What is a "Developed" Country? Crash Course Geography #40

What is a "Developed" Country? Crash Course Geography #40


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Fa Monk
Fa Monk - 30.06.2023 14:06

Did someone say OIL‽‽‽🦅🦅🦅🦅

One Epic Turtle
One Epic Turtle - 24.06.2023 19:55

woah soo developed

rowenas vlog
rowenas vlog - 28.05.2023 09:50

Developing countries in the initial stages of industrialization are characterized by inexperienced owners, few design skills and a very limited capability for machine building. Because of the poor industrialization in most of these developing nations, they often rely on industries of advanced countries.

Unemployment. High unemployment has already become- basic feature of developing countries like Central and Eastern Europe. Research has shown that the restructuring process started in most of these countries only towards the end of 1960 until the beginning of 1991, andy yet unemployment rates for the regions. above organization.

kindly explain that thank u goodbless🥰

David K
David K - 30.03.2023 15:00

Very nuanced and vague. So if we stopped using these Euro-centric definitions, we are all just as wealthy as each other around the world. So just don't day development or developed. So, no more issues here.

Suske Uchiha
Suske Uchiha - 08.11.2022 16:46

Lebanon invist alot in banking sector but it is cllopseed after alot of bad mangement and polyces

Hamza Qureshi
Hamza Qureshi - 02.02.2022 17:22

Actually the idea of development should focus over intricate balance between the lives of individuals and nations collectively. The "perception" of "economic authority" and every nation correcting their course and pushing themselves sometimes in regress should be discouraged. Polarization begets polarization.

Victor Angeles
Victor Angeles - 02.02.2022 03:41

okay my favorite model for like ranking a countries development is the world-system-theory, it separates countries into core economic countries that produce goods, periphery countries that provide resources that create those goods, and semi periphery countries that do a little bit of both

MarkusChannel - 02.02.2022 01:27

Its pretty messed up how higher society literally walks their silk line when all the poor suffer with their own hell while everyone with craptons of money sit easy on their yachts.

12shzarmai 55
12shzarmai 55 - 01.02.2022 20:41

Good video

roxasfrevr - 01.02.2022 16:32

Easy, its a country that had a large army that plundered other nations

KeepOut - 01.02.2022 16:28

Compared to Europe even the US are underdeveloped...

Angel - 01.02.2022 13:17

Crash course should do a full development studies series

killercaos123 - 01.02.2022 12:25

There is also a thing knows as the “Resource Curse”. Where a country is endowed with rich resources and minerals, yet get exploited, so they end up poor

a smart alec
a smart alec - 01.02.2022 11:32

Was the stat for all peoples using resources like the US requiring 4 earths referring to a full year of consumption? Or some other time frame?

Lennart Herix
Lennart Herix - 01.02.2022 11:15

Saying that Europe largely developed by exploiting its colonies leaves out many other factors. For example Sweden never had significant colonial holdings and still is one of the most developed countries.

Canadien - 01.02.2022 08:30

europeans rewwrote the borders in the middle east

MattoFrank - 01.02.2022 08:17

"Make a note of the word 'smorgasbord'. I like it, I want to use it more often in conversation."

Nelson Swanberg
Nelson Swanberg - 01.02.2022 07:50

Thanos was right. There is too much life.

Ubayd D
Ubayd D - 01.02.2022 05:58

Just one look at Sri Lanka makes my heart weep... Really hope they can turn the tide.

Jerome L.
Jerome L. - 01.02.2022 05:26

Why the # should geographical regions reflect the language of the aboriginal people? You didn't write Lebanon in Arabic (لبنان) or China in Mandarin (中國). Why, in a video or text in english or any other langage, when talking about arboriginal people or places, do people want to put random names in aboriginal language instead of the english translation? It's doesn't make any sense to randomly translate some name only when it's arboriginal stuff. For exemple, are you calling it the Bejing Olympics or the 北京 Olympics? It's a chinese city, why don't you want to randomly translate that name in Mandarin? Chinese people don't call themselves Chinese in Mandarin, so stop using the word Chinese I guess? Shouldn't it be the same for every people/place/langage, or just for the aboriginal groups?

Zynia Townsend
Zynia Townsend - 01.02.2022 04:41

Please upload a video more in depth look of the freedom riders for black history month

Fa Fs
Fa Fs - 01.02.2022 03:58

I appreciate mentioning Lebanon in this episode, especially given the incredibly horrible economic crises plaguing the country due to political corruption, but towards the end of the video it is said that Lebanon is the homelands of the Druze people. At the very least this is an oversimplification or incorrect. If you are determining this based on the history of the group’s existence in the region Maronite Catholics have found refuge in the slopes of Mount Lebanon since 402CE centuries before the Druze arrive around 1000CE . Please correct me if there is another metric being used. Also to say the this is the homeland of the Druze is especially inflammatory given the political situation in the country. Coexistence is trying to be put into practice there and while it is incredibly dysfunctional in that respect, this claim that Lebanon is the homeland of the Druze exclusively does nothing to support the practice of coexistence. I enjoyed the video and many good points were made, but I felt this needed to be respectfully addressed.

Kristian Ruffin
Kristian Ruffin - 01.02.2022 03:41

Where's Clint?

Sagacious Eagle
Sagacious Eagle - 01.02.2022 03:23

The plaid flannel shirt is an attention stealer. Can't focus.

SKP: History
SKP: History - 01.02.2022 02:50

@CrashCourse is still great, but shows more of a Marxist bias than before. The Oppressor vs Oppressed dialectic cannot explain why some nations that were colonized are rich and others poor, nor how other nations which had no colonies are richer than those that had colonies. Empires don't make countries rich, they make the imperial elite wealthier at the expense of People, both in the overseas colonies and in the homeland (which itself is just another colonial possession in the eyes of the Elites, as one can see with England within the British Empire, where 1/6 children died before the age of 5 in 1900).
In other words, its a simplistic narrative that ought to be challenged, not parroted, and its funny how ancient examples such as Rome and the Ottomans are held as examples of development, but then modern empires are seen as problematic. All empires are bad, and some are much worse than others.
In reality, what a people did both before and after colonization (e.g. Sub-Saharan Africa had colonization for an average of just 80 years compared to millennia of history and 60 years of independence) is a greater indicator of how developed their state is economically. And also, what's with the "developed", as if to question the term? If a country has industrialized, it is developed. If it still has a majority of its population still living as they did thousands of years ago, they are under-developed.
If one actually goes to live in under-developed countries (like myself in Tanzania), trust me, its a bourgeois luxury to sit back from the comfort of one's developed lifestyle and not have to worry about no running water, no sanitation, no electricity, tropical diseases without the means to treat them (except for with Western medicine from "developed" countries that under-developed countries can't produce). One can say that such a life is "developed", but for those who live in such conditions, they are under no such bourgeois illusions.

But as I say, great video, but talk about both sides of the argument. I'd prefer folks to provide both sides of the debate rather than this false "objectivity" and "impartiality", which more often than not simply presents Marxist rhetoric as objective, impartial truth, which it most certainly is not.

Isauro López
Isauro López - 01.02.2022 01:51

Would have been nice to mention that GDP per capita and the Human Development Index (HDI) have been observed to be directly correlated to how happy people report they are. There are caveats of course, but seems like a big omission while trying to promote alternative development measurements.

ShadowAkatora - 01.02.2022 01:50

I'd say it's a country with indoor plumbing. Where most of the population is educated above a third grade level. Where there isn't rolling blackouts. No military coups every three months.
High life expectancy, low child mortality. Where people visit their local doctor instead of their local shaman. And where women aren't seen as second class citizens.

Ana Bajc
Ana Bajc - 01.02.2022 01:42

Not USA, that's for sure.

Kora Utoti
Kora Utoti - 01.02.2022 01:35

Low income countries get trapped in debt because of their own corruption and incompetence. I know. I´ve lived my whole life in one of them

Jakasaurus - 01.02.2022 01:17

This video isn't science based. its reaching for ways to justify success of a country when its simple, a successful country requires good leadership and accountability, NK VS SK as an example, has nothing to do with race or gender. if you disagree please tell me why I'm wrong instead of deleting my comments.

Mojabi - 01.02.2022 01:13

I’m a first generation American, and I’ve begun to use the term “overexploited nations” rather than “underdeveloped countries”, because it does two things.
1) Rather than placing the blame on the nation itself for being underdeveloped it shifts the narrative that the country has been sucked dry of its rich resources, and the one to blame should be the colonizers, not the nation who works twice as hard to make a living.
2) The use of the term “over-exploitation” raises awareness of the atrocities that have been committed in these beautiful countries, and gives others an incentive to do further research on the history of colonization within these nations.
The term “underdeveloped” never sat right with me growing up, because of how outdated it is, and the deeply rooted history it has in colonialism. Overexploitation changes that narrative, and I hope to see it used more since 9/10 the ones to blame are typically European nations, and their descendants, not the nation itself.

EMan753 - 01.02.2022 00:59

Glad to see a video breaking down the complexity of the term "developed" and how it carries a massive amount of weight in how we view the world, especially countries that are victims of colonization/imperialism.

Fegno - 01.02.2022 00:59

I'm a sociology college student, and I'm totally in love with this geography crash course, it gives not just a lot of information and tools for my studies, but also genuinely gives me a lot of joy just hearing all this stuff. And miss Alizé make this videos even more enjoyable, what a nice host, greetins from Chile!

Oscar Jolly
Oscar Jolly - 01.02.2022 00:56

The “unintentional” effects of gmo seeds ? Lmao it was definitely intentional

Russell Johnson
Russell Johnson - 01.02.2022 00:46

I like this channel because they tell it like it is.

Daemon Amdusias
Daemon Amdusias - 01.02.2022 00:39

One that imperialized the rest of the world!

Sara Sorrell
Sara Sorrell - 01.02.2022 00:33

This is such a great video. Thanks for making it!

Multi - 01.02.2022 00:29

Yeah the fact that development often seems to mean going into debt to a bank seems really messed up, should we really be putting hustorically marginalized people into debt… effectively for having been marginalized in the first place?

yes i will help stop patriarchy
yes i will help stop patriarchy - 01.02.2022 00:28

Developed Countries = Oppressors

Helmer Trujillo Torres
Helmer Trujillo Torres - 01.02.2022 00:25


Roy L
Roy L - 01.02.2022 00:17

Well theres colonial extraction of the past then there is Canadian Banks in Central America and the Caribbean now having high interest rates and less functional banking products.

Schnitzel_Stephan - 01.02.2022 00:06

When mentioning how African countries are in debt to western nations, maybe you should also mention how most of the money from these loans ended up in the pockets of corrupt dictators? And without economic restructuring these countries would only end up further in debt?

Hameed - 31.01.2022 23:54


Alexei Schnakenburg
Alexei Schnakenburg - 31.01.2022 23:35

Why no mention of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore?

William Karbala
William Karbala - 31.01.2022 23:25

I think Argentina and other Latin American countries represent an interesting case study in 'development.' In the early 20th century Argentina had greater per Capita income than Canada and Australia, but years of military dictators and coups led to start political and economic instability.

louise - 31.01.2022 23:12

This is so timely. I hate the term Third world with a passion. It has very strong racist undertones

playitback2209 - 31.01.2022 23:11

Great video!

NotSoGoth - 31.01.2022 23:10

Structural adjustments is just neocolonialism.
