Sober Dogs

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@realstallion9382 - 04.12.2023 12:44

For me it is the complete opposite I did uppers during my addiction but they were never my style I personally liked Xanax in large amounts and oxys and all I dream about is that (whenever I have a dream that is) just was wondering if u knew what makes someone prefer uppers over downers I want to try to understand what makes a person prefer one or the other if it’s life choices/people they hang around. Or if it is something to do with chemical makeup in the brain that makes someone want a downer more over an upper would be great if u have any information on this topic would love any knowledge I can get on it

@trevor7514 - 17.11.2023 11:52

I don't even consider myself a drug addict but ive dabbled in just about anything and everythibg besides heroin meth and crack but whenever i fantasies about doing drugs its always coke or Adderall. I enjoyed those the most and molly but molly comedowns were so bad for me I only used them at big rave festivals

@rabbishekelstein - 28.08.2023 00:19

thinking what if you took a shot of c0ke before you went out on that skydive. HOLY SHIT

@onlyusernameleft2 - 09.08.2023 00:40

Going off of a high dose of stimulants that I was prescribed for ADHD felt like I got dumped by the love of my life and my whole family died all at once. I only ever used meth here and there so I can't speak to that but I did use subs to get off H and that just made me feel empty. Like every day I was just going through the motions. Nothing like the complete emotional devastation of stimulants.

@jakeboy03 - 28.07.2023 02:50

I just HAVE to comment it: If meth and cocaine increases the amount of dopamine by 1000%, that means it increases 10 times. 1000% is equal to 10 times not 1000 times. But that doesn't make it any better. Anyway I love your videos. Keep up with it!

@boofingenthusiast - 23.07.2023 19:52

Same. Heroin and benzos were my favorites but I crave meth the most in sobriety.

@CDAWG199313 - 03.07.2023 22:15

I will never forget the first time I sniffed cocaine. Everything about it was like it happened yesterday, 7 years clean.

@ryanp7822 - 29.06.2023 20:27

Big fan of your channel. Cannabis saved my life and helped me quit prescribed uppers and downers. Adderall withdrawls were crazy for me but i got through them and im glad. I quit nicotine alcohol and pills. 420 i will always respect bc it slows down aging.

@SA-gf3th - 22.02.2023 00:22

Downers are just 💖

@caleshriver134 - 08.04.2022 05:39

Thank you for speaking on this subject. It definitely can’t be easy to put all this out there for everyone to see. Takes guts. Stay strong in your sobriety journey & thanks again for sharing.

@lorabetts8317 - 07.04.2022 21:35

I have a friend who’s older sister 64. Uses meth. We r afraid 😱 Do we do intervention. To me meth is gross. I might approach like a mean parent. Any advice?

@lorabetts8317 - 07.04.2022 21:34

I’m buying sober dogs shirt but I have it altered to say “friends of sober dogs” and joining Pateron. I hope it’s not too harsh

@lorabetts8317 - 07.04.2022 21:32

Sweetheart, I love u! I hope you do fun dopamine things like skydiving! A motorcycle! Hockey! I pray you find a nice young lady and get married and have a family!

@Schizniit - 07.04.2022 21:29

Yea I wish I was the same, cause when it comes to uppers I could just have benders with em and I'd just quit em, however heroin is just a different animal for me

@lorabetts8317 - 07.04.2022 21:29

You didn’t say, “let’s go!” Lol

@thirdeyebjj3984 - 07.04.2022 17:46

Maybe it’s only like that if you inject

@cocojumbo197 - 07.04.2022 14:57

What drugs you take now? You kinda look alert and dont tell me its natural😛
Coke is most overrated drug ever, high doesnt last, endless money pit and chasing that sweet spot.
You know the feeling when you first realize your coke is starting to wear off, its like when plane is cruising and then it drops a few hundreds meters and you know it will keep droppings fast.
If experts could design coke that lasts 3-5h with steady high and no side effects or come down.

@mongogojjo5944 - 07.04.2022 05:21

And for the mental thing personally, yeah coke was VERY mental and even if I had a bad high from doing too much, when I woke up I'd still be thinking about it and how much I loved it. With alcohol and Gabapentinoids they just alleviated my anxiety better than anything so I got much more hooked on those overall but definitely not as mental, I usually didn't even wanna drink deep down.
However, (again, for me) opioids were so sinister because they were both physical and mental. I never really forgot that first true opioid high, it was literally just 2 vicodins and a single beer but the Euphoria, warm dreamy floaty feeling will always be engrained in my mind on top of actually being physically hooked. Now I'm just taking kratom but I still don't feel good about that. Didn't feel good about being on suboxone either, I'm still on an opioid. Anyways, point being for me Opiates were the most sinister of all time because my mind was and to an extent still is deeply attached to them on top of the actual physical part/withdrawals

@roosterj2599 - 07.04.2022 04:54

I used to go UP on meth and adderall for 3 days and fall out for 2 days. I would drop some xanax or atavan and sleep it all off, wake up, eat and go back UP again. That was my life for the last 9 months of my active drug use. Now I look back and it disgusts me.

@mongogojjo5944 - 07.04.2022 04:51

Coming off of a long period of using coke/crack or amphetamines=eating and sleeping and watching TV with maybe a slight gloomy feeling.

Coming off of opiates, benzos or heavy alcohol abuse=hell on earth, worst sickness ever coupled with insane levels of anxiety, depression and all your senses Coming back. Man there is an extremely evil feeling to Coming off of all of those, withdrawaling off Opiates I'd look at a flower and cry 48-72 hours in especially, the extreme spouts of crying are the worst part In my personal opinion that I don't hear talked about much, I ca. Handle some muscle pain or some shroom like yawning followed by watery eyes, but all your emotions coming back at full force....all the screwed up things you've done to get well or while you were on a cocktail of booze and xans,'s all coming back at you full force and it's extremely terrifying and depressing at the same time.

@lorabetts8317 - 07.04.2022 04:11

Sad to even start in first place! God bless you! You’re helping so many,

@lorabetts8317 - 07.04.2022 04:10

Hockey? Ski? What do you do for fun, honey! Praying for you every day! Let’s go!

@THEEINFEKTED - 07.04.2022 02:50

I agree with you K Ruggs. The mental hold cocaine has 2-3 days later is brutal for me personally. I never really had dreams of downers though. But I have had intense, clear dreams about shooting up meth again. I wake up and I freak out! Check my arms...calm down a little. The freaking uppers man.

@xzAllisonxz - 07.04.2022 00:25

I did both always together, hand in hand. I had the same experience as you did with anytime a trigger happened, it would be the upper my brain would think about. I did, however, dream of downers more so than uppers. I found through my early recovery days that I'm really attracted to anything adrenaline related. But let me tell you, I was prescribed klonopin for 20 years and THAT was horrific to come off of. Worse than anything. My body still has some lasting effects from the benzo. I was the "speedball" addict.... thank God above I'm not in that life anymore and I'm 8 years clean, and I'm actually happy.

@branscombe_ - 07.04.2022 00:06

hated downers, glad I never got into them

@fukpoeslaw3613 - 06.04.2022 23:42

To me opiates/opioids are uppers, more so even than speed or coke! up till a point where I've used so much that I start jumping and talking non-stop. However! when I then sit down for a while, I can't keep my eyes open; if I then stand up again I feel like jumping and twittering again!
I think I've never met someone else who would react just like that.

Anyone else here with the same experience or knows someone like that?

@lisa-hq1np - 06.04.2022 23:39

Can totally relate to the dreams. Why do we have these dreams?

@lisa-hq1np - 06.04.2022 23:36

Happy easter mate, love your videos xx

@fukpoeslaw3613 - 06.04.2022 23:32

Your eyes look like you never really came down from uppers, ha ha 😀 ha

you and your eyes: 🤩

@agurasmask2210 - 06.04.2022 23:09

Completely agree with you on this video Kyle it’s straight facts

Also I got a question Kyle.

How safe do you think GHB and Coke would be?

@griffinhelmon7025 - 06.04.2022 22:37

Making my spring break great with all these vids man!!
