Apply  Changes In A View For Particular User Groups In Odoo

Apply Changes In A View For Particular User Groups In Odoo

Odoo Mates

3 года назад

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dhaoui chaher
dhaoui chaher - 05.10.2023 12:15

It does not work in Odoo 16.
When I attempted to apply it, I received the following error message:
'Inherited views cannot have 'Groups' defined on the record. Instead, you should use 'groups' attributes inside the view definition.

sagar gupta
sagar gupta - 29.06.2023 09:35

great video very easy explanation. Can you please help me, in user setting i have add checkbox for access groups but somehow it changed to list view, so how can i change it back to checkbox.

Sahar Dagher
Sahar Dagher - 07.06.2023 15:20

How to achieve this with odoo v16?

Abdus Sattar Bhuiyan
Abdus Sattar Bhuiyan - 27.07.2022 10:56

Is there any video related to scanning barcode and update status of scanned records from tree view.

Abdus Sattar Bhuiyan
Abdus Sattar Bhuiyan - 27.07.2022 10:55

You deserve more views and subscription. I will definitely try to promote such great works. You guy make our world more beautiful. Take a bow <3

Dharmesh Tech zone
Dharmesh Tech zone - 02.06.2021 21:24

Sir your explain very easy way thank you sir,sir can you make video on over write group and access rights for addons in built module.

AZTEC CHERRY - 26.01.2021 03:19

How to give sequence in odoo 14 module expense thanks

iGuntaram - 24.01.2021 16:31

can we use this method to hide chatter?
