Day 1: Amazon Safe Driving

Day 1: Amazon Safe Driving

Amazon Zone

3 года назад

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John Doe
John Doe - 13.03.2023 18:16

How much of this is on the exam? Gross weight, braking distances depending on the size of vehicle, guaging distance by seconds etc... are those facts on the exam? Do we have to know the amount of ft. Distance of braking?

Mark Fuller
Mark Fuller - 10.12.2022 21:11

Amazon delivery drivers are the worst. Mine makes u-turns in my front yard. There's the street, a sidewalk, then my yard. He goes over the sidewalk and 2-4' into my yard leaving deep tracks. This isn't just "oops" slightly past the sidewalk into my yard. It's been 4-5' sometimes. Complete disrespect.

I've contacted Amazon, including emailing the CEO. Nothing changed. I don't know whether to report it to the police, or sue Amazon in small claims court for some "repair" of the damage (relatively slight). Or, put some tire spikes in my yard. (The problem with that is it won't cause an immediate flat. The driver won't know why it happened. He'll keep being a jerk. And, it will cause the remaining deliveries to be delayed. Plus, there's some liability to creating a hazard on my property. An unintended harm could happen.).

This whole "subcontractor" delivery stuff is great for the business. Amazon can say "it's not us." They don't have any skin in the game. The drivers don't care. It's not like a career for them. It's just a gig they do. There should be more accountability.

Ghøšt Bïrd
Ghøšt Bïrd - 18.11.2022 06:53

I forget half of this when I’m out there delivering and frustrated. Especially when I have to back-up on narrow main roads and in driveways. It’s much MORE stressful and frustrating than what they’re talking about.

WanderYouTuber - 06.09.2022 08:17

It's silly that someone is going to take an exam and the person who gives you the training, firstly, doesn't speak your language, secondly, the coach is not supposed to skip the training videos, thirdly, you won't know anything when the coach gives you the proof. I couldn't pass the exam the first day. I can't work for that reason?

Zach Wachs
Zach Wachs - 30.01.2022 08:28

Trying to copy UPS 🤣
