Sweepy & How to Split Schedules for Dupes in Oxygen Not Included SPACED OUT DLC!

Sweepy & How to Split Schedules for Dupes in Oxygen Not Included SPACED OUT DLC!

Biffa Plays Strategy

3 года назад

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Biffa Plays Strategy
Biffa Plays Strategy - 18.12.2020 19:23

Enjoy today's vid. Thanks for your continued help and support on this channel. We just hit 14k subs! :-) So much has changed in this game I am learning a ton from your comments so keep them coming. I've pre-recorded a few of these to cover the next couple of weeks while I take some time off, but if there's a vid release missing here or there you know why :-)

Mike Nelson
Mike Nelson - 12.01.2021 16:18

Your new duplicant name - Otto renamed to Ford, how appropriate. Otto (Auto) is now Ford (an Auto). Ha ha ha!

BTW - if you connect most of your batteries directly to the power spine, rather than to the individual circuits, the stored power can then be shared with ALL of the circuits, rather than just the one it is connected to. I would keep at least ONE battery connected to each transformer to provide the circuit with power when you run low.

kokosan09 - 05.01.2021 17:35

Biffa: constructs Sweepy
me: baby! :D
Biffa: instantly deconstructs Sweepy again because of placement reasons

John Tunstall
John Tunstall - 03.01.2021 13:07

Just wondering if I'm the only person that noticed that he used the biffa plays indie games intro from his other channel?

npc 82
npc 82 - 23.12.2020 23:08

Sweepes are pointless fyi

epiccollision - 22.12.2020 05:06

The bottoms of the solar panels are solid. Beds sadly aren’t hot swappable automatically, same with tables...there was a mod that did it but that’s something else, still weird tables are assigned.

Be careful adding pipes to a corner pipe, you can’t always predict the direction it will go.

Quisite - 20.12.2020 23:00

Hey! That pump that keeps the dirty water on top, can’t you put some vents on top so they do t have to walk through it?

Captain Jeau
Captain Jeau - 20.12.2020 15:10

Biffa u really need to put those floor/roof tiles that let air pass through in your farm area... the ppl can’t do much Bc they can’t breath lol 😂

Ryan Kelly
Ryan Kelly - 20.12.2020 13:06

Having one more down time can help dudps be happier and also give time to actually get the there down time if big base

Tchelow - 19.12.2020 14:19

Poor Sweepy. Can't do much there. Maybe build a roomba next time 😂😂

Simon W1
Simon W1 - 19.12.2020 13:28

good video Biffa 👍

Elliot Simpson
Elliot Simpson - 19.12.2020 12:00

F in chat to pay respects to Sweepie, whom never stood a chance because Biffa only read half the tooltip LUL

Alex H
Alex H - 19.12.2020 08:26

Sweepy is the most useless piece of junk this game has to offer. Low cargo capacity, requires a lot of resources, you are much better fitted going with conveyors and chutes, or even with dupes, than with Sweepy.

bryan mathis
bryan mathis - 19.12.2020 06:09

The schedule isn't only good to keep work going all the time. You shouldn't need 3 sleep blocks and don't have the sleep times over lap that way you can use less beds
Edit: having the down time over lap with sleep should be fine but don't over lap the sleep times because then it defeats the purpose of the schedule shift

Jason Attard
Jason Attard - 19.12.2020 05:42

Teaville tommorow?

JT JC - 19.12.2020 03:12

A tip for schedule, never have the dinner/eating time be during the daily auto save. Maybe they fixed it, but been this way for years so I doubt it. But if eating during auto save they will drop whatever they are eating on the floor and go grab a fresh batch from storage. So if you keep seeing food on the floor at tables that is why.

Larry Skylines
Larry Skylines - 19.12.2020 03:07

Hope you prerecorded some CS vids too

Jeffrey - 19.12.2020 02:28

Poor little Sweepy is stuck there

Mihai P
Mihai P - 19.12.2020 00:38

Your filterred water mixes with poluted water again!!! Wasting sand. 😯

ShadowWolfTJC - 18.12.2020 22:51

Perhaps you could have your farms double as ranches for your Sweetles and Grubgrubs by putting grooming stations and critter feeders in them, so that they could reproduce more quickly?

Charles Bolton
Charles Bolton - 18.12.2020 22:39

The schedules are a great thing. My game has 6 different schedules. I always make sure to have one special shift in the schedules that is solely for cleaning dups. All they do is pickup, mop, and clean up the base. I make sure they aren't allowed to do anything else.

SydneyPorkchop - 18.12.2020 22:19

I've found that the little dupes stay healthier if you put bathtime right before dinnertime, that way they wash up before they eat. Also, you should make sure you have at least 2 dupes on the same schedule that way if one gets stuck, the other can rescue them. I like 2 dupes on a shift and only having 2 sleeping at a time, if you stagger shifts properly they will work out nicely. Dupes only ever sleep in their own bed and eat at their own table, they won't share :(

Kedar Tendolkar
Kedar Tendolkar - 18.12.2020 22:01

Create a room closer to the surface with an airlock so the dupes need not hold their breath longer. The telescope can be inside an enclosed room as well. Try to build one.

OnTheNerdySide - 18.12.2020 21:50

Have you thought about using a liquid tepidizer on your polluted water reservoir to heat up the base a bit more? You could even pipe the warm water around where you've got cold spots like in the bedroom at the top.

takumi168 - 18.12.2020 21:37

Did I see that wrong? Isn't the dark blue tiles on the scheduler the time when they sleep? Why is the moon on the last 3 tile?

Regarding the clean room be careful. you might need to change the pipe somewhat. Before, you needed an extra pipe between structures.

RiverPlasmaHero - 18.12.2020 21:15

Thank you Biffa, I love getting to watch your videos. And ONI is so much fun to watch you play.

Teresa Occhiucci
Teresa Occhiucci - 18.12.2020 21:10

My day is made, thanks Biffa. This just made me want this game even more

N. Gravey
N. Gravey - 18.12.2020 20:35

Oh Biffa..... We love you really, but sometimes you can be extremely dense.

Diashi - 18.12.2020 20:27

YAY! He finally stopped the autobottling! I THINK the total is like 9-10 videos?
P.S. Biffa, i bought ONI last night based on your videos. It's addictive!

Wobble Tread
Wobble Tread - 18.12.2020 20:14

When will you give those cramped plug slugs a true home, perhaps an incubator and grooming station and food dispenser with a clean environment to give the critters who have been suffering a peaceful life? They have suffered too much already. Plus they give much more power than the solar panels. With an army of them producing 1600w each plus some transformers you would be set for power. Also I suggest that you put the batteries on the line from the plug slugs to the transformers to prevent a sudden need for power on a line breaking one. In general a line should be from generator to battery to transformer to load

nathan lawson
nathan lawson - 18.12.2020 20:00

Great video dude!

Rupertbear - 18.12.2020 19:54

the insulation part for your rocket means it needs ceramic. you need to research a kiln then make ceramic from clay and coal.

Rupertbear - 18.12.2020 19:46

Sorry for all the comments but PLEASE get rid of the oxygen mask thing it's a waste of metals they are still trying to balance it i think

Rupertbear - 18.12.2020 19:35

just noticed your main heavy watt wire is overloading because you have a small wire connected to the top of the 4th transformer down. Keep up the great vids.👍 Lol nvrm you spotted it.😊

Rupertbear - 18.12.2020 19:28

the set of batteries that aren't charging because you have them after the transformer power goes in this order main power supply/batteries/transformer then to whatever needs power. Make the amount of people on a schedule reflect how many toilets you have so 2 toilets 2 dupes on 1 schedule. get rid of the bathtime section you don't need it just have 2 sleep time and enough downtime for them to get back for food at whatnot. Also don't get too many dupes the new maps are for less dupes more focused on getting a good crew with varied skill sets so you can send them to prepare a new site then print new dupes at the new place. On a side note in the priorities screen there is a little gear wheel if you click on it and click the check box your dupes will use the nearest resource to build with rather than run all over your base.

Dos Gamer Man
Dos Gamer Man - 18.12.2020 19:18

Cool. Loving this series.

Stelaras22 - 18.12.2020 19:17

More or longer episodes plsssss? I love this series and I learned so many things from your gameplay/play through

Matrim Helmsgaard
Matrim Helmsgaard - 18.12.2020 19:17

Its Friday and Biffa brings home the bacon! Thanks man!

RealTechNerd - 18.12.2020 19:15

i missed you Biffa so much it feels like I haven't seen a video of yours in ages

Logan Hutcherson Hutcherson
Logan Hutcherson Hutcherson - 18.12.2020 19:05

your videos and commentary makes my day Biffa! thank you!
