"Copy & Paste’ - Hidden Asperger’s-- Girls with Aspergers | Niamh McCann | TEDxDunLaoghaire

"Copy & Paste’ - Hidden Asperger’s-- Girls with Aspergers | Niamh McCann | TEDxDunLaoghaire

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JusstyteN - 11.10.2023 13:08

I imagined exactly what she said i didnt, but u have aspergers.

Nimrod - 08.10.2023 04:43

I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, even bipolar disorder after I was 14 years old (There was also a psychiatrist who thought I was BPD), and took medication for seven years before I was diagnosed with ADHD, suspected ASD.

حسن محمد عبد الأمير
حسن محمد عبد الأمير - 23.09.2023 21:24

Great 😍

Strawberry fields
Strawberry fields - 29.08.2023 07:13

This is so important! I hope the industry stops the BS about 10x men having Asperger's than women and they recognize that the actual issue is that they won't study this condition in women properly.

ImTyzn - 26.08.2023 07:22

As a 24 year old male who just realized he had Asperger’s, I feel tf out of this 😭

The Butterfly Path
The Butterfly Path - 14.08.2023 18:30

So inspiring, you made me cry. Thank you for your beautiful speech that brings so much hope and awareness. God bless you!

Elizabeth - 06.08.2023 17:28

I was finally diagnosed at age 53! Every single member of my family, including the father of my children, are all Autists as well as my 2 children.I had the rare experience of no one ever shaming me for stimming ( called bouncing..until age 12).
They allowed me to wear a blanket on my head almost all the waking day. My childhood pics show my Autism. Depression has been a large part of my life, and since treatment for my ED at 21 have been trying to heal my depression. When my son was diagnosed at 5, I began studying about it and it was a BREAKTHROUGH moment when my Autistic therapist said: "You have Autism/ADHD", which I discovered is newly "discovered" female subtype.

Camilla Koutsos nz
Camilla Koutsos nz - 04.08.2023 10:22

It took half a century for me to work it out.

y%gjt76v0# - 28.07.2023 03:57

She must be genious

Kerby Prunier
Kerby Prunier - 24.07.2023 22:07

That was amazing

Danny - 23.07.2023 17:23

When you want to be a Charizard, but you were always a Ditto

Kevin Eaton
Kevin Eaton - 18.07.2023 18:29

I have finally come to the realization that this is how I have been, just figuring it out in my mid 30’s. I lived through what I thought was Kline levins syndrome in high school, just to learn about autistic meltdowns and realizing that’s what was most likely going on through hard times in my life.

Devanand T ദേവാനന്ദ്
Devanand T ദേവാനന്ദ് - 16.07.2023 04:50

I am a biological male. But I am an aspergers female.

Stefan Sjöberg
Stefan Sjöberg - 15.07.2023 14:19

I'm a young girl in a 61 years old mans body :) No, but I think boys can have these symptoms as well. I'm not diagnosed but I will ask for a test, everything in this speak rings a bell of recognition in me. Thanks for a important message.

erich84502ify - 12.07.2023 20:37

I have ASD and there are allot of undiagnosed out there

Allison - 08.07.2023 21:17

I’m a girl with Asperger’s syndrome. I was diagnosed this year, but we knew pretty much my entire life. My dad has it too, and since it’s hereditary it was always in the back of our mind. This is also the year we found out I have severe anxiety, ADHD, and depression. I am fifteen years old. Can any girls like me reply please?

bonofrontbo Banani
bonofrontbo Banani - 08.07.2023 13:18


koshak - 06.07.2023 18:20

its hard to figure out whether i have/had problems with metaphors or phrases because there's not much information about it in my language and well when i hear phrases which i don't know in english i always imagine it literally

Dario cruz cruz
Dario cruz cruz - 25.06.2023 07:51

Las personas con Asperger son persona muy pensativas, inteligentes y que se relacionan con las personas que tiene cierta relación con normalidad, familiares y entre amigos, y ahí ciertas dificultades que pueden tener personas con este Síndrome que son en la parte comunicativa y aprender de diversas formas de relacionarse en las cosas en su entorno pero aun así con ciertas habilidades se puede integrase en el entorno social, ya que no impide que sean funcionales en la sociedad si no a contrario son personas con diferentes habilidades que somo seres humanos tenemos todos en general y de igual formas diferentes formas de aprender

Rosi Castillo
Rosi Castillo - 25.06.2023 06:53

Las personas son síndrome de Aspeger normalmente son sensibles e inteligentes y este video ayuda a comprender que a esas personas muchas veces se le hace difíciles establecer relaciones sociales y es por ello que se debe ser empeaticos y comprender que el mundo está lleno de diversidad de personas y que todos aprenden de diferentes formas y que es fundamental incluirlos sin importar la discapacidad que tengan porque son seres humanos pero con diferentes capacidades y habilidades.
Es importante ponerte en los zapatos de las personas con diferentes capacidades y habilidades, incluirlas porque muchas veces no sabemos cómo la estén pasando si se les hace difícil entablar conversaciones, socializar con los de su alrededor es fundamental aprender de la diversidad y de la inclusión tanto en la educación como en la sociedad.

Alejandra Diaz Ruiz
Alejandra Diaz Ruiz - 25.06.2023 05:25

El video sobre TDEH nos ayuda a reflexionar a todas las personas, para entender que aunque se tenga una discapacidad, están las posibilidades de que dicha personas pueda aprender una diversidad de cosas, esto utilizando las herramientas adecuadas tanto en él área educativa como en la casa.
De igual forma el no limitar a estas personas y brindarle o más bien darles la oportunidad de ser funcionales como cualquier personas es una parte que permite la inclusión de dichas discapacidades.

OZARET PEREZ - 23.06.2023 18:14

El Síndrome de Asperger, se caracteriza por tener síntomas parecidos a los del Autismo, y se da por lo regular más en niños que en niñas, es por eso que como lo menciona la chica del vídeo, existe un diagnóstico que identifica si se tiene o no el síndrome, pero regularmente solo puede detectarlo en niños, haciendo a un lado la diagnosticación en niñas también. Las personas con Asperger suelen tener un mejor desarrollo intelectual que las demás personas, no entienden los lenguajes coloquiales o con ironías y doble sentido, ellas no se andan con rodeos y muchas veces suelen alejarse de las personas porque no comprenden lo que están socializando, y son muy sensibles a los cambios en sus rutinas.
Debemos de ser más empáticos con las personas que tengan este síndrome, debemos de usar un vocabulario comunicativo formal y sin chistes ni incoherencias, debemos de brindarles ayuda para que puedan manejar bien los cambios que se les presenten y se adaptan rápidamente a los estímulos.

CeCe Jackson
CeCe Jackson - 18.06.2023 21:58

Why I'm afraid to be officially tested. I don't want to feel further invalidated.

Rebecca Lopez
Rebecca Lopez - 11.06.2023 15:35

In my forties now and the masking is very real! it can be exhausting because people have expectations and sometimes its hard to keep up with the kardashians

Raza Aurélie
Raza Aurélie - 06.06.2023 13:13

I discovered that I was asperger 4 months ago. It explains so manny things, why I feel so tired when I'm being asked to socialize. Why I have such a gift for drawing. I wish to meet the treasures that value my particularities. We all are gifted.

Karen - 02.06.2023 08:10

I am 40 and started trying to figure out what was 'wrong with me' as early as my teenage years. When I first heard of Asperger's at age 23, I immediately identified with the middle aged man on tv who portrayed someone with Asperger's Syndrome. I just recently got a doctor to say I would have probably been diagnosed with Asperger's. We need better ways of identifying Aspergirls at a young age so they can be spared all the mental anguish. So they can be given the support they need to function in this difficult world.

SarahMichelle777 - 25.05.2023 02:48

I thought everyone pictured a person bent over backwards/on a ball.

Sarah Paul
Sarah Paul - 21.05.2023 19:38

I saw a man bending over backwards then I see a girl sitting on a yoga ball in my mind. 😂

LuLu Bell
LuLu Bell - 18.05.2023 08:36

When I was younger, I hid under tables, behind furniture wedged between a wall, I would read for hours, come out for lunch, and go back after. Plat with my Colorforms, and make up wild stories.
As I got older, I got picked on, I too, I would find a quiet corner of a building outside of school during recess, putting my hands to my ears, I would make audible "aaahhhh" sounds to block out my peers playing or teasing me. I would go home, listen to my parents yell, cover my ears, make that same sound, and rock on my bed, wondering when I would die. Would anyone even miss me. I was about 8 or 9.
I made my way by mimicking others in my teens, turned to alcohol by 18, was a functional alcoholic with a full-time job at Parker Brothers by 19, making mixed drinks in those huge sports bottles in the 90's. Lol.. everyone thought I was just bubbly... I was the life of the party, but I hid all the beatings I got, and things that ought not happen to children by dad and his friends, even my mom never knew. Here I am at 52, a Born again Bible believer of Christ.. Christian is too loose a term now, and I have made piece.
But there are still weird traits, the visuals when people make those remarks like "head over heels".. I laugh inspite of myself because I already have the visual.. lol.. 😂
Also my dreams are so vivid, they remain in my consciousness throughout the day or sometimes weeks and years, giving me "alternate realities".
I remain strong for the cause of Christ, and I was a mess until that point just a few short years ago as I lay dying from a pulmonary embolism. After being dead 6 minutes, Massachusetts General sees me as a miracle, but I digress.
We truly need to have clearer measures in place. My son also slipped through the cracks being diagnosed with ADHD at 4, nonverbal til almost 2, didn't walk til 13-14 months, but he would crawl to the VCR and put in a tape the right way, even if upside down and backwards by 10 months. And he knew which were his favorites. By 3, he was slowly talking but knew all his directions from local cities, and could get to Nana and Uppy a city and many twists and turns away .
After finally getting diagnosed and getting the necessary SPED classes, he graduated, and persevering the ASVAB, has served in our military 4 years in a war and a conflict.
But I had to fight the system for him for YEARS!! And doctors kept telling me I was wrong, THEY were the experts 😢🙄🤔

LaTisha Raver
LaTisha Raver - 12.05.2023 19:25

I prefer to be called High functioning over having asbergers.

Jan J.
Jan J. - 09.05.2023 04:07

The mental health system totally failed — unexplained misdiagnoses resulting in dangerous yet unnecessary and useless treatments … still not officially diagnosed nor ever will be … labelled a nutcase …

F Freshfields
F Freshfields - 02.05.2023 00:34

This is so enlightening! I am 39. I always feel like an outsider. I hear words quite honestly and literally. I am very thoughtful towards others because of this, in the way i speak to them. I have always felt confused, since being a little girl, about why others are not like this. Growing up in an abusive household, on top of this i guess, hasn't helped. It didn't allow me to safely verbalise and explore my own experience and needs. And i genuinely never understand why most people are casually loud or find loud noises either fun or normal. I see people screaming to a friend down the supermarket isle while standing close to a stranger next to them. I see this behaviour happen commonly and it makes me feel like an alien, because i would never ever do this. It seems so rude to me. Because it is not gentle or kind behaviour. Because loud sounds can cause people stress or anxiety? But after seeing this video, i wonder if maybe others genuinely do not mind things like that?

Vlado - 28.04.2023 01:11


Thirsty - 24.04.2023 18:23

Record/Replay 😁😁😁

Stephanie A
Stephanie A - 13.04.2023 11:24

I was diagnosed with severe ADHD at age 52. I'm female. Looking back it is painfully obvious. It makes me so proud to see you up on stage so eloquent. Thank you for your kind words.

Shay Over the rainbow
Shay Over the rainbow - 11.04.2023 17:38

Every day i can't wait to get home to fully unmask. At work, i go into the bathroom and stim hard core full on flapping breaks. Makes the work day easier to get through. My brain hurts by the end of the day and i need to recharge with quiet and yoga or a bike ride before i can do dinner and other responsibilities. The struggles of autism are exhausting and please listen to me when i say don't turn to alcohol. It may help at first but it's a dark road. I found grace in a higher power and acceptance of who i am. I may make others uncomfortable bc i don't make eye contact but it helps me listen better. They may not like my rocking or finger touching but it helps me. If it helps you and you are comfortable let it out in a safe place. The problem comes from trying to fit into societal norms and it's okay to just be who we are. ❤

Jan P
Jan P - 08.04.2023 20:42

Very interesting! I learned so much. But, I thought the “Asperger’s” designation was discontinued within the Autism Spectrum diagnosis codes, which I was happy about after learning what a horrible man Dr. Asperger was.

Air Fried fashion
Air Fried fashion - 07.04.2023 01:40

The silent opening is so major

J H - 06.04.2023 03:52

Just diagnosed today at 35. I immediately imagined the pictures

Kili - 06.04.2023 00:53

Love this video - thank you so much for sharing it. There were several times I walked into an office and told the counselor that I was there to see that they needed to pay attention because I wouldn't mean to do it but I would answer with the answer I knew to be "correct" even if it wasn't correct for me. No one - nary a one - caught on to what was going on. Not a one was able to tell I was going full blown chameleon - and, I was right there with them....doing what I do. Adjusting to the situation to provide the "proper" showing for where I was and what was expected. I was in my mid 30s before I was officially diagnosed - by way of discussing my son (who had been diagnosed at a very young age). Having a clear diagnosis (of both Aspy and Misophonia) made my life suddenly make sense. It's still a struggle - even after more than a decade - but, it makes sense. That makes so much of a difference.

Shitu Kabir
Shitu Kabir - 04.04.2023 15:06

Dr Oyalo herbs is really helpful, and have helped my son improve with his speech and social skill complete. My son now responds to name, his aggressive behavior has stoped completely and he now sings and says what he want.

T J - 02.04.2023 21:25

Here after being diagnosed two months before I turn 18. It’s starting to make sense.

David Johnson
David Johnson - 17.03.2023 15:46

I just want to walk around, doing voices of characters from television and movies, sing, and talk to myself while going for long walks around fields of grass without a care in the world. That to me is absolute bliss

Helen - 15.03.2023 04:46

Wait!! Didn't she want to tell us how she finally got the diagnosis? What instrument(s) and conducted by who? Anything? Anything?

Kerstin Klenovsky
Kerstin Klenovsky - 13.03.2023 10:43

I am an Aspie and I have come to celebrate it.
The older I get the more I feel sick of pretending not to be autistic.

Nova  psihoanaliza
Nova psihoanaliza - 06.03.2023 18:08

Maybe is time to read Frances Tustin, or anything. :(

justcogitating - 03.03.2023 08:57

Part of what makes autism diagnosis so murky is that it's very difficult to decide what is a symptom of autism versus what is a comorbidity. Are sensory processing issues a symptom of autism? Or do many people with autism also have a sensory processing disorder? It would be helpful to know how she did get her diagnosis in the end. (It's easy to argue that we need better diagnostic measures, but a lot harder to figure out how to create those measures). 
The DSM-V actually gets rid of the Aspergers category as a diagnosis and subsumes much of what we might have once called Aspergers into the category Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder. If you look at SPCD as a separate diagnosis, the ADOS didn't fail-- it's designed to diagnose autism, not SPCD. Maybe what we really need are different measures for different diagnoses.

H L - 02.03.2023 02:17

Man childs have value too. They often take care of their parents. Not everyone is ment to be gigachads with an own family. In sweden we call them "old boys". They serve a purpose as well as anyone.

Janae Nae13
Janae Nae13 - 26.02.2023 05:21

I actually did think of the guy bending backwards and the lady walking on the ball!
