Edit the product creation date in ThirtyBees and PrestaShop

Edit the product creation date in ThirtyBees and PrestaShop


6 лет назад

1,401 Просмотров

Prestashop and ThirtyBees Modules: http://store.nemops.com
Prestashop and ThirtyBees Tutorials: http://nemops.com

In this quick tip we will see how to add a new field to the product's back office in ThirtyBees and Prestashop 1.6, so that we can edit its creation date


#prestashop #thirtybees #products #e-commerce
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@rpefitness - 07.11.2020 01:50

I'm using this on a Thirty Bees site and have found that when I modify a product I have to reset the date all the time otherwise I get an error message saying that "The date_add field is invalid". Is there a way around this constant need to reset the date?

@kudos2writers - 13.01.2018 20:47

Nemo - this is a great video to update the date of your products. Easy to understand and very helpful code snippet makes it easy to create the override.

Thank you very much!

@CompagniadelleForeste - 13.11.2017 17:53

Is there a solution for prestashop 1.7 too?

@etelefonservicegsm7368 - 14.08.2017 21:49

Good one and still looking for filters in search pages :), the big incovenient of prestashop :D
