The BEST Multi Target (aoe) Damage Companions in Module 25! (tested over 20 so far) - Neverwinter

The BEST Multi Target (aoe) Damage Companions in Module 25! (tested over 20 so far) - Neverwinter


1 год назад

15,873 Просмотров

Here I cover my testing of the aoe companions! Hope this helps! Like I say in the end of the video, aoe companions don't do a lot anymore, don't rely on them to carry your damage, and it is not a priority to get one, at all!

M25 Companion Documents:

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🎲 PC Players:
🎲 PS Players (thanks to 🗡MAdmaN | SkrewFaZ3d):

*Ultimate Character Upgrade Guide:*
- In Short, 32 steps to Max:
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
- Part 4 Gear Optimization;
⚔️ DPS:
- Part 5:
To add:
- Start Dragon hunts asap (instead of going to Avernus) for some of the best gear
- Get a Companion Enchantment with your Combat Enchantment, to massively boost your companions damage or your stats if its an augment
- You can buy the Assassin's neck, waist and artifact set for a big item level boost at low cost
- get the new legendary companion gear from the Northdark reaches when you hit the item level requirement.

*Useful Info:*
🎲 My *DISCORD* Server:
🎲 Best Lockbox's to Open:
🎲 How to Test your DPS:
🎲 Chase Items List:
🎲 PvE Damage Formula:
🎲 Best Damage Buff Artifacts:
🎲 Best Damage Buff Mount Powers:
🎲 Consumable & Belt Item List:
🎲 Companion Document:

Many thanks to my channel members: Jan Martin Brenden, Juice DaNinja, -Yogi-, Phoenix Moonfyre, Live Stream Games, Mr Linde, Marc, Chris Garret, Billy K, Reverio, Chris Garrett, Pandarraz, Acyl Vrion1, Richard Jmison, erz001, Nathane Sabre, Buckeye, Justin Maier, Gordon Smith, KeGeKK, Ashley Hetfield, John Sherman, Black Irish, MrDmkno95, SilStor, Brian crouse, Bryan Pelletier, Kristy Cole, Jason Perry, appleyemma1, Jamiefors, DanChan, Zara Lee, Thiago Chola, Rael Vega, Soulbytes, Michail, Ian Mc, Michał Zieliński, Trevor Harper, Trankos, Narelle Johnston, alex huntington, smoking one, Josh Bain, Irishsnipermonkey, LArry Ulmenstine, Robert Croft, Joachim Roch, Jeffery Getson, Bryan Keller, Jan Lloyd, Jeramiah Noland, Gagiano77, Ft.Gagiano, Ulaş Gezer, Jake, Rick, Ante Radan, ManLikeRocky for the support :D

*Module 25 Guides:*
- Initial Overview:
- Menzoberranzan Mini-Boss Map:
- Mod 25 Gzemnid's Reliquary Mechanics:
- New Legendary Gear:
- New Combat Enchantments:
- New Insignia Bonuses:

*Module 24 Info:*
- How to get LEGENDARY Weapons:
- Northdark Reaches Mini Boss Map:
- How to Make EXTRA Astral DIAMONDS:
- Inventory Updates:
- Spider Totem Belt Item:
- Temple of the Spider Guide:
- Temple of the Spider (Master) Wizard Gameplay:

*Module 23 Guides:*
- Dragon Hunt Overview:
- How to get Dragon Hunt Gear:
- Dragon Hunt Modifiers:
- Elemental Strand AFK farm Spots, for Modifiers & Gear:
- Best DPS Gear:
- Best TANK Gear:
- Best HEALER Gear:
- Rise of Tiamat Trial Mechanics:

*Mod 22 Guides:*
🎲 Mod 22 Mini-Boss & Treasure Maps:
🎲 Crown of Keldegonn Trial Mechanics:

#neverwinter #mmorpg #Onlinegaming


#aragon #neverwinter #build #new #guide #gameplay #endgame
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@MHB-Joker - 02.12.2023 16:33

What you need is dmg right from the start of the fight and a huge circle of AOE-range.
Area of ​​effect size should be count. Just like initial damage or not, you need the damage at the start of the fight and not just after 5-6-7 seconds
Astral Deva has a HUGE AOE size and can hit enemys far far away right from the start and then he still hits smaller hits with his club but in a lower AOE size. Regis should be number 1 on your list. Huge dmg and huge AOE size and the aoe damage comes pretty quickly.

@mihaimihai2198 - 16.06.2023 08:46

Is worth to upgrade mystic phoera?

@GamerWolf-dp3ko - 04.06.2023 20:15

How do you get the shadar-kai witch comp in June 2023??

@janlloyd6138 - 03.05.2023 06:47

What app do you need to test buffs and other things like you do to see the results, like if they are really doing it. And is there one that works on overloads?? TY for all this info, it is appreciated.

@abcdef-ee5rp - 30.04.2023 21:29

Is air archon good? Lots of players still say it’s top

@victormindfield - 21.04.2023 06:19

Does anyone remember the Artifact that has teleport for its Use Power?

@ileria3 - 20.04.2023 07:21

I'm honestly shocked that the Abysmal Chicken is lower. I've bene using it over the Witch, and find his Spamming of the chicken attach very reliable to groups of enemies. more so then the Witch and Xuna. Are you sure you did a proper test with the Abysmal Chicken??

@giovannidorico4383 - 18.04.2023 18:01

Could you check the new Demonic Servants AoE damage please? Seems to have a copy and paste of Regis AoE attack it does right away. Also can be had for less than 850k AD worth of Zen and claimed on all characters. Budget Regis maybe?

@toel7289 - 12.04.2023 21:07

Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

@fresh7s - 12.04.2023 16:21

Nice to see splinters made the list! Thanks! If only I had regis, oh well. I like my companion lol

@GTSN38 - 12.04.2023 04:17

I heard air archon is a bis AOE companion, is that right ?

@lnj4ever689 - 12.04.2023 00:24

Are making a tank build ?😊😊

@UncleFloydGG - 11.04.2023 21:54

only after the Company is done adjusting companions will you be "done" testing (never?), accordingly, context/timeline matters for each and every companion, unless you are implicitly reporting that all AoE companions have already been adjusted (are you?)

@neverwintersbard751 - 11.04.2023 21:25

People overlooked the witch, ive been rockin her on my rogue aoe since she came out, She ropes!!

@angrypossum2152 - 11.04.2023 18:47

I noticed on the Party Buff tab you didn't have Potobello DaVinci. I know this was AOE comps but was curious if you were going to re-look the buff comps as well?

@byronoverman7457 - 11.04.2023 18:29

The intellect devourer stuns all 6 of those dummies at once and then does a great deal of damage to them to. I use the intellect devourer in the new area and it performs quite well.

@marcosaurelio5664 - 11.04.2023 18:02


@kioved7173 - 11.04.2023 16:13

I have a question, what should I do to unlock the quest for masterworks from sharandar in stronghold??

@steved2335 - 11.04.2023 15:14

LOL it will never end with this company... I haven't played in 3 years, I haven't watch videos in months but today I was what the heck lets see how much they have screwed this game up.. Each day each month they must sit around and say how can we screw the players over.. they all spent millions on Xuna now lets make her worthless and lets make this one better... Rinse and repeat...

IF these number are ok with them so be it LOL.

Last 30 Days 973.4
March 2023 855.0
February 2023 877.9
January 2023 850.6

@johngillan4475 - 11.04.2023 14:46

Thank you for your information

@allornothing6377 - 11.04.2023 13:33

Hi Aragon, dont see Demon servant on the list, mite want to have a look, i looked closely at that, its big hit is its 1st hit and deals out some fairly big damage to groups of mob right from the off, with dot sustaining damage after.

@yika2943 - 11.04.2023 11:42

You should be doing 90% of your aoe damage not your companion 😅😂 meanwhile me an arbiter surviving on the mercy of the succubus 😂😂😂

@googlechrom3297 - 11.04.2023 11:03

ahhhhh, perfect for me, i have a account witch, reclaimable on my account :)

@Jan.Martin.Brenden - 11.04.2023 11:00

I know of some other i think up there with Regis (maybe even better). Not going to say tho. Not everything for public ears hahaha :D

@MrNeilb37 - 11.04.2023 10:23

i just got about 20 companiosn and just got the toad to bound to your account.. so it will always be there.. looks good but every time i am combat.. he always get behind then and flick out his tounge ..and aims for there butt all the time.. one thing they can do is be able to sell them back for the same price as you got them so you can free up some space and put the money towards a better ones and be able to by stuff of gold insteed of AD

@chehadesemaan9807 - 11.04.2023 10:08

Tyvm aragon you work more then the dev do for this game

@aussie7743 - 11.04.2023 10:05

Craptic messing up companions again. They will never learn. 🤷‍♂️

@dkufhaduaffaf8130 - 11.04.2023 09:45

Man, you do all the hard work, so we don't have to! Thank you for all that you do!

@denpyr6160 - 11.04.2023 08:39

I have been running with Travelling Entertainer and I really like it! He has big AoE hit which is good, but the best thing i found about him is his fast cooldown for the attack. Because i’m on XBOX I don’t re-summon companions and so he is very reliable, he can cast his attack at least on every 2nd group. Just wanted to share my experience with it.

@Atrocitylol69 - 11.04.2023 08:17

As a new player your channel is gold thank you for taking the time to do this as no one else does Aragon mvp

@madmike19822009 - 11.04.2023 06:55

Pls do the neverember guard archer. It does shoot multiple in a line and hits way harder then listed probably double. I need to sell the ones I got.

@SteeleyGlobal - 11.04.2023 05:08

How do you get a shadar Kai witch? It’s not on the Tradehouse!

@fallwitch - 11.04.2023 05:05

I think it's important to add (as Aragon eluded to) that damage is not always the litmus of a good companion. I do most of my game play solo and have found with toons that have decent AOE on their own, companions that do things like stun, freeze or slow mobs is many times more affective. They set them up for me and I take them out.

@garymullins4212 - 11.04.2023 04:56

Nice Work! TY

@r8d4tube - 11.04.2023 04:35


@MainakShaw_ - 11.04.2023 04:21

There's a ginormous difference between top 2 and the rest when it comes to aoe encDps accotding to your data. Man Cryptic's balancing skills aint that great specially when more than half the good aoe comps are actually "mixed" rather than "multi-target".

Also one more thing about the Max aoe hit on comps. Would it be better if you kept a seperate column where you noted down when a comp uses its max aoe hit from the starting of combat or how often it uses that max aoe hit? Especially since aoe fights dont last that long generally.

@HardRockL1L - 11.04.2023 02:40

Kool and tyvm, Aragon.

@briannahudson7442 - 11.04.2023 02:26

OMG, now one hour later earth archon cost 1 Million astral diamond

@metalheadimortal - 11.04.2023 02:26

They nerffed drizzt he used to do 22k😢

@davidlisovsky6483 - 11.04.2023 02:13

In your video, Regis is stronger than a witch. Succubus deals slightly less damage than Regis. Why do you have a witch in your video and some archon there is taller than them?

@GargoyleKDR - 11.04.2023 01:27

While I definitely appreciate the testing data, it does not reflect the behavior of the companion in combat. For solo questing with my Paladin Tank I tested the Earth Archon and disliked the fact that it is poor at helping to maintain Combat Advantage. The same was true for other Mixed archtypes I tested. The multi-target ones do much better at giving a wider angle for my tank to establish and keep CA. That's solely due to them not closing to melee range. I re-sort your list into archtype first, and then by damage values in order to find ones that behave more to my preference. Your mileage may vary.

@andrewkippenhan5494 - 11.04.2023 01:17

Outstanding as always! You planning on testing and updating the healer companions?

@Blaizeria - 11.04.2023 01:07

So I find those two companions and upgrade my earth archon I bought a load of companion tokens with my bars

@marshallodom1388 - 11.04.2023 00:46

If these are all based on positioning and mob characteristic or circumstances would it make sense to rank these for each class and their inherent mechanics? A Bard might prefer circling the group of players and a Pseudodragon can follow along pecking away a few at a time? While a Tank will be trying to kite the mobs together and want a companion that does better when their attacks are against tightly knitted mobs like a Shadar-Kai Witch? Maybe three list of rankings or maybe even more depending really on play style during combat rather than a Player's roll during combat. We might need to employee some AI to figure it all out, once we can feed it enough details.. For like 240 companions lol

@utahgetme2461 - 11.04.2023 00:34

Tldr: It's Regis, that annoying little bastard is best in aoe.

@mrlinde6518 - 11.04.2023 00:24

Most AOE fights, clearing trash etc lasts 5-10 seconds. Would it make sense to do a 5 second burst dps test?

@Iv3y_Lamar - 11.04.2023 00:19

BYE the dragon hunter, I have account unlocked, is the lowest😂😂😂

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 10.04.2023 23:59

Oh, any news on "See Gear for Other Classes" at the Seal Trader in PE, for Seals of the NORTH?

It's particularly annoying as I had 1500 Seals of the North and over 1200 Seals of the Dragon and nothing to really spend them on except Shirts and Pants.

Or Cleric Scalebreaker Gear I could share either with Paladin or with Rogue, Ranger and Bard. But I want to buy Scalebreaker gear for Fighter, Wizard and Warlock.



@abccba5125 - 10.04.2023 23:51

I got the drizzt account free with the promotion last time, since I use it with my supports, I found he perform decently, I'm not gonna buy and upgrade an aoe comp, in any case. Interesting about the mimic, I slot it's power on offesive with my tank (since I don't have the deepcrow), will try as summoned 👉
