A͏s͏mongold Reacts to Path of Exile NEW EXPANSION Reveal: Echoes of the Atlas (Trailer & Content)

A͏s͏mongold Reacts to Path of Exile NEW EXPANSION Reveal: Echoes of the Atlas (Trailer & Content)

Asmongold TV

3 года назад

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Martem - 27.03.2022 22:37

i feel like asmon doesn't know shit about poe core mechanics. just randomly says wow amazing to anything. at this point i feel like if you could make a views out of human shit asmond would be the first one to react.

Cole Shupe
Cole Shupe - 02.02.2022 09:29

New expansion to react too!

VANQUISHER - 29.01.2022 22:03

Ugh! What is with these games having old School click to move! Is there a way to convert the movement in this game to WASD?

yasser najjar
yasser najjar - 18.07.2021 05:57

I player around 8000 hours. Poe simply Goes better and better.

Dakkalistic - 30.03.2021 22:52

I didn't know the true meaning of no-lifing before Echoes of the Atlas

Lemon Souls
Lemon Souls - 22.03.2021 00:46

The real reason asmon took a break

Axel Ave
Axel Ave - 20.03.2021 07:46

oh my gosh,
holy shit
Hype. Pretty much the same commentary in any game review by anyone. Boring. This is awesome!

coffee - 18.03.2021 07:28

too bad the cosmetics are too expensive.

Ninese - 17.03.2021 05:52

ive just started playing poe. i still dont understand what the fuck is going on after watching a week of guides......

Dio PM
Dio PM - 11.03.2021 14:41

Those eyes are so empty... exactly like a murderer

Steel*Faith - 07.03.2021 22:16

This game is like someone loving soup. Then they start adding ingredients, and instead of planning what they're adding from the beginning, they instead just start adding anything random they like that's in their refrigerator and pantry.

"Oh, I love chicken! Mmm chocolate yea sounds good! Yea onions and garlic would be good too. Oooh yea, i love ice cream, let's add that!"

That's the GGG design team in a nutshell.

AngelShade - 06.03.2021 01:26

You need a degree to play this game, From the looks of it , and only a slight blimp of it , YEAH , fking hell man its too much on a game

YBox - 24.02.2021 01:19

Chris Wilson the Johnny Sins of ARPG devs

Der Richtige Arzt
Der Richtige Arzt - 19.02.2021 14:38

The thing I dont like about poe is the leveling, I wish they made it more interesting, or at least faster for the people that have played for a long time, like an entire map system just for leveling, then with path of exile 2.0 we could have 3 ways to level up to maps. I ussualy only make 2 builds per league because I get bored by leveling.

Der Richtige Arzt
Der Richtige Arzt - 19.02.2021 14:34

Ggg needs to hire writers to do lore on this game, with all the characters, bosses and shit it could rival the depth of the middleearth and warhammer.

Sway55 - 15.02.2021 22:21

"you're gonna need a degree to play this game now" I AGREE... the endgame gets harder and harder to learn with each new league. endgame at this point is just overwhelming. it feels like i can never learn the game fully.

z1mt0n1x - 14.02.2021 17:33

Friendly tip to those who just started out or is about to, don't be discouraged by the amount of stuff you see in videos like this! You'll be greeted with tutorials and other helping hands throughout the game and its story at an understandable phase. You'll find out about the more advanced stuff as you progress with your character as needed.

And don't even try to compare this to Diablo because they have nothing in common other than the top-down diabolic style of gameplay. PoE is all about creating that build from scratch, classes has nothing to do with it. In PoE you don't simply strive to become that perfect Assassin, instead you strive to make that perfect skill - the actual class is irrelevant, you pick the class for which type of skill you want to build, not the other way around. If a Ranger makes your Spell skill better, go Ranger. There are a lot of projectile spells that benefit from Ranger rather than a Witch.

Mampfie - 13.02.2021 00:09

PoE is not complicated they say....

Otto von Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck - 12.02.2021 07:52

yes Pepega chat is free, I have spend hundreds of hours and I wasted 0 money.

BetterTelevision - 09.02.2021 21:16

where is @omgitsjousis i know you are here you love to make infinite damage xD

MrAUSSENGELAENDER - 09.02.2021 21:06

I just want to say it again... All that you gain from GGG for free.

Sirkasm - 08.02.2021 03:52

My right speaker felt left out, not cool.

Only Inhuman
Only Inhuman - 04.02.2021 01:09

What a shitty ass game

Kaedon - 30.01.2021 17:35

Where the fuck can you watch asmon Play PoE?!?!

Green Corn
Green Corn - 28.01.2021 10:59

Countless variations of builds!!!! oh, and did we mention there is only a few meta builds that will actually allow you to complete all content!!!! stoked right?! I also can't wait for them to add another 12 currencies to the already 60 that you have to manage...ALSO: you don't have to buy ANY microtransactions to be competitive either....well....except those stash tabs that conveniently manage the 60 currencies....but ASIDE FROM THOSE...this is the perfect free to play game with absolutely NO PROBLEMS that other online games have.....also the dev's have better morals than others.

Elden Ring Hollow
Elden Ring Hollow - 21.01.2021 05:22

The choice of characters at the beginning of the game was pretty offputting.. Or the lack thereof.
Does this mean I still have to finish a playthrough of the tiers, and only after this, we will then be able to create another build/character.. Or can I start a completely new character/build right from the start of the game? Somethings that's new.

The microtransactions are outrageously overpriced in this game.. It's hilariously laughable.
I really wanted to buy a cosmetic armor set.. But even the shyt looking ones were like $80 CDN. I remember they were selling a tiny pink lizard for $60!!
It's actually insulting to ever ask someone to pay that amount of money for pretty much nothing.

I probably would have spent $80 throughout my time if it wasn't such a joke.. There's absolutely no way I'd spend that kind of money on just a single halfassed costume.

lilsabin - 21.01.2021 03:49

Does anyone play normal mode ? And why ? 😂

Thomas B
Thomas B - 17.01.2021 21:29

Is this why the game is unplayable at the moment?

Elanderan - 17.01.2021 21:01

You have to know something is wrong when new content needs a 30 minute video to explain the mechanics. I have 600 hours in PoE and haven't played WoW in years. I had fun figuring stuff out in PoE but after a while it becomes endless repetition. Some of the new systems are needlessly complex and are very tedious. Doing Acts 1-10 all over again when you make a new character or when there's a new league is mind numbing. Every new league is a variation of the last one.

Riv H
Riv H - 17.01.2021 11:05

all these blizzard babies in chat crying about micro transactions as if no one pays for AOTC, rating carries, torgast carries... its like the ultimate pay to win game. oof.. those rose colored glasses arent doing you guys any favors.

Dralis - 16.01.2021 04:14

I've tried getting into PoE for years, started anew many times, but after I reach act 2 I just.. stop.

Anthony G
Anthony G - 15.01.2021 22:28

Imagine starting to play this game.

Peanut Fiends
Peanut Fiends - 15.01.2021 20:58

POE adds tons of complex crazy stuff each league. D3 adds a new pet.

BeastOfWotan14 - 15.01.2021 19:08

your chat is more cancer than quins lol

lee gold
lee gold - 15.01.2021 13:34

you look like you could chock down a 12" hotdog in under 0.01 secs

The Snarky Lesbian
The Snarky Lesbian - 15.01.2021 12:48

Hearing Asmongold talk as if he understands a good deal about PoE, but seeing how pretty much all of it is bullshit, is pretty damn funny xD

Ozeki - 15.01.2021 11:59

why that character at the beginning sound like the potion seller guy

Rherbert Almeida
Rherbert Almeida - 14.01.2021 23:46

I tryied many times but i just CAN'T play PoE... I would, if it wasnt this huuuuge mess at endgame, when the fights resume to running at 200mph spamming just keys and insta killing 200 mobs at once, with dmg's at the rate of millions, etc. Not to mention you start playing the game with practically the NEED of following a certain FOTM build or you're in trouble with ur skill tree in the future... So many possible choices, so few viable ones.. Illusion of choice.

It is better than D3 though, cause its more complete. Yet, all that mess.... no ty... If it was less grindy, lower dmgs or if at least the keys you press had more impact than a spam of yellow or blue skill, i'd definitelly play it.

dNLq - 14.01.2021 21:46

what are those random stupid comments and emoticons in the left corner, look like 12 year olds fight for whos gonna be in your video and who gives the dumbest comment.

Keelox Chilo
Keelox Chilo - 14.01.2021 01:16

good job gumball

Lunda - 13.01.2021 20:36

is the voice actor in the beginning the leader of the brotherhood in game of thrones? i always thought he had an epic voice

Ignat Rotenberg
Ignat Rotenberg - 13.01.2021 16:45

Yo i dunno, i never seen anyone in any game but d3 frogs trying to shit on poe. Even LOL players not that salty about dota.

Sir Dusky
Sir Dusky - 13.01.2021 11:18

People who bitch about the cost of the microtransactions in this game are being kinda obtuse. Aside from the quality of life microtransactions, which max out at $5 each, all the other microtransactions are purely cosmetic and unnecessary to enjoy the game or have your character look cool. Unless you want to do trading, which requires one purchase as an anti-bot measure, you can enjoy the entirety of what this game has to offer for free. On top of that, it is being continuously developed with new regular content by devs that give a shit about their product and community, so you're not feeding your money to a company that holds you in contempt (unlike Blizzard or others like it)

GoldenSchnatz - 13.01.2021 10:18

Harvest Fixed the Game.
Devs: Lets Remove Harvest.
Me: Aight lets Remove PoE from PC.

Gabriel Stan
Gabriel Stan - 12.01.2021 22:58

I can't wait to play this, to create "broken builds" that obliterates maps. Thorgast is like a child play comparing to PoE. Actually I alyas thought that Thorgast's inspiration was coming from PoE but much more simple.

Rurik Cycling
Rurik Cycling - 12.01.2021 21:01

the gems skill system STILL SUCKS ASS

♡Lory♡ - 12.01.2021 16:01

yes and one more thing DIABLO 4 ... I think I said it all

♡Lory♡ - 12.01.2021 15:57

After so much toil and time and money I would now find out that they nerf my complete build ...WTF???...Briefly and clearly "either give me back the way it was or give me back the money and all the effort and time I spent to have what I have now" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
