U killed demon slayer ...
But another player kill u
U said fking u
im ,,,,,,, im,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, im toxic XD
im no toxic im lucky player
I'm a Killer - Donkier (I like get 1M by killing low-hp 1M's when im a donkey)
Ответитьdont forget campers
Ответитьi am goodful player. If a boy says 1 i give her, if a girl says team i take it
ОтветитьToxic player also says ez every time he kill u
ОтветитьPeaceFull UwU
ОтветитьIm peacefull player
ОтветитьI am tail biter i can bite players
ОтветитьAnd i am lucky player i can pick rares
Ответитьim a peaceful player and i kinda only 1v1 when i hit a mil
Ответитьim teamers
ОтветитьI’m peaceful, but I fight back to defend myself if needed
and noob herself same vid
lucky player because I got big goat then died the golden eagle
ОтветитьI love it how the toxic player smacked the Dino and killed the demon fish. Very funny!
ОтветитьI'm lucky player today i got rare white dove 2 times on accident
ОтветитьDid you know if you are better at pvp you are better At tail bites
ОтветитьI'm between toxic and peaceful I do kill a lot and spam noob sometimes but mostly I'm peaceful
Ответитьim the peaceful player. i go to servers with the least people and farm. i dont even 1v1 cuz i suck, i just lvl up to bd and die in auto arena
ОтветитьPeaceful. I only attack when someone try to eat me
ОтветитьI’m peaceful until I get a rare
ОтветитьI am really peacefully player but Don't Mess whit me if i see anyone tryng to kill an NH oof that man is dead
Ответитьim peacfull
ОтветитьI am peaceful player I. Farm
Ответитьah me toxic,teamer and tailbiter oh fck
ОтветитьI'm peaceful. I only fight to defend. Sometimes I team. I am a noob though (at 1v1 and mope in general; don't judge me)
Ответитьim solo
ОтветитьEu consegu vira o rinocerot
ОтветитьI try to be teamed
ОтветитьI’m a lucky player
ОтветитьI am a lucky player
ОтветитьI'm peaceful and I was grinding with bees then if I get 1m I'm still grinding in ocean with dragon
ОтветитьI am a mix but I am mostly a tail biter cause when I see Dino monsters I bite them
ОтветитьIm peaceful
ОтветитьIm toxic always finding rare and take money and following smol animals
ОтветитьI am play have fun :D
Ответитьim peace ful but i do try to kill if im dragon tier i will only kill an elephant but i wont chase them around the world
Ответитьpls back ;(
ОтветитьI'm the peace player and teamer(if there is a bd or kd)
ОтветитьI'm peaceful
ОтветитьIm usually a peaceful player,but when this KD came and killed my shahbaz i annoyed him for like 30 mins with toucan
ОтветитьI once met this toxic guy who kept telling me to send 1v1,i sent but he didnt accept and called me scared noob a million times
Ответитьsometimnes i play toxic sometimes i play teamer
ОтветитьTeamer. I dont try to destroy everything in sight but I make sure nobody can attack me or my friends
ОтветитьWhat type of player are you??
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