The Elytra - Minecrafts Most PROBLEMATIC Item...

The Elytra - Minecrafts Most PROBLEMATIC Item...


1 год назад

256,504 Просмотров

The elytra is the most powerful, useful and essential items. It is the main reason players go to the end and kill the dragon. But is it overpowered, or simply a product of a bigger issue with minecraft as a whole?

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0:00 – Intro
0:36 – Before Elytra’s Existed
4:06 – The Elytra
5:30 – Is It Overpowered?
7:48 – How Could We Fix Elytra’s

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley - Horizons
2. DBadge - Nuke (
3. Scott Buckley - Ascension

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@boomertunes9924 - 29.12.2023 18:34

I've rarely ever used elytra (in survival). It's not that it's particularly difficult to get (because it really isn't). The problem is that I find every piece of infrastructure pointless once I have it. A creeper farm isn't exactly hard to build (and neither is a sugar cane farm), so rockets are quite abundant, and you can get quite far with just a few rockets. It would be senseless for me to take the time to painstakingly carve out road networks between areas when I can just fly like a fighter jet in a general direction to reach each place. Likewise, any other form of transport is just made pointless.

I can think of a way to make elytra still useful, while not completely deprecating other forms of transport, and helping to buff an existing form of transport. I say get rid of the whole firework propulsion mechanic. Let players still be able to glide with it, but disable the effects of punch 2 while flying (so basically leave it as a glider). But allow players to put the elytra on horses. This could allow horses to fly (not at some obscene speed, but still fairly fast). And as a form of balance, the horse could have a stamina bar that depletes as it flies. This would allow for horses to be able to decent distances, and not just turn them into fighter jets. I imagine it would work closer to a jetpack than how the current elytra operate when on the horse.

I know a change such as this would be met with very heavy resistance, but Mojang didn't have a problem in the past with making changes that split the fanbase (combat update), so I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, the elytra (as it currently is) is kind of boring. That's not to say it isn't fun to fly around. The problem is that it makes the rest of the game boring. Exploration is as simple as flying over an area, and fleeing surface danger is as simple as just taking off (as if sprinting didn't already allow for easy enough escape).

@KrimsonStorm - 25.11.2023 04:40

I know I am VERY late to this video, but I mostly agree with this video. That said, I DO think the Elytra does need a nerf, but the reason for it is that both mending and the Elytra are borderline OP, and combining them makes them just too strong. Mending was added because of how much of a grind it was to get quality gear and eventually you can't keep repairing it. I think an improved mechanic for this is to make Binding a temporary enchantment which makes the next time you repair the item, it is resets the level cost to something very low (1-3 levels). Once you repair an item that has mending on it, the enchantment vanishes (all other enchants stay on).

This solves the anvil problem of "TOO EXPENSIVE!" and keeps the idea behind mending as a tool to give additional longevity to an item. As an added benefit it also makes Elytra repair something to actually consider. The fact you really never have to worry about a broken Elytra due to mending is part of why it's a no brainer.

Other options do need significant buffs, like you mentioned, I just wanted to say my piece as I REALLY think this could help bridge the gap in the community.

@navyrayne - 19.10.2023 22:15

You: "Airplanes are OP and made horses obsolete they should be nerfed!"

@asdqwhdhfhd - 06.10.2023 14:19

okay but elytra turning you in to a supersonic jet instead an actual glider is kinda silly. i do think nerfing it would be nice. it would also make a potential end island update more exhilerating instead of "bring 2 stacks of fireworks and fly at y120 above all the new content."

@lasercraft32 - 23.09.2023 04:44

I think the main issue with making rails able to turn the corner AND go up a block is that it wouldn't look natural. Think about it... how would they orient the model to make it not look janky or over-modeled?

@G4nd4lf - 13.09.2023 14:37

In my opinion boats and horses are ok as they are because they are low cost, early game means of transport. However mine carts should definitly be buffed. I'm using a mod that replaces mine cart machanics making them usefull by allowing them to travel up to 30 block per secound.

@purplevirus8054 - 04.09.2023 21:58

I think they should buff other methods of transport and maybe even make a new good way of transportation.

@dasarelrp1133 - 04.09.2023 02:01

the game is way over 10 old, it's not the mechanic that make player able to get elytra this fast, it's their knowledge
for someone who has never played the game it's also easy to get it with all the ressource on the internet, and it's the case for any that don't require any specific "training" or skill
take fighting game for example player can lookup for tips or way of doing things but they can't do electric on tekken the first 50/100 times before starting to get the just frame right
another good example is ghost recon wildlands, want the best weapon and attachement ? look a map on where to get it, gab it, enjoy

@roselia7207 - 22.08.2023 15:12

I think they should make the nether star a requirement to get to the end, then immediately after that they should make flying with fireworks much slower. The ability to fly should be slow, not fast.

@exterminator9676 - 08.08.2023 03:08

I agree and disagree with this video quite a bit actually but I'm too lazy to write why...

@TheRTX3090 - 03.08.2023 01:25

just dupe rails

@nflaze2425 - 15.07.2023 12:34

Hey @TheMisterEpic i love the idea about the e-dragon as long as its not gonna be as buffed as the e-dragon on painmc (a mc server i play on) that thing does warden damage per hit, doesn't perch, does explosion damage of a creeper with its fireballs and its attack frequentie is higher 😅😅😅

@MeepChangeling - 13.07.2023 02:45

Bro, it's a god send to people who don't LIKE exploration and just want to get around their builds or go to a distant place they looked up via a seedmap to make that cool desert town. If you don't like an item in a game, JUST DONT USE IT! There is zero reason to loudly and autisticaly screach to the heavens and hope to make the devs think most people want it nerfed and thereby ruin it for everyone who loves it.

@Dert26 - 24.06.2023 00:43

Regarding minecarts and the fact that jumping while running is almost as fast, correct me if I'm wrong but if you're running and jumping with blocks directly above your head so you get no air time, don't you have the ability to go even faster than 7.1 blocks per second if you spam the jump button?

I haven't played Minecraft in a few months but I wanna say that this method is even faster than 8 blocks per second, albeit at a cost to your hunger.

@GOAT_GOATERSON - 21.06.2023 11:04

I still don't really use the elytra

@TheRTX3090 - 13.06.2023 00:05

TheMisterEpic: When did you use minecart?
Me: To build a lag machine in a p2w server which didn't work.

@urosradovanovic7720 - 03.06.2023 22:45

You know that the ability to propel elytra was added in 1.11.1

@goldengun9208 - 30.04.2023 10:27

You can have mules from breeding donkeys with horses. They have storage space and are fast.

@wortwortwort117 - 29.04.2023 11:39

Elytra should really take the approach of difficulty increasing with power. Elytra keeps its current attributes but is made less controllable.
If you attempt to turn 180 degrees mid air, instead of your momentum disappearing you just continue along your trajectory potentially crashing.
Basically the direction you move in has nothing to do with which direction you are facing, it is all just physics, and rockets maybe are needed even more to adjust your heading. This would encourage players build flat landing strips where they can lower their speed in time before landing.
Being higher up could expose you to wind currents that rattle you left & right uncontrollably, maybe even lowering durability.

@ethan4life732 - 23.04.2023 06:49

Ngl, I enjoy Railways, so much so that almost all the time whenever I do make a modded server, I add a mod called "Immersive Railroading" Basically instead of minecarts I straight up can drive the Flying Scotsman in minecraft, even with it's Resource-intense Building process for everything the engines can easily over-power the Elytra in both speed and efficiency in Minecraft due to being able to reach speeds of well over triple that of an Elytra. I've made entire railway networks that have spanned from one world border to another, with multiple stations and important landmarks along the way, such as massive excavation sites and beautiful villages.

But when you realize that mods are the only thing that can compete with, and out-class the elytra (granted that a mod doesn't buff the elytra already) then it's a bit of a problem.

@idontreallyknow1649 - 19.04.2023 06:12

I’ve been trying to use elytra’s less. I’ve built up piston bolt networks for my nether, so it’s kind of rail travel

@jasonshih3633 - 15.04.2023 06:49

I built a railway yesterday because I am constructing my ultimate roller coaster
Also I jsut ust a glitch to dupe the items so I never run out

@turbomachtwo - 10.04.2023 06:16

i use rails more than elytras lol

@pedroalonso6414 - 07.04.2023 21:18

I'm probably the only minecraft player who has multiple elytras but don't use them. I prefer using rails

@drewlogan4341 - 01.04.2023 20:19

I love rails and still uesd them but at one point the speed got nerfed

@gamerdragon8605 - 29.03.2023 13:39

+1 for upgrade minecrats and horses

@Gabrielgaming- - 28.03.2023 08:22

I like the elytra it is my favorite method of transport

@tennoio1392 - 26.03.2023 14:18

Why do you need to travel somewhere faster that the current minecart can take you? If you just impatient, why not start talking about teleporting? Is distance matters at all? The proposed here buffs are disgusting and would make minecraft even more casual and stupid. Well, most of them. A modest horse inventory is a good idea because there is a small inventory problem in minecraft. And even this is debatable~

@mot9626 - 26.03.2023 02:09

Im playing Minecraft since 2014 and i never been in End dimension.

@ethenmadison7678 - 23.03.2023 03:59

I'm so glad that the Elytra was added all of the other forms of transportation were garbage except for ice boats and even that was tedious

@Rengo-.- - 15.03.2023 07:48

I came late to the video but one way to make it harder to get elytra is to of course make it harder to get to the end. One thing i like to do when i play with mods is to balance the mods. A great mod i always add to avoid the elytra problem is one called "end remastered". With this mod the portal no longer opens with regular eyes. You need to get 12 rare eyes that spawn only as tressure in different places (nether, under wather chest, villages, etc) and they always spawn in the same biomes so if you need the "sand eye" you must go and find a dessert temple. This way you will beg for a horse to get to all this places. It adds a lot more but this mechanic is the one that makes the game more fun.

@hanchen267 - 14.03.2023 23:52

since everyone else stole all the elytra's and im
1, too scared to explore the end
2, too poor to buy one with diamonds

@mapleink62 - 13.03.2023 19:05

I'm just tryna figure out who even sets themselves up in survival making it so you can't get around without elytra? That's seems really impractical lol

@i_garfed_on_the_carpet - 28.02.2023 02:50

I feel lien all endgame items should be pretty “op”

@Yvp9587 - 23.02.2023 21:07

Don't complain about the Elytra. It's literally the only worthwhile and fun thing Mojang has added besides food.

Mojang needs to introduce variety to the game. Buff dragon, add items, add varieties of more building blocks, but leave the Elytra. It's the only thing that makes this game fun. Add more structures, they're being backed by the purchasing power of Microsoft. They have no excuse to not make Minecraft more versatile.

@UnitSe7en - 23.02.2023 02:48

Like literally everything added since release version 1.0, the Elytra are useless to a vanilla player trying to beat the game. By the time you get them, they're only useful for doing useless things.

@lewsuichiongaloysiuskrss8009 - 15.02.2023 14:54

if the dragon can summon enderman, the player can just us a water bucket

@funplussmart - 13.02.2023 16:54

Mojang did increase the speed of minecarts in 14w11a, but they reverted the change because they couldn’t fix issues with the minecarts derailing at those speeds.

@YaBoiDoi - 12.02.2023 23:13

Sorry but that would make too much sense. How about we remove fireflies instead.

@dragomirl6359 - 31.01.2023 02:51

500 reached

@acerw7366 - 30.01.2023 14:31

Here are some ideas
Horse Whistle: this is a mid game item that can be linked to a horse/donkey/mule it would require a goat horn 2 copper and 1-2 amethyst whistling to summon a horse is a common trope in most video games with horses so being able to do it in minecraft wouldnt be too unrealistic not too mention it would feel cool to escape just within the nick of time from some danger (i.e a player who has you pinned or a group of mobs)
Dragon buffs: (numbers are based on hard mode as this is the difficulty i am most familiar with) this was hard because if you buff the dragon too much it would anger many speedrunners, I think however a size increase would help although it would make the dragon easier to hit it would also make the dragon harder to dodge and more intimidating. a health increase would also counteract its size (only 200 hp is very low for one of the final bosses I feel like an increase to 300 or to 500 (may anger speedrunners as one cycling would be near if not impossible ) a damage increase from 15 to 30 from its melee. Adding new attacks is also an option I feel if you were to add more ranged attacks it would make the enderdragon much more deadly
Horses: I feel it may be possible to morph horse (sort of like curing a zombie villager) into upgraded version could be a cool addition for example giving a horse a golden apple and then splashing it with strength would make into a combat type horse this horse would be able to swim in water at around 12 blocks a second have around 30-50HP and some natural defense that stacks with armor and natural regeneration I this type of horse would be great on smps and the like, or perhaps if you feed them a golden apple splash a speed potion it could become a speed based horse that can move at around 35 blocks per second (max) have great handling and can swim in water at the same pace it could also be given better jumping capabilities and have good fall resistance or finally you could feed them a golden apple carrot and a glistering melon then splash a potion of slow falling, Jump boost then it can turn into a griffin type horse that can fly at 20 blocks per second max this horse would take no fall damage and other than that function as a normal horse

@avizemaster - 29.01.2023 23:07

Back in 2011, when I started Minecraft, I had a survival world that travelled 1000 blocks with rails just for going to a village, but now if you have 64 paper and 64 gunpowder that can be farmable easily, you can now travel 1000 blocks in few seconds. Minecraft really got easier, thats why I play 1.8.9 since 2015-2016

@Germanica1871 - 28.01.2023 16:40

I think it is a pity that something like the Wither is somehow more powerful or at the very least more durable than the Ender Dragon.
Lore wise it makes sense and yada yada yada, but the final boss of the game is made so disappointing and it sometimes feels like a shame. The final boss battle should be way way harder. Make the Enderdragon at least 350 Hearts and do more dmg.

@Germanica1871 - 28.01.2023 16:21

Sky's the limit

@insidious6068 - 27.01.2023 04:00

I argue that the Elytra should get nerfed. With the "buffs" you proposed, using the Elytra is still the best method of transportation. Yes you can change how rails work and allow "chainable" minecarts, but those don't affect transporting the player. Attacking the problematic component is usually the best way to solve the issue and in order to do that, the Elytra needs to be nerfed. Even if you make it harder to obtain, once the player gets it, they can still use the full effects of the item.

@ea6lewin6s - 26.01.2023 01:38

If they want to make the Elytra/ender dragon late game, they should add something like a system where there's unique hidden loot (1 for every biome + unique structure) which would require a loot change/additions across each generated world, I think the latest snapshot this week showed a perfect example of unique loot found across different structures in order to get the different armor templates, something similar could be done with actually getting the end portal to activate, on top of already having to get eyes of ender, something that may take players hundreds of hours and requires them to gather all of the items to craft/build some sort of structure or final item that could be unique for every seed, ik this would make speedrunning a nightmare possibly as well as possibly make fans upset, but it would add to the need to explore the world and go to places like the woodland mansions Before the End, a set of items you gather along your exploration journey that makes every place, even a village somewhat exciting to find or significant

@ea6lewin6s - 26.01.2023 01:26

Its ironic because I've been playing on the same survival world for 10 years straight now and I just recently beat the ender dragon last year for my very first time and finally got Elytra, when I say it was such a satisfying experience to finally fly around my world I've played on for so long, that would be an understatement

@TreblePhoenix - 25.01.2023 19:56

If they update the end, they could make elytras rarer and harder to get to make it more of a late game item.
