Abandoned - Memphis Pyramid

Abandoned - Memphis Pyramid

Bright Sun Films

4 года назад

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@raiquiaarbiter7974 - 04.11.2024 13:57

lmao, rainbolt trolled us hard for this one

@kengreenberg - 14.11.2024 09:42

Done anything on the Superdome in New Orleans?

@zazzleman - 15.11.2024 03:43

Everything was going well until you put Alex Jones in. Fucking weirdo.

@Mulerider4Life - 16.11.2024 22:34

Its needs a good cleaning on the outside as of now.

@lordlightskin4200 - 20.11.2024 01:49

I love how American cities are just so different lore wise like ofc Memphis just has a giant pyramid that’s a fishing store

@Paige980 - 21.11.2024 06:40

Well I live in Memphis but it’s not abandoned ….. it’s actually a fun thing to visit…. It was used for sporting events and concerts and the acrostics were terrible 😮so it’s much better off as bass pro shop….

@DCGuy1997 - 24.11.2024 20:56

Def a must see destination in Memphis.

@muse1188 - 12.12.2024 09:31

Love it

@1200hobos - 14.12.2024 05:01

That's where Satan resides.

@Perich29 - 15.12.2024 01:17

They should turn that Pyramid into a hotel and make it much like the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas.

@georgewashington2609 - 16.12.2024 03:49

Not true. I was there Summer of 2024 and it was full of shoppers.

@baddudecornpop7328 - 19.12.2024 01:26

The wild facts Alex jones says all turn out to be true. Maybe the inferences he makes from them aren’t, but the basis of the theories always are. wtf😂

@restlessCrustacean - 19.12.2024 09:42

i am so serious when i say my dream travel location is the bass pro shops pyramid i was gonna go for my 18th bday next year but i feel like being queer and going to tennessee would not be the best experience 🥲

@j.ballsdeep420 - 22.12.2024 12:41

I only hear Andy Kaufman making fun of Jerry Lawer saying, "Mephis Tenn-a-see," whenever I hear Memphis. Also, you're confusing Nashville and Memphis with the music capital

@phantomsot2040 - 23.12.2024 20:27

my grandparents had bricks outside it with their names on it from donating. sadly those went away when it became a Bass Pro shop and there wasn't a way to get them (turns out they cast concrete to look like bricks, vice actually getting bricks... made it impossible to really retrieve individual folks' names.)

@bherber - 24.12.2024 18:47

Things always turn out better when you let a private company take over. When the gov't does it, it's always a disaster.

@allygee3204 - 24.12.2024 23:09

Can you do the arco arena?

@numbimmune180 - 26.12.2024 05:34

This place isn't abandoned lol

@Ben-bb7mi - 27.12.2024 00:29

Stopped there on a whim while on a road trip and have to say it was worth it. Didn't hurt that I had some Bass Pro gift cards to use

@username_mcusernameface - 31.12.2024 07:58

Who else is here from Radiaactive?

@jamesmcdonald5868 - 01.01.2025 08:22

My Father in law was the person in charge of the entire build of the Pyramid. The life of the Pyramid as a stadium was only 13 years.
That is the shortest lifespan of any modern era stadium/arena.

@belindajohansen2899 - 02.01.2025 07:47

I actually was wearing my Memphis pyramid Bass Pro Shops t-shirt yesterday.

@aidanbarrett9313 - 03.01.2025 03:56

At least this project had a happy ending (so far).

@ouch1011 - 11.01.2025 08:54

Would love to know what politician decided to spend tens of millions of $ of taxpayer money to build a new arena to sabotage the existing arena that also cost tens of millions of taxpayer dollars. Would also love to know how much of that taxpayer money they pocketed through kickbacks for funding the new arena.

@lindabrennan4455 - 13.01.2025 04:59

I think it's very cool as a bass pro shop. 😊

@L93-L93 - 14.01.2025 14:29

Gods those poor employees. Get some damn air flow into that place

@TheAaron1976 - 15.01.2025 21:20

I think remakes of already famous landmarks are destined to be made fun of.

@BurnedJello - 17.01.2025 17:55

When the aliens come down, all they really want to see is the pyramid by the river down in Memphis, Tennessee. Made of glass and some brass, it'll knock you on your ass, make your damn jaw drop, what's that?
It's our Bass Pro Shop

@MemphisCorollaS - 18.01.2025 21:51

Local legend from engineers and earthquake researchers says that the pyramid’s foundation kept sinking as it was built. That resulted in additional exhibit space for the eventual Egypt archaeology standing exhibit. It also is certainly the reason for most rooms inside having odd dimensions that didn’t match the original building specs. They don’t want to build more additional floors or partial floors, so they made it fit.

I’m sure that caused additional long term maintenance for preventing basement flooding from the nearby Mississippi River when it has overrun its levies especially.

I grew up as this was built, used, abandoned, re-used l, and then stuck in development hell. I’ve been to high school and college graduations there throughout my life. Thankfully it didn’t fall apart and corrode as badly as Memphis’ other locally infamous abandoned structures like the Midsouth colliseum, tim McCarver baseball stadium, Midsouth fairgrounds, etc. I’m glad that at least one of those eventually made it back to some prominence instead of just rotting until finally condemned & demolished.

@lowtech41 - 20.01.2025 05:42

Knowing Memphis most of that money ended up in politicians pockets.

@CaddyJim - 28.01.2025 01:47

Great video loved learning the history & glad it wasn't torn down we do that to much in the US to our history

@Natashabcm - 29.01.2025 21:16

My husband and I have gone on many roadtrips across America and driving by the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid has to be one my most favorite things ever.

@mukmewx - 03.02.2025 21:17

I would highly recommend going to the bass pro shops at the Memphis pyramid, even if you don’t care for the bass pro shops. I didn’t want to go but my family did and I had a great time!

@nscaocnjs - 11.02.2025 16:22

I need a Fallout game set in the American south. Imagine the missions you could do around the pyramid

@SwitchAnimationsGacha - 26.02.2025 05:23

And that’s the power of bass pro shops ladies and gentlemen

@RichardPayton4906 - 26.02.2025 07:46

There’s more going on than you realize…

@BrianMcmanus-u6n - 26.02.2025 11:29

PHISH played a legendary show there in the fall of 1999 with perhaps the greatest version of "2001" (a cover of Also Spracht Zarathustra). Wish they still booked shows there, I love Memphis.

@decker528 - 27.02.2025 17:26

That hotel is more expensive than that

@dmoney2015 - 07.03.2025 08:39

There really isn't anything impressive about a medium sized building shaped like a pyramid. It's the same mistake that the mirage made. It isn't the shape of the Egyptian pyramids that intrigue people.

@OriginalNoke - 08.03.2025 15:28

Hey check out what I built
[What you gonna do with it?]
Idk but it's cool.
Save the pyramid the pyramid is a staple in America. It's like the arch in St Louis.

@qzy-179SanTzxkW - 12.03.2025 11:21

"Co cane supply drying up"😂 idk about you, but i always liked my coke wet

@esyta1028 - 12.03.2025 16:41

Hey, don't talk shit about Alex Jones, that guy is awesome. Open your mind man lol

@ShaolinsHappyFeet - 13.03.2025 00:44

The masons are putting pyramids everywhere. Louvre, Las Vegas ,

@user-neo71665 - 13.03.2025 19:20

I remember it being built, we all joked about it back then. Then it turned into a bass pro took it overboard.

@kovu159 - 16.03.2025 11:38

This is such a quintessential American story.

@graciehudson - 16.03.2025 18:25

My dad was one of the head contractors who helped design and build the plumbing system and water pipes and whatnot and he’s told me that when they where digging the bottom floor out for the water, they found several bodies

@DavidPayneIII - 18.03.2025 15:50

Its sad that buildings like this dont pop up more i think it adds character to a cities skyline if they did this more life as a whole would be much better just based on the looks of our cities why keep making saltine box towers?

@6wild6flower6 - 18.03.2025 19:37

There is one in Michigan too but none he government owns it

@NathanCrouse611 - 22.03.2025 06:58

Cool to hear the history of it. I've driven through Memphis twice intending on stopping by the Bass Pro solely because of the building it's in. Both times I was stressed for time. Maybe next time. I suspect it's been successful because the building being so odd does draw people in who would ordinarily not stop at a Bass Pro. As someone who has a Cabelas and Bass Pro 30 minutes from home, I don't have a need to stop by on a trip at an ordinary one.

@BoyPls-rg1dr - 22.03.2025 17:42

I've been writing a fantasy novel about the post apocalypse, some 3k years in the future, and figured it would be cool to give Memphis a giant metal pyramid. Then I found out it actually happened.
