only I could actually turn it on...😑

Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 25.06.2022 09:09

Tried everything and nothing works. WIndows 11 is a mess

Justin Cunningham
Justin Cunningham - 21.06.2022 14:47

thanks much for your help. I didn't get to the advanced settings the same way but got it done. that was really annoying streaming a movie and laptop goes to sleep

Katyoung - 21.05.2022 13:48

How do I do this when my laptop won’t even turn on?!

Rob Pfaff
Rob Pfaff - 02.05.2022 16:03

Except if you can't get the computer to wake up, you don't have access to the settings.

Lobo-92 - 24.04.2022 13:44

How does this solve the issue?

You are just deactivating the sleep function in the system.
Well i need a solution where i put my laptop to sleep and make it come awake whenever I want.

Is there anyone who can provide a solution to it?

FaraiDR - 15.04.2022 18:41

Alternative fix until Nvidia gets their shit together. Thanks for the video m8 even though I was hoping for a permanent fix this is good enough until further notice. Appreciate it.

Andhika Galih
Andhika Galih - 11.04.2022 16:32

Niceeee. Thank youuu, the first tips is working for me

Alexandro U.
Alexandro U. - 03.04.2022 00:28

When I click the plus sign on "Link State Management" it shows no setting but instead shows "On Battery" And "Plugged In" What should I do?

Mohammed Esmail
Mohammed Esmail - 18.03.2022 12:32

For me it did not work...

glowing mash and beans
glowing mash and beans - 15.02.2022 07:45

Hey, thank you. The first solution worked immediately. In my case after I logged into windows I just got a black screen but this fixed it somehow? It's weird to me because I could see the login screen in screen with my monitor hooked into my GPU. I don't understand, but this helped made my day!

V_Token - 26.01.2022 01:38

You're a legend!!

Angelina Machado M.
Angelina Machado M. - 15.01.2022 04:42

Hello... I did everything on the video and still does not wake up... what else can I do??

R0ck3rp00l - 13.01.2022 12:22

I dont know if this works with my problem but for some reason whenever my pc goes fully in sleep mode I can't turn it on OR shut it off and im wondering if it's a bug. It's happened twice when it went into sleep mode and I was forced to unplug it so it can turn off. I've just disabled it going to sleep for now because i dont want to risk having to force unplug it again

N P - 11.01.2022 20:07

I hope this works. Thanks.
Watching the Verification percentage counting from 0 to 100 was enough contribution to the channel

Abd_Elrahman mohamed
Abd_Elrahman mohamed - 01.01.2022 18:59

I wish it would fix my pc cause iam became very angry from it

DJ Crazy Jimmy
DJ Crazy Jimmy - 29.12.2021 03:31

How do you select the setting if your computer is stuck in sleep mode and won't wake up you can't get windows 11 to wake up the power button is flashing on a laptop with windows 11 but it won't power on.

David Morrison
David Morrison - 16.12.2021 23:16

i sure its the video driver , i have 2 same desktops, one with nvidia card and other amd, and problem only happens on nvidia, got worse with latest driver, now i have to remove power for 5 seconds so it will boot back up after sleep, after sleep, if i press the power to turn on it comes on then off, have to unplug it every time, and when i had windows 10 , mail app crashing it it was also reported to be issue with Nvidia driver, so people blaming microsoft, nothing to do with them,

Jimmy Flame
Jimmy Flame - 14.12.2021 22:30

Thank you!

0-fanTom-0 - 01.12.2021 12:46

Did I really need to wait for your scan...?
There is a thing called editing :D :D

D Jaquith
D Jaquith - 23.11.2021 07:17

My issue is it wakes but it takes 15 to 20 seconds to wake in Windows 11 Pro. My 10-year-old PC would wake up faster.

Patricia-Remember-The Accidental-Livestream
Patricia-Remember-The Accidental-Livestream - 18.11.2021 22:59

Can i still use this guide if the motherbord light is orange

Si - 17.11.2021 14:56

title should read, turn off auto sleep this does not fix my issue

Drew Hayes
Drew Hayes - 16.11.2021 20:22

Thank you thank you! Since Microsoft can't seem to get their act together, I'm glad someone figured out how to fix their mistake! This fixed my PC not waking from sleep, no more holding the power button for me! Thanks a million!

John Murphy
John Murphy - 14.11.2021 03:29

Yet another Windose classic this! and no this solution did not work for me.. already set to off when the issue repeatefly occurs!!! In more that 25 years Micro$oft still aint got nothing right! useless at everything they touch!

Kara Eckert
Kara Eckert - 28.10.2021 16:09

Thank you the first method fixed it for me
