UPDATED Weapon Tier List - Monster Hunter World BEST Weapons 2023

UPDATED Weapon Tier List - Monster Hunter World BEST Weapons 2023


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Phimic - 28.05.2023 18:42

As a member of the Swax and HBG main crowd, I support this message. We arrive, we brrrt damage to the Monster's face, we evade, then brrrt more damage. Also, yes, some HBG's can use recover ammo. Recover is second to just revving up for dps though sadly. B-tier is a win for coop if you ask me.

Sigi Link
Sigi Link - 01.11.2023 06:05

Nobody block with GS (greatsword) because u can tackle while charging and jump to the next charge level the tackle also deal blunt dmg while u immun

cielo azzurro
cielo azzurro - 31.10.2023 22:30

I love hunting horn, it plays music and helps other gamers ❤

BOWSER 8 - 31.10.2023 22:12

Subjective is kinda a understatement lol SA in a group is a easy S, sure it may knock players when using wild swing but thats a learning curve not just for them but for allies too. but Utility is not the only factor for a team composition. DPS, Tank, Saboteur, and Tacticians. SA or Bow are the best in terms of dps, Gunlance is the best tank option do to you not needing to leave the fight really ever and you don't have to lower guard for long for a quick burst of damage unlike the lance, Hammer is unmatched when it comes to KO/part breaking, then finally horn being the only true support weapon in the game so of course it will be unmatched in its ability to support that team whatever it may consist of. However this kind of Group would crush any monster tempered/Elder/ or even Anomaly 300s in Rise.

Manik Aditha
Manik Aditha - 31.10.2023 05:25

Your weapon f rank, my weapon s rank, fuck you

Ormonard - 30.10.2023 05:14

Dont sleep on the bow. It's an incredible weapon when you master it. Hitting dragon piecer correctly gives you insane damage.

Behemuths Arts
Behemuths Arts - 30.10.2023 00:13

Hunting Horn: 1% usage, 100% respect ❤.

Zoppletee - 28.10.2023 14:12

World was my first Monster Hunter and lance caught my eye and never broke LOS. I still love it.

I'll forgive you for being so wrong about lance in general but for multiplayer specifically, lance can do damage often enough to draw and hold aggro while teaammates heal, sharpen, buff. You are the armor for your team usually.

Dio Brando
Dio Brando - 28.10.2023 08:18

Huge disrespect on CB
Man have epic block with guard up or even guard
When charged and have time punish with axe mode to deload the phials.. Many CB give defense not bad mobility on sword mode easy to choose elemental weapon sinse there is no hard meta so go for ice thunder or raw is a choise no just flat take this
You need to get used of how much punish to do to go red phials to feel them up
so you need to get set up for the opening
Also charge times and the decorations combo is a learning curve
The hard thing is only the guard point in my opinion and charging with the blocks to do follow up attacks

wever - 28.10.2023 06:53

according to the fact that u got 20%dislike and the fact that weeb are rat ppl that are basicaly kids and that longsword is about 23% pickrate it
we now know that actual longsowrd players are weebs.
thanks for ur sacrifice.
and thanks to u to help us proving the point that weebs are lil kids

Sky Slayer
Sky Slayer - 28.10.2023 06:00

Wtf is that insect that is being used with the insect glaive?!?! That looks amazing!!!!!!! It's like a spectral ghost. Is that a armor skin or is that just a normal insect being used?

MADAO - 28.10.2023 03:53

Me when I saw SnS at C tier: That's slander!!
Also me: *Spams Slinger burst to PR and never use any other move the weapon have


Thomas Kamkar
Thomas Kamkar - 27.10.2023 23:19

Overall pretty solid list, though I think youve undersold the sheer absurd amount of damage a spread shot bow build does, even without optimal gear. I think A tier is fair anyways, so potato potahto. As for the charge blade, it takes some dedication to piece it out, but when you do, its like a swiss army knife that's great at everything. Guard points on transform are disgusting.

RoseyOni - 26.10.2023 09:17

Ayyyy I'm in the 7% let's goooo

EDIT: Yo hammers S-tier yes!

Razzer - 24.10.2023 22:09

The Chargeblade disrespect is unbelievable...o_O

Sprint2911gt3rsr - 24.10.2023 09:38

as a greatsword user i have to say yes it S tier, it requires you to learn the monster you are fighting and has the best takedown time of anything ive used, being slow is only a disadvantage if you are bad at positioning

Blake Helwig
Blake Helwig - 24.10.2023 04:13

I cant seem to put down the hunting horn after 800 hours, and almost 700 in Rise!
Doot squad forever

Graft - 23.10.2023 17:24

Sword and shield + KT set = best support/healer build in the game just saying

Yamisaru - 23.10.2023 14:57

Sns with fungiform is s tier support. You dont have to put your wepon away to do things

EnlonWhite - 23.10.2023 12:58

Wow, First I love BOW, and Sword Shield. Been playing MHworld for a month or so. Used guides to get better.

Bow is just stamina management, Average DPS sure (not counting the heavy Pen shot hitting multiple parts) and YES it really needs a range buff to actually be great. I think most ranges on bow/bow guns is just stupid, I see no good reason to put it so low especially on HBW. If they nearly buffed it to double it be at least feel great, but a 50% increase would at least make it comfortable.

All Ranged- Are Niche or just to have less melee.
Overall all ranged weapons feel like, why am I using this when I have better melee options? Right Flinching issues, aka you only got range to try and avoid flinch from allies. (melee does not run out of ammo either)
If ranged weapons has its ammo limits it should NOT feel like its a slightly longer ranged MELEE weapon.
The only time range weapons even feel remotely great, is when your fighting a monster that WONT land on its feet and it stays in the air....dam that wind Elder dragon.
Basic reasons to use any ranged weapon, avoid flinch fest from allies, flying annoyances, and big monster to multi hit which some melee does better but you want range.

LBG and HBG- see above.^ If you dont see above. --> Cons Ammo limits, Pros Looks cool/avoid flinch fest from allies.

I feel you dismiss Sword and Shield too much, its at worst B Tier in the first draft solo, as for team play, it has predictable strike paths, not too long of range to avoid flinching others, and tons of versatility. In short you really cant go wrong picking it. It also has tons of weapon options for status/elements. Overall you underplay it, and ignore it.
Sword and Shield is a good weapon pick. No real downsides, but Jack of all Trades except Range.

Hammer-Respect a good hammer player, solo play its definitely A Tier, in teams its glorious. Great Weapon for its Style of play.

Horn-Needs a full group, but Why bother? Sure buffs are fun, but you could avoid all this goofing around stuff to get the same result with other weapons as a party member. (like a Hammer that stuns locks the monster.)
In a full man group sure Horn is fine, its a different style hammer player, but really unless you got some buff to prevent One shot kills (Luna fire beast Lady), I see no reason to even practice playing it. Sure if some one enjoys it and is good at it I will support them, but I wont be touching this more than a training test or two to see if it gets better.

If long sword has Flinch ally problems, Then switch Axe that you so Highly praise, has the same issue (only slightly less reach and better possible combos I feel). With an AOE that usually flinches all other melee party members when used. X-D
So switch Axe is just really Greatsword with Longsword but fast/better Than Greatsword. And still annoy your allies with flinch.
Longsword- Flinch Fest for allies, Just don't use in groups of melee people, please just dont. Solo play have at it, its good solo.

I admit I did not know Greatsword could block. its just too dam slow for me to enjoy.

Insect Glaive, is cool, had some interesting mechanics, and feels like a game in itself.....not worth my time, but not a bad weapon. If you can play it and enjoy it, more power too ya.

Gun Lance, is just lance but for SOLO play/coolness to lance. Outside that probably avoid unless all other team mates are ranged.

Lance-I like the look, the defense, and the general feel of it. It does need some love/buffs. But its not actually bad. But like Ranged weapons, it has only a Niche spot for Glory, due to Charge Blade filling a similar role but better. This could be better. Rather have a FULL team of these than Longsword or Switch AXE.

Charge Blade- This is what Lance should of felt like (not Gun Lance), But Charge blade is a bit different to learn/use.
it has so much potential that Yes this is better than Switch Axe. Only the over charge of the blade is the real issue. other than that, it has the defense of the Shield, the attack of a heavy weapon when needed. And cool extra stuff for shield effects.
I have trouble using it correctly. But I can see its potential is far superior in use than other heavey weapons, being far more versatile overall, but trick to use correctly.

Dual blades--- Hard to put this into Short amount of words correctly, Awesome on some monsters, poor on other ones. Really great DPS, not very team friendly if your using its mobility attacks right to dodge, explanation you flinch allies more.
Solo play really good if you can hurt the monster effectively with them. Team play Hope you have only one other melee friend that can avoid the spots/area your hitting. Most large monsters move around too much to use the stationary attacks effectively. I do enjoy soloing with these.
Overall not bad, but really more a challenge play on Solo to use or with a very specific team or hunt planned.

Mr.CoColanis - 21.10.2023 01:06

It's kinda hard to say that there is a best bow in the game since it is an elemental weapon and you need one for every single ellement and need to build acordingly depending on the monster you fight
