P&S Bead Maker, Dream Maker & Paint Gloss - What's the DIFFERENCE?? | The Rag Company FAQ

P&S Bead Maker, Dream Maker & Paint Gloss - What's the DIFFERENCE?? | The Rag Company FAQ

The Rag Company FAQ

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Byron Wang
Byron Wang - 01.10.2023 02:19

Can we do a mix of absolute and dreammaker?

Ray Palermo
Ray Palermo - 09.08.2023 02:40

Comming soon MONEY MAKER !!!!.Its just water in a bottle .It wont do much for your car but it will make P&S more money.

subarujoe1999 - 24.06.2023 06:46

Q: Ive enjoyed Bead Maker! Just ordered DREAM Maker. So what spray should I use to Clay bar with that will work well with Bead Maker and then Dream maker? Would it be ????

Clifton Richardson
Clifton Richardson - 07.06.2023 00:02

I can't keep up. 😂😂

Fars - 03.03.2023 00:08

Thank you! Just wondering if I can apply wax right after washing and spraying with P&S bead maker as a dry aid?

Brent Spence
Brent Spence - 24.02.2023 20:21

Could a guy mix Bead and Dream Maker in one bottle 50/50?

mingo - 26.01.2023 20:42

Can you add a dream maker after ceramic coating your car?

Dave's Best
Dave's Best - 13.01.2023 02:48

So you're saying p&s paint gloss put down first as a cleaner then use bead maker and then dream maker?.

Marek Schmidt
Marek Schmidt - 05.01.2023 23:39

can i use bead maker after waxing?

Steve Cheshire
Steve Cheshire - 03.01.2023 00:47

Don't need all them products for all that. Don't get me wrong p&s make some good stuff and I use alot of their products but it's all about marketing. bead maker isn't that great and there's better products out there to use. You don't need 3different products for protection, slickness, beading and gloss.

carlos gonzalez
carlos gonzalez - 09.12.2022 02:02

I love Bead Maker. I've been using it for years, and here is my question if I use it with Dream Maker, Bead Maker goes as the first layer, and then I use Dream Maker as a top off?

Sergiu Angelo
Sergiu Angelo - 02.12.2022 19:47

how’s the slickness of the paint gloss compared to bead maker ?

Blackntanxguy - 07.11.2022 20:49

Which one would be used for drying aid?

LukeVMH Gaming
LukeVMH Gaming - 17.10.2022 17:13


James Long
James Long - 12.10.2022 02:26

Just used dream maker on red car that 3 weeks ago clayed polished and wax. Cleaned it up to day put dream maker on half the hood, maquiar's x-press spray wax on the other half. I have used maquiar's for many years. I could tell no differance in the gloss. I will use up the dream maker but stay with maquiar's

Fernando Pérez solano
Fernando Pérez solano - 01.10.2022 16:16

I can use the pain gloss as a drying aid and if it is true that it creates an anti-static layer that helps

R2C - 12.08.2022 03:47

Perfect video, straight up to the point

Quan Tran
Quan Tran - 11.07.2022 09:42

I'm using Bead Maker as a drying agent when I wash my car 1 - 2 times a month. I just ordered Paint Gloss to apply after using Bead Maker. Should I also get Dream Maker? If so, can you please tell me when and how to use it? Thank you.

Imran Ali
Imran Ali - 03.06.2022 01:34

They claim dream maker doesn’t add any protection and doesn’t change hydrophobics on a coating , but unfortunately both of them claims are false .
I’m still looking for a drying aid to spray before drying that doesn’t mess about with coatings behaviour , if anyone knows one then let me know please ?

Frederick Rodriguez
Frederick Rodriguez - 01.06.2022 02:42

So can I wash my car with Bead maker once a week and apply dream maker on top directly after?
