Most Apex Players STILL Get This Wrong! (Landing & Looting Guide)

Most Apex Players STILL Get This Wrong! (Landing & Looting Guide)


11 месяцев назад

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@empiresix9722 - 25.03.2024 21:47

My biggest tip is to solo queue. Just had a beast of a team mate that was standing behind a wall then got hit with a Maggie tac and proceeded to not move an inch and wrap his lips around it

@UncleAir - 25.03.2024 21:50

Videos like this should be a REQUIREMENT before mf's play this game

@ItsTsunaga - 25.03.2024 21:56

Doesn't the Tripletake use 3 rounds per shot? I feel like it got that nerf 2 years ago.

@MrSweetBeaks - 25.03.2024 22:16

Here's another tip, if you're going to complain about $350 heirloom boxes, stop reinforcing EA's decision on the price tag by purchasing it. Only the consumer can change the prices, at the end of the day EA is a business. If I could sell you a cheeseburger for 35$ why would I sell it to you for 5$?

@andyauger - 25.03.2024 22:28

Great tips as always, Mangos! Hot-dropping is frustrating as hell with randoms so having an internal checklist to do it effectively (or NOT do it at times) is super helpful!

@suspiciousconeofficial - 25.03.2024 22:28

Also don't ever get too confident if you think no one is landing with you, sometimes teams will drop weirdly late or see you drop and then follow you.

Always be on your toes 😎

@jerkintuesdays - 25.03.2024 23:02

I can’t count how many freaking times I’ve been jump master and have been contested and my teammates literally don’t break at all and have to hold their hand until I take them to loot. guess what the enemy team did? They landed better and have loot while I have no guns. Nothing in this game tilts me more than people not knowing how to drop and loot. So inefficient and waste of good resources.

@Trancemunke - 25.03.2024 23:12

No one ever wants to be jump master and are too busy on there phone and then blame u when they die for picking a terrible spot

@ScumNaz - 25.03.2024 23:13

I hope I'm not the only one who has a backpack full of ammo Batteries and medkits i always run in a blue backpack 3 stacks of the same ammo 8 batteries and and 4 medkits and purple 5 stacks of ammo 8 batteries and 4 medkits thats my endgame loot Everytime

@lilcrow64 - 25.03.2024 23:16

If I’m jumpmaster in my team is not detaching I normally just start aiming towards the location that has no loot and telling my team. Hey you got your break off I’m not laying next to loot 😂. They quickly break off lmao.

@ExoticZah - 25.03.2024 23:44

Hi everyone I love me some Apex Legends!

@MtHermit - 25.03.2024 23:54

What i do if my team doesnt break off from me, i sling them really hard just as we land. It usually flings them somewhere inconvenient or to a different loot spot.

@andrewrodriguez3937 - 26.03.2024 00:02

Eh idk about that first break off tip. Higher ranks you’ll get jumped quick. I rather share n worry about who gets what after the fight.

@_b_shadow7048 - 26.03.2024 01:01

Hey bro thankyou so much im new to the game and you're helping me out so much ive watched a bunch of your videos and they have helped me so much

@drobie6836 - 26.03.2024 02:22

Some of these clips are so old

@FlyNerdGaming - 26.03.2024 03:05

Mangooooo. Shoutout my guy, always gives the best advice like I literally take at least one nugget in every video that I didn’t realize or need to remember. Salute 💪🏾💪🏾

@burningxdagger - 26.03.2024 03:39

nice to see others that have the same inventory management. literally everything you said I agree with. max 8 cells unless I'm running sentinel then it's 12.

@edgarmartinez3748 - 26.03.2024 04:18

happens all the time lol ppl dont understand how to loot wisely and the team pays for it

@sketchyracoon6813 - 26.03.2024 05:30

Music 9.06

@danijeltrubarac4760 - 26.03.2024 05:46

Landing with a cronus user and no lifers makes no difference to my inventory management when im dead before i can pick ip my 3rd shotgun bolt .

@cubbian - 26.03.2024 07:10

Mango, whats the background music you use? It's very soothing

@stevoky - 26.03.2024 07:18

12000 people watched and still will be the most toxic ridiculous community in history.

@m.w.4409 - 26.03.2024 12:47

What is a good legend for solo players?

@Wallnuts - 26.03.2024 17:50

I’m surprised that so many things I do intuitively (free look, splitting off, pinging loot area, etc.) are not commonly practiced but it’s nice to see this wisdom being shared

@qFlashhh - 26.03.2024 18:32

What bang skin is this when you was fighting at Wall on SP?

@kazua802 - 26.03.2024 23:25

I mostly struggle with decision making because I play most of the time solo I don’t like talking so I don’t play with teammates and the struggle usually comes in like ik there’s a team fighting I got to push but my teammates only want to loot so I have to now think how do I 1v3 or possibly 1v6 those people which is hard to do

@RPG_Kyle - 27.03.2024 06:55

Hey Mango, you make top tier apex videos! I watch every video. What matters most is improving at the game!

Since I see everything I couldn’t help but notice you deleted your apex hack video, what was the reason for doing this??
I know I was critical of your optimistic commentary regarding EA / Respawns business ethics, along with most of the comment section. Hence my comment having the most likes and replies by a lot!

I’m curious to know what went to the decision, I can’t recall this happening before, especially a day later.

@Justhernandez999 - 27.03.2024 10:02

U should've gave the example from being an assault legend but great video

@blackmilKiki - 27.03.2024 12:20

The issue with your mates landing on top of you drives me insane. I really hope they will include an option to break off on your own soon. When i‘m not jumpmaster, i even use the ping function „going over there“, marking the spot where i wanna land so nobody else goes there. I wish more ppl would use this, it’s so easy, eventhough ofc there is always one who still proceeds to land right on top of you ….aaarggh!

@Taaxmaan - 27.03.2024 16:56

all these tips about randoms are wrong. simply swap your pickup button to R3 or something you can spam whilst looking around, then you’ll immediately pickup all the loot. also i came back s8 but in s1-2 i was top 300 in the world for kills, slide jump every 2 seconds when running, make it nature, its the fastest way of traveling apart from movement. also if your 1v1ing for a bin, always be on the left side of the bin or loot the left side first, it has the highest chance of the actual weapon spawning there

@saaah707 - 27.03.2024 17:53

if you drop contested please think about your teammates a bit, do a little mental math eh?
say you drop hot and come across a R301, a Flatline, and light+heavy ammo stacks on the ground
if you take both weapons leaving teammate with his fists, and then you get clapped and gaped, don't blame your teammate, because you're the one who declared yourself a pro player by taking both weapons

@MMAFanFromKrypton - 27.03.2024 23:36

Until we get a face reveal, I refuse to believe this is anyone other than the legendary Tony Hawk. We grew up playing the man's skateboarding games and now here he is teaching us to be better shooters lol

@CortesGamingPR - 28.03.2024 20:39

This is why I main vantage. I can do it all

@chrisb5717 - 28.03.2024 22:44

Anyone notice that after the latest patch, recon legends cannot ping survey beacons on the overworld map? It only affects the map--you can still ping the beacon in the game real world. I tried this with Bloodhound in multiple games.

@Nico-yt8vf - 28.03.2024 23:04

is there a way I could personally message you, I need a bit of help
if so could you tell me please

@ryancarter2959 - 29.03.2024 16:50

Will never understand when people land uncontested in a large POI and still insist on landing in the exact same building

@cerculain1722 - 31.03.2024 08:17

I always carry 4 medkits over syringes if possible

@richieblack748 - 31.03.2024 13:49

Man i really wish everyone that plays apex would watch this video 😂.. good stuff bro

@lesserflamingo - 01.04.2024 17:41

i love it when a pub landed on me, but i went to a different building but he deadass followed me there

@shadowflame275 - 02.04.2024 16:10

With a 1-team contest as drop master I’ll have the team drop on a player that splits off from the team to quickly make things a 3v2. Is this not a good strategy? Usually works out for our team.

@bw8935 - 08.04.2024 12:21

Great video : ) Landing with randoms is hard. You are in contest with other teams BUT you are ALSO in contest with your randoms. Avoid being jump master at all costs by not selecting your character. The short sighted greed is staggering, early game and particularly after team fights. Randoms are not team mates, they are just two other players who can't shoot you.

@Trinisex - 12.04.2024 11:42

When you land hot and get havoc and pk off drop ( crispy knocks only)

@Haru_no_ki - 13.04.2024 22:27

I got to silver 2 as a returning player from season 1 in a day, and I swear they are all idiots and don’t play better as the rank increases. I duo with my friend, and I had a random jumping solo at the start of the dropping. Also had many randoms afk or just play with 2/3 from the start and when I’m jumpmaster almost always the random sticks with me till the end and loots the SAME chest

@NZealandese - 20.04.2024 06:52

The inventory management is a must, I always used a similar strat when sorting my inventory...

But with the new legend classes and perks, it makes it even more flexible to carry more/less of things.

@calebwooldridge242 - 09.05.2024 02:56

expanding on the looting process, is it a bad habit to pick up ammo/attachments for guns you don't currently have in hopes of storing it if you find the gun you are looking for?

For example if you land and find a Mozambique and a marksman but want to swap the mozambique for a heavy or light AR when you find one is it worth picking up that extended mag or ammo stacks or should you be focusing more on grenades/extra heals?

I imagine this would vary based on being contested VS uncontested but wondering if it's better to just run with what you've got for the first fight or to try and find a better weapon (and have the ammo and attachments you found) beforehand?

@braydonwirth5487 - 18.05.2024 07:29

If I’m jump master with teammates that don’t split angle myself where they collide with a wall or something that pushes them away from me

@lonesomesoep9028 - 28.05.2024 15:32

is it an Independant variable? xD god i can't help myself sometimes
