Customize  PDF Reports From User Interface In Odoo

Customize PDF Reports From User Interface In Odoo

Odoo Mates

2 года назад

27,098 Просмотров

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Arthur Böttcher
Arthur Böttcher - 28.04.2023 17:37

Thanks for the tutorial. I am currently struggling with editing the invoivce pdf report.
I assume this is because the view "report_invoice_with_payments" has a "t-call" that is calling "account.report_invoice_document" - As far as I understand understanding this is some kind of "nesting" the views. I need to modify the tags that are part of "account.report_invoice_document"

In my inheritated view: "report_invoice_with_payments_inherited_" I get the error that the xpath expression could not be found in the parent view.

Claudiu COTAN
Claudiu COTAN - 17.03.2023 22:40

Buddy, you saved my day ! Many thanks for what you do ! Keep going

Aviamax Ltd
Aviamax Ltd - 25.02.2023 21:12

How do you remove the field from the report with the the company details? It takes up too much room on the report. I can put the company details in the footer or in the company slogan field.

HM Cheah
HM Cheah - 18.02.2023 11:30

don't understand what u are trying to do.
u just copy here and there, inherit here and there.

أبو عيسى عبد الرحمن محي الدين
أبو عيسى عبد الرحمن محي الدين - 03.02.2023 07:29

Bro, How to change the color of the line in the report?
In my report there are two solid green lines one after the title and soon after the "To Address".

wild beauty
wild beauty - 04.11.2022 16:21


Ashar Khan
Ashar Khan - 20.10.2022 10:00

hi there, I am new to Odoo. i need to remove VAT % form the invoice and Add VAT amount. Can you pls Guide

Catherine Amir
Catherine Amir - 05.08.2022 14:36

how to make report written in arabic rtl direction ?

Maybe yellowbies
Maybe yellowbies - 12.07.2022 10:50

How to get a report for a payslip with payslip and payslip line in a single row report. Kindly reply
