Love Someone Who Has Depression? This is What You Need to Know.

Love Someone Who Has Depression? This is What You Need to Know.

Julia Kristina Counselling

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@alexpetrov3962 - 29.11.2023 22:13

I so wish I had seen this video before I acted like a complete jerk with my girlfriend. I was trying to fix her and did all kinds of services to help(errands and help with work etc) thinking that this matters but actually the only thing that she needed was more time with me. After a while I got burned out and frustrated and one day said mean things to her - that she doesn’t appreciate me and she’s being silly. That destroyed her… She left me saying she will love me forever but I caused her so much pain that she cannot be with me. It’s been two weeks since she left to stay with her mother and we had a few fights over texts… I wish she gives me another chance to be there for her.

@petersandra8346 - 27.11.2023 13:48

Thoughtfulness and thoroughness contributed to speeding up my healing process. I wonder what could have become of me if you weren't the one who handled my case. Thank you for curing my HSV1 / 2 , Doctorapala channel........

@mattbenson2034 - 26.11.2023 22:33

“Don’t blame ourselves”
Man I wish I knew how to do that

@jayhannieee - 26.11.2023 13:01

thankyou so much, my bf is depressed but everytime I tried to help him, he always said "I'm okay"

@AndreRosario-zm8pf - 24.11.2023 18:20

🌎🙏🙏🙏 Thank you

@JonitoFischer - 24.11.2023 02:15

Often times people with depression will struggle for years before realizing what curve ball you throw at him/her really meant. It's a good advice, but no always effective.

@lilac1351 - 21.11.2023 16:00

He's depressed and I'm supporting him but I'm also depressed but I got no one

@adamaequejada1174 - 20.11.2023 17:57

Thank you so much for this video. My husband has depression and it’s so hard for me to understand what’s going on with him. I kept on blaming myself. I thought something was wrong with me and i thought he doesn’t love me anymore. One day he loves me and thenthe next day he avoids me. He even easily gets angry.. I almost gave up on him. Thank God i came across this video. It just saved my marriage.

@amelorins - 19.11.2023 03:48

My boyfriend just texted me that he feels very awful, and that his depression is getting worse, he might not make it. Im so worried, I don’t know what to do to help. Thanks so much for this video.

@clairburton1 - 16.11.2023 16:20

You've done a great work in my life Doctorapala. your treatment is real trusted, keep saving lives sir.................

@ChrisRamsayy - 13.11.2023 07:24

I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Disorder. I moved countries with my wife and went off my antidepressants. In the end I ended up pushing her and everyone else away as I fell and still falling deep into my depression. Now my wife wants a divorce and no longer loves me because of how I made her feel mistreated during the last year and a half, lost my friends, now have no one and it feels I am getting at the end of my rope and no one around me seems to understand. I look at my wife every day who now despises me waiting for me to give up. Back to feeling hopeless and that an illness once again has destroyed important parts of my life with no one to understand me or why things happened the way they did, and don't understand I truly regret my actions during any of my "episodes" as people like to call it. She told me many times over the last year and a half I needed to change and snap out of it if I didn't want to lose her, had many chances and yet as much as I wanted to stop and make things better around me, I failed at it.

@LokwandzaZubuko - 25.10.2023 12:12

Can depression make someone verbally abusive?

@Jamesseekstruth - 24.10.2023 13:24

"We and them "....=the problem .shhhh

@marisarroman - 17.10.2023 17:58

I tried this for sooo long. I just want to say, if it doesnt get better after a couple of months, it probably wont get better, just worse. Choose yourself if you cant help somebody else. Pick yourself, cause the damage im dealing with defintely is not worth it.

@PooleSilly - 17.10.2023 03:23

I am grateful to say that I am a born again Christian and have been since I was 19.......the reason we have diseases suicide
and depression in this world is because of the lies of Satan and the fact that he knows his time is short and he wants nothing more than to kill steal and destroy! He first of all wants to kill by driving your depression to the point of making you think that you are worthless your life has no meaning and you more worth dead than alive! That is not true! It’s all a lie! Your life has much meaning and really based on one thing will you come to know Christ as your savior? Satan then wants to steal your joy if you are a Christian and belong to Jesus he would love nothing more than to try and steal all that Joy away from you and make you regret that you ever got saved! However if you are not a Christian and don’t belong to Christ then it’s only of him stealing away all hope from you and dragging you straight to the pit of Hell where he will one day be cast forever and ever! Finally he wants to destroy you by causing you to have addictions whether that be pain killers drugs alcohol etc he would love to have you so addicted that it all ultimately ends up ruining and destroying your character your personalities and your entire life! folks when it all boils down to it what ultimately in the first place ends up killing stealing and destroying you is that if you don’t know Christ as your savior then it burdens my soul to think that you are headed for a terrible place of eternal death eternal robbery and eternal destruction called Hell where the Bible says the fire is never quenched and the worm dies not! Folks you are not promised tomorrow! If you want to know how to be saved from this horrible reality then please by all means don’t hesitate to comment right back so I can lead you to the savior! 2 Corinthians 6:2 clearly states “now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation!” And Hebrews 3:15 clearly states, “Today if you hear his voice don’t harden your hearts! it is not me but the Holy Spirit that I pray reveals to you the truth of his precious gospel......John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes on him will not perish but have everlasting life! V 17 says then V 18 says whoever believes on the son is not condemned but whoever does not believe on the son is condemned already because he has not believed on the son whom God has sent! Also Acts 16:30-31 what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house I am not threatening anyone but just warning them what will happen if they reject this precious gift of eternal life! Christ died a horrible criminals death! He was beaten brutally mocked spit upon and endured countless hours of torture pain for all of our sins! Ppl go to hell because they reject that pardon for their sins! And Jesus is saying to them in Matthew 25:41 depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels! Hell was only prepared for Satan and his angels! It is not God who threatens anyone it is the craziness of rejecting the free pardon of salvation! It’s like if you’re in court you’ve committed a crime say you murdered someone! Now if you say to that Judge hey I know I’ve done a terrible thing of murdering that person but I hear you’re a good judge and so I know you’ll be fair to me...... the judge is going to reply well yes you’re right about one thing I am a good judge and because I’m a good judge I’m going to see to it that you’re punished and that justice is served! Well then all of a sudden someone you don’t even know comes forward and says you know what I know he’s committed the crime he’s committed and he deserves to go to jail but I really don’t want to see him go to prison so I’ll just go to prison for him so he can go free! So if you accepted that offer you’d be free to leave the courtroom but if you didn’t well you’d be crazy and go to prison yourself! Well that’s exactly how it was 2,000 years ago! He is God in human flesh and he came to this earth lived a perfect sinless life and even though he knew that we had sinned and because of our sins deserved to die miserably but he said no I don’t want to see them suffer so I will go and take their punishment for them! Even though he did absolutely nothing wrong still he chose to take the punishment for our sins so we can be set free from the power bondages and consequences of our disobedience to God! Romans 5:8 says For God commends his love toward us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us! 1 John 2:2 says he was made to be the propitiation for our sins! And not just for our sins but the sins of the whole world! 2 Corinthians 5:21 He who knew no sin became Sin for us that we would be made his righteousness! The truth is if you had to get to Heaven by your own effort then you cannot do it! Because Romans 3:10 says there is not one that does good! No Not One! Romans 3:23 says For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! Romans 6:23 says For the wages of sin is death! But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord! But the good news is Romans 10:9 If we confess with our mouth and believes in our hearts that Christ died for our sins then was raised from the dead we will be saved! V 10 For it’s with the heart we believe and it’s with the mouth confession is made unto salvation! God gave us 10 commandments to follow and we’ve broken every one of them! And because God is a good God he cannot allow our disobedience to him to go unpunished! Well then like I just mentioned above his son Jesus stepped forward and said no I don’t want to see them punished so I will take their punishment for them! And also like I said he died a terrible substitute criminal’s death for us on a cross so now all we have to do is accept that payment for our sins and we can escape the terrible wrath of God that is to fall on them who do not accept this atonement that was sacrificed for our sins! Praise the lord Romans 10:13 says Whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved! And 1 Peter 1:4 you’re an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you! Christ clearly said in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father but through me! Acts 4:12 clearly states that there is no other name given unto Heaven or earth by which we must be saved as there is salvation in no other! Jesus clearly states that there is clearly only one way to Salvation and it’s him that’s it! There is no other way! God Bless everyone who reads!

@biosndlogos1357 - 14.10.2023 16:53

Hello ma'am, if we both depressed at same time most of the time then how can we help each other??😢

@jamesbriggs6717 - 01.10.2023 08:23

I have just started a relationship with a very special guy who has this horrible illness. This video is a massive help in starting my learning process. Some of the things I have been dealing with make a lot more sense now. I want to be able to respond in the right way, and try to make things easier for him if I can. I will keep learning, but this is a really great start. It is already making a positive difference to our lives, as I'm sure it has to many others. I will not give up. Thank you.

@foxsetup - 27.09.2023 16:39

i understand the point of not saying what to do.. But also at one point or another, discussion has to happen and uncomfortable things will be said. There is no easy way to talk about seeking help

@DarkAnubis - 24.09.2023 21:12

I needed this so much. I took some notes to remember next time I talk to her. Thank you so much!

@ivanstepanovic1327 - 12.09.2023 22:52

Once it became clearer I got depression (you pretty much described it well here), her reaction (among others you said are a no-no) was "I have my own problems, I can't let you drag me down, too"... Coming from a person I love, who I helped numerous times, including when during the worst covid lockdowns she was ill and I did all the shopping and whatever she needed... That's a short version, BTW

@monicagorgulho5010 - 07.09.2023 22:51

My partner left me about a month ago. I have been struggling a lot with my mental health and I know he hasn't had it easy either. I wish I couldve expressed more how much his attempts to make me feel better were really appreciated. But it was difficult and therapy costs money and I wanted to take my time with it. But he had other responsibilities to take care of and I think I drove him away by becoming a burden or because it seemed like I wasn't trying. He said it was for the best so we avoid hurting each other but I can't even begin to describe how much I'm hurting over it now. It makes me hate myself to know that I probably made it feel like I was just a hopeless burden who was holding him back from being happy. I want him back more than anything. I miss my bf and my best friend.

@karenbangs2736 - 03.09.2023 18:14

I'm pretty introverted person and a kind of lonewolf-type so my social needs aren't that significant. I do chat with people online daily through some forums, but in real life I don't socialze much. (Social gathering other than with my family make me uncomfortable haha)
For the most part I don't feel that lonely, but sometimes I do feel some sort of craving for interaction. I somewhat think it's affecting me because I have noticed that I often make bad decisions when I'm alone. Idk🙄

@elissadeannashorts - 03.09.2023 15:22

When my dad uses the lines of "just get over it" "just chooses to be happy". I respond with "👏 tada I am cured! I never thought to try that."

@vascodepina4072 - 28.08.2023 16:23

Thanks for sharing theses great value and support. My loved one has been under depression and anxiety for few years now. She has been seen psychiatrist for three months now. Can depressed loved one be undecided whether they love you or not. Off and on they tell you they love. Then they in doubt if they love you or not.
Does it have to do with menthol illness they going through. I have used all of your techniques in this video. Thanks in advance four you feedback.

@jasonbecker4767 - 25.08.2023 01:42

I have OCD and have problems with intrusive thoughts. The person I love has been so supportive but she has had depressive symptoms throughout her life. We were together for 4 years but with stress and outside issues she couldn’t handle a relationship right now and broke up with me. She wants me to be a friend not a boyfriend and I have struggled with that. I just really want to help her but I have had no idea what to do as I still love her. I’ll try implementing these tips and hope for the best.

@ReRe-pb1vx - 24.08.2023 02:15

Guys I need help , no one gets me.. we started talking 2 months ago and we were great together he was so caring and sweet and he said he likes me and then he said he's falling in love, but suddenly he changed and I didn't know why and I was so confused..I kept asking what's wrong and he kept saying it's a bad mood but eventually he told me he has depression.. he still cares about me and texts me everyday but we're not calling anymore bc he has no power to talk ..and I'm so nice to him and I care about him but I'm afraid I'm falling in love and Idk if he'd be able to feel smth for me again.. please tell me if you have experiences like this,, I don't wanna give up on him I know he's not lying he's really not good and he's not going to work or to the gym these days and I shouldn't take it personally bc yet he's so sweet to me but I'm so confused

@user-hy2ju8oe4v - 22.08.2023 04:02

Where is Part 2?

@alika207 - 12.08.2023 03:03

Regarding canceling plans at the last minute, is it OK to say, I totally understand how you feel. I would still like to go though, just for myself. Is there anything I can do for you before I go? I heard this in your anxiety video. Does that also work in this case?

@crysajb-iq1hd - 07.08.2023 23:13

Are the hands happy?
My hands just remembered what makes them happy.

@melaniegomez6168 - 07.08.2023 16:45

I have tried to talk to a few about it. Everyone in my family has just blown it off.

@oleholeholeh881 - 28.07.2023 18:25

Alright, i need help
My gf lives a depressing life because of her parents
They are really bad parents and they made me believe that some people shouldn’t have kids
I really want to help my gf get through all of this
But what if I succeed, if I actually make her love life and enjoy it again, and then we something happens to me and she loses me
What will happen to her then?
Or if after many years we breakup, what will happen to her?
Those thoughts are killing me

@HillaryOhta-ed8lg - 21.07.2023 21:11

I was able to cure my HPV virus with some herbal supplements I got from Dr Ozuka

@sergejeitner9577 - 16.07.2023 05:10

Thank you

@OValger - 15.07.2023 19:28

I fell in love with a person who has depression. I tried to be supportive 'for free', getting no emotional support in return for my support and always being there, and telling honest compliments, and listening, and watching his favorite films with him, and making small but special gifts, and organizing events that would be comfortable and non-challenging for him to attend, and inviting him for a walk now and then without any pressure - only if he wanted to go. I ended up in deep waters, head over heels in love, and now, a year later, after an honest conversation that took five hours - I know my love is unrequited and never was. He just did not have the heart to refuse my affection because he was lonely and needed a living breathing person near him. It is as painful as it can be, and this is a point of warning to everyone - do not try to lovingly support a person in depression if you are not actually already in a relationship. It is hopeless and devastating. It utterly destroys you. I curse the day we met.

@ramzyaissaq1698 - 13.07.2023 23:33

I have major depressive disorder; and for 2 and half months now ive been suffering and crying and cant sleep or sleep a lot, and cant enjoy anything; and having suicidal thoughts 😢😢 everyday; im going to the hospital wish me luck guys.

@funez- - 13.07.2023 01:39

Me and my gf decided to break up and it’s hard because I only get to see her every other weekend so I wish I could always be there for her. It’s hard when the texting slows down it hurts a lot and I miss her opening up like she used to. I really hope she gets better cause it’s like watching a beautiful flower die right in front of you. I only hope she comes back one day and I can be more prepared than now but I can’t expect it. If she lived closer I would do everything to help her. I miss her so much and i love her so much.

@angelacampbell2310 - 12.07.2023 20:11

Thank you

@Curious_Skeptic - 10.07.2023 08:09

Sort of just want away from wife who really hurt me a lot and made depression 1000x worse! Omg, you said word for word what wife says to me! I am so done with this marraige. She drives to want to die😢 😢😢😢

@janleeintube - 02.07.2023 07:57

What if our spouse hv been portraying all the symptoms of depression but they don't know/want to know that they are in depression???

@loyalloner - 02.07.2023 02:08

I got with some who has depression….she didn’t tell me had depression until a few months into are relationship. We been together for 3 years and to the point where I’m ready to give up. We have a child together but still I feel like she is draining me. Someone please help because I’m about to give up.

@clifajak8012 - 01.07.2023 16:58

i would like to thank you!
that was helpful!❤

@scottofford3061 - 01.07.2023 00:20

My wife of six years is 65 and suffers from treatment resistant depression. She is a lovely person who deserves joy but struggles. Thanks for your perspective. I am learning more about supporting her and need to remind myself that life is beautiful.

@nightowl8591 - 29.06.2023 16:08

Thank you very much for this i suffer from depression and I'm gland someone cares

@wathah323 - 29.06.2023 02:53

So how the F can you help someone when your suffering seeing them suffer. It is like watching someone dying.

@SoPhie-cd3nl - 27.06.2023 18:10

thank you o found this video, im sad that i want to be there for my bf because i know he is strugling and he is in pain. i love him sometimes i fogot he has this. thank you for this

@juliagarb - 26.06.2023 21:58

Run just run from them

@charlesmoore1021 - 22.06.2023 20:01

I've dealt with depression for years, I'm very shy and have issues talking to women and as such I don't have a woman in my life. So I get depressed for having no love in my life.

@BoMwarriorVlog - 22.06.2023 11:22

As one with lifelong MDD, and currently majorly struggling I wish I could as everyone in the comments "How in the world did you get in a relationship with someone with depression‽‽" 😯 Did you know they had depression? Did they show confidence before you dated? Did you understand what depression was before getting serious? ...It's beyond my believability that any of you were even slightly aware of how depression affects your mate before you got serious.

I'd finally lost all faith in myself beginning as of 2022, if I ever really had confidence in myself. 😔 I've never even been kissed let alone had a romantic relationship! I'm very close to giving up everything. 😣

@officebatman9411 - 21.06.2023 00:34

I think this is exactly what I needed to hear. I want to be better for her and to understand when she needs space
