The Tokyo Revengers Ending Is...

The Tokyo Revengers Ending Is...

The Masked Man

1 год назад

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Chry D. cippus
Chry D. cippus - 24.11.2023 05:53

What in the Total bullas-s Is this show and Fçkíng shít ...even without reading it i can't handle my HATE for this Shít show i tried anime dawg ass shít..🤡😂

Arcadius - 23.11.2023 20:58

Eh, it might be rushed and it might have plot holes but I still like the ending.

Got tired of depressing endings, nice to see a ending where nobody gets fucked over...especially after everything these characters went through.

Animate Damons
Animate Damons - 05.11.2023 09:35

The domestic girlfriend of fighting manga

umakanth nimisha
umakanth nimisha - 04.11.2023 13:30

its confusing

ego. - 03.11.2023 00:51

Haters can’t be called true fans. Just skip the series. If you don’t like it, I don’t think anyone wants to hear about it.

ego. - 03.11.2023 00:49

Stuttering 😅

Jaime Ruiz
Jaime Ruiz - 02.11.2023 04:56

Better ending than AoT

Raider12 - 26.10.2023 00:33

Tokyo revengers is kinda trash the protagonist lacks a solid training arc the dude is constantlly getting beaten up which is fine but i think its cringe it seems like every other character is a better fighter i think the show lacks a solid progression system show that takemitchy is getting stronger he doesnt really show any real skill im like couldnt they show the guy picking up boxing or martial arts even if he learns from somebody like mikey or anyone can at least train the guy it makes no sence that takemitchy should be a captain because the guy hasnt put in the effort or hardwork to become physically stronger its good that is mind is strong but its worthless if he can put a solid hit to his opponents most of the fights feel cheap his opponents seem stronger but he kinda remains the same and seem still weak. If we go to some classic series like hajime no ippo the dude works hard and trained to become the best boxer/fighter he obvious had talent but still had to work to become better but takemitchy shows he still weak hasnt shown he gotten stronger i dont get why anyone would follow this guy i get he has determination and a strong resolve but its worthless if you hadnt trained or work to become a better fighter

Loyal King
Loyal King - 21.10.2023 02:01

It was a fun manga, but I had to take so many double takes to understand it.

Lizzy PotatoSky
Lizzy PotatoSky - 16.10.2023 11:12

I just really disliked how Draken's revival was brushed off in the end, he was such an important character and his death was already a focal part of the story, when everyone was brought back he wasn't even acknowledged.

Jordan Torres
Jordan Torres - 15.10.2023 05:31

takamichi has more crying panels than deku haha

Marin - 13.10.2023 17:35

This is the type of manga I’ll recommend to people… and tell them to stop after a specific arc.

Abionx - 11.10.2023 12:20

for me its just the execution at the end thats a issue as stated in the video, but with how it ended (if done better), im completely alright with it, just again, i wish the execution was handle alot better then it was instead of just feeling like a ass pull with no explanations.
clearly it makes it look like theres 2 ways to give someone else the power, and thats either with a evil act like murder that puts a curse on the new user even if indirectly, or through a act of love to which it shares the power with another and have a additional perk in that both the user of the power and the person they have to link up with to use the power both get to benefit from it and go back in time together at the same time.
but thats all without explanation or confirmation so its just a assumption due to how its looked to be layed out at the last second and the only thing i can think of logically that would make it make some sense.

The one and only Kiri
The one and only Kiri - 10.10.2023 18:46

Are we gonna ignore the other big plot hole of kasutora possibly having the power as well

Chobo - 08.10.2023 15:41

Tbh tokyo revengers could've gone in many better directional but it had to choose this one, i personally am fine with the ending and i just wished they could've explained time leaping a bit more, the old man, dark impulses, and how the characters came to be. It's okay in my opinion if they were to drag it out longer as long as the execution went well so they can touch up the story and tie in some loose ends but the finished it so lazily and i wish they had done better, i still have some questions about time leaping that weren't answered.. But i understand why it was rushed, deadlines can be very tiring on artists and they probably just wanted to wrap it up quickly and i don't blame them. Just wish they could've taken a better approach

Voxturr - 28.09.2023 18:49

i dont know why everyone hates the '2nd half' of the manga. imo the three deities arc and kisakis death before that and the final fight was pretty satsifying for me. i liked that kisaki died he 100% deserved it, then when the three deities were explained by takemichi's friends it actually was realistic and it actually seemed like if that happened in real life japan that was what would happen. i personally enjoyed it.

Andy Shaw
Andy Shaw - 27.09.2023 09:47

I liked the ending.

If there wasn't another reset at the end, would anyone have been happy with Takemitchy saving Mikey at the end? After Draken and like 9 other characters died? All for Mikey?

I think in an alternate universe, if he saved Mikey and that was it then everyone would hate that even more...

I really liked this ending. I thought it was great.

Gex_69 - 23.09.2023 04:23

I doubt it will happen, but I hope the anime fixes this and changes the ending

poop - 15.09.2023 05:08

jeez u stutter so much it’s so annoying

Kai Notebook
Kai Notebook - 30.08.2023 14:38

Does it will continue with new chapters

ozyman-bias - 25.08.2023 11:41

The Domestic Girlfriend ending of Delinquent manga.

Landon Blake
Landon Blake - 19.08.2023 07:43

Tokyo revengers the first manga to make an ending feel dragged out and also rushed

Angel Negron
Angel Negron - 19.08.2023 07:24

I think it was a good ending not great tho just fine still love the series

Lazarus - 18.08.2023 16:53

Brother, you didn't read every panel carefully. It was never a premise that you have to kill someone to get the power to time travel. It is a way, but you can also get it by the time traveler giving it to you. The hobo told shinichiro he had to kill him to test shinichiro if he will go that far for the power. And for as how takemichi and mickey traveled together:
Their hands touched and takemichi was about to be sent back, but at the same time takemichi lend the power to mickey, so it got tangled up, and they both kept the power and we're sent back in time

Crispy Ghost
Crispy Ghost - 13.08.2023 04:43

They should've made it where mikey kills takemitchy and gets the time leap power and goes back in time with chifuyu being the trigger, where he met takemitchy for the first time but takemitchy now has the dark impulse and mikey has to try and save takemitchy as takemitchy is slowly becoming like how mikey was in the bad futures and in the end one of the two sacrifices themselves for the other. Or it creates a loop from the beginning of the series😂

x - 09.08.2023 00:51

I love how we never get an explanations why South is suddenly saved in the ending either. Like a 12 year old Brazilian kid with nothing to live for other than gang warfare is just going to get a happy ending because...some random Japanese kids fly out inexplicably to his village to tell him not to murder? Is what we're to assume? God everything about the ending is pure trash.

x - 09.08.2023 00:45

The ending is one of the most atrociously written things in any work of fiction that I've ever consumed that I find it hard to believe that they'll animate it as is and won't do an anime-only ending. The finale killed the fandom. Interest is at an all time low. I've never seen a fandom so hig and hype only for the creator to shit on its fans so hard and make you feel like a fool for being invested in the first place since a final fix-all timeleap nullifies the entire series' existence. It feels like Wakui has legitimate disdain for his fans and it really rubs me the wrong fucking way.

x - 09.08.2023 00:33

Should have saved Mikey in the future present with Takemichi applying everything he learned from time jumping to fulfill a full life of meaningful social relationships that he didn't have at the beginning of the series, but no. Instead he disregards Mikey's free will- a very important thing since he's never had it in any future timeline-, gets Draken killed making his first arc meaningless, nullifies all of Sanzu's character development, makes Shinichiro a murderer just for funsies, explains nothing about how Kisaki knew about time travel, retcons Taiju's arc about not using violence, and grooms Hina to Mary him as a 30 year old man when she's canonically ~5. God I've never been more disappointed in a manga. What sucks the most is that it could have ended at a solid point if Mikey had just an hero'd and taught us that you can't save everyone.

Shion Madarame is the only good character. Fight me on this.

Richard Barrerda
Richard Barrerda - 01.08.2023 18:52

i js wanted to see teens beatin each other

Averageviewer - 31.07.2023 21:16

Kisaki best character should end it when he died, but he should’ve went out a better way fucking truck

Eduard Peeter Lemming
Eduard Peeter Lemming - 22.07.2023 22:06

The ending was basicly "Lets throw the plot of the story so far out the window and make an unjustified ending that is good but disappointing"

Eduardo Matos Danese Munhoz
Eduardo Matos Danese Munhoz - 19.07.2023 05:27

Tokyo Revengers feels like it was written by a 12-year old who heard how brutal Vinland Saga is and decided to do the same thing.

zephyrus the ghost
zephyrus the ghost - 07.07.2023 07:08

The idea I think is that they both do the speed run because Mikey is just the secret ending boss weapon and they just win

Narmeen Ali
Narmeen Ali - 04.07.2023 17:52

I honestly loved the ending I laughed I cried and I genuinely wanted Mikey to be happy I don’t care if it’s rushed either the fact it’s 278 chapters with him going back and forth leaping through time we suddenly seen a stronger version of takemitchy and it worked out well, so I don’t care how bad the ending was or when they should’ve ended the manga , but one things for sure I loved it too much for it to end and now as a true fan I’m glad everyone got their happy ending I watched too many sad anime’s and I’ve been waiting for 10 years for AOT to finish at this point I was 15 when it started now I’m 25 so I’m glad Tokyo revengers is putting in the hours and making the anime as fast as they could

DJ Leroy
DJ Leroy - 02.07.2023 12:26

I liked the ending, but the double time leap was done very fast. I'd have preferred like 3 or 4 chapters with the two of them trying to save everyone and that being explained. But not a long thing, just like a narration explaining how they did it and how the bad guys, like Kisaki and Hanma specially, joined Toman and didn't do evil things.

nicole - 02.07.2023 11:41

it felt like the ending was fan service likeee they revived those who died and like kisaki became a good guy? it was like a mess by the end

chuuyaism🛐 - 01.07.2023 20:29

literally finished this manga today (i left off at like ch 150 and i didn't have the interest to catch up to so much) and im like ehhhh about the ending. it could have worked but the execution......MAN. just. just no. forever gonna die on the hill that Mikey's dark impulses should have stemmed from his fucked up mental health from losing every single person in his life one by one. the chapters with his backstory with his dad and mom's death were the PERFECT setup for Mikey's dark impulses having a basis in his parents' deaths and how most of his conversations with his mom were surrounding his dad ykwim and just build up from that i mean dude has had a BAD life, it would be very very easy to convince the reader that this is why he is a shit show of a human being and basically insane and they didn't have to do any of this bullshit about the curse.
The actual ending idk i can work with it, the whole Shin got it with hate but it was passed on with love and we see it evolve with Takemichi as he starts getting visions etc so i can see them being like "oh yeah it evolved even further" and having Mikey's dark impulses be because of his trauma of losing everyone so by leaping back to first grade they both just yk. protect everyone who was gonna die and boom no more dark impulses cuz people live THE IDEA IS FINE the execution is horrible.

Noxire - 01.07.2023 13:07

I love the part when Mikey said "I am the one who Revenges"

MyName Alex
MyName Alex - 01.07.2023 01:18

I just finished it today and omg it was fucking amazing 🙏

Tofu? - 27.06.2023 19:57

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh, the ending was bullshit and so was the dark impulses, but I decided to be fine with it because maybe the boys deserve a stupid bullshit happy ending.

Great Raggg
Great Raggg - 24.06.2023 10:17

You have to remember the time loop started with killing the hobo. A sin that was used to bring a person back to life. This caused a negative loop that never was rectified. As punishment on mikey took on the negative emotions from his brother but not the entire time loop curse. Its the same story line of necromancy being a bad thing. The only way to rectify the original sin was to go before mikeys brother ever received the loop dispelling the curse ending the negative feed back

Ryzeper? - 21.06.2023 21:31

Why the hell is mickey mouse is in the thumbnail😂

Magneto929 !!!
Magneto929 !!! - 20.06.2023 21:04

in my opinion it should have ended with the tenjiku ark because now the entire journey with nauto chifyo and basically all characters except mikey is gone all the grind from them not knowing each other to looking up to takemichi is gone and the perfect way to summarise it is wasted potential i dont really want the anime to continue up to the final ark honestly i want tenjiku to be the end

Homo Demon
Homo Demon - 17.06.2023 08:55

Maybe the real tokyo revengers was inside us all along...

Edna Mode
Edna Mode - 16.06.2023 07:08

i like the ending everyone went through shit throughout this whole thing and i was happy everybody got like another chance at life without all the beef

AliaAlisah - 10.06.2023 13:03

I'm late but still wanna put my thoughts out. For me the manga should've ended at the tenjiku arc. Kisaki the main antagonist is dead and everyone's happy. Mikey turns evil and whatever but there's a point where chifuyu said, "mikey chose his own path. We should walk on our own path too." For me the perfect ending could've been takemitchy realizing that some people cannot be saved.(Mikey in this case). They deliberately choose the wrong path and make the wrong choices. This would also align with the previous timelines when in every single timeline someone died no matter what (draken, baji, chifuyu, naoto) The whole dark impulse thing shouldn't even exist. Adding new characters last minute (senju, her big brother who was basically useless, south whose just another version of taiju) was stupid coz I didn't care about them at all. Instead I wish they did more with hanma and kakucho's characters. The last arc was complete dogshit. Even if these two kids know what the future is they shouldn't be able to solve everything. Like taiju's abusive nature, inupi's house catching fire and his sister dying, izana's jealousy. How did they manage to prevent all that? And even if in the end everyone's alive it doesn't matter coz the things that happened throughout the show never really even happened. Naoto and takemichi's struggles, chifuyu and takemichi's bond, mikey and draken's bond, inupi choosing takemichi to lead him, chifuyu and naoto sacrificing themselves just to save takemichi. None of that exists in the current timeline so none of it even matters. This ending very much reminds me the ending of Alice in borderland.
Still I loved the journey. I loved tokyo revengers. I loved takemichi and all the characters.

Sarah Sandstrom
Sarah Sandstrom - 07.06.2023 17:42

I think the author was trying to give us two separate endings like he couldn't decide on one. Takemichi dies tragic ending - as he is my favorite character he deserved a poetic ending... Or everybody is saved. The fanbase would have been split either way, because for those who loved the characters and really wanted to see their happy ending, they would have berb dissapointed with a tragic ending. My issue is that jumping back to the past like that just ripped the emotional weight of the series out from under us.

JP MUSIK - 11.05.2023 18:09

An Essay lol:

I think I’m probably one of the few people who actually didn’t mind Mikeys dark impulses being a nice twist to the story and everything in regards to building that up was done pretty well imo. It was only after the manga ended was when I agreed that the story should’ve ended with the Tenjiku war arc but I didn’t find the last arc to be as bad as everyone made it to be.

I enjoyed reading and engaging with Tokyo Revengers as a whole, but one of the biggest issues I had with it though was I hated that Takemichi never got the dub he truly deserved. It was always Mikey coming in to save the day for everyone. The closest I got to a Takemichi dub was the Tenjiku arc but he only missed that chance to shine cuz Kisaki was killed by a truck.

I loved Takemichi as a character fr, one of the best things about him though was his ability to always stand up and push himself over his limits and try to prove his haters and naysayers wrong. Obviously in terms of brute strength, he’s weaker but I wanted him like Subaru from Re Zero to try and fix something that seems impossible in his own strength.

So when I saw that Mikey, the one always saving him and turning fights around needing his help, it was excited for it because was finally time for him to shine because no one else was capable of helping Mikey but him fr.

Takemichi got his dub, (in theory) but the problem I have with this ending was that it felt very rushed, lackluster, and unfulfilling to me. I wanted him to defeat Mikey and find a way to free him from his impulses but instead I got cheated out of it with an ending of Mikey freeing himself, and both of them being put in a time leap that solved all the problems and tension the story built up, making the entire journey Takemichi went on feeling pretty much meaningless.

I get that some popular characters died, but it raised the stakes and made the journey more powerful to me and just seeing all that go to waste hurt to see. I don’t think the ending was complete shit, it was true to its story, but i feel like it would’ve been great if they went a bit of a different direction with its last arc that made his journey satisfying

Galaxy Vulture
Galaxy Vulture - 11.05.2023 02:28

The dark impulse shit really annoyed me since it basically invalidates all the trauma mikey experienced being the cause of his change to basically even if nothing really happened mikey would have snapped since he's cursed (he injured sanzu over a fucking toy). Even weirder too when you realize south also had dark impulses despite never interacting with shinichiro to get the curse.
