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MillGaming - 04.09.2023 21:21

Credits 0000000F
Digipicks 0000000A
Ship Spare Parts 0003FB19
Med Pack 0000ABF9
Trauma Pack 0029A847
Heart+ 0029CAD9
Breach 000547A3
MagSniper 0002EB45
Big Bang 0026D963
Shotty 0026D960
Auto-Rivet 0026D964
Regulator 0002CB5F
Magshot 0002EB42
Bridger 0026D96A
Razorback 00000FD6
Coachman 0026D96B
Magpulse 23606
Urban Eagle 0026D96D
Sidestar 0026D95D
Old Earth Shotgun 00278F74
Old Earth Hunting Rifle 0021BBCD
Old Earth Assault Rifle 0026ED2A
VaRuun Inflictor 0026D8A0
VaRuun Starshard 0026D8A4
Incendiary Experimental Nishina Spacesuit (Legendary) 65925
Sentinel's UC Antixeno Spacesuit (Legendary) 0007B2B9
Repulsing Explorer Spacesuit (Epic) 0022B8F6
Peacemaker Spacesuit 0013F97D
Monster Costume 00225FC9
Gran-Gran's Spacesuit 001F22BC
Va'Ruun Spacesuit. 00227CA3
Armor-Plated UC AntiXeno Pack (Legendary) 0010A25D
Mark 1 Pack 0001754E
UC Shock Power Pack 0021A86C
Reactive Experimental Nishina Helmet (Legendary) 65926
Incendiary UC AntiXeno Space Helmet (Legendary) 0010A25E
Peacemaker Space Helmet 0013F97B
Mark I Space Helmet 0001754F
Gran-Gran's Space Helmet. 001F22BC
.27 Caliber ammo 002B559C
.45 ACP ammo 002B5598
.43 MI Array ammo 002B559A
.50 Caliber Caseless ammo 002B5597
.50 MI Array ammo 002B5596
1.5kV LZR Cartridge ammo 002BAE3F
3kV LZR Cartridge ammo 0000E8EC
11MM Caseless ammo 002B5595
12.5MM ST Rivet ammo 002B5594
12G Shotgun Shell ammo 000547A1
15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell ammo 002B4AFB
40MM XPL ammo 002B5592
43 Ultramag ammo 002B5599
6.5MM CT ammo 002B5590
6.5MM MI Array ammo 002B558F
7.5MM Whitehot ammo 002B558E
7.62x39MM ammo 002B558D
7.77MM Caseless ammo 0004AD3E
9x39MM ammo 002B559B
Caseless Shotgun Shell ammo 002B4AFB
Heavy Particle Fuse ammo 002B558B
Light Particle Fuse ammo 002783C7

tgm Toggle God Mode - Enables invincibility and unlimited ammo.
player.setav carryweight (carryweight number) Changes carryweight capacity - Replace (carryweight number) with the amount of carrywight you want.
tim Toggle Immortal Mode - You to take damage, but you never reach 0 health.
psb Player Spellbook - Unlocks all available powers.
ToggleImmortalMode Toggles Immortal mode - Health, O2, and Magic can decrease but never go to 0.
player.removeperk (Perk ID) Remove Skills, Traits, or Backgrounds - The specified '(Perk ID)' Skill, Trait, or Background is removed.
player.addperk (Perk ID) Add Skills, Traits, or Backgrounds - The specified '(Perk ID)' Skill, Trait, or Background is added. You need at least one Skill point for this command to work.
psb Player Spell Book - All spells are unlocked.
tdetect Toggle Detect - NPCs no longer detect you.
tcai Toggle Combat AI - Combat AI no longer targets you. Re-enter the code to disable and enable again.
tcl Toggle No Clip - Character collision is disabled, allowing you to fly through walls, floors, and other objects. Re-enter the code to disable and enable again.
tm Toggle Menus - Toggle UI menus on and off.
tfc Toggle Freefly Camera - The Camera is detached from the player, so you're free to fly about the map.
additem (Item ID) (Value) Adds Items - Specified items in place of '(Item ID)' will be added to your inventory.
(Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID) Attach Weapon Mods - Specified weapon mods in place of '(OMOD ID)' will be applied to your '(Ref ID)' reference weapon.
(Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID) Remove Attached Weapon Mod - Specified weapon mods in place of '(OMOD ID)' will be removed to your '(Ref ID)' reference weapon.
killall Kill All NPCs - All NPCs in the area are killed.
kah Kill All Hostiles - All hostile NPCs in the area are killed.
resurrect Resurrect NPC - Selected NPC is resurrected. Select the NPC while in the console command menu so their Reference ID appears, then enter the command code.
unlock Unlock Doors and Containers - Unlock your current target door or container. Select the door while in the console menu, and then input the command.
sexchange Changes your characters gender
showmenu sleepwaitmenu Shows the sleep / wait menu without having to use a bed or chair
player.setlevel (Value) Increase Character Level - Increases your character to the '(Value)' specified level.
player.additem (Item ID) (Value) Add the specified '(Item ID)' item to your inventory.
player.placeatme (Item ID) (Value) Spawns Item - The specified '(Item ID)' item is spawned directly in front of your character.
player.paycrimegold 0 0 (Faction ID) Pay Off Bounties - Pay off any outstanding Bounties for a specified Faction.
showlooksmenu player 1 Open Character Creator - Opens the character creator menu.
saq Start All Quests - All Main Story and Side Quests are started (high chance of crashing your game if used),
caqs Complete Main Quests - All Main Story Quests are completed (high chance of crashing your game if used).

Russell - 11.10.2023 15:31

I'm trying to decorate the penthouse with game item ids but I can't move any of the beautiful furniture I've spawned in the middle of the main floor...

cole walker209
cole walker209 - 04.10.2023 12:47

I've just skip like hundreds of quest now my laptop just crashed 😂

SirNerdsAlot 5
SirNerdsAlot 5 - 01.10.2023 04:03

How do I get these saves back over to Xbox?

MKUltra - 23.09.2023 09:47

So if there's a 0 before any other character, you dont need to add all the zeros in the command, for example, for credits you just to player.additem f (#) and it will add what ever number you put after F or any other item for that mater

Gokumonki - 21.09.2023 15:00

you can skip the leading zeros, ex is 000004gde you can just type 4gde and it will work

Wm. G. Thilgen Jr.
Wm. G. Thilgen Jr. - 18.09.2023 17:51

ANYTHING doesn't include ship's, they are not item's.

Endoe Kronic
Endoe Kronic - 17.09.2023 04:24

How do I add a SHIP??? It's not an item... do I SPAWN IT???

Vetreus Dark
Vetreus Dark - 12.09.2023 10:39

anyone know the id for the galbank card?I'm perma stuck on it because it won't let me enter the bank

MrRyan1709 - 10.09.2023 23:38

when i try to spawn in ammo it only spawns one a time even tho i put 900 in it player.additem 002B5598 [900]
anyone else having this issue?? is there a fix for it or do i just spam it over and over lol

Thor Jørgensen
Thor Jørgensen - 10.09.2023 15:40

So... Yo made a 3½ minute video about an Eurogamer article that somebody else made? An article that itself also took all its information from Reddit.
Can I make a blog about your video about the article about the reddit post?

Diagrams - 06.09.2023 15:01

Does this impact achievements?

KONON_KO - 05.09.2023 21:29

if there is a item you want not there you can serch the id for it and you will get it so if you look for example the Beowulf rifle that is not on there you can search it and find the id for it on google or whatever :)

ashley stetson
ashley stetson - 05.09.2023 17:25

Credits player.additem 0000000F
Digipicks player.additem 0000000A
Ship Spare Parts player.additem 0003FB19
Med Pack player.additem 0000ABF9
Trauma Pack player.additem 0029A847
Heart+ player.additem 0029CAD9
Breach player.additem 000547A3
MagSniper player.additem 0002EB45
Big Bang player.additem 0026D963
Shotty player.additem 0026D960
Auto-Rivet player.additem 0026D964
Regulator player.additem 0002CB5F
Magshot player.additem 0002EB42
Bridger player.additem 0026D96A
Razorback player.additem 00000FD6
Coachman player.additem 0026D96B
Magpulse player.additem 23606
Urban Eagle player.additem 0026D96D
Sidestar player.additem 0026D95D
Old Earth Shotgun player.additem 00278F74
Old Earth Hunting Rifle player.additem 0021BBCD
Old Earth Assault Rifle player.additem 0026ED2A
VaRuun Inflictor player.additem 0026D8A0
VaRuun Starshard player.additem 0026D8A4
Incendiary Experimental Nishina Spacesuit (Legendary) player.additem 65925
Sentinel's UC Antixeno Spacesuit (Legendary) player.additem 0007B2B9
Repulsing Explorer Spacesuit (Epic) player.additem 0022B8F6
Peacemaker Spacesuit player.additem 0013F97D
Monster Costume player.additem 00225FC9
Gran-Gran's Spacesuit player.additem 001F22BC
Va'Ruun Spacesuit. Player.additem 00227CA3
Armor-Plated UC AntiXeno Pack (Legendary) player.additem 0010A25D
Mark 1 Pack player.additem 0001754E
UC Shock Power Pack player.additem 0021A86C
Reactive Experimental Nishina Helmet (Legendary) player.additem 65926
Incendiary UC AntiXeno Space Helmet (Legendary) player.additem 0010A25E
Peacemaker Space Helmet player.additem 0013F97B
Mark I Space Helmet player.additem 0001754F
Gran-Gran's Space Helmet. Player.additem 001F22BC
.27 Caliber ammo player.additem 002B559C
.45 ACP ammo player.additem 002B5598
.43 MI Array ammo player.additem 002B559A
.50 Caliber Caseless ammo player.additem 002B5597
.50 MI Array ammo player.additem 002B5596
1.5kV LZR Cartridge ammo player.additem 002BAE3F
3kV LZR Cartridge ammo player.additem 0000E8EC
11MM Caseless ammo player.additem 002B5595
12.5MM ST Rivet ammo player.additem 002B5594
12G Shotgun Shell ammo player.additem 000547A1
15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell ammo player.additem 002B4AFB
40MM XPL ammo player.additem 002B5592
43 Ultramag ammo player.additem 002B5599
6.5MM CT ammo player.additem 002B5590
6.5MM MI Array ammo player.additem 002B558F
7.5MM Whitehot ammo player.additem 002B558E
7.62x39MM ammo player.additem 002B558D
7.77MM Caseless ammo player.additem 0004AD3E
9x39MM ammo player.additem 002B559B
Caseless Shotgun Shell ammo player.additem 002B4AFB
Heavy Particle Fuse ammo player.additem 002B558B
Light Particle Fuse ammo player.additem 002783C7

bob bobber
bob bobber - 04.09.2023 21:56

Great video thank you, Does this work on pc gamepass? or only on steam. noob pc gamer here.
