Inside the 6666 Ranch, as seen on TV series 'Yellowstone'

Inside the 6666 Ranch, as seen on TV series 'Yellowstone'

NewsWest 9

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@claudiasmoak4006 - 12.11.2022 00:51

That was interesting--Thanks!

@rawbacon - 15.11.2022 22:31

Barry Corbin looked like an older man 30 years ago when he was doing Northern Exposure but he was only 50 when it started.

@jimrichardson121 - 17.11.2022 03:38

We pray that hollywood don't destroy texas like California

@p.b.sHUNTING - 21.11.2022 03:50

Everybody is bedazzled about the farm, cowboy, ranch life….. it has glamorized it.
But dam people these days sure ain’t about that life, they would quit before supper time.

@fittrad3r687 - 21.11.2022 16:03

Pedowood needs to stay the hell out of Texas.

@hughjaass3787 - 21.11.2022 17:57

Ahhh.......the horse that was in the show, needs to get his proper credits please. He starred in an Adult Equestrian Pornography Movie. Update his IMBD stat. 😉😂

@michaelmurphy75 - 21.11.2022 19:02

Godspeed DOC, amen.

@nomaderic - 21.11.2022 19:59

I drove here earlier this year. On my way from Austin to Amarillo (I took a long way just to explore and ended up coming across it). Let me tell you, you gotta go way out of your way to get here. Besides that general store right there you won't find any services for miles and miles. After that ranch is another ranch, then another. Great area to go to if you want to see the ranchers way of life.

@DEVILLXX74 - 21.11.2022 23:04

I've known about the 6666 ranch since I was in high school back in 93'

@kevinbowen5182 - 22.11.2022 02:17

Taylor Sheridan the writer and producer of Yellowstone owns the 6666

@matthamilton7452 - 22.11.2022 05:23

Rest in peace Doc.

@jamesadams893 - 23.11.2022 11:01

6Devils ranch, interesting name for a piece of land

@Ryan-vb4vd - 24.11.2022 07:33

Yellowstone is a real ranch called Chief Joseph ranch

@thebeautyofnatureandanimal1771 - 24.11.2022 18:44

Wow! 300,000 acres is a lot of land. That would be a beautiful place to work.

@mikche1 - 25.11.2022 08:12

Sign of evil. No wonder the USA is going in the toilet.

@igotursixx2665 - 25.11.2022 11:44

The Yellowstone Ranch isn't fictional. The show is fictional but there was a Yellowstone Ranch

@burtbrooks7731 - 25.11.2022 16:15

Sad to see it was sold, they sure made a lot of good cowboys and horses

@burtbrooks7731 - 25.11.2022 16:16

Ol doc has been the face of 6666’s for as long as I been alive❤

@smarshall3685 - 26.11.2022 01:36

The reports on this story missed or got wrong so much information on this it’s appalling. Just delete the video.

@MrSwccguy - 26.11.2022 19:00

The show brought fake as cowboys and people who just think life is like the show and people who just want to live out a fantasy without the hardship

@tylerofviolence - 28.11.2022 12:46


@pabloescobar7802 - 28.11.2022 14:14

You couldn’t find another name for the ranch ??

@theycallmedonkey6664 - 28.11.2022 15:38

God save that ranch from the worthless Hollywood... never seen an episode or clip more than 3 minutes long and they all need taken to the train station and sent back to Hollywood........

@tyleradams4633 - 28.11.2022 18:31

My Wife & I visited the 4 6's this summer and man was it Impressive !!!! 👍👍👍 If you are ever in Guthrie Texas stop by the 4 6's, it is a must see... 😀

@carrollmccoun110 - 29.11.2022 18:02

I've been right by this place. Like many other places I have seen from a distance. It's hard for a person to get a tractor, trailer in.. Would like to take one of the tours around the ranch. Beautiful place.

@elizabethmelton8366 - 30.11.2022 21:23

I about died seeing them on Yellowstone I have known about them for over 30 years They are the who’s who of the ranching world They has have the some of the top barrel racing and cutting horse stallions 🥰🥰🥰

@Cwgrlup - 08.12.2022 07:50

What worries me about everyone watching a television show then suddenly wanting to “own a horse” is that owning a horse is much more responsibility and work than owning a dog or other small animal. it requires A LOT of money — even if you get a horse for a low price. The cost of upkeep, vetting, farrier, feed, board, tack, regular dental, worming, etc doesn’t even include training and lessons that most inexperienced green riders will require once they get a horse and that horse figures out they don’t know what they’re doing. And believe me when I say that horse will figure it out really fast and walk all over that green rider. Most green riders will give up and sell a horse in less than a year (if they don’t break their neck).

@brendanhill4916 - 09.12.2022 01:51

My granddad and dad grew up on the 6s and triangles ranches and the piper tank is named after my great granddad Jon piper who died repairing it so the ranch put the boys to work

@jaybond0919 - 10.12.2022 16:53

How the hell this white man took over this land thats Mexican land fkn thieves, 😂 european thieves settlers whatever you call it. Its false valor you call your self an american , you are a thieve yourselve. Give Mexico the land back , go back to finland. Do you people even know your history😂😂😂

@GaryBuck-co8bk - 02.01.2023 08:57

Doc approached me while doing some special pest control work for Frank Marrels Ranch in per cell,ok and ask me to come and do the same for them at the 6666 ranch in 1995 we did for 11 years Doctor Glenn was a great man. We became friends. He always put us up at the Pitch fork ranch for the night. 30 miles down the road.

@SpongebobsRippedPant - 19.02.2023 17:27

I knew Aussies would visit 🤣 The most travelled people for sure

@BostonsF1nest - 13.04.2023 08:05

God bless all the cowboys out there. They’re the backbone of this country along with our armed forces. But an outsider trying to get into that field would have to be delusional. That job doesn’t pay nearly enough to invest your entire life into. You need to be born into it to love it and have a passion beyond money that keeps you motivated everyday.

@bill8by5 - 01.05.2023 04:42

Roy Rogers made a movie at the Four 6's called Macintosh and T.J. Of course, you'd have to old to remember it.

@Jemeysontaylor3 - 27.05.2023 22:16

I used to work at sons river ranch which is down the road from here, I never knew what this place was

@328outlaw - 17.06.2023 02:28

Back in 1980 me and my younger brother,,,went out to Borger Texas,,,we are from Mississippi, I was only 19, my bro 16. I went to work in oil feilds, he got a job at Clyde & Scotty's full service Gulf gas station,,we lived at Mrs Day's apts and ate mostly at the Round the Clock hotel resturaunt,,,hung out at Hitchin Rail, Hole in the Wall, and Rock Bottom's,,after bout a year or so,,I somehow began workin on the 6666's painting everything on the entire ranch, got my bro hired too. It took over 2 years and thry told us to just start doin it again, we ate many a good steak lunches at the big msin house, fished the ponds,,killed coyotes,,and chaced antelope for fun, ,Doc was around and Cecil was the hed cowboy, they all were some of the best folks you vould ever meet. We moved back home to Mississippi in 1984, Ive never been back to the Texas panhandle but I always planned to for a visit, Im 62 ys old now and think of my cherrished memories of my time there as a young man, and all the great times and great freinds we made.,God bless Texas,,the 6666's and Borger,,,Old Boogertown,,❤

@janscutter - 04.07.2023 17:51

My first horse was a Poco Tivio daughter that was definitely bred and raised around the cattle there. Awesome little bay mare that you couldn’t turn out with any cattle or she’d run them dead all by herself. Got me into more trouble than any other horse I ever rode.

@markrobertson7411 - 24.07.2023 05:43

I hope the show is good as Yellowstone is

@Mike_The_Hog_A_Nator - 22.11.2023 21:23

A nice place but if you want a horse from there? You better come with Deep Pockets. lol
Only the best Horses can be found there

@slightlygone - 15.01.2024 23:12

Where’s Jimmy?

@thegreat195 - 28.01.2024 17:42

So it’s to my knowledge that Taylor Sheridan who’s the writer for Yellowstone also the guy who takes jimmy to 6666 is the owner of this ranch!

@sybilmoler2059 - 30.06.2024 15:57

❤Love this, awesome place.

@chriswourms4639 - 08.09.2024 01:01

I went to high school with Kasey from Yellowstone.He's from Dayton Ohio his dad was a pastor at the church on burkhardt..

@chewar7537 - 29.11.2024 22:17

Where they are housed...hahaha, you can always tell a person who knows nothing about horses. Love Yellowstone, and owning horses!

@nedrasmith2493 - 03.12.2024 06:01

Miss Doc Blodgett.

@nedrasmith2493 - 03.12.2024 06:05

Daddy was wagon boss there for 8 years. Loved that ranch. Murry Rodgers

@ShermanMays-fw8ko - 11.12.2024 20:29

666 no thanks fam 🕊️🔥

@garysmith6857 - 11.12.2024 21:00

Yellowstone ranch does exist!!! You can even visit there!!! 😬

@beckywilson-hs3xe - 12.12.2024 09:09

Respect the horse!

@judytinker3392 - 27.12.2024 04:16

Quarter horses with those beautiful horses in the world they’re big they’re sturdy and they’re fast and agile. I had one actually I had three they were awesome horses, but the stallions were also very very finicky.

@johnmorris7960 - 01.02.2025 20:48

For those of you watching this video now, Dr. Glenn P. “Doc” Blodgett from the beginning of this video, died Nov. 20, 2022, at 73 years of age.
