50 Ways to SAVE MONEY with Minimalism | Easy Money Saving Tips

50 Ways to SAVE MONEY with Minimalism | Easy Money Saving Tips

Simple Happy Zen

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mysterykitty58 - 08.10.2023 22:43

We hardly buy any housing decor for our home and id like to think that alone saves us quite a bit of money. It helps that we arent super into home decorating. I started to become a person that doesnt really buy any clothes anymore for fun. Ive cut down on buying excessive perfumes i dont need i used to let myself just buy a bunch of perfumes just for the reasoning i liked the scent or i want backups of it but started to change that. Im working on using things up fully before getting anything else of it still. We started to buy beef from superone instead of walmart cuz its more expensive at wmart lately. My phone is an lg stylo 5 thats years old and i know i paid less than $200 for it. It doesnt have a great camera but performs any other touch screen phone functions I would need.

Cheryl Beck
Cheryl Beck - 08.10.2023 22:28

Your beautiful skin is genetic, not bc of a beauty product

C O'Donnell
C O'Donnell - 08.10.2023 08:35

Your home is beautiful. I wonder how youve foung the samsung phone and which one it is? I think ill need to replace mine soon and want to get a budget friendly and good one. Need based on not holding charge now and getting very hot when used or charging. Going to hold out as long as i can to replace but want to know what to go for when i am buying. Thanks

Leah - 07.10.2023 18:05

The difference between generic and store brand is generic doesn't have to pay for advertising. I shop with cash only and if something is less than a mile I walk it.

Mateja Benjak
Mateja Benjak - 04.10.2023 19:26

Life without events is :((((

Jonna Borosky
Jonna Borosky - 03.10.2023 22:08

I enjoyed listening to you. I have to say, though, these things you do are not only due to national heritage or minimalism.
My grandparents raised their children through the Great Depression and WWll, so m my parents grew up during those times. That also means I grew up experiencing all they knew as normal in their lives. Because of that, the actions and concepts you mentioned have been " in my blood" my whole life. I've taken it further.
For example: I stopped carrying any purse at all. I put everything I need in my pockets, and then carry a water bottle. I live in a no-spend year. I allow myself some leniency in that by making a small list of needs so that If I find those items during the year at very good prices, I'll get them. So far this year, I've made 4 purchases.
When it comes to utilities, I turn the water off after I've gotten wet, wash and then turn the water on again to rinse. I also only turn on a small stream of water. I hand wash dishes. I do have a car, but I almost never use it. This year, so far, I've filled the gas tank only one and a half times. I use all the free transportation I can find. Because I'm a disabled senior, I have a lot available to me. My car is 17 years old and still going strong because I bought a good car to begin with and take care of it. I keep electronics for years and years, until they are beyond repair before I get another one.
I resist purchases, repair, refurbish, recycle, reuse, re-gift, re-design, re-make, etc. Almost nothing goes to waste. I use everything up until it's completely not usable any more. I calculated once that I use about 1/15th the utilities of other people. I'm just always mindful of it.
I don't consider myself a minimalist. I've accumulated all I need and want over my whole life. I purge and declutter regularly.
In other words, there's nothing new under the sun. People have been living as you described for probably millennia. Still, it's so good that you remind people with your videos.😊

P Z - 02.10.2023 22:59

regarding Black Friday - notice how for about 6 months they keep raising prices, so the cost on Black Friday is actually not a crazy sale but a price from a few months back. Then the whole circle goes back around starting after holiday season ;)

NeniComixTV - 02.10.2023 22:44

Youre not a minimalist

Jyriel - 02.10.2023 09:07

Go to a charity/thrift shop and buy your clothes there. It is Theater and netter for the enviroment. Try to repair your items. We repaired a 15yr old washing machine. It needed just a new tube.

Anne Richter Arnold
Anne Richter Arnold - 01.10.2023 16:09

We get one or two,starters and share a main course, skip dessert

Bridge of Life studio
Bridge of Life studio - 01.10.2023 10:19

When a recipe calls for half a head of cauliflower for example, I just double the recipe and freeze the rest. It barely takes any extra effort and means we have a meal ready for when we don't feel like cooking 😊

Douglas Fuentes
Douglas Fuentes - 30.09.2023 10:12

Netherlands English accents are American or did you learn English in America?

Natalie Cheney
Natalie Cheney - 29.09.2023 19:09

very helpful but very long!

Love Befree
Love Befree - 28.09.2023 23:18

Number 9 help me so much thanks ❤❤

Suzette Castellanos
Suzette Castellanos - 28.09.2023 21:44

You always have the best tips! ❤

Julia - 28.09.2023 14:33

Great tips! I don't think vegan is more expensive, my family are not vegan and the cost of meat, butter and cheese is ridiculous in the UK. I suppose if u buy all the fancy schmancy vegan food it might be more expensive, but Ive started replacing meat with tofu, it's so much cheaper

Paul Nolan
Paul Nolan - 28.09.2023 12:58

Adapt to a lifestyle, be thrifty, set a budget, save money, and make investments to live within your means. I benefited from this as a six-figure income. With this strategy, my retirement savings have increased by almost $1 million.

Gabi Lá Fora
Gabi Lá Fora - 28.09.2023 12:38

One thing i do is to chop all the peppers and onions etc, freeze in ice cubes and once is frozen i put them in a plastic bag so ill have fresh frozen onions etc in cube size when i want to cook and it doesn't loose taste at all, saves money and time

Gerry Mayo
Gerry Mayo - 28.09.2023 05:06

Great in-service! Enjoyed the details, I'll remember them with shopping 🛍️. God bless 🙏👌

Janet Stonerook
Janet Stonerook - 28.09.2023 04:05

I'm a retired lady in my 70s and I keep a gratitude journal. It's so important to reflect on the positives even if we are having some current difficulties.

Chrsitine Adriaenssen
Chrsitine Adriaenssen - 27.09.2023 20:25

I love bying art and cloths😊

Lupe Cisneros
Lupe Cisneros - 27.09.2023 11:40

Shop my own closet before buying clothes or for every item bought take 1 or 2 pieces of clothes out of your closet . Time yourself shopping 🛍 so one will not brows or stray long at a store & have plenty of time to buy

Shelley Johnson
Shelley Johnson - 27.09.2023 08:22

I love listening to you, the Dutch girl. Me from us, and would like a friend like you. You must be rich savant ing like you do. I will take some of your tips. Thank you. I am from Norwegian, English, German Ancestry. Thank you

Julio del Hoyo
Julio del Hoyo - 27.09.2023 08:03

My favorite is Number 43. It is great that you are vegan!

Orsolya Csordás-Bende
Orsolya Csordás-Bende - 27.09.2023 06:51

Hey Vera, i really do love watching all your videos so well done on your quality work. Just one thing i feel like i wanna ask you about. I remember the cookbook being on one of your unnecessary things minimalist list earlier in another video but now i hear that was one of the birthday gifts you asked for. Even though you did not buy that for yourself this time and you might not own a lot of pieces of that i am just not 100% sure i get the point here. Little confusing.

Gokul P
Gokul P - 26.09.2023 09:12

All these tips not only saves you also the world.Thank you for being a vegan.❤Love and Respect.

Sladjana Simic
Sladjana Simic - 25.09.2023 16:14

Thank you❤

Deliah Anne
Deliah Anne - 24.09.2023 15:33

I might have overheard it or you might have not said it, but SECOND HAND is great for many things - especially those that tend to be more costly (electronics for example or if you are someone who reads a lot of books)

Mari Y
Mari Y - 23.09.2023 21:50

Thank you for sharing, Vera! ❤I was very surprised that I already follow 90% of your rules 😅❤

Sarah Petrie
Sarah Petrie - 23.09.2023 20:42

Me watching tip #50 while eating lunch like 😬
I love your tips and videos, thank you for sharing!

Zofia Kwiatkowska
Zofia Kwiatkowska - 23.09.2023 12:17

Great tips, thank you! :))) Being a vegan that loves wholesome food definitely helps with saving money and the planet! It is a win-win! Fruit, veg, legumes etc are not only super healthy but unprocessed and definitely cheaper than meat & dairy! I never understood claims that it is more expensive to eat healthy... where does this come from?? Im pleased to see I already implemented most of the stuff you mentioned in your video :) I also cut my own hair (it just requires trimming), use basic and natural cosmetic products like jojoba oil for my face moisturising, make up (mascara only) removal and hair oil or brown sugar with coconut oil as my body peeling. Also, whenever I need something I will check the op shop first and, if I sometimes want to treat myself or go crazy and buy something unique, op shop is my way to go as well. As for books, I make use of my library or borrow from friends and only buy books of authors I really really like :)

Stephanie Giese
Stephanie Giese - 22.09.2023 22:22

My favorite way to save money on food is to ask “can I make that in less than five minutes?” before I add something to my list. For example, I would not buy pancake mix if I already had flour, baking soda, sugar, and salt. I would just make my own in a jar to keep in the pantry. At first, it feels like it might be more work, but often it’s actually a lot less work (and money) to take five minutes to make your own version than to take the time and spend the money going to the store. I no longer buy things like pre-made hot chocolate packets since I almost always have the ingredients at home. Plus, it’s better for you because it cuts out a lot of preservatives and artificial ingredients.

Emi - 22.09.2023 21:03

Loved your tips. I had to laugh to "scrapping" as we do exactly the same in my home country (Poland) and in Norway where I have lived the last 15 years. As for heating, we only switch off heating 2 months per year as we live in Northern Norway so our electricity bills are quite high but I make sure that I switch the light when I go out of a room etc. etc. and the same with water. I can give you great tips to spare money on dying hair! especially if you have darker hair. I use henna to dye my hair at home, its cruelty free, free from any chemicals, It doeasnt damage your hair (my hair got waaaay stronger and thicker after using henna in a year now!) and you can do it at home yourself. I also travel a lot and I find food at the airports extremely expensive so I always bring my own food to have on a plane. :-)

S Hess
S Hess - 22.09.2023 17:20

lots of really good ideas to consider here. You are always a good inspiration😊

Yorkshire Housewife
Yorkshire Housewife - 20.09.2023 23:02

As a Yorkshire girl, we’re pretty frugal also. One of the things we do here both for fun and to save money on sweet treats is to go foraging the hedgerows throughout summer for elderflowers, brambles, sloe berries and apples. We bake crumbles, pies and make cordials which saves us money, because they’re very expensive to purchase the equivalent in the shops.

I also use bars of soap instead of shower gels to reduce waste.

M - 20.09.2023 21:19

I do most of these things except I always have about three months of food stored up for both me and my two cats. I have been broke and hungry too many times to keep a bare cupboard. No processed or junk foods just veggies and meats. Great list. Thanks.

Sierra Metzger
Sierra Metzger - 20.09.2023 04:08

To add to the food and grocery category you can use coupons and coupon apps to save money.

Kay Collins
Kay Collins - 19.09.2023 19:35

Hi Vera, I am from the US and most people are sooo wastful here, but we are not all like that. Thank you for the tips, I do many of them, but I got a few new ones, thank you again!😊

Lukas Bevi
Lukas Bevi - 18.09.2023 20:15

2nd hand clothing can be a beautiful way to get good quali low price clothes as well!

Nurul Istonik
Nurul Istonik - 18.09.2023 18:12

Great video!
Btw, have you ever made videos about minimalism and your eating habits?
I am on my journey of living as minimalist. However, I am facing difficulties in my eating habits. As I am a full-time employee, I dont have so much time to prep my meals, and that's why I usually prep my meals every week. I have too many storages to keep the meal preps. I also have many utensils, and they often make me anxious as they take up a lot of space.
Would you make videos about your kitchen, eating habits, meal-prep, etc? Thanks

Rebecca Rendle
Rebecca Rendle - 18.09.2023 14:59

Great list. Do all of these except holidays off season, not having a car or dryer.. but I have kids.. so not choice.

L Mo
L Mo - 18.09.2023 14:36

Hi Vera, sensible as always. Re. gifts, instead of buying each new items, my partner and I now gift each other repairs of existing loved possessions. For example, for my birthday, he paid for repairs to a beloved handbag I already owned that had got scratched. It was like getting a whole new bag, without needing to find storage space for a new item, and I was genuinely thrilled. There's something really satisfying about solving a problem and being able to use something again with pleasure; and he was thrilled to not have to find a suitable new item for a gift.
Re. menus, something I sometimes do is order a starter (or two if I'm really hungry) instead of a main course. It's cheaper and, being vegetarian, I often have more interesting choices in the starters menu. Thanks for the list :)

Carmen Segattini
Carmen Segattini - 18.09.2023 11:31

Great video ❤️

Rose Saetta
Rose Saetta - 18.09.2023 07:29

Bread and margarine are definitely not healthy foods.

khabbazmadridi - 17.09.2023 23:38

Lovely video! 🌟

I've also adopted a practical approach to shopping by purchasing items with extended shelf lives or no expiry dates, in larger quantities. These include products like body wash, soap, toilet paper, and kitchen paper. 🛍️💡

marianna guer
marianna guer - 17.09.2023 21:33

It's my first time and I enjoyed watching so much you are so cute 😊
