Bringing Paginated into Power BI reports - INSANE AMAZING!

Bringing Paginated into Power BI reports - INSANE AMAZING!

Guy in a Cube

2 года назад

87,289 Просмотров

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Cliford Akoyo
Cliford Akoyo - 30.08.2023 18:22

HELP. how did you prepare the parameter to show in power bi mine does not filter on slicers even if I set auto-apply filters.

Zmelgar K1R3D2
Zmelgar K1R3D2 - 10.04.2023 19:21

Great video patrick. is there a way to pull the values of the Paginated report parameters in order to slice/use as dynamic M query filters inside powerbi desktop without importing the whole paginated report?

honey bhatia
honey bhatia - 02.04.2023 11:06

Hi, i want to pass from and to date range from same date field, embedding rdl in power bi desktop but in desktop not able to pass date range using parameters

Niladri R Pal
Niladri R Pal - 14.02.2023 16:56

Great video Patrick. This is so useful. Thank you!

Michael S
Michael S - 07.01.2023 20:16

Can the paginated report use the same data source as PowerBI?

Devender Kumar
Devender Kumar - 24.11.2022 19:49

Hi, is there any method to create power bi report using SSRS report as database

Jyoti Kumari
Jyoti Kumari - 31.10.2022 08:49

I think for this we need the paginated report published to service. Unfortunately I am not able to embed this paginated report to PBI because I am unable to publish my report, I think we can't publish a paginated report with a free trial account. It's a pro feature.

Enti E Vantalu.
Enti E Vantalu. - 20.10.2022 19:13

How to add row level security in pagenated reports please advise.. thanku

MrWLKNSN - 08.09.2022 21:47

What's even more insane is that the connection string is fixed so that you can't deploy this stuff within deployment pipelines as the paginated report visuals would just keep pointing to the same original paginated report.

subbaraya chari
subbaraya chari - 24.05.2022 15:30

My challeng is how to create Barcodes in paginated reports. When it is published to the service i need to see barcodes only

Prathap DS
Prathap DS - 15.04.2022 10:43

Hey Guy's is this option will work in PowerBIDesktop(RS) ?

Vickar Khan
Vickar Khan - 31.03.2022 19:15

awesome. that solution in the end related to responding to multi-select was exactly what I was looking for. many thanks.

obj - 18.03.2022 11:41

OK, if I have multiple PBI pages one of which is Paginated Report visual - is there a way to export (say to pdf) all the PBI pages including the PR visual? Or does PR visual has to be exported separately and then merged in Adobe with other exported pages?

Santosh Srirangam
Santosh Srirangam - 09.03.2022 07:22

Just again... this is an awesome feature, and thank you for making the presentation so simple. You guys rock !!!

charan thipparthi
charan thipparthi - 17.01.2022 09:32

is it possible to export the data and a header part at a time into excel

VWL - 20.12.2021 01:11

Great video Patrick. There are many use cases you would want to export the data and run analysis offline, or merge with other data set not available in Power Bi. I always wondered why Microsoft limited export to 150k rows. Would you happen to know the reasons behind this limitation? And if there are any future plans to allow greater export limit?

Allard Bon
Allard Bon - 15.11.2021 17:08

Thanks a lot Patrick! You rock!

hajaaa100 - 09.11.2021 13:55

can you pls reply the maximum rows of data a paginated power bi can export? and also maximum GB of the file it can export.

Chris Vassalotti
Chris Vassalotti - 13.10.2021 23:20

Paginated reports don't currently work in Power BI Embedded. I was hoping this might be a work-around, but doesn't seem so. I get "An unexpected technical error" message in the visual

Noopur Singh
Noopur Singh - 13.10.2021 21:13

Very informative video, is there any detailed video on the dax functionality inside paginated report

Julian Rizza
Julian Rizza - 30.09.2021 16:15

Is there a way to pull PBI generated forecast into paginated report?

Sandeep Barge
Sandeep Barge - 08.09.2021 19:05

If auto apply is off, how so we apply filters to paginated report visual when uaer is done with selecting values in slicers?

Gerry Abramovich
Gerry Abramovich - 05.09.2021 19:06

Can i use the Paginated Reports in on prem ?

OperacionSQL - 17.08.2021 13:32

Patrick... because we alway get the question.."Super but how I export this to excel? "

Kostas Kolotouros
Kostas Kolotouros - 10.08.2021 17:03

Good video Patrick, as always. I really wish sophisticated paginated reports were supported as a native PowerBI functionality instead of having to go through the pain of integrating them from a different tool. But life isn't always easy :)

Karthigeyan S
Karthigeyan S - 06.08.2021 19:21

I have a requirement where users have to download more that 3,00,000 records. But from table visual in Power Bi its possible to download max 1,50,000 records only. So will i be able to exceed that limit using paginated reports?

James Barnthouse
James Barnthouse - 06.08.2021 07:16

Thanks for the post Patrick. Very helpful. Users want the slick export of XLS that PBI doesn't have but also need to break the users of SSRS and xls.

WalleyeJim - 05.08.2021 16:20

Does this require our tenant have Power BI Premium? Can we get away with having a couple developer Premium Per User licenses, then embed the Paginated Report in another report that's accessible for Pro licensed users? So many questions...

Kristian Brizendine
Kristian Brizendine - 05.08.2021 15:13

I tried using this to display a custom map that I created in PBI Report Builder (because labels aren't supported on custom maps in PBI but they are supported in PBI R.B.). It works except that when I export the PBI report to PPT or PDF the embedded report doesn't render quickly enough so it appears blank in the output file! Any ideas?

Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar - 05.08.2021 13:58

Is there a 100,000 export limit in power BI?Sorry, I’m new here

obj - 05.08.2021 12:53

Still can't get it why would you use Paginated Reports if you can do same things on PBI Desktop ... :(

wojnar91 - 05.08.2021 11:07

Is this visual supported in Publish to Web view?

David Stavegard
David Stavegard - 05.08.2021 07:35

Wow - that's a nice feature, and also great way of showing this new feature!

Judy Calvo
Judy Calvo - 05.08.2021 00:22

If I don't have Power BU Premium, can I still use paginated reports?

Pilar Sastre
Pilar Sastre - 04.08.2021 23:37

This doesn't work when running it as an embedded report :(. Try embedding it in the PBI Playground

Andronikos Zinakus
Andronikos Zinakus - 04.08.2021 22:23

It feels a little gimmicky, but I’m sure there’s some niche applications for an ssrs visual. I think I’d rather the user access the paginated report directly.

Florian Ziora
Florian Ziora - 04.08.2021 22:22

I don‘t have „preview features“ in my options and settings. Do i need to have a premium license for this? Where can i check what type of license i (meaning the company i am working for) have? I would love to have the toolbar feature which would make it possible to export data in .ppt or .pdf, that would be awesome!

Andreea Banateanu
Andreea Banateanu - 04.08.2021 21:49

Tested myself with multiple filters coming from tables without a relationship between them. It didn’t work. When you will add more fields in Parameters which are coming from tables without a relationship, Powerbi BI will return that error “there is no relationship between the fields bla bla..”.
Everyone, do you know a solution for this? Thank you!

Fernando Coz
Fernando Coz - 04.08.2021 21:09

Nice try Microsoft, but you really need to improve Power BI Report Builder

Pranav Patel
Pranav Patel - 04.08.2021 21:06

Hi Patrick -

Thanks for sharing this feature!! Really appreciated..

just checking if this still requires Paginated Report to be place inside Premium Capacity?

Mario Böhme
Mario Böhme - 04.08.2021 20:10

This is not efficiently integrated by Power BI. Unfortunately, it is not possible to date a pagination at native visual table or matrix, which is standard with other bi tools

Yannick franck UM
Yannick franck UM - 04.08.2021 20:10

Thanks Patrick for sharing!

may levi
may levi - 04.08.2021 20:05

Hi Patrick I need your help I do not know if what I will ask you now is possible
But that's the issue
TOTAL line
I did two calculations of ordered from customer versus received
One general and one against stock conditions (if there was no stock in the last 3 days of the product)
It seems to be working in rows of the table it returns BLANK
But the total comes out the same

Rebecca Bowen
Rebecca Bowen - 04.08.2021 19:11

Help, I need an adult. I have a report that is more or less a filterable list of people but someone's last name is "Na" so in Power BI it displays as blank. It's set to don't summarize and show items with no data and I've tried formatting it different ways in my spreadsheet. The only way that it displays is if I put the double quotes around it but I don't want it to display the double quotes in the report. Any ideas would be helpful...

roy koyal
roy koyal - 04.08.2021 19:00

Can you help understand how subscriptions can be handled that usually is done for paginated report in SSRS. Is there any similar options?

Evn Presson
Evn Presson - 04.08.2021 18:58

I'm still struggling to see the value of having this Paginated Reports in a PBI report. They have two different scopes and purposes. You can see that you still have to scroll down in the Paginated Report visual just like you would if you simply showed the data using a table visual. So whats the gain?

Afifa Zuhair
Afifa Zuhair - 04.08.2021 18:36

If I'm already running powerbi embedded, can I use this visual to show paginated reports saved in the same 'embedded workspace'. Or do the paginated reports need to be saved in a premium workspace?

Tú, Yo, Excel y Power BI
Tú, Yo, Excel y Power BI - 04.08.2021 18:28


Ravi Teja
Ravi Teja - 04.08.2021 18:08

I'm new to power BI can anyone help me in understanding the power BI report builder please

Thanks in advance 😊
