Gothic 3 - C4G Retrospective / Analysis

Gothic 3 - C4G Retrospective / Analysis


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Digitally Remastered Music
Digitally Remastered Music - 10.08.2023 20:03

Like yourself, I have never like desert terrains. And I also love third person view. I cant play games in first person anymore., the only exception being Kingdom Come - Deliverance. Third person is much more immersive to me and I spend a lot of time building my character, and I want to see them. Gothic 3 is awesome, and makes you feel part of the world. Those earlier RPGs got so much right when it comes to open world game play (Gothic series, Morrowind, Daggerfall and Oblivion etc.) These days, The emphasis is too much on the graphics and super epic combat. I don't like epic battles and too much going on at once. Strolling around a stunning countryside, exploring and doing my own thing is much more me.

helo - 10.08.2023 15:06

How big is exactly the map of gothic 3? Is it as big as oblivion or Divinity 2?

David Mills
David Mills - 16.07.2023 04:21

I passionately hated Oblivion. Everything in its design made things pointless, such as random dungeons that respawned, making exploration 100% pointless. Add 100% chameleon making you literally unhittable in all circumstances, and it was just a terrible pathetic game.

Blacknarock - 03.07.2023 17:55

I wanted to ask about the combat system especially with one handed swords. You said there are 4 types of attacks. I just started gothic 3. I know the 3 of them. I don't know the 4th one. How you thrust your sword to stun enemies. I've seen enemies do it. Do I have to be a better one handed fighter or?? Just asking. That and i dont know how to stab an enemy when it's down. So i have to kill them the ones that are neutral i have to kill with the bow.

Buzani - 27.06.2023 03:13

I can't wait to play this one,I finished Elex which i loved and led me to play Gothic 1 which was rough now I am playing 2 much better than the first,after that I'll play this of course.

Guy Smiley
Guy Smiley - 26.06.2023 20:49

I couldn't get this game to run on my PC back when it came out. I could play pretty much anything else, even crysis but gothic 3 ran at about 4 frames per second.

Airguns Made in China
Airguns Made in China - 11.06.2023 00:08

I bought all Gothic parts immediately after release and G3 was actually not playable. So not only full of bugs but actually unplayable. Of course as a big fan I was frustrated by this but I never blamed Piranha Bytes for it as it wasn't their fault. On the contrary, you really have to praise this mini studio for such an amazing performance. It's just amazing what they have created. After all the patches that were released relatively quickly, G3 was finally playable and I loved it. It was also the only game so far, aside from Assassin's Creed, where I got excited about a desert setting - I hate deserts in games, but the one in G3 was so nicely packed with variety that it actually ended up being nice to explore and play . Otherwise there wasn't much that bothered me about G3, for me it was a pleasure to play despite the bugs.

Gabriel oliveira lima
Gabriel oliveira lima - 01.06.2023 19:39

Ok, you just made me give gothic 3 another chance. I gotta say, after I beat go1 and 2, i jumped to 3 without knowing much about the hate train that game had, soon I discovered the state the game was in, hell not even my moused seemed to work! I played go3 for around 53 hours, and It was a chore, but now I see that it probably was because of the alternative balancing mode that I left on after I did a superficial read on the forums for the best way to play the game (it was 2019). So yeah, I'll give it another shot, thanks for the video.

BigDaddyDre69 - 30.05.2023 03:22

Please make a similar video for the first 2 games!

BigDaddyDre69 - 23.05.2023 06:05

I got to play this and Gothic 2! Gothic 1 is one of my favorite RPGs and the genuine freedom has to be my favorite part of the game

Pepe - 10.04.2023 00:09

Gothic 3 had quick looting and a fully seemless world with no loading screens, long before they became standardised in most RPG's. It was vary much ambitious and ahead of its time, even if vary messy and unfinished due to being rushed and overly ambitious.

Dean Jelcic
Dean Jelcic - 14.03.2023 19:31

Best game ever...period 😅
But seriously, when you first come to Nordmar you dont forget that...

2JoeStudios - 01.03.2023 01:54

Thank you for this great video. I became super nostalgic.

Tom Havenith
Tom Havenith - 28.02.2023 13:38

I retried the game a few days ago.
It should be called grinding and fetching the game. You grind mobs to gain experience to grind more mobs.

The game just hasn't anything interesting to offer. No interesting loot, a mediocre story, awful combat. Just a dud...
The moment you understand you are grinding for more grind, the game is over for you.

Marc A
Marc A - 27.02.2023 00:39

I dont understand why they decided to make such a great world instead of making Varant and Nordmar as an Addon like Night of the raven. That would gave so much more time to make a complete and enjoyable game then it was as it came out.

Alex Rowe
Alex Rowe - 09.02.2023 03:55

In a way, Elden ring is the only game in years that came back to the core RPG meaning Gothic had.

Tomasz Król
Tomasz Król - 27.01.2023 02:47

I remember playing Gothic 3 first time on my crap computer. All 20-30 fps and the lowest quality. Still wanna play it casue it call me back every time. And it never was storyline or characters but the world - freely exploring this majestic yet realistic locations. And, despite have junky graphic card and processor, I have decent speakers. And oh my Innos, that music was something from another world. I could listen it for hours. Forests or Myrtana, mountian ridges of Nordmar and ruins of Varant didn't look so well for me but they SOUNDED like a miracle. And even I love two first Gothics more, first place in case of exploration pleasure gotta go to Gothic 3 (also range combat is the best, I never choose bow in Gothic 1 and 2 but always use it in the third one). Thank you for that nostalgic journey, after my examine session I should buy it on GOG (I can't use my old Gamebook CD version cause there's no CD driver in my laptop xD) and travel through those forests and hills, listenig to the Vista Point, once again

Thom D
Thom D - 09.01.2023 16:35

Any of the previous games had no technical issues? Ehm, they were also both buggy as hell, especially in the earlier versions. You even could have completely broken progression not mentioning all the other bugs, like stuck animations, clipping errors, problems with video playback, crashes, enemies running through walls / mountains and plenty minor stuff.

They just got better with later patches.

Brent Loy
Brent Loy - 02.01.2023 09:46

I swear I’ve never seen games that have some of the best and some of the worst features ever. Both. Phenomenal and atrocious

Robul - 02.01.2023 01:02

Wasn't the 2nd way to get Acrobatics just to keep falling from cliffs and shit? I remember i fell down some cliff, landed on sand and boom acrobatics learned

Filipe - 01.01.2023 07:40

Love these longer videos!

Djincheg - 31.12.2022 04:02

I remember being super disappointed in 2006 as a fan of gothic series and morrowind. Both oblivion and g3 failed to live up to the glory of their predecessors.

xXP3PP1Xx - 28.12.2022 23:14

Gothic 3 is one of if not the best game ever made. Simple as that.

Andiar Rohnds
Andiar Rohnds - 27.12.2022 03:08


TheOldOne - 25.12.2022 14:22

Im a bit late, but you convinced me to buy the game, its only 3$ on steam, you have a sub from me buddy good job, you explained the game very well without any spoilers3 very good job man

Alin Jecan
Alin Jecan - 21.12.2022 02:07

Gothic and gothic 2 waaay better than gothic 3,the only good thing in gothic 3 is the music and huge map with alot of things to do,and alot.of towns,villages and cities

Nalier - 20.12.2022 00:03

One of the things I missed the most in Gothic 3 was the ponytail.

Merc Fredis
Merc Fredis - 06.12.2022 00:10

Games, even RPGs, are getting more and more scripted... all people want is an animated graphic novel with some quicktime events to make it feel like they're "playing a game." I don't care about cut scenes or cinematic moments... give me deep interaction and true choices, I create the story as I go.

Dk_IceBlood - 02.12.2022 15:36

Lol the acrobatic skill can you get in 2 ways on from a npc and the other way is one special place where you have to jump of a mountain in to some water then you get it

Dennzyl Vania
Dennzyl Vania - 29.11.2022 15:01

the first time i heard that you can kill EVERY NPC i was like "yeeeaaaahhh suuurreee you can, dont BS me!"
but you freaking can!

Ionut Badea
Ionut Badea - 26.11.2022 19:15

In Gothic II they simply told you to find a way back to the colony and oh boy first time playing was a magical experience. You had to gain support from influential people in order to achieve your goal but it was like there was no linear god dictating your path in doing so. Even describing the paths available to you would take hours! The freedom of approach in Gothic 2 is unparalleled as of today. To gain the Paladin's influence you had to first become a respected member of the city which meant being a productive member of said city, GETTING A JOB! You could either become a blacksmith's apprentice, a hunter or an alchemist. Now you had to get all of the masters approval in order to be accepted in order to prove your allegiance truly is a lawfull one since you just kinda stumbled into town one day. Signing on with one of the masters was such a realistic experience, the hunter actively demanded you sign up with him since few had the balls to actually hunt the beasts that preyed around the city, the blacksmith didn't really give a fuck since he had an apprentice already but was overburdened with work because of the increased demands of the paladins and the alchemist needed to be impressed by you since he did not want for an apprentice because his character seemed to think everybody around him was kinda stupid and useless. After you chose who your employer would be only then as a functioning member of society you would get permision to join the town guard that had the most fun sidequests such as clearing the surrounding fields of man eating pests or investigating the traffic of narcotics in your town. Not to get into to much detail but even the narcotic sidequest has the option of letting you side with the drug dealers for some profit. Oh but you could skip the entire thing if you used your friends influence to vouch for you...
Time to reinstall Gothic II, too bad I fucking know every nook and cranny in that map already. Guess I'll just waste time in Khorinis again for hours on end.

Darthinferno - 25.11.2022 05:44

Gothic 3 is a great rpg game! It may not be better than the two originals but it is still a fun, and enjoyable game to play, the mechanics are great. The soundtrack in this game, blows my mind away.

Peter - 24.11.2022 10:40

This ridiculous hardcore slavic accent is much worse than all Gothic 3 bugs together.
I'm from Poland but this is not watchable for me.
It sounds like a suspicious car dealer is trying to sell his "best offer" to you If you want or not.
I hate the kind he talks and I must laugh every time he TRIEZ TO TALK SERIOUZLIII

Jc S
Jc S - 22.11.2022 19:34

Even though i got bored and didn't finish it, i still think Gothic 3 is a game more people should play. It's a very unique open world game and i did enjoy very much the time i spent playing it.

w0nsk i
w0nsk i - 22.11.2022 09:47

Guys what do you think G3 would be like if JoWood wouldn't rush the release?

Ajyia - 16.11.2022 20:28

The one thing that really bothered me about this game coming from Gothic 2 is the lack of intimacy with the game world. It always felt to me like I'm rushing from city to city, never really getting to know any of them fully, because there just wasn't a lot to know if you tried to dig deeper. Khorinis with all of its characters and the evolving storylines across the chapters was so much more interesting to me. But you do make good points about the game world as a whole being well designed. Maybe I should give the game another try from that perspective.

Joachim S.
Joachim S. - 13.11.2022 14:59

Love your reviews, mate! But when talking about the dub, it's not fair to look at the English version, which definitely wasn't where Piranha Bytes priorities lay. The German synchro is top notch as always and a major contributor to the rough atmosphere. Mediocre American voice actors don't do this European Role Playing game justice.

deafcope - 12.11.2022 04:56

bruh druid build all day

Ingemar Oskar
Ingemar Oskar - 28.10.2022 22:56

Gothic 2 was awesome! I have very fond memories of playing this game, and have since then always been looking for similar RPG's. My top 3 reasons it was awesome:

1. Great atmosphere.
2 . A constant sense of danger.
3. Little to no "hand-holding.

Unlike 95% of todays adventure games, I spent a-lot of time squinting my eyes at the (amazing) map trying to find where the hell I was going. But it was so much more rewarding when I found and reached my destination

Miyamoto80 M3
Miyamoto80 M3 - 12.10.2022 16:14


Dreez76 - 11.10.2022 01:20

When he's running, he only uses the lower legs while the upper legs remains still, this is a big bad imo from the developers.

Tim Mayonaise
Tim Mayonaise - 10.10.2022 01:22

The footage in this video is amazing!

XxDruidmancerxX - 04.10.2022 15:18

Gothic 1 and 2 had 1st person modes, just not for combat.

Great video btw!

Stan Kruger
Stan Kruger - 27.09.2022 05:06

retrospective: it sucked.

Piotr Karp
Piotr Karp - 26.09.2022 10:51

Biggest issue that I have with Gothic3 is that exploring in that game isn't rewarding at all. Due to 'special chest mechanic' that is implemented. I BY FAR prefer to find smth in the wild than counting how many chest I opened. There's no paladin sword waiting for me in cementary nearby inn like in G2. There's no orc's bane on top of piramid, I can't find that dragon's bane hidden near stone circle, guarded by two undead paladins. None of that.

In G3 you can only find junk. Or chests. Rhere's nothing in beetween. And if you choose to loot all chest in Myrtana then you probably find smth usefull in middle of exploring second zone. Cause first half of chests have just horrible rewards.

Such beautifull world but it's so empty! No mysteries in there, only... chests.
