Boat Zone

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@BoatZone - 05.04.2023 21:52

Who do you think is at fault for the sinking? Owner, captain or the tow company?

@edwardsurprenant8774 - 25.01.2024 02:43

Jesus H---KEERIST! A 2500 watt generator, three or four sump pumps and voila!??! Stupidest crew I have ever seen

@Apolloisbest - 25.01.2024 01:12

Rich idiots and the salvage crew should be held accountable....idiots.

@solarforfuture - 24.01.2024 06:32

bust out another 1000 thousand ? coulda' got a rental with damage waiver ... next time?

@10Haille - 23.01.2024 07:15

Oh gee that poor rich dude. These rich dorks have a lot of money butt not one braine in there head they think because they are a Rich Snob every one should kiss there back side🔥🔥💥💥🧨🧨😀😀😀😄😄😄😆😆😆👀👀👀👺👺👻👻🚨🚨👹👹👹🚨🚨👻👻😆😆😄yuck youck

@iheartcarpentry7247 - 22.01.2024 04:51

This yacht was far from 1.45M. More like 10

@Broody-cq2yl - 21.01.2024 16:03

These situation are exactly when you wish you could hire superman or hulk or any of the other flying mans

@tonyb2614 - 21.01.2024 10:04

Having a multi-million dollar vessel sink on you is God's way of saying 'you have too much money'.

@JonathanStewart_1 - 14.01.2024 14:59

I don't know much about boating or salvage, but I do recognize a cluster fuck.

@Butterbean13 - 11.01.2024 11:44

The very first thing I would have done is to make sure there were sufficient pumps on board . This all looks a little suspicious. I’m just saying.

@simonecatalano1480 - 11.01.2024 01:12

Stupidity they polluted the ocean . Congratulation

@wattsinaname6975 - 08.01.2024 17:24

Well that was rather depressing.

@jamesanthony3691 - 08.01.2024 06:52

It’s pretty bizarre how this played out. I’ve been a Commercial Diver for 22 years & a Salvage Master for 7 years. There are things done that showed there was someone that knew what they were doing like the rigging that went from the stern to bow, removing fuel & anything toxic, pumping fresh ware out of holding tanks, using a helo to bring in tools/equipment while removing consumables & excess weight, cutting off screws/rudders, etc. You do all of this the right way but don’t have pumps & discharge hoses staged before pulling the vessel off of the rocks makes absolutely no sense, even not having the pumps staged & running it’s not like the vessel just immediately sank, I’m sure there was a couple hours of the vessel taking on water before it sank so once you know it’s taking on water there’s still time to set up pumps & at a minimum it would buy enough time to get lift-bags attached so if it does sink it'll just be under the waterline & could be towed as a semisubmersible or temporarily patch the hull & re-float. My guess is since there was no one wanting to take financial responsibility is that the crew that did the actual salvage work were relieved once the vessel was prepared for the final tow & responsibility shifted to the whoever was Towing the Vessel & there was probably some grimy business going on so when they passed the vessel to the next company there was very little if any information shared during the handoff. Those Tugs & Supply Boats all have Portable Trash Pumps aboard them so it’s still mind boggling why they didn’t set them up. The one guarantee now is that there is going to be lawsuits after lawsuits with everyone suing everyone with no one owning responsibility for anything.. having pumps & lift bags pre-staged should have been a no brainer which would have saved this vessel from hitting bottom causing way more damage, work, & cost!!

@Chereke007 - 06.01.2024 21:32

Any one knows what happened finaly on this situation ? who won ? who was guilt , who went to jail? who paid who?

@raysville7256 - 06.01.2024 02:52

It was definitely a group effort

@GomBoo-rn8gj - 05.01.2024 23:57

The 'Captain' & owner were suffering from *CRI. The tow company 'decider' was the idiot.
(*Cranial Rectal Inversion)

@royhoco5748 - 04.01.2024 00:41

Mr. Jones said "we don't need a night watchman, every thing will be fine, I mean what can possibly happen?"

@powerofone1645 - 30.12.2023 23:30

Yeh nah.

@edmaguire1012 - 30.12.2023 18:01

Is Jone any relation to the Jone of Cool Aid fame?

@edmaguire1012 - 30.12.2023 18:01

Jone maybe rich, but he's definitely stupid!

@YES-HOCKEY - 30.12.2023 13:46

эт что за рукожопная работа?

@KreemieNewgatt - 30.12.2023 09:46

After they removed the batteries, what exactly was running the bilge pumps? Hamsters on a wheel?

@burkepete110 - 24.12.2023 23:24

Private business freedom brings efficiency and growth to our nation. Get rid of bureaucracy and regulations that stifle the private sector. What could go wrong? Hopefully this owner's pockets are deep enough to pay all the costs of cleaning this mess.

@JLT3 - 24.12.2023 19:47

Honolua Bay average tide change from High to Low is 2 feet. There was no waiting for the tide to save it, but they did have to wait for the swell to dissipate. It was late winter and anyone that's ever seen a surfing competition in Honolua Bay knows the kind of waves this boat took for days before it could be taken off the rocks/coral. That boat had a massive amount of damage after being ripped free by 2 tugs and was scuttled at sea. The most important thing was to get it off away from the coral before further damage could be done to the reefs. They were not trying to save the boat they were trying to save the reef.

@andyharman3022 - 24.12.2023 17:24

There are no good guys in this story. The owner of the yacht. The captain of the yacht. The salvage company. The state. Just a bunch of incompetents that sue each other and make lawyers and the state stinking rich over matters they had nothing to do with in the beginning.

@craigcwillard - 24.12.2023 06:39

You call the person a "rich Idiot". I see jealous and envious. Who is the loser behind the camera on shore??

@bucys - 24.12.2023 06:04

Yellow submarine 😊

@edd7918 - 24.12.2023 00:41

jim jones?.........Dont Drink the KoolAide!!!!!

@tomfair8999 - 23.12.2023 23:42

Salvage team kinda sucks

@Yaaeoo - 22.12.2023 11:43

should have patched and pumped before draggnig out into deeper water... Theres not way the tow company didnt know this it seems deliberate they wanted that boat sank lmao but cause a shit load of extra damage doing it.

@stephenchristian5739 - 22.12.2023 07:56

1st to the jones.. STAY AWAY FROM WATER FOREVER PLEASE! U are truly disgraced, become land dwellers 24-7 365, to the SC WTF R U KIDDING HOW DID YOU GET A LICENSE? HOW COULD YOU BE IN OPERATION? Lucky it didn't blow up, lucky he was not crushed under the boat by a rogue wave, it has to be floated u dip sh*ts with rubber pontoons inflated after pulled from rocks, then towed & it will float on its rigging pontoons to shore! No wonder Hawaii had the fire they did, EVERYONE KNEW THE DANGER OF THE SURROUNDING non indigenous grasses force winds come down the mountain to the sea all the time & KaBoOm just like New `orlans hunay, EVERYONE KNEW SOONER OR LATER.. well ya know the rest

@kdaniel8721 - 18.12.2023 19:48

Tremendous waste of financial and human resources, simply because the captain ignored the rules.

@stevelawson3064 - 14.12.2023 15:55

Money doesn't buy intelligence....just look at IQ45...😂😂😂😂

@9fingeredrippingsaxplayer909 - 13.12.2023 03:07

$500,000 for a awful, botched "salvaged/recovery" from an actual professional salvage company? Amatures could have done the job better

@johnviera3884 - 11.12.2023 01:11

C for effort

@jarocdidthisbeat - 06.12.2023 20:38

Dang, did Joe orchestrate this disaster?

@Blues40 - 02.12.2023 17:44

There is no doubt that out of every species of life that inhabits this planet, human beings are the least intelligent of all.

@CornellSandifer - 01.12.2023 07:33

"Millions of dollars being made and spent, doesn't prove one has common sense, pride and ego will come in to play, lawyers tallying up the damages before the court decides who must pay"

@RogowskiBubba0864 - 01.12.2023 03:24

Is Jones still married?😊

@tylernathan7985 - 30.11.2023 17:27

Captain is directly responsible for the ship and passengers safety and smooth operator.

@xentrix111 - 30.11.2023 16:29

amateurs all the way to the end

@Peterjbriden - 30.11.2023 04:14

A comedy of errors, everyone screwed up from the captain to the tow company. Talking from experience here having stupidly grounded my own yacht. We used godawful huge and expensive flotation bags plus lightened the boat, had stand by pumps and full underwater diver inspection to help get her off relatively clean. Mauled underwater running gear and hull damage but thank god no big holes, mostly because we removed the boat within 28 hours and were VERY careful about not doing more damage pulling her off than putting her on! At the very least these guys could have tried to pump the damn thing out. For $700 home depot will sell you a 3" gas pump that will pump 375 gallons/minute, and that is a SMALL pump, a right proper salvage pump will empty a swimming pool in less than an hour. Also, there are a half dozen different ways to put temp patches on a boat, inside or out. I don't want to judge TOO harsh, I guess every salvage is different and comes with it's own complexities. I get the feeling this wasn't so much a salvage company as just your run of the mill tug crew.

@naturalroyalflush - 30.11.2023 03:18

I thought salvage meant to save not to sink.

@critterallywithjohnernest. - 29.11.2023 16:52

Cheap submarine for sale, only used once.😂

@johngalt5205 - 29.11.2023 12:06

What those clowns did was the same as a tow company getting a call for a car that hit a curb and a couple of wheels got knocked off. And just hooking it up, and dragging it a mile at speed through the bombed-out streets of LA, throwing a couple of speed bumps for laughs.

@MarkyMark9mm - 29.11.2023 06:25

Nope. Thats not a $1.45m boat. Move the decimal over a bit. Idiots with these vids.

@jdubya1040 - 27.11.2023 18:00

$2m boat accompanied by a $2 bottle of wine..... par for that course i'd say

@deanlawson6880 - 27.11.2023 03:08

Wow.. Boy that was a super expensive f**kup!!
Whoever was "in charge" when that thing broke loose from whatever flimsy mooring it was tied to was responsible for the f**kup, and should be held liable, along with the licensed captain or owner on board the ship at the time of the grounding. What a mess. Total screwup!

@bellaggio1770 - 26.11.2023 17:29

They needed to attach flotation buoys before taking it to deep water
