MOUSE vs CONTROLLER - Which Is Better & Should You Switch?? [Warzone Academy]

MOUSE vs CONTROLLER - Which Is Better & Should You Switch?? [Warzone Academy]


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Fiilis1 - 29.09.2023 20:55

Gonna try out with something like ReWASD program. It is just stupid as WASD player to lose 70% of the time close range fights cause of aimassist aka. aimbot.

konstantin lozev
konstantin lozev - 23.09.2023 10:36

Aim assist is just a cheat to a clumsy input solution.

scott - 17.08.2023 02:43

Man the pride and gloating on this guy is fkn annoying

JuicyManPickle - 13.07.2023 22:06

Pc but with a controller 🤯

_brando_ - 07.07.2023 00:40

I played controller all my life on console til about 3 years ago I got a PC and starting playing tarkov on mouse and keyboard. I tried controller last week on DMZ and it feels way too weird for me now. Wanted to get that aim assist but I'll just stick with mouse and keys. Feels better to me

Schnoonglaandia Geckeler
Schnoonglaandia Geckeler - 29.05.2023 08:12

no advantage to m and k

grandcanyon2 - 25.05.2023 02:05

These folks in insane says ohh iam not the best player in the world, post stats that he is in the top .5 percent in the world for all the shooter games he plays.

Shortbread Head
Shortbread Head - 17.05.2023 21:29

Aim assist on controllers is absolutely not overpowered. It's essentially necessary to compensate for the precision and speed of mouse aiming. If I'm playing on a console with controller I'm not going to turn off aim assist because I'm not an idiot. When I'm playing on PC mouse is so much better to know I can be as accurate as my skill level.

I don't give a fuck who plays where, as long as they're having fun. There's no "master race", we're all winning when we're playing good games, and trying to put down someone else because your set up can run a game better than theirs won't make you better at a game and your time would be better spent enjoying playing something than putting others down.

burak Hut
burak Hut - 16.05.2023 03:34

Actually aim assist is a cheat. the only difference is that the game gives you

Tauron Val
Tauron Val - 10.05.2023 20:53

Controller is fluid and more natural for me, the mouse produce movement that is strange 👌🏻…

Raptor 501st
Raptor 501st - 25.04.2023 15:09

I think it's pretty obvious which is better

Sibler Inkognito
Sibler Inkognito - 24.04.2023 19:11

the only way you have a disadvantage is when you play with controller . Yeah when everyone is playing with controller hey no problem go for it , but at the moment a player enters with mouse and keyboard the other guy has to be aswell on it otherwise its not comparable. Turn off this autoaim and any mouse keyboard dude will destroy the console dude , after 1 game against "the real competing peripheral device". People love their preferences more than obvious facts , consoles are for the wide mass they want to play after a day of work on the couch to chill ofc there are console player who are competing and are good ofc but you will simply never ever have the same "high end" gameplay like someone who use MaK . Leauge , CS GO , Starcraft , AoE2DE etc those games would have never brought us that highest lvl of gamplay if it wouldnt happen on MaK . Proof me wrong and i would be happy and say "thx i didnt saw that" but i wait for those answer over 10 years .
Have a nice day greetings from germany

Zach Clark
Zach Clark - 22.04.2023 02:45

I just tried to play claw style. Fuck that my hand cramped after 2 matches

Stephen Dippenaar
Stephen Dippenaar - 13.04.2023 11:06

Playing with a controller yes it is harder aiming with a thump then hand so some players struggle would sway left or right til enemy is in sights. I was a Good on Battlefield 3 on console but i was humbled on Pc how much faster Pc players were and my stats where less impressive. Ok there are Fps shooters that aint so fast pase like Enlisted which i enjoy Even Warzone 2 feels more realistic and more enjoyable then Warzone 1

Flammen Waffen Fries
Flammen Waffen Fries - 08.04.2023 09:49

M&K is only good for small girly hands

James Brannon
James Brannon - 03.04.2023 08:50

Y’all are honestly tripping ever since I made the switch to pc and keyboard and mouse I’m 3x the player I was

PFKABB - 29.03.2023 14:50

Controller with gyro and no aim assist is equal to keyboard and mouse

Cassius Myers
Cassius Myers - 22.03.2023 22:45

See what you can do is controller and mouse is op I’m hybrid so 😮

Jesse Mitchell
Jesse Mitchell - 17.03.2023 19:39

Should you switch? Fuck no

Homicidex100 Yt
Homicidex100 Yt - 14.03.2023 14:39

My movement is a1 on controller but I been using it for years 15 years I just started KB&M 3 months ago and I’m almost as good wid movement as I was on controller but aim wise ohh yea beam machine lil Wayne with the flicks Lebrun wid the movement cause I be flopping sometimes fucking shit up lol

bikesforlife - 01.03.2023 15:56

As a kid, i used to play so many fps games. As time went by, i became more of a console gamer and stopped playing fps games, switched to story/racing games only because of the frustrating aim with a controller. Today i played with a mouse and it brought all the memories back. I was competative once again. Hands down, for fps games there is nothing that beats the mouse.

ssb33 - 24.02.2023 17:51

the solution = reWASD

Sommerwine - 17.02.2023 17:45

u self say ur a aim assist cheater so were is the point of the video iv u want see whats ur skill its poinless 2 use a programm that aim 4 u. so the hole point is yes aim better with aim assist so haha its not ur skill sorry

Geeman Henry
Geeman Henry - 02.02.2023 03:03

To me as a gamer controller, I wish for an FPS game should have a button or button combination technique that it’ll snap a 180 degree turn so it would somewhat even out against a keyboard and mouse.

collecttho collect those kicks
collecttho collect those kicks - 17.01.2023 03:29

When you can see them players Easier It makes tracking a whole lot simpler There is No comparison to PC and console totally 2 different machines.. And PC will make you look like a better player than you are The same pro PC players cannot do the same on console not even a little They already proved it in a frame rate video With scuff

collecttho collect those kicks
collecttho collect those kicks - 17.01.2023 03:21

Console players are just Bait for PC players

Riff Crypt
Riff Crypt - 16.01.2023 06:17

Was just searching the topic and found this video. I have so much more skill with controller at this point switching to KBM feels atrocious. Too many years on xbox live halo. While the aim is somewhat snappier on KBM there is so much more room for critical error in the heat of gameplay. You're almost never going to accidentally hit the wrong button on a controller, there is simple immediate tactical feedback. Moving fingers around on a keyboard you will panic and hit the wrong keys.

Cthulhu fhtagn
Cthulhu fhtagn - 13.01.2023 07:52

Why PC gamers cannot turn off crossplay?

Estifanos Bireda
Estifanos Bireda - 10.01.2023 00:44

how much I miss OG verdansk

Gaheto - 06.01.2023 15:28

God send vid. All I am praying for is to have an exclusive xbox only for Warzone 2.0 I fall inlove to that game. I am PUBG player. But I am only a casual player who plays a lot. I just want to experience the map of WZ 2.0 like a explore Erangel Sanhok but it ruined by cheaters specially in WZ 2.

Xenophanes - 05.01.2023 20:29

How to switch from MKB to controller. It’s feel so wrong playing with controller

Juice Tuggle
Juice Tuggle - 06.12.2022 00:24

@icemanisaac I smell a new video for warzone 2 on this topic. What's cooking?

off loc
off loc - 05.12.2022 20:33

Lame ad.

D - 21.11.2022 06:14

Way late, but that was a lame take tbh. Aim assist is a built in cheat, but the vast majority of CoD players are console gamers that don't know any better, so they are sensitive and get butthurt about it. Warzone was a super fun game that was great because PC players could play with their friends from work etc on console. For the competitive scene, PC pro gamers could never take Warzone seriously because of the advantage controllers give. That's why there were talented pros from other games that played Warzone for a while, and were good, but hardly any of them stuck with it. The simple solution would have been to let you disable crossplay and have a separate pool of players for competitive play, PC only tournaments etc. But, Ravensoft is a clueless developer. There could have been a huge competitive scene on the PC side.

Adam Landsberg
Adam Landsberg - 20.11.2022 20:53

aim assist lol thats gay

Niam Mills
Niam Mills - 20.11.2022 13:21

what warzone are you playing in the back

Andy - 18.11.2022 14:49

I play key and mouse cuz controller is for b*tches

JhonDiick 420
JhonDiick 420 - 08.11.2022 19:24

talks about bald people etc men fck your sponsor bullshit xd

larry mcduffie
larry mcduffie - 08.11.2022 00:22

lmao. The lies ohhh the lies. lmao

Christina Burton
Christina Burton - 04.11.2022 08:13

Mnk can pinpoint a single pixel 360 degrees in a split mili second even with their eyes closed. I wish to be one with my dpi on a mnk one day.

Serge_Plays - 27.10.2022 22:21

“I’m not big by any means”
*Top 25 in the entire world*

Mr 1nc0gn1t0u
Mr 1nc0gn1t0u - 24.10.2022 18:07

imma keep usingkeyboard and mouse because controller is really hard to play for me. I do however agree with your opinion that controller is 90% of the time better.

Water Cat
Water Cat - 22.10.2022 18:07

Console vs ps what is better that depends off the console and the PC

On this world the are high specs PC and low spec PC same with the console

WINST0N888 - 21.10.2022 17:04

Switching from M/K to controller is like switching from a motorcycle to a bicycle. Rigging the bicycle to be faster = aim assist. One costs thousands, the other costs hundreds. To make the cheaper one faster is does not make sense.

Joseph Mendez
Joseph Mendez - 19.10.2022 06:51

nice aimbot at 6.23

Red Balloon
Red Balloon - 14.10.2022 17:42

mouse and PC is basically cheating.

and when you use controller. you can easily go off target. no one should have aim assist

tricktrick82 - 03.10.2022 21:37

really detailed video keep up the good work

Mufasa - 29.09.2022 04:56

After using controller for fps games for more than 20 years i made the switch to KnM and omg i feel like kid again😂 learning how to aim and seeing my improvement feels so good. Yes i was getting destroyed my first couple hours which made me want to switch to controller i finally decided to stick to it.

Hank Ng
Hank Ng - 28.09.2022 09:52

Nothing can compete with a mouse when it comes to aiming except for vr controllers which is close but still slightly inferior due to the shaking. If u wanna do a really quick and accurate shot, those 2 are the only possible option. Dualshock4 can do sth similar. Kinda. With the aid of “gyro”. But most ps4 games don't support that although it has such a feature that gives u huge advantage. Unless ur playing pc game with a ds4 then its a diffrrent story.
