Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Orion Gets An Official Update! Excellent News! Open World Features and More!

Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Orion Gets An Official Update! Excellent News! Open World Features and More!

Open World Games

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@Gfish17 - 30.06.2024 06:45

Things i want in Cyberpunk Orion.
First person view
New Cyberware
Lore accurate nudity.

@spysideways7824 - 30.06.2024 03:37

all i care about V getting out of his mess

@stephenyarrington1871 - 29.06.2024 12:01

I'd find it cool if cyberpunk had some Detroit become human elements to it. Where you can branch off into many more different paths depending on your decisions.

@JamesMBC - 24.06.2024 16:37

For me, the biggest missing gameplay element from Cyberpunk 2077 is the lack of leisure activities in the open world.
There is nothing to do except hookers .
I want a GTA-like experience, go to the bar with my chooms and drink a few beers, maybe attending competitions of future-like sports, or at least boxing.
Non-combat, persistent mini-games to drive the feeling of daily life in a cyberpunk world, not just ADD-combat obsession.
They did it with the races and car theft missions, but we need more.

Also, I'd like the ability to have your NPC chooms join you not only for missions and calls, but for also world exploration or these side activities.

@Jv19979 - 04.06.2024 03:33

Keep it 1st person. Its better for seemless cutscenes. And no to multiplayer it would take away from single player.

@ministerjlupine8175 - 25.05.2024 00:59

A multiplayer co-op tabletop game turn single player video game franchise. That's akin to a dungeons and dragons game, or even Warhammer launching as singleplayer only titles... I don't understand how there's no outrage over this. Cyberpunk Should've launched as a co-op (optional) game. I feel like I'm the only one upset about this. Some of my best childhood years revolved around D&D and Cyberpunk... WITH FRIENDS!!! I'm still pained. Cyberpunk is a part of what has formed who I've grown up to be. I waited decades for a (true to origin) Cyberpunk game to be released... they cut co-op... sad days for me. At least I can be happy for all you single player only gamers. At least someone has been satisfied.

@Choom2077 - 15.05.2024 13:16

I am super stoked for more Cyberpunk 2077 Orion news. Thanks for keeping us up to date, OWG. Subbed.

@lonely_mcnulty-zq6fz - 13.05.2024 18:02

I absolutely hate the cyberpunk 2077 end,it was like they rush the game to the ending,i know they have time limit for relic but like,why would it only take 24 hour TO FINISH THE FUCKING GAME,it was too fast and the ending didn't even lets me play furthermore,i want the game to make you find the cure instead of losing all the friend,like this is not what it would ended,it was suck,i want to just start the new life,more drama,going back to you're love partner and having some dialogue with them,more journey with harder fight that make you struggle even more.

@abeidiot - 11.05.2024 22:37

They proved with phantom liberty that they have a winning formula

@chucklarock8010 - 10.05.2024 20:01

There is reverb on your microphone. Great video.

@fire_hawk8320 - 07.05.2024 23:25

As long as they take their time and not rush it so we can avoid a disaster like launch

@sinu9226 - 07.05.2024 19:09

I'd even be down with a mute protagonist, just give us fallout new vegas levels of roleplaying, let me roleplay instead of playing a role.

@PhilosophyandWar - 06.05.2024 06:27

Online sucks. Other people are what make it suck. If I wanted other people, I’d do real life.

@_deadwait - 03.05.2024 00:34

If they did something like elden ring for online play that would be amazing.

@GBNationalist - 02.05.2024 17:30

Hopefully they remove the level cap. It’s a terrible feature. I got to max level and max street rep before I was even halfway through the story. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Made the rest of the game a slog and boring.

@SmokeNZA - 01.05.2024 09:33

They should just release a diffrent version on pc so they can actually do what want.

@jakeking6956 - 30.04.2024 09:55

Well I’m excited about the leak for the new expansion that is supposedly coming at the end of next year cause we need a new game plus

@randomantics3934 - 30.04.2024 02:48

i hate first person games but i watched edgerunners which made me buy cp77 and i think its the best game ive played in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time

@heyguyslolGAMING - 25.04.2024 20:31

As someone who played MMO's for many years I do think CP would make for a fantastic mmo BUT I also acknowledge that I've seen way to many games ruined by the community bc of the online play so w/ that being said I'm w/ you on keeping CP a single player only game. I have a lot of faith that this next game is going to really be the next marking point for gaming going forward IF they do this right which I think they will. I have no doubts they learned so much from the mistakes made w/ CP2077 that this next game is going to be mind blowing.

@1point21jiggawats - 24.04.2024 20:51

Thanks for covering this, was wondering about this project but no real news.

@amazinkay4512 - 22.04.2024 00:23

Cyberpunk maybe the best looking game of all time. It's unbelievable. With ray tracing maxed out it is ridiculous

@varlmorgaine3700 - 20.04.2024 15:27

Not really intrested in orion after they abonded Cyberpunk 2077, its full of unfinished story lines and cut content, from mister blue eyes night corp, militech, biotechnica and the gangs.

Dont missunderstand me the game is awesome just, not what they selled at the start, not what they promissed and in the end in my eyes unfinished.

@josedavila577 - 19.04.2024 23:39

Cyberpunk must have a new gameplus because most game have new game plus

@josedavila577 - 19.04.2024 23:36

Don't forget new game plus that is a must

@GreenGorilla0303 - 13.04.2024 09:30

I think our character experiencing cyber psychosis would be awesome bc we've seen characters suffer from if and i think it would be awesome to see it from our pov and experience the struggle and metal side would be cool asf

@BlueMoon56832 - 11.04.2024 06:47

Man all i'm asking for is more cyberware and skills and a new game plus in the next game

@johnbrooks2122 - 11.04.2024 01:24

Vr would be nice😊

@lstcloud - 09.04.2024 09:06

I think whether a game is gonna be online or not is USUALLY one of the first things that has to be decided (simply from a tech standpoint there are a LOT of changes between something that relies solely on YOUR machine vs. something that also requires servers, accounts, networking, etc.). There are some pros and cons to each, but I really like the way that Palworld did this particular aspect where it CAN be played with others on a dedicated server or you can play it solo, but you don't NEED to play it one way or the other to feel like you're not missing out on anything. Approaching it from this way means that the story and gameplay HAS to take priority, because a LOT of times devs for MMO games feel it's fine to slack off and rely on player interactions to make up for their lacking in these aspects. They use the excuse that they don't NEED to have a story because players will make their own stories together, same thing with good gameplay - they think they don't NEED it because they can rely on other players to force each other into meta-builds or shame/frustrate them into quitting. This means that when it comes to balance you're only looking at how the player stacks up against the enemies, instead of also having to make ALL the possible builds the player can create stack up against the enemies AND against each other. It's not PVE that turns communities toxic, it's usually PVP because somebody always gets their feels hurt because the assumption is that the problem is in how certain builds work vs. other ones (looking at you here WoW); not in an individual's skill level. Because Cyberpunk has so many different types of builds though, that would be a nightmare to try making say a netrunner build comparable to a melee build. Aside from the lackluster stories and gameplay that you also get in MMO games and the fact that devs can allocate resources that would normally be focused on these aspects into just getting the game done faster, online games are often seen by game companies as being preferable so they can monetize them as a subscription service in order to milk the absolute maximum profits out of their customers as possible.

@vladsta9530 - 04.04.2024 23:15

Idk if it made me love the game cuz I bought it 2 weeks ago so I didn’t experience many glitches but I can hands down say without a doubt this is my favorite game by far I loved nothing like this epic experience! I do wish that texting will be a full out freshly done I want way more from texts much more I want way more out of the cops like even passing a red light I want there to be repercussions after each action I want more interactions with strangers I want some type of business more leveling up to max on everything and takes way longer I want bosses and fights to be much harder and lastly I want much more out of romance dates do fun things together even going out to a club with a romanced partner and way more sexual content out of partners it don’t have to be straight out p*rn but you know what I mean not some 30 seconds taking shower together even tho I love that scene and there could be way more then just to hug or kiss like if she leaned her head on my lap I want to have multiple discussions not just 3 or 4 let’s talk and fresh interesting questions where the ai can generate new things even what did they do today and how they feeling mad or happy! But yea that would be a perfect game for me! And please for the love of this green earth give me car customizations and upgrades!

@ticozayas6430 - 04.04.2024 21:30

Def want a 3rd person option, also storywise i dont mind dark i just dont want another v situation where tech is slowly killing u, cuz we've seen this story already... whoever is the protag in orion i hope they have a vastly different situation than v.

@masterlywolfyt1394 - 04.04.2024 01:23

Cyberpunk Orion I can’t fkin wait

@The_Potato_Queen0317 - 02.04.2024 09:58

It’s gonna take 22 years and it’s gonna be as buggy as cyberpunk 2077 on release and fall out 76

@slim5816 - 01.04.2024 21:28

Pretty sure GTA 6 is gonna melt faces from a technical standpoint and thats gonna be the new standard for these type of games.
Similar genres always get compared in depth. CDPR wants to deliver now, no more failures. Pretty sure they'll take their time now and make something really epic.

Considering they have the Night City map already (which ofc will be reworked) and core gameplay & story formula I doubt they need another 10 years for it. 2026 after Witcher releases they prob allocate over 400 people to it (40 now) and from then 4-5 years would be 2030/31.

PS6 will be out by then...kinda crazy lol.

@LeonardMosca - 30.03.2024 07:41

I think it's going to be like The suicide squad you can only play it online

@AngelofDeath333 - 30.03.2024 00:02

I’d love an online co-op PvE doing gigs and heists.
Would love it if you’re character gets different dialogue lines depending on how you create your character, I’d like to see more creativity in making the background information on your character like they got in StarField but way better.

@yoakyj5448 - 29.03.2024 04:04

I think the only route to go is to have PVE coop if they want MP in the game. If the story of v is not continued allow each player to choose a different faction/start to their story and the convergence between you an your friends is a heist that you all end up going after for their faction but end up having to work together to get out of the situation... BOOM coop play begins. Maybe towards the end you can have missions that spider out to single player stuff if you choose to go against what others do in your party.. Maybe even backstab at the end.

@memeking6876 - 28.03.2024 17:25

I’m gonna be in my thirties by the time this comes out. 🗿

@user-oo2nj6se9l - 27.03.2024 12:15

I’m on Xbox one 💀

@user-yl7nz8zo4m - 26.03.2024 02:36

I would love too see the main anthagonist not be a corpo like arasake but a gang

@user-yl7nz8zo4m - 26.03.2024 02:33

Wee need more implants the ability to craft armors or completely replace bodyparts with cyberware

@crtxdistortion657 - 23.03.2024 14:39

Well, if CDPR continue to work with SBI and continue their sub par story writing, we all know where that will take them. CDPR does not have much trust capital to work with. Another bad release/game and then only the fanboys will buy this...

@princekiro1596 - 22.03.2024 05:36

I hope we play as a character we create and name, 'cause I feel as though V's story in all the endings have concluded.

@AlcoholAndAnimeNight - 22.03.2024 00:56

Hope for more Edgerunners tie ins

@wahtaachannel - 22.03.2024 00:06

Cyber punk has become a better looking gta with shitty npcs

@skullreaper7102 - 21.03.2024 18:16

I prefer it to stay in first person. If it can switch between first and third person I’d be okay with to that

@tomgregory1222 - 21.03.2024 15:31

I would like a true ready player one/ free guy situation within the cyberpunk nation. With oc virtual reality options. I know it's all a big ask, but the option to both interact or be independent in pve with players real time.
It'll never happen and not expected but I could totally envision the biggest game ever in the cyberpunk world

@paramountdon8435 - 21.03.2024 03:44

2 player co op please

@TaiLe-ns6mf - 20.03.2024 20:55

bought all of CDPR's open world games, their games have no qualms about nudity (like the movies), the story and world are full of depth, there are always moral gray areas in many of the missions incident, especially not heavily affected by movements such as woke or Feminism (unlike Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League). Of course they still have LGBT characters or black characters, or whatever skin color, these characters are all very charming. Hopefully CDPR continues to follow this direction, I will definitely buy their games at any price.
