The Hollies - Carrie Anne

The Hollies - Carrie Anne


16 лет назад

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Sunn Burn
Sunn Burn - 19.10.2010 03:59

Fantastic! No other way to put it.

faeryquene - 09.03.2010 02:57

Why would anyone need to compare The Hollie-or any other band of the era-with The Beatles? For me they were great on their own merits. I enjoy all bands of that age and I don't need to go about 'comparing' them. To what purpose? It's not a popularity contest. It's music. Just enjoy it.

Sofie Hellberg
Sofie Hellberg - 01.03.2010 16:37

Ok this song was ok but you can't compare the hollies to The Beatles!!!

newhotman1001 - 20.02.2010 00:17

On March 15, 2010, the Hollies will be inducted finally into the RRHOF. My best friend and his wife are attending the ceremony and he told me that this will be more exciting than seeing the Beatles in Detroit in 1966 at the old Olympia. This group had so many hits and should have been received better in the US than they were. Still, one great song after another.

Josh Hodgson
Josh Hodgson - 06.02.2010 20:02

Love the cowboy hat the drummer's wearing

Stadust violeta
Stadust violeta - 06.02.2010 03:58

hay la carita de tony hicks que lindoooo!!!!! 0:54 tiene una voz bien suave

Billy Angus
Billy Angus - 02.02.2010 10:19

Graham Nash was still with The Hollies when this song was recorded in '67. Terry Sylvester (formerly of The Swingin' Blue-Jeans) joined the Hollies after Graham Nash's departure. While The Hollies were doing this version in '69, Nash was then performing with former ByRDS veteran David Crosby, and former Buffalo Springfield lead voclaist Stephen Stills (as Crosby, Stills, & Nash). Overall, this is one of my favorite songs. :)

Stadust violeta
Stadust violeta - 01.02.2010 04:29

me gusta la claridad de voz con que cantaban en esos tiempos era chevere pero lastima los tiempos cambian

The Robbs
The Robbs - 27.01.2010 02:40

I was at my bank today and the tellers name was Carrie Anne. Knowing and loving the song/Hollies, I mentioned it to her. She blasted me on how the song was so offensive to her. I was totally taken back. I told her that I don't think the song was written as a personal attack on her. Then, I got the hell out of there. Wow, talk about sensitive.

NilezII - 20.01.2010 05:30

Tony Hicks looks about 12!

Eef Ife
Eef Ife - 02.01.2010 08:02

The boys sound very good in live performances. This proves they're great singers.

Frank Cohen
Frank Cohen - 31.12.2009 19:41

@brilliantcolors7: I love this version too but why "definitive"? Do we have to categorize in a way that denigrates the original single with Graham Nash? They're both great.

RubberSoul846 - 30.12.2009 03:49

Great Song! Although, if that was 1969, why are they in suits? Everyone by that time left that mod look except for them. Way to keep it alive!

Reene Keenie
Reene Keenie - 28.12.2009 01:44

Please, what is Fuse? Thanks!

Cody Green's Mom's Broken Vibrator
Cody Green's Mom's Broken Vibrator - 22.12.2009 00:12

this is really live!! THEY WERE FUCKING GREAT!!!!

angel able
angel able - 20.12.2009 04:44

Has anyone noticed that Bern bears an incredible reseblance to David St. Hubbins of SPINAL TAP?

Ladycarpenter - 19.12.2009 18:30

THEY MADE IT! They've been selected to be inducted in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!

bigbadredsox - 18.12.2009 10:35

The Hollies are finally getting their long-overdue spot in the HOF. It is about time the HOF people got off their lazy duffs and did the right thing.

brilliantcolors7 - 18.12.2009 03:57

for me, this is the definitive version of "Carrie Anne". Big Congrats on making the Hall of Fame, guys. It'll be cool seeing the whole band together, with both Graham and Terry.

peterdaniel66 - 14.12.2009 09:53

Nash left in late 1968 and Terry is playing rythem guitar here and look at the sideburns.. so yes I would say its 1969
