Step 3 : Database auth - Laravel Breeze - Ldaprecord v2 - laravel 10 (OpenLDAP - forumsys)

Step 3 : Database auth - Laravel Breeze - Ldaprecord v2 - laravel 10 (OpenLDAP - forumsys)

Abdelhalim Saïdi

1 год назад

3,680 Просмотров

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Daniel Tassa
Daniel Tassa - 20.09.2023 18:42

Good evening, Thank you for this very informative video. on the other hand I have a problem I configured everything as in the video but when I try to connect I cannot however I changed the username to uid. i need help 🙌🏽

Sooraj R
Sooraj R - 08.09.2023 13:34

how it is possible for a manual auth with out using laravel breeze

Majimbe - 25.08.2023 11:56

Thanks for fix issues with samaccount

Gabriel Lobo
Gabriel Lobo - 22.08.2023 20:58

Hey, excellent video, but i have some questions. Where did the newton and euler usernames came from? And where do I register the usernames and passwords? Once again excellent video, helped me a lot even using the version 3.X of LdapRecord!

Shengjie Yang
Shengjie Yang - 04.08.2023 23:19

what's the basis for replacing 'samaccountname' by 'uid'? I tried 'uid' but still not work

Hébertom Kogut
Hébertom Kogut - 02.08.2023 22:07

Hi, firstly, I'd like to thank you for your videos, it was quite helpfull. I'm trying to configure Laravel Breeze with LdapRecord. I followed all your steps double checking for not making mistakes, but when I put username and password nothing happens, the screen is only refreshed. I'm using Laravel 10 and LdapRecorder v3. Is there any differences between the version 2 and 3? Could you help me?

BensiCraft - 06.04.2023 23:18

How would it work if I do it with ui instead of breezer?

Hamad k
Hamad k - 27.02.2023 17:37

Thank you for this video 😍upload code to GitHub please 🤩
