This player reached Rank 1 EUW playing ONLY MALZAHAR???

This player reached Rank 1 EUW playing ONLY MALZAHAR???


3 года назад

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@midbeast9495 - 01.04.2021 17:35

reminder to dodge your autofill games when climbing, you won't regret it :)

@Mr8000D - 21.04.2023 21:50

he did use soraka too

@aspesiisia3641 - 01.02.2023 12:51

Thats why im Rank 1 on this Champ. ❤

@kko3505 - 05.10.2022 17:46

is that xPetu as top shen?

@jorgeleiva5382 - 07.06.2022 21:18

velkoz is massive counter to malz

@RFG0826 - 25.05.2022 17:34

This person is very bias hate the champion so much, what he did to you? 10lose streak facing malz? LoL

@nemit81 - 19.02.2022 20:50

shit champion

@chrisfrench9257 - 31.01.2022 14:47

Voidlings absolutely shred turrets my man. If you E the wave they focus the minions. Try dropping voidlings while turret is focused on a cannon... it disappears so fast. Turret also focuses voidlings over the minion wave so you can extend the life of the wave to help you push down the turret in the right circumstances.

@Tapademic - 28.01.2022 09:43

It's very easy to fuck up on malz. He is so much more than just his ult. With the burn build his E is deadly and can one shot adcs from a spread in teamfights.

@thelameone9651 - 10.01.2022 16:53

Malz E is such an abnoxsious spell. It auto spreads upon killing, great push, poke and damage. His ult is more of utility for locking than damage

@pawanpatel2874 - 08.01.2022 17:11

Xerath is decent counter to Malzahar.

@mattis5714 - 17.12.2021 22:52

Haters gonna hate. Malz is a fun champ to play and even though he's easy to play, calling him a "no skill just press R" champ is just sad. Go ahead and play him in ranked against good players. Let's see how you do. If you don't position right you'll just get one shot. Besides there are so many easy champions to play and I bet one of those is one of your mains too so better keep your trash talk for yourself.

@davidj9977 - 11.10.2021 08:55

anivia is a great malz counter

@magicl5611 - 22.06.2021 01:57

what is qss

@DronesOverTheMoon - 18.06.2021 18:49

May i ask why de fuc you have an only fans?

@rise7056 - 17.06.2021 02:54

I dont know why people think malz is just a press to r champ, if you R someone you get focused by their team, and your suppression gets cancelled easily because you cant move, thats what I always worry about when I ever want to play malzahar

@przemo5711 - 04.06.2021 02:04

You sound kinda salty tbh, constantly talking about how easy the champ is how you just need to know fundamentals blah blah blah. makes you look straight up mad that this guy hit rank 1 euw after so few games while you couldnt get out of diamond on that server;/

@michaszonowski6681 - 24.05.2021 22:06

Major mistake actually happened a few seconds after ulting Shaco's clone.
In this situation always remember to do the mastery emote into dance spam combo.

@dadrrd1464 - 16.05.2021 10:45

Midbeast: ,,Even 30 damage trade makes different".
Random bronze player: *ignites level 1*.

@amirkhoob9764 - 15.05.2021 18:15

midbeast: u have to know the game to playing malzahar
also the malzahar ults shaceo clones after 10 sec

@lelu0079 - 14.05.2021 08:36

I wish I get to face this malzahar with a kassadin, he gonna have a horrible day 😂😂

@MeepsGO - 07.05.2021 06:17

Good to know people still ult clones in high elo

@michaelk.web3 - 04.05.2021 14:45

The affliction warlock of the League world :)

@monsieurbres8062 - 02.05.2021 22:43

Malzahar is not easy to play. I played against a lot of Malzahar and 95% of them were really bad with the character. You really have to know the character and master all the mechanics to succeed in winning and climbing. You clearly have to be a genius to climb with Malzahar in 2021, he is also a very poor character in 1vs1.

@ogrop888 - 30.04.2021 10:11


@nek0n266 - 20.04.2021 16:32

QSS not found

@moekaze - 16.04.2021 23:01

it looks like a regular 100% diamond game. How much difference between korea chal and euw chal huh but it is still very impressive to reach such elo with malzha.

@joshhulett1053 - 16.04.2021 19:49

Why does he keep Qing on the turret when there is no enemies around it?

@DanielDroegeShow - 15.04.2021 09:34

why does he always q in base?

@razielizaun4808 - 14.04.2021 07:54

Love the channel m8, nice work.

@cuongo5536 - 12.04.2021 18:16

Our company will have a small LOL tournament next week. Malzahar and Anivia are my favourite champs. My opponent is a Velkoz main. I really want to ask if Velkoz's W can 1 shot Malz's bugs easily. If it does, I shouldn't play Malz.
Cosmic Drive is a really good item on Malz too (especially when you sell boots). Lots of CDR and movement speed

@bangsound59 - 12.04.2021 15:53

The most fun i have playing leag is when i r someone with malz while emoting them, then watching them cry in chat on how braindead is malzahar. Ahh just thinking about it brings me joy

@chawsiku8510 - 11.04.2021 07:13

even tho i am a gm top main, im enjoying these commentaries by midbeast <3

@nfc14g - 09.04.2021 00:06

It's weird he does e,w,q because of you do e,q,w you get extra minion for more damage. Curious why he does that

@ByMerch - 08.04.2021 14:59

There goes my main now that midbeast made a video on It

@godmozart4580 - 08.04.2021 11:53

This could never happen on the NA server, he wouldn’t even be top 10. TF Blade easily got rank 1 on EUW but nah NA soloque is a joke xd

@michalrutkowski6975 - 07.04.2021 20:53

Buying qss is good for malz they just waste 1300 ez gold

@padddddy85 - 07.04.2021 13:55

Where did his account go?

Edit: Nvm his name is now 20211000

@nickstocker7135 - 07.04.2021 07:17

irelia is big malz counter cuz she stacks on voidlings

@jordidewaard2937 - 07.04.2021 01:21

Dark Wizard TF lul

@cryomancer414 - 06.04.2021 15:49

in general fizz is realy good against hem with protobelt

@mezamezz - 05.04.2021 10:54

How can a champ that gets countered by qss beat challenger players tho 😵😵
