Cyberpunk 2077 Next-Gen Review - Still Underwhelming

Cyberpunk 2077 Next-Gen Review - Still Underwhelming


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@GamingBolt - 18.02.2022 23:33

A quick note. Back during the launch, we reviewed the PS4 and PC versions. The PS4 version was scored a 6/10. The PC version received a 9/10. Both versions were reviewed by different people. I hope this clears up the confusion some people may have about this review.

@FuNati - 06.12.2022 21:47

I call BS. great game. Amazing story. One of the greatest I’ve ever played.

@daniwhite3027 - 23.08.2022 10:19

Dude you have no idea... it is one of the best games i have ever played. The story is so fastinating and missions are fun are so negative

@deiongriffin3223 - 17.08.2022 04:10

I just started playing I like it so far people are hard on it but hell it's not easy making these games now of days I came from NES so I understand but anyway pretty good game

@sungleong - 12.08.2022 16:20

the city still looks too empty for an open world game

@michaelmoore782 - 05.06.2022 21:04

I guess the ps4 version is still not good , right ?

@BVLVI - 31.05.2022 09:15

I love this game. It was never underwhelming.

@ifyourepliedyougay4969 - 16.05.2022 01:23

Love it one of my fav games ever

@aaronlauretani8921 - 11.05.2022 15:23

A 6/10 is ridiculous. The writing and voice-acting are incredible, the animations are superb, and this review completely failed to mention how quests tackle themes as broad as depression, suicide, kidnapping, grief, and fear of death while they were busy dismissing it as a "vapid" experience. No, the open world doesn't have more interactivity, but it's full of environmental storytelling and lore, which this review also conveniently fails to mention. The review also says nothing about the level design perfectly enabling radically different playstyles that the player can spec into. Very weak, superficial review.

@VandelayH - 29.04.2022 11:37


"This game is mediocre at best - 9/10."

@VandelayH - 29.04.2022 11:37


"This game is mediocre at best - 9/10."

@arashagz5718 - 21.04.2022 18:53

This video is proof that you can’t trust game reviews anymore. When this game came out it was riddled with faults, IGN originally gave it 10/10.

Now, the patch has turned this game into the first ever game that genuinely feels next gen. the depth and detail that have gone in this game are unmatched. And it gets 6/10 😂

@ammanus356 - 18.04.2022 19:19

"There is an option for Ray Tracing that makes the neon drenched environments pop that much more"
Nope, it uses local shadows, handled only by indoor spotlights. Its literally the most redundant mode in any next gen game.

@TheStumpcolin1 - 14.04.2022 17:40

It’s not just cyberpunk, the next gen concept as a whole is underwhelming. The only thing you get when you have a next gen system is a better resolution option. Idk why but it seems that is the craze with series X and PS5 which is dumb because they both say they can run 4K 60FPS but I can’t think of hardly any triple A next gen games running in 4K 60FPS. Take a look at the RTX 3080 teraflop count and compare it to the consoles. The 3080 has 32-36 teraflops and the ps5 and series X range from 10-12 teraflops. Gaming in general seems to be turning into scams with false advertising and lies. Sad to see what gaming has devolved into.

@AllDayWong10 - 13.04.2022 17:18

Great deep dive, I had no excitement at launch (thankfully) and it looks like I can give it some more time “in the oven”

@akashdipdas7009 - 03.04.2022 22:22

Nothing Underwhelming about this update. Without any gamebreaking glitches, addition of Performance mode/ Ray Tracing and the already brilliant story, this game feels solid and is a lot more than just good. Gameplay experience has been excellent so far in PS5, and its only going to get even better with future updates. Overall Cyberpunk is a way better game than some of the other mediocre franchises which are often much highly rated by reviewers.

@spacemarine8289 - 27.03.2022 15:34

Five hours in on the PS 4 Pro and not one crash or glitch with the best graphics I've ever seen. So far the writing is average and I hope the story improves as the atmosphere feels hollow, still by far one of the better games going around at the moment.

@mordha86 - 12.03.2022 13:33

I’m personally loving this game on my PS5 🤷🏼‍♂️

@WEK-kh8gd - 10.03.2022 14:56

So the awful, unplayable ps4 version gets a 6 and the far superior next-gen version gets a 6 too? Oh and on PC it's a great game... a 9. Lmao. To all the people complaining like I am, we all just need to NEVER AGAIN click on trash from this review site. Opinion is one thing, but illogical conclusions bordering on dishonesty is something else entirely.

@philipthefish9289 - 09.03.2022 21:23

I'm playing for the first time after the ps5 upgrade and we all have opinions but this game is far from underwhelming. I'm 50 hours in and loving it. Well done cdpr.

@charleswbrown - 07.03.2022 23:08

44 hours in on series x and its in my top ten. I'm hooked. The story is phenomenal.

@tupacole - 07.03.2022 20:06

"The open world is only there to be looked at.." Are you serious? Just today, I spent over an hour (real life hour) exploring two random interconnected buildings' interiors, roofs, balconies and corridors. This is my first time experiencing Cyberpunk and the game is unbelievable.

@Awaken122112 - 05.03.2022 12:40

inconsistent reviewers suck, unsubbed

@abelguerrero1668 - 03.03.2022 20:30

Best 10 bucks I’ve ever spend.

@krejziks3398 - 03.03.2022 17:20

Driving was better in the original, now it is closer to gta than forza, and i hate noob gta driving, like someone is holding my hand all the time, and traction control i find as personal attack.

@mostmost1 - 03.03.2022 16:57

Amazing game to me. Never played an rpg so dense. Tons of weapons, vehicles, people everywhere, variety of play styles, the tech stuff is crazy! The gunplay is wonderful and graphics are great. How could he say the game is not interactive and not to be engaged with? We have a new rpgs with a massive empty tree and grass filled world's where your picking berries and a few chest here and there. The garbage in this game is more interactive than that.

@tjhicks3600 - 03.03.2022 01:43

Just because you love the game it doesn't mean it's great and it certainly doesn't mean they gave us what they promised!

@gamingeuphoria7928 - 02.03.2022 14:42

The PC version at launch was buggier, played worst and had less content the next Gen yet the ps5 version is a 6 PC version from launch gets a 9????

@gamingeuphoria7928 - 02.03.2022 14:39

This channel is very inconsistent...

@stephenschwartz7402 - 28.02.2022 00:55

I tried the trial on Xbox one…very meh. Visuals and performance set aside I couldn’t get into it Maybe I will get into it in a few years

@renatovelarde422 - 27.02.2022 21:34

Lol, what is he even talking about? I waited for this next gen release and it’s an awesome game. It looks great works just fine, and the acting and story are awesome. Like Witcher 3 it’s one of the best written and acted games I’ve ever played (for something so big and populated esp). The random bad object collision or whatever is something I’ve almost never seen any game NOT do. And the “dips in frame rate” is shit only some game reviewers are scrutinizing. Then compare this to like dying light 2, which has ok controls (after about 15 hrs of grinding and upgrades) but so terribly stupid and horribly acted I couldn’t even go on after about half way through. But loads of people
Are falling over themselves to praise what a “great” game it is. What alternate universe did I stumble into?

@koolroskii9746 - 27.02.2022 18:13

"Raytracing makes the neon pop more", but raytracing on consoles is only doing shadows I thought? So hows that work?

@jermaineross9452 - 27.02.2022 02:36

Man what's crazy on MY end is that....I bought the game like a month AFTER release and the shit STILL had hella glitches and weird shit happenin 🤣...and plus the hype of it got shot ALL the way tf I just said fuck it and didn't play it up UNTIL NOWW!!! TO ME....this patch was a Big plus...but still needs more work...but I like the shit so far....Im on the 5 and Next-Gen gameplay update is (CHEFS KISS) 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💪🏾!!! Playin this shit like a NEWER version of GTA V ...FICTION/FANTASY type shit!! If it gets MORE updates and patches....I could see it bein BETTER than GTA!! And the DETAILS in the PS5 controller is mfkn CRAZY 🤦🏾‍♂️!! I found the free Bugatti and was test drivin it....and the fuckin triggers in the controller went as the UP and DOWN Gear-Shifts!! If you lightly press on the gas/ or trigger for a certain amount of distance for the gear/s to will ACTUALLY FEEL the gear/s shift 🤣🤣....that shit was blowin my FUCKIN MIND...cause in a sense it felt so real...and plus the tension in the feels like you're actually pressin the gas!! The weight of the cars, handling and drivin is all better!! VISUALLY.....this shit is kinda shittin on GTA....makes me kinda wonder what 6 is gonna look like

@robertflegal3592 - 27.02.2022 01:07

good review ... Just finished playing it (PS4) through two times. Most of the bugs are gone; the game has a pretty good story but, as games go, but it is not a really good game ... feels shallow and repetitious. On a scale of 1 to 5 I give it a 2.5. Not really worth the price tag.

@lukegardner4167 - 26.02.2022 09:09

So basically what you're saying is nowadays the expectation is "we want a new AAA title every year but we also expect weekly/monthly updates to the previous years title while we complain about how broken the new game is and expect updates to that ASAP"..... LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IT IS WITH GREAT REGRET THAT I PRESENT TO YOU GENERATION Z - The highest of expectations coupled with the lowest attention span

@leeholden8112 - 25.02.2022 18:15

Cyberpunk runs better on ps5 than Xbox series x how is this possible...

@HushTheMyth - 25.02.2022 03:34

I love you guys but I totally disagree. The PS5 version is amazeballs!!! Definitely better now!!!

@mikemike5422 - 25.02.2022 02:22

You talk a lot of crap buddy, Like an emotional woman!!! Yea yea we all know this game had issues, but now it’s fine!!! It’s better than 90% of the games out there 😂😂😂

@lucaspacheco4955 - 24.02.2022 16:30

if youre here bc youre on the fence about giving this game a go, maybe wait for a sale and try it
ive had 0 crashes, playing all 3 different classes , this game is a full on trip. i have found 00000 t poses lmao minimal pop ins. ray tracing mode rocks. give it a go and judge it yourself at this point.

@emotionalintelligence776 - 24.02.2022 15:07

Any credibility you had should immediately be thrown out with your absurd enjoyment of the original driving mechanics. Anyone and I mean I'm not even going to go with say Forza, but compared to GTA, ANY GTA, the driving in this game was abysmal at best. For reference GTAV is not a driving game but damn it's surely an enjoyable experience whenever you take a spin. Yes we understand the difficulty of designing a new living city and no doubt CDPR had its work cut out before they began. But the reality is no matter how great the storytelling is the game failed. The PC mod community has done much service to keep this game viable and if CDPR wants to regain it's rep they need to do the same.

@youcreateyourownstory - 24.02.2022 13:01

This is one of the rare times I disagree here.. I’ve been playing this game since the day launch of Next-Gen.. I’ve been playing it on Series S and it is DAMN good! So much better then what it was when it came out last year and I played it on Day 1 for PS4. This has been VERY enjoyable and has been running very smooth for me.

@SteveSavage79 - 23.02.2022 22:57

Cyberpunk just Bricked my PS5 last night when I left the game in rest mode. Purchase and play at your risk folks.

@ItsJustJess269 - 23.02.2022 22:21

Waited for this update the 1.5 and purchased it on PC and honestly cannot stop paying / thinking about it.! 😱😱

@baher231 - 23.02.2022 19:14

Enjoying it so far on ps5! The story is so engaging!

@KrzysztofBob - 23.02.2022 19:00

How is that a 6 game? 1.5 patch is when I finally picked this game, so I have nothing to compare it to, but by any measure, it's a really good game. I guess if you were expecting the second coming of Jesus, yes ... you will be disappointed. I know that reviews by definition are subjective but damn. You really have to dislike it to score it that low. Think of any other 6/10 game and then play CP2077 and tell me are they the same?

@boombringer4078 - 23.02.2022 17:43

I think once this game got released in the state it was, and rightly got terrible reviews, it's never going to get a fair review. The ps5 version I think is a lot better tbh. It certainly isn't mediocre....

@Tokaga29 - 23.02.2022 17:36

Nit picky as fuck. This reviewer made a couple reaches in this analysis and it shows. I can get harsh critique but many of the improvements where straight up ignored. Only graphic complaints when gameplay wasn’t even completely explored after the update…

@SENATORPAIN1 - 23.02.2022 15:56

ray tracing is completely useless on console.

@AlpineAddict - 23.02.2022 15:42

Yea honestly I gave the free trial a go on PS5 and was really excited, but ended up feeling pretty underwhelmed and not convinced enough to buy in, even at the huge sale price of only £20.
The starting story was just so...not engaging. So much chitchat about shit I've never heard of. The world looks pretty but seems quite superficial.
It just wasn't a detailed interactive experience with really engaging story like GTA or Far Cry is.
Also the aiming felt really horrible and off. I play a lot of FPS and this was unbearable, couldn't shoot shit.
