Where to find all the lightning charge items in Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Patch 9

Where to find all the lightning charge items in Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Patch 9

Casual Veteran Gamer

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19117 - 21.09.2023 14:53

Which robe is gale wearing in your thumbnail? I looked everywhere and I was hoping the Protecty Sparkswall was the one I'm looking for but it doesn't look like the picture. Is it a mod or is it a normal item you can find in the game?

Marcos Garcia
Marcos Garcia - 12.09.2023 21:30

Ty for this

John Smith
John Smith - 30.08.2023 09:43

Wow, a location video that actually shows the locations. Its a miracle, good work lol.

Arinaar - 23.08.2023 20:30

The Counsellor Florrick was dead and door already open when i come in the Risen Road... I don't know why...

Jay Way
Jay Way - 23.08.2023 00:48

What happens if you open the create? I can’t seem to get the sparky vest now

Joshua M
Joshua M - 18.08.2023 11:47

So dumb you can't get the jolty vest if you fail the shipment quest. I encountered those two dudes before I even got the quest so I didn't know about chest and conditions. Of course I took it all and later, learned that I would lose access to brems wares. The fact it's not where to be found in the hideout even after killing them is ridiculous

The Surly Gamer
The Surly Gamer - 15.08.2023 05:57

My Githyanki Storm Sorcerer really appreciated these items.

Brando S
Brando S - 11.08.2023 04:55

Lightning charges are only good for people who attack ALOT.. say a rogue.. dual wield.. or how im using mine = D.. cough Warlock Eldritch Blast Spam with spell sparkler , while immune to lighting while dropping water at beginning of combat to elctrify it, while spamming eldritch blast, and stacking charges as well as use the ammy that applies dmg of what elemnt your in. cough damn that was a hard cough.

Domaik - 08.08.2023 20:34

The protecty sparkwall door is unpickable now and I can't find any key (or way to disable the fire statue for that matter). misty step wont get me there so i'm going to try fly and see what happens but it feels like such an odd thing to not give other way of getting there

Luis Fernandez
Luis Fernandez - 08.08.2023 14:45

I am glad you can have more than 5 charges at a time, like a fighter can make them so fast at level 5. Wish that Trident counted as a polearm weapon.

Diogo Lessa
Diogo Lessa - 27.07.2023 17:44

For a tempest cleric / storm sorcery build what itens do you recomend? I'm think on spellspark and blast pendant. Do you have any better ideas?

Fabio Cataldo
Fabio Cataldo - 10.07.2023 02:11

Hi, can you tell us a little bit about this dual wield weapons on this dwarf? Wtf?

Benjamin Sweet
Benjamin Sweet - 21.06.2023 02:46

The boots on a Ranger
Is generally all I use, the rest get so very situational that it begs to reason why they’re in the game. My hope is that they end up like Voltron in the final release: singularly decent but when combined…booya!

crzyces1 - 08.05.2023 05:52

Eh, I suppose they are OK. I also feel like they over-complicate an already pretty convoluted game. As someone who has been playing D&D since the early '80s, well a little kid version of it where we had to use pencils for dice half the time along with a friend's old copy of the original Purple/Reddish box/softcover guide books, and of course CRPG's starting with things like Phantasia and later the Gold Box Games all the way up through current day...well 5E is still a bit foreign too me. I preferred 1E and 3E/3.5E. 5E just has too many hard fast rules, taking away a huge part of the original intention of the game. There is a quote at the beginning of the original AD&D Dungeon's Master's Guide from Gary Gygax. it basically states that everything in the book is just that, a guide to help you create your own rules for your own version of the fantasy world you're playing in. It literally tells you not to think of anything in the book as set in stone, to the contrary, it is all there to spark your imagination so you and your players can have the most fun possible.

Now in a CRPG without a live DM you obviously need pretty firm rules, but Lariam has gone above and beyond. I stopped playing Early Access right after the Druid patch because I wanted to be able to enjoy the entire game as a whole when it was completed. In their zeal to recreate D&D5E, adding as many classes and subraces, spell and cantrip, types of weapons and terrain, it seems like it has morphed into something that is almost too system based.

Though I am sure it will only take me 5 or 6 hours to re-acclimate myself with everything and hopefully find a groove where it doesn't seem like things are getting bogged down by rules which would typically be ignored or changed for expediency and fun, I can see a lot of players shaking their heads in annoyance and simply calling it a wrap. Lol, I've seen a lot of people do that with D:OS2 which I thought had a very, very basic set of rules for the world, so as much as I hate to say it, I think their perfectionism may come at the cost of some of the afore-mentioned fun that Gary Gygax wanted to ensure people did not lose by following every little rule in the far simpler 1E AD&D DMG. Let's be honest, 5E does have a rule for essentially every possibility. Irl players and DM's can decide beforehand that some aspects will be simplified or left out, or they can adjust any time in a session or campaign. Though there are some options to turn on or off, a lot of these rules are set in stone, and the "sparky sparks" seem almost like a troll on how complicated this game has become.

Now I just want the bloody thing to release already. Before they finally announced August 31rts I was starting to think they were just going to keep adding everything every fan asked for and it would turn into the Star Citizen of CRPG's, except capped at level 5 for the next decade ;^). SO after all my bitching about the rules, and early release so I can get back into a Digital Section of Faerun sure would be nice!

TwoPuyo - 28.04.2023 05:03

Everburn blade used to get in the everburn house

John Johnson
John Johnson - 07.04.2023 08:27

One neat thing, apparently if you use the sprint ability from the chain of liberation, that counts as a dash for the purpose of the boots. So there's a nice cross-connection with the momentum items.

Scanix - 04.04.2023 20:37

Where did you get those greatclubs I thought that they've changed that for non-humanoids only?

Spell&Shield - 25.03.2023 13:47

I wonder if these will be placed differently on full release.

Matt Deibler
Matt Deibler - 23.03.2023 18:48

One way to get medium armor proficiency and not take a feat is build a Gith rogue.

Shawn John
Shawn John - 23.03.2023 09:44

This is a cool lighting build, I wish they would add more items for a poison rogue though

T.T - 23.03.2023 03:30

Personally not a fan of Conditional items but some of these are pretty good. I just hope we get some unique items for druids. they don't really get anything. not even slings

Matt Deibler
Matt Deibler - 23.03.2023 03:30

The Light of Creation does lightning damage as well. One of the better two handed weapons if proficient

Pandorae Eris
Pandorae Eris - 23.03.2023 02:18

My Storm Crow Druid party will use most of these items...

Pandorae Eris
Pandorae Eris - 23.03.2023 02:16

I think you should have included the ring that makes you immune to Electrocute as it's really useful with Watersparkers.

In any case, my favorites are Watersparkers, that ring, The Real Sparky Sparkswall, and Joltshooter!

Pandorae Eris
Pandorae Eris - 23.03.2023 02:03

I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!

Alban .L
Alban .L - 22.03.2023 20:37

What’s the build with the giant clubs ? Have you already done a vid on it ?

Psych Psych
Psych Psych - 22.03.2023 20:26

i wish they implemented the electrified blood mechanic of DOS 2 here as well.

Dean Doubek
Dean Doubek - 22.03.2023 18:10

Thanks so much for this guide! I never knew there were so many electrifying options!

Stephen Mudie  Visits Castles.
Stephen Mudie Visits Castles. - 22.03.2023 17:53

The Amulet of Elemental Torment from the Druids grove should work as well, as if you are standing on a surface it transfers the damage to a target.

T-Vo - 22.03.2023 17:10

Loved the video!
So good to know exactly where these items are. Personally I think the lightning charge items are the best of the Item sets and easiest to use for beginners.
I'd like to see a vid on the wrath items, plus your take on what non-barbarian classes can make good us of them

Kudzu Haiku
Kudzu Haiku - 22.03.2023 16:59

You can use various lightning items on a light cleric and make something truly disgusting. Fireball is a dex saving throw.

Donut Tai
Donut Tai - 22.03.2023 16:52

Finally I can role play StormTav the drow matriarch!

Paul Hollyman
Paul Hollyman - 22.03.2023 14:56

Many of the electric items are a bit situational for my taste, but as Brett Hughes said (see comment below), the Speedy Lightfeet boots with the Joltshooter bow on Astarion or your own Rogue (with the Fast Hands option) is rather nice as those Rogues can get two bonus actions a turn, allowing them to dash with the bonus action to generate Lightning charges. Remember (as CVG alluded to) you need medium armour proficiency to wear the boots, which works well with Astarion if you give him medium armour proficiency when he hits level 4 (which also bumps his Dex to 18).

I really hope Tempest clerics are an option when the game launches, this fits in so nicely with that theme.

Gammer S
Gammer S - 22.03.2023 14:48

Could we get a video on where useful items like the ring your using for +2 dex rolls

Alex Ryll
Alex Ryll - 22.03.2023 13:41

I believe there is also an item somewhere that grants immunity to being electrocuted.

Fatima Mamytbekova
Fatima Mamytbekova - 22.03.2023 13:17

I believe you missed one item - the ring in the basement of the Arcane Tower that gives you resistance to lightning damage. Can't remember what its called, but it meshes well with Watersparkers.

lost soul
lost soul - 22.03.2023 13:14

a shockingly good vid. you missed the boots that give lightning changes after dashng. im testing it after casting expeiditious retreat (ba dash) on a more wpn based caster

Geoffrey Sherman
Geoffrey Sherman - 22.03.2023 13:09

Absolutely making a Tempest Cleric for my first PC. Gonna be amazing!

Braden Mickan
Braden Mickan - 22.03.2023 12:54

a shockingly charged guide

Brett Hughes
Brett Hughes - 21.03.2023 16:24

For a new EA player, the 2 CH items here are The Spellsparkler if your PC is a Sorcerer, Wizard, or Warlock; otherwise give it to Gale, or Wyll. The Speedy Lightfeet really enhances Astarion if you take Moderately Armored @ Lvl 4. As usual, very thorough.

Marc Rainbow
Marc Rainbow - 21.03.2023 15:54

Superb video, I appreciate the synopsis. I have become (unhealthly) obsessed with optimizing the lightening items. One benefit of of the jolted condition, in addition to the loss of reactions, is the disdvantage to dex saving throws. Couple this with a cleric and sacred flame is now a functional attack cantrip. Luckily, with the lackluster armor class the chain shirt provides, taking damage is easily achieved. The true challenge is consistently generating electrical charges.

I agree with, the robe is fantastic. Placed on a wizard who is weilding coreleon's staff, the boost to saving throws is phenomenal.
